For the extreme right, America is a white nation threatened by integration and immigration. Both, it insists, endanger racial purity, and in several ways this concern with race touches upon another subject. The movement is centrally concerned with white women, seeing them as both vital for the future of the race and in danger from the race’s enemies. It sees itself as fighting for women, but it is fighting to possess them, and part of the rage that motivates it is entangled with sexual rivalry between men. But no more than race is male anger the only factor we should be considering. Women are playing an increasingly important role in the extreme right, and for some of them, and even some men, for too long the movement has only been concerned with the interests of white men. It is vital, these activists argue, that the extreme right should fight for women in a different sense, as the champion of a white womanhood not controlled by men, but fighting alongside them.