Ca (calcium) CHIMIE Ca (calcium) CA abrev (courant alternatif) ELECTR, ELECTRON, ELEC-



cabillot m NAUT belaying pin, de tournage belaying pin; ~ d'amarrage m NAUT toggle

cablne/ AERONAUT cabin, CH DE FER cabin, driver's cab (BrE), driver's cabin, engineer's cab (ArnE), CINEMAT booth, CONSTR cabin, house, d'une grue cab, ESPACE vehicules cabin, IMPRIM telephone, visualisation booth, NAUT cabin, saloon, TRANSPORT cab, gondola, VEHICULES carrosserie cab; audiometrique / ACOUSTIQUE audiometric room, ENREGISTR audiometric booth; ~ avancee / VEHICULES carrosserie cab-over-engine; ~ a cartes/TELEcoM card-operated payphone, cardphone; ~ des cartes / NAUT chartroom; ~ circulante/TRANsPORT cab; ~ de conduite/ CH DE FER vehicules cabine, driver's cab (BrE), driver's cabin, engineer's cab (ArnE); ~ de contr6Ie/ENREGISTR control cubicle, control room; d'enreglstrement/ENREGISTR recording booth; ~ Insonorisante / SECURfTE noise protection booth, soundproof booth; ~ insonorisee/ENREGISTR soundproofed booth; ~ de luxe / NAUT stateroom; ~ de mixage / ENREGISTR mixing booth, mixing room; ~ des passagers / TRANSPORT passenger cabin; ~ a pieces/TELEcoM coin-operated payphone; ~ de prise de son / ENREGISTR sound booth; ~ de projection / CINEMA T projection box, screening booth; ~ de reduction / ENREGISTR reduction room; de reenregistrement / ENREGISTR dubbing room; ~ de son/cINEMAT sound booth; ~ technlque/cINEMAT sound booth; ~ telephonlque / TELECOM telephone kiosk

cabine-conteneur /TRANSPORT container capsule cAblage m ELECTR alimentation cabling, raccordement

wiring, ELECTROTEC cabling, wiring, ESPACE vehicules wiring, TELECOM cabling; ~ du bAti m ELECTROTEC rack wiring; ~ des circuits de commande m PRODUCTION line wiring; ~ direct m ELECTROTEC point-to-point wiring; ~ electrique m ELECTROTEC, VEHICULES electrical wiring; ~ encastre m ELECTR reseau flush wiring; ~ en paires m ELECTR pairing; ~ en serie m PRODUCTION serial wiring; ~ exterieur m PRODUCTION field wiring; ~ interieur m TELECOM internal wiring; ~ a liaison directe m TEXTILE direct link wiring; ~ ligne principale m PRODUCTION trunkline wiring; ~ des lignes de puissance m PRODUCTION power wiring; ~ point par point m

ELECTR alimentation point-to-point wmng; ~ de puissance m PRODUCTION power wiring

cAble m ELECTR conducteur, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR cable, MECANIQUE, NAUT cable, rope, ORDINAT cable, PAPIER rope, PETR, PLAST CAOU, TELECOM cable, TEXTILE cord, tow, VEHICULES systeme eiectrique, commande cable; IIIEI~ d'accelerateur m AUTO carburetor control cable (ArnE), carburettor control cable (BrE); ~ d'acler m NAUT steel wire; ~ aerien m CONSTR overhead line, ELECTR reseau overhead cable, ELECTROTEC aerial cable, overhead cable, TELECOM aerial cable, TRANSPORT airline; ~ aerien Isole m ELECTR aerial insulated cable; ~ d'alimentatlon m ELECTROTEC feed cable, INFORMAT, ORDINAT feeder cable, PRODUCTION supply cable, TV feeder cable; ~ a Ame divisee m ELECTROTEC stranded cable; ~ arme m CONS MECA armored cable (ArnE), armoured cable (BrE), shielded cable, ELECTROTEC armored cable (ArnE), armoured cable (BrE) , shielded cable; ~ arme multiple m ELECTR separate lead cable; ~ d'arrivee m TV drop cable; ~ assemble m OPTIQUE cable assembly, spun cable, TELECOM cable assembly, optical cable assembly; ~ d'atterrissage m ELECTROTEC shore end; ~ ayant une armature mBtallique m CONS MECA armored cable (ArnE), armoured cable (BrE); _~ a basse tension m ELECTR alimentation lowvoltage cable; ~ de batterie m CINEMAT battery cable; ~ biaxial m ELECTR, PRODUCTION biaxial cable; ~ bifilaire m ORDINAT cable pair; ~ bifllalre torsade m ELECTR, ORDINAT twisted-pair cable; ~ blinde m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC screened cable, shielded cable, ENREGISTR shielded cable, ORDINAT screened cable, PHYSIQUE screened cable, shielded cable, PRODUCTION shielded cable, TELECOM armored cable (ArnE), armoured cable (BrE), TV shielded cable; ~ de bougie m AUTO spark plug cable; ~ Bowden m MECANIQUE Bowden cable, VEHICULES embrayage, /reins Bowden cable, brake cable, clutch cable; ~ de branchement m TV outside plant cable; .. ~ charge m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM loaded cable;

~ a charge continue m ELECTROTEC continuouslyloaded cable; ~ a charge discontinue m ELECTROTEC coil-loaded cable; ~ de chauffage par Ie plancher m CONS MECA floor-warming cable; ~ chauffant m ELECTR heating cable; ~ classique m OPTIQUE concentric optical cable, conventional cable; ~ classlque a fibres enrobees m OPTIQUE direct strand cable; ~ classique a fibres libres m OPTIQUE, TELECOM loose tube cable; ~ de cle m PETROLE backup line, tong line;

~ coaxial m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV coax, coaxial cable; ~ de commande m CONS MECA control cable; ~ de commande d'embrayage m AUTO clutch cable; ~ composite m ELECTROTEC composite cable; ~ conducteur m TV feeder cable; ~ a un conducteur m ELECTR single conductor cable, single core cable, ELECTROTEC single conductor cable; ~ a conducteur de cuivre m

TELECOM copper cable; -a conducteurs metalliques m TELECOM metallic conductor cable; - de connexion m CINEMAT connecting cable; - de connexion d'accumulateurs m VEHICULES systeme electrique jump lead, jumper; - de contrepoids m MINES load rope; - a courte distance m ELECTROTEC short-haul cable; - de curage m PETR sand line; - cylindrlque rainur8 m TELECOM grooved cable; B-de d6clenchement m MILiTAlREparachute rip cord; - d6connecte m PRODUCTION open wire; - de demarreur m AUTO starter cable; - a deux Ames torsadees m ELECTR duplex cable; - a deux conducteurs m ELECTR double core cable; - de distribution m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC distribution cable; B-elastlquem TRANSPORT sandow; - electrlque m CONS MECA electrical cable; - d'embarquement m PAPIER rope carrier; - d'energie m ELECTR reseau, ELECTROTEC power cable; - en falsceaux m OPTIQUE unit-type cable; - en fer m PRODUCTION iron wire rope; - en fibres optiques m OPTIQUE fiberoptic cable (ArnE), fibreoptic cable (BrE); - en fil de fer m PRODUCTION iron wire rope; - en nappe m ELECTROTEC flat cable; - d'entree m ELECTR lead-in cable; - en tuyau m ELEeTR pipe-type cable; - episse m NAUT spliced rope; - d'equilibre m MINES load rope; - d'6quipartition m AERONAUT blade spacing system; - d'extension m PRODUCTION expansion cable; - d'extraction m MINES hoisting rope; .. -a faibles pertes m ELECTR alimentation low-loss cable; - a fibre en plastique m ELECTROTEC optique plastic fiber cable (ArnE), plastic fibre cable (BrE); -a fibre optique m ELECTROTEC fiberoptic cable (ArnE), fibreoptic cable (BrE), light cable, INFORMAT fiberoptic cable (ArnE), fibreoptic cable (BrE), OPTIQUE fiberoptic cable (ArnE), fibreoptic cable (BrE), optical fiber cable (ArnE), optical fibre cable (BrE), ORDINAT fiberoptic cable (ArnE), fibreoptic cable (BrE); - a fibre optique en verre m ELECTROTEC glass fibre cable; - a fibres enrobees m OPTIQUE tight construction cable, tight-jacketed cable, TELECOM tight-jacketed cable; -a fibres libres m OPTIQUE, TELECOM loose structure cable; - a fibres optiques m TELECOM optical fiber cable (ArnE), optical fibre cable (BrE); - a fils armes m ELECTROTEC metal-sheathed cable; - flexible m ELECTROTEC flexible cable; - de forage m MINES drill rope, drilling cable, PETR, PETROLE drilling line; - de frein m VEHICULES brake cable; - de frein a main m AUTO hand brake cable; - de frequence pilote m CINEMAT pilot tone cable; _ -a grande distance m ELECTROTEC long-distance cable; - des grandes profondeurs m NAUT deep-sea cable; - groupe m ELECTR bunched cable (BrE), bundled cable (ArnE); - de guidage m PRODUCTION guide rope; - guide m PRODUCTION guide rope; _ - de haubanage m CONSTR guy rope; - a haute frequence m ELECTR alimentation en courant alternatif high-frequency cable; - a haute tension m ELECTR alimentation, INSTRUMENT high-voltage cable; - a hulle m ELECTR oil-filled cable; - a hulle en tuyau m ELECTR oil-filled pipe-type cable; .. - impregne m ELECTR impregnated cable; - d'interconnexion m ELECTROTEC interconnection cable; - interurbain m ELECTROTEC long-distance cable, trunk cable, TELECOM trunk cable; - a isolation minerale m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC mineral-insulated cable; - isole m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC insulated cable; - isol8 au

plastique m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM plastic-insulated cable; n -a jonc rainure m OPTIQUE grooved cable; - de jonctlon m ELECTROTEC junction cable; 1IIlI-kraruplse m ELECTROTEC continuously-loaded cable, krarup cable; u-de levage m PRODUCTION d'un transporteur aerien a voie unique hoisting rope; - de liaison m ELECTROTEC connecting cable; D-mal serti m PRODUCTION loose cable; - metallique m NAUT steel wire, PRODUCTION stranded wire, wire rope, TELECOM metal conductor cable; - de microphone m ENREGISTR microphone cable; - minlbundle m OPTIQUE mini-bundle cable; - de mise ala masse m AUTO earth connection (BrE), ground connection (ArnE), ELECTROTEC, VEHICULES systeme electrique earth cable (BrE), ground cable (ArnE); - monoconducteur m ELECTROTEC single conductor cable; - monoflbre m ELECTROTEC optique single fiber cable (ArnE), single fibre cable (BrE); - monomode m ELECTROTEC single mode cable; - multibrins m PRODUCTION stranded wire; - multiconducteur m ELECTR multiconductor cable, ELECTROTEC multiconductor cable, multicore cable; - multifibre m ELECTROTEC, OPTIQUE, TELECOM multifiber cable (ArnE), multifibre cable (BrE); - multifibres m TV multicore cable; - multlpaires m TV multicore cable; - multiple m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC multi core cable; - multlpolaire m ELECTR multiconductor cable; 1IiI-an conducteur m ELECTROTEC n-core cable; - non charge m TELECOM unloaded cable; - non pupinise m TELECOM unloaded cable; _ - OF m ELECTR oil-filled cable; - oleostatique m ELECTR oil-filled pipe-type cable; - ombilical m ESPACE umbilical cable; - optique m OPTIQUE optical cable, optical fiber cable (ArnE), optical fibre cable (BrE), TELECOM, TV optical cable; n -a une paire m ELECTROTEC single pair cable; - a paires m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, TV paired cable; - a paires coaxiales m ELECTROTEC coaxial pair cable; - a paires symetriques m ELECTROTEC twin cable, TELECOM symmetrical pair cable, twisted-pair cable; - a paires torsadees m ELECTR twisted-pair cable; - de pedale de debrayage m VEHICULES embrayage clutch cable; - a peigne m ELECTROTEC fanned cable; - a pertes de couplage m TELECOM grading coupling loss cable; - plat m ELECTR flat cable, ribbon cable, ELECTROTEC flat cable, mass-terminated cable, PRODUCTION ribbon cable; - plat a paires torsadees m ELECTROTEC twisted-pair flat cable; - a plusieurs conducteurs m ELECTROTEC bunched cable (BrE), bundled cable (ArnE); - porteur m CONSTR supporting rope, TRANSPORT track cable; - pour I'eclairage m ELECTRON lighting cable; - pour I'exterieur m ELECTR outdoor cable; - pour installation interieure m ELECTR indoor cable; - a presSion m ELECTR pressure cable; - a pression exteme de gaz m ELECTR external gas pressure cable; - a pression inteme de gaz m ELECTR internal gas pressure cable; - a pression sous gaine metallique m ELECTR self-contained pressure cable; - prolongateur m AERONAUT extension cord, CINEMAT extension cable; - protege m PHYSIQUE screened cable, shielded cable; - protege par une gaine en fils metalliques m CONS MECA armored cable (ArnE), armoured cable (BrE); - de puissance m ELECTR power cable; - pupinise m ELECTROTEC coil-loaded cable,


TELECOM loaded cable; .. - a quartes m ELECTROTEC quadded cable; - a quartes en etoile m ELECTROTEC star quadded cable; - a quatre paires m ELECTROTEC quadruple pair cable; .. - de raccordement m CONSTR interconnecting cable, PHOTO connecting cord, TELECOM local distribution cable; - de rallonge m CINEMAT extension cable; - de rechange pour Interconnexion de terminal de programmation m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel replacement programmer interconnect cable; - de remorque m NAUT tow rope, towline, POLLU MER towline; - ill rempllssage d'hulle m ELECTROTEC oilfilled cable; - de renvoi m CONS MECA return rope; - de reseau m TELECOM network cable, TV outside plant cable; - a retard m TV delay cable; - de retenue m TRANSPORT safety stop cable; - ill ruban m ELECTR, OPTIQUE, TELECOM ribbon cable; - ruban a fibres libres m OPTIQUE loose ribbon cable; - a rubans a fibres libres m OPTIQUE loose ribbon cable; - a rubans jumeles m TRANSPORT twin-ribbon cable; B-sans fin m TRANSPORT endless cable; - de secours m TRANSPORT emergency cable; - secteur m ELECTROTEC mains cable (BrE), supply cable (ArnE); - de sondage m MINES drill rope, drilling cable; - souffle m TELECOM blown fiber (ArnE), blown fibre (BrE); - souple m ELECTR flexible cable; - sous caoutchouc m ELECTROTEC rubber cable, rubber-insulated cable; - sous hulle m ELECTROTEC oil-filled cable; - sous-marin m ELECTROTEC, NAUT, OCEANO, TELECOM submarine cable; - sous papler m ELECTROTEC paperinsulated cable; - sous plomb m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC lead-covered cable, lead-sheathed cable; - sous pression de gaz m ELECTR gas-filled cable; - souterrain m ELECTR reseau, ELECTROTEC underground cable; - a structure classique m OPTIQUE concentric optical cable, conventional cable; - a structure lache m OPTIQUE, TELECOM loose structure cable; - a structure libre m OPTIQUE loose construction cable; - a structure ruban m OPTIQUE, TELECOM ribbon cable; - ill structure serree m OPTIQUE tight construction cable, TELECOM tight-jacketed cable; - supraconducteur m TELECOM superconductor cable; - de synchronisation m CINEMA T sync cable, sync pulse cable, synchronisationcable; D-de telecommunications m ELECTROTEC communications cable, TELECOM, TV telecommunications cable; - de television m ELECTROTEC television cable; - de terre m ELECTROTEC earth cable (BrE), ground cable (ArnE); - terrestre m TELECOM land cable; - de tirage m CONS MECA pulling rope, traction rope; - toronne m ELECTR conducteur d'un ctible stranded cable; - tracteur m CONS MECA pulling rope, traction rope, TRANSPORT haulage cable, traction cable, traction rope; - de traction m CONS MECA pulling rope; - a tres haute tension m ELECTR reseau extra high-voltage cable; - triplomb m ELECTR SL cable, separately leadsheathed cable; - a trois brins m ELECTR triple-core cable; - a trois conducteurs m ELECTR triple-core cable, ELECTROTEC three-conductor cable; - a tubes assembles m OPTIQUE, TELECOM loose tube cable; D-unlpolalre m ELECTR single conductor cable, single core cable; _ - video m ELECTROTEC video cable; - de vissage m PETROLE spinning line

cAble adj ELECTROTEC, INFORMAT, ORDINAT hardwired; - en etoile adjTELECOM star-wired

cable-chaine m CONS MECA chain cable, MINES, NAUT cable chain; - a etals m CONSTR stud-link chain cable, studded link cable chain; - a mallies etan\1onnees m CONSTR stud-link chain cable, studded link cable chain

cabler vt PRODUCTION hardwire, TV wire; - en fibres vt OPTIQUE make a cable with fibers (ArnE), make a cable with fibres (BrE)

cables: - a signaux m pi CH DE FER signaling wires (ArnE), signalling wires (BrE)

cablier m NAUT cable ship, cable-laying ship cabochon m AERONAUT dimmer cap, PRODUCTION lens,

d'interrupteur lens; - de couleur m PRODUCTION color cap (ArnE), colour cap (BrE)

cabotage m HYDROLOGm coastal navigation, coastal trade, NAUT coastal navigation, coastal trade, coasting trade, coastwise trade, home trade

caboter vi NAUT coast caboteur m NAUT coaster, TRANSPORT coastal vessel,

coaster, coasting vessel cabotier m NAUT coaster cabre: en - adj AERONAUT in a nose-up attitude cabrerite /MINERAUX cabrerite cabriolet m NAUT spray hood, VEHICULES type de ve-

hicule cabriolet, convertible CAC abrev (contr6le automatique de chrominance) TV

ACC (automatic chrominance control) cache m CINEMAT mask, matte, matt, vignette, IMPRIM

frisket, MECANIQUE cover, PHOTO mask, printing mask; - a bords francs m CINEMAT hard-edged matte; - dans fenitre de prise de vue m CINEMAT cutoff; - ecran m CINEMAT screen mask; - electronique m TV electronic matting; - en forme de trou de serrure m CINEMAT keyhole mask; - et contrecache m CINEMAT matte and counter-matte; - normalise m CINEMAT academy mask; - pelnt m CINEMAT painted matte; - projetable m CINEMAT ulcer; - de protection m CONS MECA cover; - reducteur m PHOTO reduction mask; - ruban m EMBALLAGE masking tape; - de securlte m CONS MECA guard; - sommet m TELECOM vertex plate

cache-borne m PRODUCTION terminal cover cache-clavier m ORDINAT key top overlay cache-courroie m SECURITE belt guard cache-culbuteurs m AUTO rocker cover cache-entree m CONSTR drop, key drop, keyhole guard cache-moyeu m VEHICULES roue hub cap cache-poussiere1 adj PRODUCTION dustproof cache-poussiere2 m CONS MECA dust cover, EMBALLAGE

dust guard, SECURITE dust cover cacher vt PHOTO un tirage photographique dodge cacheter vt PAPIER seal cacholong m MINERAUX cacholong cachon m CERAM VER chest cacorcenite/MINERAUX cacoxenite cadaverine/ CHIMIE cadaverine cadenas m CONSTR padlock cadence / AERONAUT rate of turn, PRODUCTION

throughput; - de balayage / AERONAUT radar scanning rate; - de comptage/ELECTRON counting rate; - de distribution/CERAM vERmachine speed; - d'echantillonnage/ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT sampling rate; - de forage / CONSTR drilling rate; - de la maind'oeuvre/PRoDUCTION labor rate (ArnE), labour rate (BrE); - de numerlsation/ELECTRON digitizing rate; - de prise de vue / CINEMAT filming speed; - de tir / MILITAIRE rate of fire; - utile de transfert de donnees/

ORDINAT effective data transfer rate cadencement m ELECTRON clocking, timing, PRODUC-

TION time phasing cadencer vtELECTRONclock, time cadenceur m ELECTRON clock cadene/NAuT chain plate cadmie adj MECANIQUE traitement de sur/ace cadmium-

plated cadmiumm (Cd) cHiMIEcadmium (Cd) cadrage m CINEMAT camera viewpoint, IMPRIM illustra-

tion cropping, INFORMAT registration, TV framing; - de la page sur ecran m IMPRIM justification; - serre m CINEMAT tight framing; - television m TV safe action area; - TV m TV TV cutoff; - vertical m ELECTRON vertical centring; - visible III I'ecran m CINEMATpicture safety area

cadran m CONS MECA dial, dial plate, ELECTR dial, scale, INSTRUMENT, TELECOM, VEHICULES dial; - III aigullle m EQUIP LAB instrument needle dial; - d'ajustage des fr8quences m ENREGISTR tuning dial; - III clavier m TELECOM keypad; - du compas m NAUT compass dial; - dlvise m CONS MECA divided dial; - gradue m CINEMAT scale dial, CONS MECA divided dial, graduated dial, INSTRUMENT graduated dial, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique calibrated dial; - lumlneux m PHOTO illuminated dial; - solaire m ASTRONOMIE sundial; - de transmission d'ordres m NAUT engine room telegraph

cadrat m IMPRIM quad cadre m CINEMAT image, CONS MECA frame, CONSTR

stirrup, EMBALLAGE frame, EN RENOUV housing, IMPRIM box, frame, INFORMAT, MECANIQuEframe, MINES durn, timber frame, timber set, NAUT frame, pipe cot, equipage berth, ORDINAT, PHOTO frame, TELECOM loop aerial, TV, VEHICULES carrosserie frame; - avant m VEHICULES carrosserie subframe; - avec tendard m CONSTR set with stretcher piece; - de boisage m CONSTR set of timber; - III depoll m PHOTO focusing screen frame; - en matiere plastique m PHOTO plastic mount; - en pOintille m IMPRIM composition dotted frame; - d'etambot m NAUT stern frame; - de fantalsie m IMPRIM composition fancy frame; - de fenetre m CONSTR window sash, VEHICULES carrosserie window frame; - filtreur m GENIE CHiM filter frame; - lateral m EMBALLAGE d'un conteneur side frame; - margeur m PHOTO printing mask; - mobile m ELECTROTEC moving coil; - de montage m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel mounting bezel; - ordinaire m MINES ordinary timber set, three-piece timber set; - III oreilles m MINES crib, curb; - de page m INFORMAT, ORDINAT page frame; - perimetrlque m AUTO perimeter frame; - porteur m MINES bearer set, crib, curb; - de positionnement m CINEMAT register mount; - pour developpement de film m PHOTO film rack; - pour tissu m TEXTILE stretcher; - presseur m CINEMAT, PHOTO pressure gate; - III pression m CINEMAT pressure gate; - de pults m CONSTR trestle; - de radlateur m AUTO radiator frame; - III renversement m OCEANO reversing frame; - de sechage m PHOTO drying frame; - III un saul montant m MINES half set; - de soufflet m PHOTO bellows frame; - de superficle m MINES head frame, d'un puits de mine shaft collar; - surbaisse m VEHICULES chassis drop bed frame; - tectonique m GEOLOGIE tectonic setting; - de vitre m VEHICULES carrosserie window frame

cadrer vt IMPRIM crop, INFORMAT, ORDINAT register, PHOTO frame


cadres: - jointifs m pI MINES close sets, skin-to-skin timbering

cadreur m CINEMAT cameraman, TV cameraman, phaser CAF abrev COMMANDE (controle automatique de /re-

quence) , ELECTR ( commande automatique de /requence) , ELECTRON (commande automatique de /requence), ENREGISTR (controle automatique de/requence) , PHYSIQUE ( commande automatique de /requence), PRODUCTION (commande automatique de /requence) , TELECOM (commande automatique de /requence) , TV (controle automatique de /requence) AFC ( automatic/requency control)

caf8ine / CHiMIE caffeine cafeique adj CHiMIE caffeic cafetannique adj CHIMIE caffetannic CAG' abrev COMMANDE (controle automatique de gain),

ELECTRON ( commande automatique de gain), GEOPHYS ( controle automatique de gain), TELECOM (commande automatique de gain) AGC (automatic gain control)

CAG:2 - III contre-reactlon/TELECOM feedback AGC;- avec reaction vers I'avant / TELECOM feedforward AGC

cage / CONS MECA standard, d'un laminoir housing, METROLOGIE case, PRODUCTION holster; - d'ascenseur / AERONAUT lift shaft; - III billes / CONS MECA ball bearing cage, ball cage, IMPRIM mecanique ball race; - de condensateur variable /ELECTROTEC variable capacitor section; - d'ecrou / CONS MECA nut cage; - d'ecureuil/ELECTROTEC squirrel cage; - en fil de fer / PRODUCTION wire guard; - d'escaller / CONSTR staircase, stairway, stairwell; - d'extraction / CONSTR mining hoisting compartment; - de Faraday /ELECTR ecran, ELECTROTEC, NUCLEAIRE, PHYSIQUE Faraday cage; - de fillere radiale/CONs MECA radial diehead; - de fillers tangentielle / CONS MECA tangential diehead; - de laminoir ICONS MECA bearer; - de renversement/ NUCLEAIRE tilting basket; - de rotule / CONS MECA ball joint cage; - de roulement/coNs MECA bearing cage; - de tourelle / OCEANO protection cage; - de la vanne / HYDROWGIE gate chamber

cagoule / OCEANO diving hood; - antipoussiere / SECURITE dust hood; - de protection / SECURITE protective hood

cahler m IMPRIM gathering, section, signature; - de charges m RESSORTS specification; - des charges m CONSTR specifications, PRODUCTION, VEHICULES specification, specification sheet; - des charges unifie m PRODUCTION standard specification; - de nivellement m CONSTR level book; - sortant d'une rotative m IMPRIM impression form; - de suivis m PRODUCTION record book

cahlers: - sortant 2 112m pllMPRIM rotatives two-on signatures

caillage m AGRO ALiM clotting, coagulating caillasse / GEOLOGIE brackish marl and limestone, INST

HYDR pour infrastructures hydrauliques rock rubble callie' adj GENIE CHIM coagulated caille2 m AGRO ALIM curd caillebotis m CONSTR duck board, NAUT gratings caillebotte/ AGRO ALIM curd caille-Iait m AGRO ALIM lady's bedstraw calIIou m CONSTR boulder, GEOLOGIE cobble cailloutage m CONSTR pebble paving cailloutis m CONSTR crushed stone, roadstones, DISTRI

EAU break stone, GEOPHYS scree cailloux: - concasses m pI CONSTR stone chippings


calsse/CH DE FER, D1STRI EAU d'une voiture, d'un wagon body, PRODUCTION packet, VEHICULES body; - d'aIlmentation/PAPIER feed box; - antichoc/CH DE FER vehicules shock-absorbing body; - d'arrlvee multljet/ PAPIER multilayer headbox, multi stock head box; - d'arrlvee ouverte/PAPIER open headbox; - d'arrivee de pite/PAPIER breast box, flow box, head box; - d'arrivee prlmaire/PAPIER primary headbox; - d'arrivee ill rouleaux / PAPIER roll head box; - d'arrlvee secondaire/PAPIER secondary headbox; - aspirante/ PAPIER flat box, pump box, suction box, vacuum box; - aspirante bombee/PAPIER cambered suction box; - asplrante ill courroles mobiles / PAPIER moving belt flat box; - autoporteuse /VEHICULES carrosserie unit construction body, unitized body; - de ballast/NAuT ballast tank; - de cementation/PRODUCTION converting pot; - ill chAssis Integre / VEHICULES carrosserie unit construction body; - ill claire-voies/EMBALLAGE crate; - de criblage/PRoDUCTION screening box; - ill debourber /MINES trunk; - ill eau de rouleau de calandre / PAPIER calender water box; - d'egouttage / PAPIER drainage chest, straining chest, drainer; - d'emballage / TEXTILE packing case; - d'empilage / EMBALLAGE stacking box; - en contreplaque/EMBALLAGE plywood case; - isolee/REFRlG insulated body; - isotherme/REFRIG insulated body; - ill latte double/ EMBALLAGE double-battened case; - de melange / PAPIER mixing box, mixing chest; - pour raffermir la barbotlne/CERAM VER slip kiln; - profonde/TRANSPORT deep tank; - de service/NUcLEAIRE day tank, day-fuel tank

calsses: - mobiles/pi CH DE FER vehicules swap bodies caisson m AERONAUT box-type structure, CERAM VER

tower section, CHARBON sunk well, CONS MECA case, CONSTR, D1STRI EAU caisson, GAZ tank, MINES bunker, ore bin, NAUT caisson, locker; - d'aerage m MINES air box, air reservoir, PETROLE air box; - d'alr m PETROLE air tank; - ill air m NAUT air tank, buoyancy tank, caisson, camel; - de bordure m AERONAUT edge box member; - de chaudiare m INST HYDR boiler jacket; - congelateur m REFRIG freezer compartment; - de decompression m PETROLE decompression chamber; - de derive m AERONAUT fin spar box; - etanche m CINEMAT pour prise de vues sous-marines underwater housing; - de flottabilite m NAUT air tank, buoyancy tank, flotation tank; - de fuselage m AERONAUT fuselage box; - humlde m OCEANO wet chamber; - hyperbare m OCEANO, PETROLE hyperbaric chamber; - insonore m CINEMAT blimp; - ill minerai m MINES ore bin; - d'observatlon m PETROLE plongee observation chamber; - de pale m AERONAUT blade pocket; - de plstonnage m CHARBON compression chamber; - raldisseur m AERONAUT box-type stiffener; - de reacteur m NUCLEAIRE reactor tank, reactor vessel, PHYSIQUE reactor vessel

cake m PETR mud cake calage: l avec - automatique acij COMMANDE self-adjust-

ing calage2 m AERONAUT instrument setting, CONS MECA

adjustment, fixing, keying, scotching, shimming, ELECTR courant alternatifphasing, ELECTRON adjustment, ELECTROTEC lead, IMPRIM make-ready, PRODUCTION clamping, TV registration, VEHICULES allumage, soupape timing; - d'allumage m AUTO ignition setting, ignition timing, VEHICULES ignition timing; - altlm8trlque m AERONAUT altimeter setting; - altlme-

trique standard m AERONAUT standard altimeter setting; - automatique m COMMANDE self-adjustment, self-setting; - du compresseur m AERONAUT turbomachines compressor stall; - de la distribution m AUTO timing adjustment; - d'essleu m CONS MECA axle fit; - de pas m AERONAUT MUce pitch setting

calamine/AUTO oil-carbon deposit, MEcANIQuEmateriaux scale, MINERAUX calamine, electric calamine

calamite/MINERAUX calamite calandrage m CERAM VER rolling process, PAPIER, PLAST

CAOU operation calendering; - ill chaud m PAPIER hot calendering; - hum ide m PAPIER water finish, TEXTILE water finishing

calandre / GENIE CHIM calandria, IMPRIM papier, PAPIER, PLAST CAOU, TEXTILE calender; - ill bati ferme/PAPIER closed-face calender; - ill bAtl ouvert/PAPIER openframe super calender; - ill feuilies / PAPIER sheet calender; - ill friction / PAPIER friction calender; - gaufree/EMBALLAGE embossed calender; - de radlateur /VEHICULES re/roidissement radiator grille; - de satinage /PAPIER gloss calender; - ill satiner /EMBALLAGE glazing calender; - ill vapeur / TEXTILE steam calender

calandre: - ill I'eau acij PAPIER industrie du papier waterfinished; - humlde acijPAPIER water-finished

calandrer vt PLAST CAOU calender, TEXTILE surface calanque/ocEANo creek, inlet calaverfte/MINERAUX ca1averite calcalrel adj CHIMIE calcareous, GEOLOGIE calcareous,

limy calcaire2 m CERAM VER limestone, CHIMIE lime rock,

CONSTR, GEOLOGIE, PETR limestone; - ill alguesm PETR algal limestone; - avec grains jolntifs lies par la micrite m GEOLOGIE packstone; - ill clment m CONSTR cement stone; - construit m GEOLOGIE boundstone, constructed limestone, PETR boundstone; - coqulllier m GEOWGIE shelly limestone; - ill crinoides m GEOLOGIE crinoidal limestone, encrinitic limestone; - cristallin m GEOLOGIE crystalline limestone; - dolomitique m GEOWGIE dolomitic limestone; - ill elements jointifs lies par la sparite m GEOLOGIE grainstone; - ill encrines m GEOLOGIE encrinitic limestone; - graveleux m GEOLOGIE lump limestone, pellet limestone; - greseux m GEOLOGIE sandy limestone; - magneslen m GEOWGIE magnesian limestone; - microcristallin m GEOWGIE microcrystalline limestone; - noduleux m GEOWGIE knobbly limestone, nodular limestone; - ill nummulites m GEOLOGIE nummulitic limestone; - oolithique m GEOLOGIE oolitic limestone; - pisolithlque m GEOWGIE pisolite limestone, pisolitic limestone, PETR grapes tone; - pisolitique m GEOLOGIE pisolite limestone, pisolitic limestone; - de precipitation chimique m GEOLOGIE orthochemicallimestone; - recifal m GEOLOGIE constructed limestone; - sableux m GEOLOGIE sandy limestone; - siliceux m GEOLOGIE cherty limestone

calcarenite/GEOLOGIE calcarenite, lime sandrock calcarif8re acij CHIMIE calciferous calcedolne /MINERAUX chalcedony calc8donix m MINERAUX chalcedonyx calclf8re acij GEOLOGIE calciferous calciferol m CHIMIE calciferol calcifler vt CHIMIE calcify calCilutite/GEOLOGIE lime mudrock calcln m CERAM VER cullet, PRODUCTION fur, scale; -

etranger m CERAM VER foreign cullet; - recycle m

CERAM VER, RECYCLAGE ecology cullet; - tire a I'eau m (Fra) (c/ calcinures) CERAM VER quenched cullet (BrE), shredded cullet (ArnE); - d'uslne m CERAM VER factory cullet

calcination/cHARBoN calcination, MAT CHAUFF calcining, PRODUcnON roasting, THERMODYN burning

calcine adj PRODUCTION, THERMODYN burnt calciner vt CHARBON, CHIMIE calcine, THERMODYN burn calcinures / pi (Bel) (c/ calcin tire a l' eau) CERAM VER

quenched cullet (BrE), shredded cullet (ArnE) calciocelestlte/MINERAUX calciocelestine calcloferrite/MINERAuX calcioferrite calclothorite/MINERAUX calciothorite calclque adj CHIMIE, GEOLOGIE calcic calcite/MINERAUX, PETR calcite calciumm (Ca) CHiMIECalcium (Ca) calco-alcalin adj GEOLOGIE roche ou serie magmatique

calc-alkaline calcschiste m GEOLOGIE marne metamorphisee calc-

schist calcul m INFORMAT computation, computing, MATH cal-

culation, calculus, ORDINAT computation, computing; - d'adresse m ORDINAT address generation; - analogique m ORDINAT analog calculation; - des charges m PRODUCTION capacity requirement planning; - des charges globales m PRODUCTION rough-cut capacity planning; - differentlel m MATH differential calculus; - d'extrapolatlon IInealre m TELECOM linear scaling calculation; - d'orbite m ESPACE orbit determination; - des ouvrages m CONSTR structural analysis; - par tatonnement m GEOMETRIE trial and error calculation; - tensoriel m MATH tensor calculus; - des variations m MATH calculus of variations, variational calculus

calculateur m INFORMAT computer, MATH calculator, ORDINAT computer, TELECOM call processor; - analogique m TELECOM analog call processor (ArnE), analogue call processor (BrE); - de bord m ESPACE vehicules on-board computer; - central m TELECOM central processor; - de commutation m TELECOM switching system processor; - 81ectronlque m INFORMAT, ORDINAT electronic calculator; - d'ex8cution m ORDINAT target computer; - d'exploitation at de maintenance m TELECOM maintenance processor; - de gestion m TELECOM administrative processor; - hybride m TELECOM hybrid call processor; metrage-temps m CINEMAT time-footage calculator; - numerique m INFORMAT, ORDINAT digital computer; - peripherique m TELECOM PP, peripheral processor; - de posemetre m PHOTO light meter scale; - a programme enregistre m TELECOM stored program computer (ArnE), stored programme computer; - de route m NAUT tracker register; - seriel m INFORMAT serial computer; - specialise m ORDINAT special-purpose computer; - synchrone m ORDINAT synchronous computer; - de temps de pose m CINEMAT exposure calculator; - universel m INFORMAT, ORDINAT GP computer, general-purpose computer; - de vol m AERONAUT flight computer

calculatrice/ELECTRON, MATH, ORDINAT calculator; - de poche/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT pocket calculator

calculer vt MATH calculate calculette /TELECOM pocket calculator caldeira/GEOLOGiE cratere vo/canique caldera cale / CONS MECA block, key, scotch, packing piece,

shim, wedge, CONSTR needle, wedge, MECANIQUE ve-


hicules chock, MINES holing prop, placee dans la souscave punch prop, NAUT chock, hold, de construction slip, de carenage slipway, OCEANO hold, PRODUCTION

. block, chock, TRANSPORT cargo hold; - d'appui/cONS MECA packing piece, shim; - d'arbre / CONS MECA shaft key; - de centrage/coNs MECA positioning block; - de construction/NAuT building berth, building slip; - a eau/NAuT water tank; - en beton/coNsTR spacer block; - d'entrefer /ENREGISTR gap spacer; - en V / CONS MECA trarage, METROLOGIE trarage V-block; - d'epaisseur / MECANIQUE outil/age shim; - etalon / MECANIQUE, METROLOGIE gage block (ArnE), gauge block (BrE); - etalon en ceramique / CONS MECA ceramic slip gage (ArnE), ceramic slip gauge (BrE); - de forme/coNs MECA form shim; - frolde /TRANSPORT refrigerating hold; - Johansson/MECANIQUE outil/age Johansson gage (ArnE), Johansson gauge (BrE); - lamellee / CONS MECA peel shim; - pelable / CONS MECA strip shim, strip washer; - de precision / CONS MECA precision shim; - sec / CONSTR dry dock; - seche / NAUT dry dock, graving dock; - de securite / CONS MECA heel block; - d'usure/CONS MECA wear strip

caledonite/MINERAuX caledonite cal8faction/NUcLEAIRE film boiling, sheet boiling calendrier m ESPACE, PRODUCTION schedule; - d'execu-

tion m CONSTR construction program (ArnE), construction programme (BrE), construction schedule; - des Insertions m IMPRIM presse insertion schedule; - julien m ASTRONOMIE Julian calendar; - de livraison m PRODUCTION delivery schedule; - lunaire musulman m ASTRONOMIE Islamic lunar calendar; - de production m CINEMA T production schedule

calerl vt CINEMAT lock, CONS MECA block, cog, key, CONSTR fix, instrument de nivellement clamp, IMPRIM adjust, set,presse make ready, INST HYDR une soupape jam, MECANIQUE jam, wedge, NAUT draw, OCEANO bottom, filet set, shoot, un filet lay, PRODUCTION chock, VEHICULES moteur stall

caler:2 - un appareil altimetriquement vi CONSTR arpentage orient an instrument vertically; - un appareil planlmetriquement vi CONSTR arpentage orient an instrument horizontally

caler:3 se - v refl CONSTR bind caleur m CH DE FER shunter calfalt m CONS MECA, NAUT caulking iron calfat m CONS MECA, NAUT caulker calfatage m CONS MECA, MECANIQUE, NAUT, PRODUC-

TION caulking calfater vt CONS MECA, NAUT caulk calibrage m CHARBON, ELECTRON calibration, IMPRIM

calibration, wordage, character count, METROLOGIE d'un appareil de mesure gaging (ArnE), gauging (BrE), NUCLEAIRE, PRODUCTION calibration; - de I'amplltude m ELECTRON amplitude calibration; - de la copie m IMPRIM composition, mise en page copy fitting; - en ligne m RESSORTS on-line gaging (ArnE), on-line gauging (BrE); - de modele m POLLUTION model calibration; - par radar m PHYS ONDES radar calibration

calibrateur m ELECTRON calibrator; - d'amplitude m ELECTRON amplitUde calibrator

calibre m CONS MECA caliper (ArnE), calliper (BrE), gage (ArnE), gauge (BrE), jig, template, templet, GENIE CHIM particle size, INSTRUMENT former, MECANIQUE indicateur, METROLOGIE gage (ArnE), gauge (BrE), PAPIER caliper (ArnE), calliper (BrE), tem-


plate, former, PETR caliber (ArnE), calibre (BrE), PHYSIQUE rating, PRODUCTION former, patron, pattern, d'un fusible size, QUALITE gage (ArnE), gauge (BrE); - d'affOtage m CONS MECA drill gage (ArnE), drill gauge (BrE); - d'alesage m METROWGIE bore gage (ArnE), bore gauge (BrE); - de bague m CERAM VER, METROWGIE ring gage (ArnE), ring gauge (BrE); - ill bague m CONS MECA external cylindrical gage (ArnE), external cylindrical gauge (BrE), PRODUCTION cylindrical gage (ArnE), cylindrical gauge (BrE); - ill bouchon m CONS MECA internal cylindrical gage (ArnE), internal cylindrical gauge (BrE), CONSTR plug, plug gage (ArnE), plug gauge (BrE), PRODUCTION cylindrical gage (ArnE), cylindrical gauge (BrE); - ill cadran Indicateur m METROLOGIE dial indicating gage (ArnE), dial indicating gauge (BrE); - de controle m CONS MECA inspection gage (ArnE), inspection gauge (BrE); - a coulisse m CONS MECA sliding caliper gage (ArnE), sliding calipers (ArnE), sliding calliper gauge (BrE), sliding callipers (BrE) , METROWGIE beam caliper (ArnE), beam caliper gage (ArnE), beam calliper (BrE),beam calliper gauge (BrE); - de detail m CONS MECA detail gage (ArnE), detail gauge (BrE); - electronlque m METROLOGIE frequence unique electronic gage (ArnE), electronic gauge (BrE); - d'ensemble m CONS MECA master gage (ArnE), master gauge (BrE); - d'epaisseur m CONS MECA sheet gage (ArnE), sheet gauge (BrE), sheet iron gage (ArnE), sheet iron gauge (BrE), METROWGIE plate gage (ArnE), plate gauge (BrE), VEHICULES feeler gage (ArnE), feeler gauge (BrE); - etalon m CONS MECA reference gage (ArnE), reference gauge (BrE), standard gage (ArnE), standard gauge (BrE), METROWGIE gage block (ArnE), gauge block (BrE), slip gage (ArnE), slip gauge (BrE); - filate m METROWGIE screw gage (ArnE), screw gauge (BrE); - de forage m CONS MECA drilling jig, drilling template; - de forme m CONS MECA jig, PRODUCTION former; - de fraisage m CONS MECA milling jig; - de hauteur m METROLOGIE micrometrique height gage (ArnE), height gauge (BrE); - ill lames m CONS MECA thickness gage (ArnE), thickness gauge (BrE), METROLOGIE feeler gage (ArnE), feeler gauge (BrE); - a languette m METROLOGIE spline gage (ArnE), spline gauge (BrE); - a limites m CONS MECA limit gage (ArnE), limit gauge (BrE); - de longueur m METROLOGIE length gage (ArnE), length gauge (BrE); - ill mAchoires m METROLOGIE gap gage (ArnE), gap gauge (BrE),fixe, simple gap gage (ArnE), gap gauge (BrE), snap gage (ArnE), snap gauge (BrE); - mAle m CONS MECA internal caliper gage (ArnE), internal calliper gauge (BrE); - mere m CONS MECA master gage (ArnE), master gauge (BrE); - passe pas m CONS MECA no-go gage (ArnE), no-go gauge (BrE); - pneumatique m METROLOGIE air-operated gage (ArnE), air-operated gauge (BrE); - pour lamelles couvre-objat m CERAM VER cover glass gage (ArnE), cover glass gauge (BrE); - de prereglage m METROLOGIE air-operated gage (ArnE), air-operated gauge (BrE), pneumatic gage (ArnE), pneumatic gauge, presetting gage (ArnE), presetting gauge (BrE); - prismatique m CONS MECA measuring block; - de profondeur m METROWGIE depth gage (ArnE), depth gauge (BrE); - de reference m CONS MECA reference gage (ArnE), reference gauge (BrE), standard gage (ArnE), standard gauge (BrE); - reproducteur m PRODUCTION former; - simple m CONS

MECA internal caliper gage (ArnE), internal calliper gauge (BrE); - simple femelle m CONS MECA external caliper gage (ArnE), external calliper gauge (BrE); - simple mAle m CONS MECA male caliper gage (ArnE), male calliper gauge (BrE); - tampon m METROWGIE plug gage (ArnE), plug gauge (BrE); - a tige coulissante at vis micrometrique m CONS MECA internal micrometer; - de tolerance m CONS MECA, METROLOGIE limit gage (ArnE), limit gauge (BrE); - de verification des vis m CONS MECA screw gage (ArnE), screw gauge (BrE), screw thread gage (ArnE), screw thread gauge (BrE), thread gage (ArnE), thread gauge (BrE); - ill vis micrometrique m CONS MECA micrometer, micrometer calipers (ArnE), micrometer callipers (BrE)

calibre-mAchoires: - a 3 points m CONS MECA threepoint snap gage (ArnE), three-point snap gauge (BrE)

callbrer vt AGRO ALIMfruits grade, CHARBON size, CONS MECA gage (ArnE), gauge (BrE), EQUIP LAB calibrate, IMPRIM calibrate, cast off, PAPIER, PHYSIQUE calibrate, PRODUCTION gage (ArnE), gauge (BrE)

calibres m pi METROLOGIE trusquin a lecture numerique, vernier calipers (ArnE), callipers (BrE); - ill cadran indicateur m pi METROLOGIE dial indicating calipers (ArnE), dial indicating callipers (BrE)

callbreur m CONS MECA tube gage (ArnE), tube gauge (BrE), MINES coal sizer

calicot m IMPRIM reliure calico callfornlumm (Cf) cHIMIEcalifornium (Cf) caRorne m NAUT winding tackle callainite fMINERAUX callainite caHovien a4j GEOLOGIE stratigraphie Callovian calmant m MET ALL killing agent calme i a4j HYDROLOGlE, METEO calm calme2 m HYDROLOGIE calm; - plat m HYDROLOGlE,

NAUT meteorologie dead calm calmes: - 6quatoriaux m pi METEO doldrums, equatorial

calms, OCEANO doldrums, equatorial calms; - subtropicaux m pI METEO, OCEANO SUbtropical calms; - tropicaux m pI METEO, OCEANO tropical calms

caloduc m ELECTRON thermal diode, ESPACE thermique, vehicules, TRANSPORT heat pipe

calomel m CHIMIE, MINERAUX calomel caloporteur m THERMODYN heat-exchanging medium; -

de secours m NUCLEAIRE emergency core coolant calorie f AGRO ALIM, PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN calorie; -

BritanniquefMETROWGIE BTU, BThU, British thermal unit

calorifere m CHAUFFAGE hot air heater calorifiant a4j PRODUCTION calorific calorifieur m CONS MECA calorifier calorifique a4j PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION calorific, THER-

MODYNCalorific, thermic calorlfuge i adj MATERIAUX insulated against heat, SE-

CURITE heat-proof, THERMODYN heat-insulating calorifuge2 m MATERIAUX chaleur nonconductor, ME-

CANIQUE heat insulation, lagging calorlfuge a4j CHAUFFAGE heat-insulated, MECANIQUE

heat-insulated, lagged, PHYSIQUE heat-insulating, SECURITE heat-resistant, THERMODYN heat-insulated

calorifugeage m EMBALLAGE heat insulation, MATERIAUX heat insulation, lagging, PETROLE heat insulation, raffinerie lagging, THERMODYN heat insulation, insulation against heat loss, lagging, thermal lagging; - frigoriflque m THERMODYN insulation against heat gain, low-temperature insulation

calorimetre m CHiMIE, CONS MECA, EQUIP LAB mesure de chaleur, PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN calorimeter; - ill condensation m GENIE CHiM condensation calorimeter; - electromagnetlque m PHYS PART, PHYS RAYON electromagnetic calorimeter; - hadronique m PHYS PART, PHYS RAYON hadronic calorimeter; quasiadiabatique m NUCLEAIRE quasiadiabatic calorimeter

calorlmetrie / CHiMIE, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN calorimetry; - differentielle ill balayage/PHYS RAYON, THERMODYN differential scanning calorimetry; - differentlelle programmee / THERMODYN differential scanning calorimetry; - par analyse differentielle / PLAST CAOU, THERMODYN differential scanning calorimetry

calorimetrlque adj CHiMIE calorimetric calorlque adj THERMODYN caloric calotte / CERAM VER cap, dome, moil, CONSTR d'une

chevrecap; - de barbotage/PETRoLE ra/finerie bubble cap; - ill barbotage/NucLEAIRE bubble cap, bubble hood; - diffusante / PHOTO pour mesure en lumiere incidente diffuser; - glaciaire / OCEANO ice cap, ice sheet; - polalre / ASTRONOMIE polar cap, polar tip

calquage m CONS MECA tracing calque m IMPRIM traced design, tracing; - de prepara-

tion m IMPRIM overlay; - de travail m IMPRIM mechanical overlay

calquer vt CONS MECA trace CAM abrev ( corde aerodynamique moyenne) AERONAUT

MAC (mean aerodynamic chord) cambrage m CONSTR cambering cambre/ CONSTR camber cambreri vt CONSTR camber cambrer:2 se - v reft CONSTR camber cambrien adj GEOLOGIEstratijication Cambrian cambrlolage m SECURITE burglary cambrure / CONSTR camber, de bois camber, OCEANO

d'une vague camber, steepness cambuse /NAUT storeroom came / AUTO, CINEMAT cam, CONS MECA cam, wipe,

lifter, wiper, INST HYDR valve eccentric, MECANIQUE, VEHiCULES cam; - des axes / PRODUCTION spindle cam; - de blocage / CONS MECA locking cam; - de butee / CONS MECA knock-off cam; - ill cylindre / PRODUCTION cylinder cam, drum cam; - ill cyllndre a rainure / CONS MECA grooved cylinder cam; - cyllndrique/CONS MECA barrel cam; - desaxee / CONS MECA eccentric cam; - a developpement/CONS MECA involute cam; - d'ejecteur rapide/CONS MECA kicker box; - de freln / AUTO, MECANIQUE brake cam; - d'lmpression / IMPRIM printing cam; - de rupture / VEHICULES allumage distributor cam; - a tambour / PRODUCTION cylinder cam, drum cam; - ill tambour a languettes /PRODUCTION strake drum cam

camee: - en verre m CERAM VER glass cameo Camel80n m ASTRONOMIE Chamaeleon camembert m INFORMA T pie chart camera / CINEMAT, IMPRIM optique, INSTRUMENT,

PHYSIQUE cine, TV camera; - d'animation / CINEMAT animation camera, rostrum camera; - a I'antenne/Tv hot camera, live camera; - autonome / TV mobile camera; - autosilencieuse/cINEMAT blimped camera; - avec intervaliometre/cINEMAT low-speed camera;- avec moteur a ressort / CINEMAT clockwork camera; - banc titre / CINEMAT rostrum camera; - blformat / PHOTO dual-format camera; - a chargeur /CINEMAT


magazine camera; - a chargeurs paralieles/cINEMAT parallel magazine camera; - a compteur de photons/ PHYS PART photon-counting camera; - electronographlque/PHYS PART electronographic camera; - a I'epaule / CINEMAT hand-held camera; - ill fente / CINEMA T streak camera; - ill fente avec convertisseur d'image/ CINEMAT streak image converter camera; - a fente et mirolr toumant / CINEMAT rotating mirror streak camera; - a fente ill tambourtoumant/ CINEMA T rotating drum streak camera; - grande vitesse / CINEMAT high-speed camera; - image-son / CINEMAT double-headed camera; - insonorisee / CINEMAT sound camera; - lUCida/PHoTo camera lucida; - mal equilibree / TV mismatched camera; - ill manivelle / CINEMAT hand cranked camera; - miniature/TV minicam; - non synchrone / CINEMAT wild camera; - numerique / TV digital camera; - pour analyse de mouvement / CINEMAT motion analysis camera; - pour effets speciaux/ CINEMAT process camera; - pour memoire CCd/EMBALLAGE charge-coupled device camera; - pour prise de we aerienne / CINEMAT aerial camera; - de poursulte/EsPAcE tracking camera; - pour trucages / CINEMAT process camera; - prenant la place de la personne/cINEMAT subjective camera; - a prlsmedivlseur/cINEMAT split beam camera; - reflex/ CINEMAT reflex camera; - de reportage / CINEMAT hand-held camera; - a ressort/clNEMAT spring-drive camera; - sans tube/ELECTRON solid-state camera; - son/cINEMAT sound camera; - son optique/cINEMAT optical sound camera; - sonore / CINEMAT newsreel camera; - de studio/PHOTO studio camera; - tel8commandee / TV remote-controlled camera; - de televiSion/ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE television camera; - thermlque / MILITAIRE thermal imager; - titre / TV caption scanner; - titres/Tv insert camera; - a tourelle / ClNEMAT turret camera; - tritube /TV three-tube camera; - a trois bandes / CINEMAT three-strip camera; - ill tube vidicon / TV vidicon camera; - TV / PHYSIQUE television camera; - a visee reflex/CINEMAT reflex camera; - ill vltesse varlable/cINEMAT multiple speed camera, variable speed camera

cameraman m ClNEMAT cameraman camion m MECANIQUE truck, TRANSPORT, VEHICULES

lorry (BrE), truck (ArnE); - ill accumulateur m TRANSPORT battery truck; - articul8 m VEHICULES articulated lorry (BrE), articulated truck (ArnE), tractor-trailer truck (ArnE); - d'assainissement m POLLU MER gulley sucker, vacuum truck; - avec malaxeur m CONSTR mixer truck; - benne m POLLU MER skip lorry, TRANSPORT dumper, skip lorry, skip truck; - a bestiaux m TRANSPORT cattle truck; - betonniere m CONSTR mixer truck; - chute de poids m PETR thumper; - citerne m CONSTR tanker truck, water tanker, water truck, PETROLE tanker, POLLU MER road tanker, TRANSPORT RTC, road tank car, tank truck, tanker, vehicle tanker, VEHICULES tanker; - citeme de ravitaillement m TRANSPORT refueling tanker (ArnE), refuelling tanker (BrE); - de collecte m TRANSPORT refuse collection lorry (BrE), refuse collection truck (AmE); - de demenagement m TRANSPORT removal van; - depanneur m TRANSPORT salvage car (ArnE), salvage lorry (BrE), salvage truck (ArnE); - elevateur m EMBALLAGE lifting vehicle; - emportant autres cam ions semi-portes m TRANSPORT saddle mount combination; - et remorque m TRANSPORT trailer train; - de fret m TRANSPORT freight truck (AmE), goods lorry


(BrE); - frlgortflque m REFRIG refrigerated lorry (BrE), refrigerated truck (ArnE), lHERMODYN insulated lorry (BrE), insulated truck (ArnE), refrigerated lorry (BrE), refrigerated truck (ArnE); - a hayon elevateur m TRANSPORT tail-lift truck; - isol8 m REFRIG insulated lorry (BrE), insulated truck (ArnE); - isotherme m REFRIG insulated lorry (BrE), insulated truck (ArnE), TRANSPORT refrigerated truck (ArnE) - Isothesure m lHERMODYN heat-insulated truck; - laltier m TRANSPORT milk tanker; - plateau mTRANSPORT rack body truck; - plate-forme m TRANSPORT pick-up truck (ArnE), pick-up van (BrE); - porte-conteneur m TRANSPORT container carrier lorry (BrE), container carrier truck (ArnE); - a propulsion 81ectrique m TRANSPORT electric propulsion lorry (BrE), electric propulsion truck (ArnE); - ravltailleur m PETROLE aero port fueler (ArnE), fueller (BrE); - regie m CINEMAT control van; - semi-remorque m VEHICULES articulated lorry (BrE), articulated truck (ArnE), tractor-trailer truck (ArnE); - tout-terrain m TRANSPORT cross-country lorry (BrE), cross-country truck (ArnE); - a turbine m TRANSPORT turbine-engined lorry (BrE), turbine-engined truck (ArnE); - de vIdange des fosses septlques m RECYCLAGE sludge gulper; - 'mille pattes' m TRANSPORT multiaxle heavy freight vehicle (ArnE), multiaxle heavy goods vehicle (BrE)

camlonnage m CH DE FER collection and delivery, doorto-door delivery

camionnette /TRANSPORT light lorry (BrE), light truck (ArnE); - 81ectrtque / TRANSPORT electric delivery lorry (BrE) , electric delivery truck (ArnE), electric transport vehicle,electrovan; - plateau / TRANSPORT platform truck

camion-tracteur m TRANSPORT tractor unit campagne / CERAM VER campaign, working life, PRO-

DUCTION campaign, mill run, d' un haut-/ourneau run; - de combustion de reacteur /NUCLEAIRE operating fuel cycle; - contre les accidents/SECURITE safety first campaign; - de haut-fourneau / PRODUCTION blast furnace campaign; - de piche/ocEANo fishing trip; - sismlque /PETROLE seismic survey

campanlen adj GEOLOGIE Campanian camphane m CHIMIE camphane camphane m CHIMIE camphene camphol m CHIMIE camphol camphorate m CHIMIE camphorate camphorique adj CHIMIE camphoric camphre m CHIMIE camphor camphre adj CHIMIE camphorated campyllte/MINERAuX campylite CAN abrev (convertisseur analogique-numerique) ELEC-

TRON ADC (analog-to-digital converter, analogue-to-digital converter) ORDINAT ADC (analog-to-digital converter), PHYSIQUE, TELECOM ADC (analog-to-digital converter, analogue-to-digital converter)

canal m CERAM VER canal, CONSTR channel, ditch, pipe, DISTRI EAU sluiceway, sluice, ELECTROTEC, EN RENOUV, ENREGISTR, ESPACE communications, INPORMAT channel, INST HYDR raceway, race, MINES aerage des mines air pipe, NAUT canal, channel, OCEANO, ORDINAT, TELECOM, TV channel; - adjacent m TV adjacent channel; - d'alimentatlon m PLAST CAOU feed runner; - alluvial m DISTRI EAU alluvial bed; - d'amenee m DISTRI EAU flume, head race, inflow canal, intake

canal, leat, penstock, pentrough, INST HYDR head race, PRODUCTION leat; - d'amont m EN RENOUV headrace canal; - annulalre m NUCLEAIRE annular channel; - d'assachement m DISTRI EAU drainage channel; - audio m ENREGISTR audio channel; - B m TELECOM in/ormation B-channel; - de bande m TV canoe; - a bande rBduHe m INFORMAT band-limited channel; - a blef de partage m DISTRI EAU summit canal; - de chauffe m EMBALLAGE heating channel; - collecteur m DISTRI EAU d' une pompe centrifuge volute chamber; - de commande m TELECOM CC, control channel; - de commande Integre m TELECOM ECC, embedded control channel; - de communication de donnees m TELECOM DCC, data communication channel; - court m ELECTRON short channel; - D m TELECOM D-channel; - decentralise m PRODUCTION remote channel; - de decharge m DISTRI EAU emergency spillway, tailrace, HYDROWGffi discharge channel; - decouvert m INST HYDR conduite open channel; - de derivation m DISTRI EAU diversion canal, flume, HYDROLOGIE diversion canal, diversion channel, diversion cut, INST HYDR head race, PRODUCTION leat; - de dessachement m DISTRI EAU drainage channel; - de deversement m RECYCLAGE discharge pipe; - de difference m ENREGISTR difference channel; - direct m TV channel using upper sideband; - dlscret m TELECOM discrete channel; - dlstrtbuteur m DISTRI EAU delivery channel, delivery race, distributing canal; - de distribution m CERAM VER forehearth; - ecluse m DISTRI EAU locked canal; - a ecluses at a lac Interleur m DISTRI EAU lock and inland lake canal; - d'emission m TELECOM transmit channel; - en bois m DISTRI EAU supporte par chevalets flume; - en planches m DISTRI EAU flume; - d'enreglstrement m CINEMAT track, ENREGISTR recording channel; - en surface m ELECTRON surface channel; - enterre m ELECTRON bulk channel; - d'entree/sortie m INFORMAT input/output channel; - d'epulsement m DISTRI EAU drainage ditch; - d'eruptlon m GEOLOGIE volcanic vent; - d'essal m DISTRI EAU test flume; - d'etalonnage m DISTRI EAU calibration flume; - d'evacuation m DISTRI EAU discharge canal, tailrace, RECYCLAGE discharge pipe; - d'exploltation Integre m TELECOM EOC, embedded operations channel; - a forte pente mEN RENOUV chute spillway; - de trequence m TELECOM frequency channel; - a frequence vocale m INFORMA T speech channel; - de fuite m DISTRI EAU tailrace; - de gralssage m CONS MECA oil groove; - de groupement de slgnallsation m TELECOM SGC, signaling grouping channel (ArnE), signalling grouping channel (BrE); - incline m NUCLEAIRE inclined channel; - interoceanlque m OCEANO interocean channel, sea canal; - d'interrogation m ESPACE communications request channel; - interurbaln m TELECOM trunk channel; - interurbaln IntermBdiaire m TELECOM IT, intermediate trunk; - Inverse m TV channel using lower sideband; - d'irrigation m DISTRI EAU catch feeder, irrigation canal; - de jaugeage m DISTRI EAU discharge flume; - de lecture-ecrlture m INFORMAT, ORDINAT read-write channel; - lineaire m TELECOM linear channel; - de maintenance des exploltants de reseau m TELECOM NOMC, network operators maintenance channel; - maritime m NAUT ship canal, OCEANO interocean channel, sea canal, ship canal; - multlplexeur m INFORMAT, ORDINAT multiplexer channel; - N m ELECTRON n-channel; - de navigation m DISTRI EAU navigation channel; - a ni-

veau m DISTRI EAU ditch canal; - P m ELECTRON p-channel; - a point de partage m DISTRI EAU summit canal; - de prise m DISTRI EAU flume, penstock, pentrough, PRODUCTION leat; - de prise d'eau m DISTRI EAU intake, INST HYDR head race; - de prise de we m ESPACE channel; - radio m AERONAUT radio channel; - de reaction nucleaire m PHYS RAYON nuclear reaction channel; - de reception m TELECOM receive channel; - de retour m ENREGISTR feedback channel, return channel; - satellite m TV satellite channel; - selecteur m INFORMAT, ORDINAT selector channel; - semaphore m TELECOM signaling channel (ArnE), signalling channel (BrE); - son m ENREGISTR, TV audio channel, sound channel; - specialise pour la signalisation m TELECOM dedicated signaling channel (ArnE), dedicated signalling channel (BrE); - stereo de droite m ENREGISTR right stereo channel; - stereophonique de gauche m ENREGISTR left stereo channel; - supplementaire stereo m ENREGISTR stereo subchannel; - sur appuis m CONSTR flume; - de surcharge m TELECOM overload channel; - de telecommande m ESPACE communications command channel; - telephonique m INFORMAT voice-band; - de transmission de donnees m TELECOM DCC, data communication channel; - de transmission des E/S m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel 110 channel communication; - de ventilation m CONS MECA cooling duct; - Venturi-Parshall m HYDROLOGIE Venturi-Parshall flume; - de vidange m CONSTR channel; - video m TV video channel; - virtuel m TELECOM VC, virtual channel; - virtuel de signalisation m TELECOM SVC, signaling virtual channel (ArnE), signalling virtual channel (BrE); - vocal m ORDINAT speech channel

canal: - d'entree-sortie m ORDINAT input-output channel

canalisation / AUTO passage, CONSTR pipage, piping, pipeline, piping, system of pipes, DISTRI EAU conduit, ditch line, pipeline, sewerage, ELECTR alimentation conduit, EN RENOUV pipeline, barrages, geothermie channeling (ArnE), channelling (BrE), GAZ pipeline, MECANIQUE duct, PETROLE pipeline, transmission main, en tete de puits flow line, PRODUCTION production raceway, systeme hydraulique line, TELECOM duct, THERMODYN line, TRANSPORT channelization; - d'aerage/MINES ventilation ducting; - d'air / CONS MECA air pipeline, airline; - d'air comprime/CONS MECA compressed air line; - d'amenee / DISTRI EAU flume; - d'aspiration / PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique suction line; - de carburant/ AUTO, VEHICULES fuel line, fuel pipe; - d'eau/coNsTR water line; - enterree/GAZ buried pipeline; - d'essence / VEHICULES carburant fuel line; - d'evacuation/RECYCLAGE sewer; - de trein / VEHICULES systeme de /reinage brake line; - de gaz / CONSTR gas pipeline; - de graissage/ AUTO oil channel, oil gallery, oil line; - d'intercommunication / AERONAUT crossfeed line; - de pompage/IN$TRUMENT vacuum manifold; - principale/cONSTR m:1in; - principale d'adduction d'air / CONS MECA air main; - de retour des vapeurs / AUTO vapor return line (ArnE), vapour return line (BrE); - sans pression/CONS MECA nonpressure pipeline; - de tuyaux/CONSTR system of pipes; - de vapeur /INST HYDR steam pipeline, steam pipe

canalisations: - sous pression/pi CONS MECA pressure mainlines

canaliser vt CONSTR pipe, DISTRI EAU canalize, EN RE-

NOUV channel canal-sechoir m AGRO ALIM drying cupboard canard m MINES aerage des mines air pipe Cancer m ASTRONOMIE Cancer cancerigene1 adj CHIMIE carcinogenic cancerigene2 m CHIMIE carcinogen cancerogene adj CHIMIE carcinogenic cancrinite/MINERAUX cancrinite



candelabre m AERONAUT landing gear hinge beam fitting

candite / MINERAUX candite canette / CERAM VER pirn, TEXTILE pirn, spindle canevas m IMPRIM reliure canvas, TEXTILE layer, scrim

screen; - huile m EMBALLAGE oiled canvas; - interieur m TEXTILE under layer; - intermediaire m TEXTILE middle layer; - superieur m TEXTILE top layer

canicule / METEO heatwave Canis: - major m ASTRONOMIE Canis Major; - minor m

ASTRONOMIE Canis Minor caniveau m CONS MECA gutter, CONSTR channel, gutter,

de drainage channel, DISTRI EAU, EN RENOUV flume, EQUIP LAB sump, NUCLEAIRE raceway, PRODUCTION duct; - pour cAbles m ELECTROTEC cable conduit, cable duct, cable trough

cannage m TEXTILE cannage canne/CERAM VER blowpipe, glass tube; - de niveau/

ESPACE level sensor; - pyrometrique / ELECTR pyrometer pro be

cannele adj MECANIQUE fluted, splined, PAPIER fluted, PRODUCTION fluted, grooved

canneler vt CONSTR channel canneleuse/PAPIER fluter cannelie/coNsTR butt cock cannelure/cERAM VER flute, CONS MECA spline, dans un

cylindre de laminoir groove, CONSTR flute, fluting, ESPACE vehicules flute, groove, spline, GEOLOGIE furrow, IMPRIM de carton ondu!ee flute, MECANIQUE flute, spline, PAPIER ondulee flute, PRODUCTION channeling (ArnE), channelling (BrE), groove, pass; - carree / PRODUCTION box pass; - ebaucheuse / PRODUCTION roughing pass; - emboitee/PRoDuCTION closed pass; - en developpante / CONS MECA involute spline; - et dentelure / CONS MECA spline and serration; - termee / PRODUCTION closed pass; - ouverte / PRODUCTION open pass; - roulante/PRODUCTION open pass

cannetiere/TEXTILE pirn-winding machine cannibalisme: - galactique m ASTRONOMIE galactic can-

nibalism; stellaire m ASTRONOMIE stellar cannibalism

canon m CERAM VER cylinder, rod, CONS MECA guide, CONSTR pipe, tube, d'une clef barrel, d'une serrure barrel, d'une vis d'Archimede barrel, EQUIP LAB seringue, MECANIQUE barrel, MILITAIRE gun; - a air m PETR air-gun; - a air comprime m GEOPHYS air-gun; - antichar m MILITAIRE antitank gun; - antichar leger m MILITAIRE light antitank gun; - antichar lourd m MILITAIRE heavy antitank gun; - d'arrosage m ELECTRON flooding gun; - automatique m MILITAIRE automatic gun; - automoteur m MILITAIRE automatic gun; - du bleu m TV blue gun; - de centrage m CONS MECA centering bush (ArnE), centring bush (BrE); - contreavion m MILITAIRE air defence gun; - d'ecriture m ELECTRON writing gun; - electronique a taisceau toroidal m TV toroidal electron gun; - a electrons m

ELECTRON, INSTRUMENT, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE, TV electron gun; - a electrons a pulsation m PHYS RAYON pulsed electron gun; - d'entree de cl8 m CONSTR d'une serrure barrel; - d'essal m NUCLEAIRE test jack; - du faisceau vert m ELECTRON, TV green gun; - de fusil raye m MILIT AIRE rifle barrel; - a gaz m PETR gas exploder; - de guidage m CONS MECA guide bush, headed guide bush, d' un pointeau barrel; - de guidage cylindrique m CONS MECA headless guide bush; - d'inscriptlon m ELECTRON writing gun; - a ions m PRODUCTION ion gun; - lance-harpon m OCEANO harpoon gun; - de lecture m ELECTRON flooding gun, reading gun; - I8gercontre-avion m MILITAIRE light air defence gun;- a longue portee m MILITAIRE long-range weapon; - lourd contre-avion m MILITAIRE heavy anti-aircraft gun; - a neige m CINEMAT snow machine, REFRIG snow gun; - nylon m PLAST CAOU nylon bush; - de pe~age m MECANIQUE drill bushing; - sans recul m MILITAIRE recoilless gun; - a tir rapide m MILITAIRE rapid fire gun; - a tourelle m MILITAIRE turret gun

canot m NAUT boat; - hors-bord m TRANSPORT outboard motorboat, outboard speedboat; - a moteur m TRANSPORT motorboat; - pneumatlque m AERONAUT inflatable dinghy, NAUT dinghy, inflatable dinghy, rubber dinghy; - de sauvetage m NAUT lifeboat; - ill voiles m NAUT sailboat (ArnE), sailing boat (BrE)

cantharadine / CHIMIE cantharadine cantilever adj CH DE FER, CONSTR, PHYSIQUE cantilever canton m CH DE FER section; - de block m CH DE FER

block section cantonite /MINERAUX cantonite cantonnement m CH DE FER block system; - de piche m

OCEANO fishery conservation zone, fishery reserve cantre m TEXTILE creel, warping creel; - magasin m

TEXTILE magazine creel canyon m NUCLEAIRE canyon CAO abrev (conception assistee par ordinateur) ELECTR,


caoutchouc m CHIMIE caoutchouc, rubber, ELECTROTEC, IMPRIM, PAPIER, PLAST CAOU rubber; - acrylique m EMBALLAGE acrylic rubber; - antistatique m PLAST CAOU antistatic rubber; - brut m PLAST CAOU crude rubber, raw rubber; - butadiene m PLAST CAOU butadiene rubber; - butadiene acrylonitrile m PLAST CAOU butadiene acrylonitrile rubber; - cellulalre m CHAUFFAGE, REFRIG cellular rubber; - chlore m PLAST CAOU chlorinated rubber; - chloroprene m PLAST CAOU chloroprene rubber; - durci m PLAST CAOU ebonite; - ethylene propylene m PLAST CAOU ethylene propylene rubber; - expanse m PLAST CAOU expanded rubber, foamed rubber; - a graver m IMPRIM jlexographie engraving rubber; - mlcroceliulaire m PLAST CAOU microcellular rubber; - mineral m MINERAUX mineral caoutchouc; - mousse m PLAST CAOU expanded rubber, foamed rubber; - naturel m PLAST CAOU natural rubber; - nerveux m PLAST CAOU snappy rubber; - nitrile m PLAST CAOU nitrile rubber; - de nitrile acrylique m PLAST CAOU type d'e/astomere, PRODUCTION materiaux acrylonitrile rubber; - plastifie a I'huile m PLAST CAOU oil-softened rubber; - regenere m PLAST CAOU reclaimed rubber, regenerated rubber; - silicone m ELECTROTEC iso/ant silicone rubber; - au styrene butadiene m PLAST CAOU styrene butadiene rubber; - synthetique m PETROLE, PLAST CAOU elastomere synthetic rubber; - thermoplastique m PLAST

CAOU thermoplastic rubber; - vulcanlse m ELECTR isolation vulcanite

caoutchouc-cripe m PLAST CAOU crepe rubber caoutchoucs: - expanses a cellules ouvertes m pI PLAST

CAOU open-cell cellular plastic; - mousses a cellules ouvertes m pI PLAST CAOU open-cell cellular plastic

caoutchoutage m REVETEMENT rubber coating caoutchoute adj ELECTR isolation, PLAST CAOU rub-

berized, REVETEMENT rubber-coated, rubber-covered caoutchouter vt REVETEMENT rubberize cap: 1 - en haut adjNAuT course-up cap:2 - en haut adv NAUT course-up cap3 m AERONAUT heading, ESPACE course, vehicules

heading, NAUT boat's heading, cape, course, heading, headland, OCEANO cape, headland; - de collision m NAUT collision course; - au compas m NAUT compass heading; - compas m AERONAUT compass heading; - d'81oignement m AERONAUT outbound heading; - magnetlque m AERONAUT magnetic heading, NAUT magnetic course; - d'une piste m AERONAUT localizer beam heading; - radar m AERONAUT radar heading; - retour m AERONAUT inbound heading; - vrai m NAUT true course

CAP abrev (capacite d' absorption des protons) PHYS RAYON proton absorptive capacity

capabilite /QUALITE capability capacimetre m ELECTROTEC capacitance meter capacitance / ELECTROTEC capacitive reactance; -

acoustique/ENREGlSTR acoustic compliance; - entre spires/ELECTR bobineintertum capacitance; - a I'etat bloque/ENREGlSTR clamped capacitance; - thermique /EN RENOUV thermal capacitance

capaclte/coNs MECA, CONSTR capacity, ELECTR capacitance, ELECTROTEC capacitance, capacity, EMBALLAGE holding capacity, EN RENOUV tube carrying capacity, INFORMAT, NUCLEAIRE, ORDINAT capacity, PETROLE throughput, PHYSIQUE capacitance, PRODUCTION, REFRIG capacity, TELECOM capability, capacitance; - d'absorptlon/EMBALLAGE industrie du papier, HYDROLOGIEpuits absorptive capacity; - d'absorptlon d'eau /D1STRI EAU water absorption capacity; - d'absorptlon des protons / (CAP) PHYS RAYON proton absorptive capacity; - d'accrochage de la colle/IMPRIM finition grab; - de base / TRANSPORT basic capacity; - d'une bobine/clNEMAT reel capacity; - de bobine / ELECTR winding capacitance; - calorlfique / THERMODYN caloric content, heat capacity; - de canal / TELECOM channel capacity; - de capture / OCEANO catch index, catchability coefficient; - de charge / CONS MECA carrying capacity, ELECTR currentcarrying capacity; - de la charge /ELECTROTEC load capacitance; - chauffante / THERMODYN heating capacity; - de chauffe / CHAUFFAGE, THERMODYN heating capacity; - concentree/ELEcTR condensateur lumped capacitance; - de conduite/EN RENOUV conduit capacity; - de congelation / REFRIG freezing capacity; - de correction des paquets d'erreur /TELECOM burst error correcting capability; - cyclique / TRANSPORT tidal capacity; - de debit solide/HYDROLOGIE transport capacity for solids; - differentielie / ELECTR incremental capacitance; - d'echange catlonlque / (CEC) GEOWGIE, PETROLE, POLLUTION cation exchange capacity (CEC); - d'ecoulement/ TRANSPORT capacity ofa road; - effective/PRoDuCTION demonstrated capacity; - el8ctrlque / CONS MECA capacity, TELECOM electrical capacitance; - en becs

paralleles / CONS MECA parallel jaw capacity; - en parallele/ELECTROTEC shunt capacitance; - de I'enroulement / ELECTROTEC winding capacitance; - en serie/ELEcTROTEC series capacitance; - entre broches / ELECTROTEC pin-to-pin capacitance; - d'entree / ELECTROTEC input capacitance; - entre electrodes / ELECTROTEC interelectrode capacitance; - de fixation/ CHARBON loaded capacity; - de fixation des protons / POLLUTION proton absorptive capacity; - fonctionnelle locale / TELECOM LFC, local function capabilities; - de fusion/ CERAM VER maximum melting rate; - grilie-cathode/ELEcTROTEC grid cathode capacitance; - grilie-drain/ELEcTROTEC gate-to-drain capacitance; - grille-source / ELECTROTEC gate-tosource capacitance; - grille-substrat / ELECTROTEC gate-to-substrate capacitance; - hebdomadaire /PRODUCTION man-year; - hebdomadalre par semalne / PRODUCTION man-week; - horaire par employe/PRoDUCTION man-hour; - de Jonction / ELECTROTEC junction capacitance; - journaliere par employe/PRoDUCTION man-day; - de levage / NUCLEAIRE crochet lifting capacity with hook; - limite/ AERONAUT load capacity; -locale/TRANsPORT local capacity; -Iocalisee / ELECTROTEC lumped capacitance; - de manoeuvre / NAUT maneuverability (ArnE), manoeuvrability (BrE); - de memolre / ELECTROTEC memory capacity, INFORMAT capacity, memory capacity, ORDINAT memory capacity, storage capacity; - momentanee/TRANsPORT capacity under prevailing conditions, momentaneous capacity; - de neutralisation des acides / (CN A) POLLUTION acid neutralizing capacity (ANC); - nominale / CERAM VER nominal capacity, CHARBON, DISTRI EAU rated capacity; - d'oxygenation/HYDROLOGIE oxygenation capacity; - parasite / ELECTROTEC parasitic capacitance, PHYSIQUE stray capacitance; - de piche / OCEANO fishing power; - de pointe / CONSTR peak capacity; - de pointe maxlmum/PAPIER maximum capacity, top capacity; - portante / CONSTR bearing capacity; - possible/TRANSPORT absolute capacity, possible capacity; - pratique/TRANsPORT practical capacity; - pratique rurale/TRANsPORT practical capacity under rural conditions; - pratique urbaine / TRANSPORT practical capacity under urban conditions; - de production/ELEcTR/ourniture generating capacity, PETR potential; - de production de glace / REFRIG ice-making capacity; - de production d'un pUitS/PETR well potential; - propre/ELECTR bobine, PHYSIQUE self-capacitance; - de puissance musicale soutenue/ENREGISTR music-power-handling capacity; - de puissance soutenue / ENREGISTR power handling capacity; - II ras-bord / CERAM VER brim capacity; - reelie/PRoDUCTION demonstrated capacity; - repartle/ELECTROTEC distributed capacitance; - de reponse II une pollution par les hydrocarbures / POLLU MER oilspill response; - residuelle/ELECTROTEC residual capacitance, zero capacitance; - de retention /HYDROLOGIE milieu retentive capacity, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique holding capacity; - de sortie / ELECTROTEC output capacitance; - speclflque / ELECTR condensateur specific capacitance, EN RENOUV d'unpuits specific capacity; - destockage/DISTRI EAU storage capacity, POLLU MER storage facility; - du suPPOrt/TELECOM bearer capacity; - de tamlsage/ GENIE CHiM sieving rate; - tampon/ GAZ buffer tank; - thermique / CHAUFFAGE thermal capacity, PHYSIQUE


heat capacity, THERMODYN thermal capacity; - thermique electronlque / PHYSIQUE electronic heat capacity; - thermique massique / PHYSIQUE specific heat capacity; - thermlque masslque II pression constante / PHYSIQUE specific heat capacity at constant pressure; - thermique massique II volume constant / PHYSIQUE specific heat capacity at constant volume; - thermlque molaire/PHYSIQUE molar heat capacity; - de transport/EMBALLAGE carrying capacity, HYDROLOGIE transport capacity for solids; - de transport d'eau/TEXTILE water-carrying capacity; - utile/TELECOM payload; - d'une vole /INFORMAT channel capacity, ORDINAT channel capacity; - volum8trique/ NAUT cubic capacity

capaciteur m ELECTR composant, EQUIP LAB capacitor; - serie m ELECTR series capacitor

cape: 1 II la - seche adj NAUT navire ahull cape:2 II la - seche adv NAUT navire ahull capelage m NAUT hounds capeler vt NAUT make fast capillalre adj CONS MECA capillary capillarimetre m CHARBON capillarimeter, PAPIER bib-

liometer, capillary rise tester capillarite / CHARBON, CHiMIE, CONSTR, PETROLE,

PHYSIQUE capillarity capitalne m NAUT shipmaster; - de fregate m NAUT

commander; - marchand m NAUT master mariner; - de port m NAUT harbor master (ArnE), harbour master (BrE); - de vaisseau m NAUT captain

capitainerie/NAuT harbor master's office (ArnE), harbourmaster's office (BrE)

capital: - 8qulpement m PRODUCTION equipment; - travail m PRODUCTION manpower

capltale/IMPRIM composition capital, capital letter capltales: - dressees/plIMPRIM stand-up capitals capitonnage: - de siege m VEHICULES seat upholstery capnite/MINERAUX kapnite caponniere/coNsTR manhole, refuge hole, shelter capot m AUTO bonnet (BrE), hood (ArnE), CONS MECA

cover, guard, ELECTROTEC d'une lampe hood, MECANIQUE cover, cowl, NAUT casing, hatch, tarpaulin; - d'aspiration m GENIE CHIM fume cupboard, fume hood; - de buse reacteur m AERONAUT nozzle cowl; - de carenage m AERONAUT fairing; - couvre-courroie m SECURITE belt guard; - couvre-mandrin m CONS MECA chuck guard; - couvre-meule m SECURITE wheel guard; - insonorisant m SECURITE noise protective hood, soundproof hood; - d'instrument m CONS MECA hood; - isolant m PRODUCTION insulating cover; - d'isolateur m ELECTR insulator cap; - moteur m AERONAUT cowl; - de plombage m PRODUCTION antitarnper cover; - pour paleHe m EMBALLAGE pallet hood; - de protection m CONS MECA, MECANIQUE guard; - de s8curlte m PRODUCTION safety cover; - transparent de plombage m PRODUCTION transparent antitamper cover; - de verroulllage m PRODUCTION locking cover

capotage m AERONAUT cowling, aerone/fairing, NAUT capsizing, TRANSPORT overturning, roll-over

capote/AUTO top of convertible, CONSTR cowl capoter vi NAUT capsize, turn turtle capot-moteur m VEHiCULES carrosserie bonnet (BrE),

hood (ArnE) Caprlcorne m ASTRONOMIE Capricornus caprique adj CHIMIE capric caproine/ CHiMIE caproin caproique adj CHiMIE caproic


caprolactame m CHIMIE, MATERIAUX polymeres caprolactam

caproyle m CHIMIE caproyl capryJe m CHIMIE capryl capryJlque adj CHIMIE caprylic capsaiclne/ CHIMIE capsaicin capsiclne/ CIDMIE capsicin capsulation/EMBALLAGE capping capsulatrice: - automatique / EMBALLAGE automatic

capper capsule / CHIMIE dish, CONSTR cap, EQUIP LAB evapora-

tion basin, dish, IMPRIM emballage, metal cap, MINES capsule, detonator, exploder, squib, PETR cap; - d'aerosol/EMBALLAGE aerosol cap; - d'aluminium/ EMBALLAGE aluminium capsule (BrE), aluminum capsule (ArnE); - d'atterrissage / ESPACE vehicules landing capsule; - autopenetrante a chamillre /EMBALLAGE hinged plug orifice closure; - de bouteille / EMBALLAGE bottle cap, bottle capsule; - bride./EMBALLAGE flanged cap; - ejectable/ESPAcE vehicules ejectable capsule; - a encllqueter /EMBALLAGE friction snap-on cap, snap cap; - d'evacuation/EsPAcE vehicules emergency capsule; - d'evaporation / GENIE CIDM evaporating basin, evaporating dish, evaporating pan; - fulminante/MILITAIRE percussion cap; - de garantie/EMBALLAGE guarantee cap; - geJatineuse/ EMBALLAGE gelatin capsule, gelatine capsule; - a levier /EMBALLAGE flip spout closure; - pour la protection de I'ouie/SECURITE noise protective capsule, soundproof capsule; - de presSion / CHARBON pressure cell; - receptrice / TELECOM receiver inset; - retractable / EMBALLAGE shrink capsule; - de sauvetage/PETRoLE exploitation en mer escape capsule; - spatiale/ESPAcE space capsule, vehicules capsule; - teJephonique / ACOUSTIQUE telephone transmitter; - verrou/EMBALLAGE sealing cap; - a vis/EMBALLAGE screw cap; - a vis prefllatee / EMBALLAGE continuous thread cap, continuous thread closure

capsule-couronne / EMBALLAGE crown closure, crown cork, crown cup

capsuleuse: - de bouteilies / CERAM VER bottle-casing machine

captage m D1STRI EAU catching, catchment, collection, de /'eau souterraine capture, NUCLEAIRE sensing; - de I'eau m D1STRI EAU tapping, water catchment; - de I'eau souterraine m D1STRI EAU ground water catchment; - de poussillre m GENIE CHIM dust control; - de rivillre m HYDROLOGIE river capture; - de ronfiement m ENREGISTR hum pickup

captation / D1STRI EAU catching, catchment, ELECTROTEC collection; - de courant / TRANSPORT pick-Up, power collection system

capter vt D1STRI EAU les eaux collect, TELECOM pick up capteur m AUTO sensor, CONS MECA transducer, ELECTR

mesure pick-up, ELECTRON, ESPACE sensor, ESSAIS sensor, transducer, INFORMAT, METEO, METROLOGIE, NAUT meteorologie sensor, NUCLEAIRE pick-up, sensing element, sensor, ORDINAT sensor, PHYSIQUE probe, sensor, POLLU MER sensing element, TELECOM, VEHICULES instrumentation sensor; - acoustlque m ELECTRON acoustic sensor, ENREGISTR acoustic pickup; - actif m ESPACE active sensor; - d'attltude m ESPACE attitude sensor; - de courant m CH DE FER vehicules current collector; - ill courant continu m ELECTROTEC DC transducer; - de courant par arc m TRANSPORT plasma arc power collector; - de debit m

PAPIER flow transmitter; - dlff8rentlel m ELECTROTEC differential transducer; - ill distance m CONSTR remote sensor; - d'echantillonnage m QUALITE eau sample captor; - en forme de tlge m NUCLEAIRE bar-type pickup base; - d'entre. m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel input sensor; - a fibre optique m ELECTROTEC fiberoptic transducer (ArnE), fibreoptic transducer (BrE); - Inductlf m CONS MECA induction pickUp; - laser m ELECTRON laser sensor; - lineaire m ELECTROTEC linear transducer; - de lumillre m ELECTRON light sensor; - meteorologlque m NAUT meteorological sensor; - optique m ELECTRON optical sensor; - optoeJectronlque m CONS MECA optoelectronic pickup; - passlf m ESPACE passive sensor; - pelliculalre m ESPACE mesure film transducer; - pl8zoeJectrique m CONS MECA piezoelectric pick-Up; - piezosenslble m OPTIQUE piezoelectric sensor; - pneumatique m IMPRIM contrOle pneumatic sensor; - de poussillre m CHARBON, GENIE CHIM dust catcher, dust collector; - de pression m GAl pressure detector; - des profllomiltres d'etat de surface de contact m CONS MECA pick-up for contact meter; - de repilre m AUTO reference sensor; - sans contact m ELECTR contactless pickup; - solaire m CONS MECA, CONSTR, EN RENOUV solar collector, GEOPHYS sun sensor; - de tassement m CHARBON settlement gage (ArnE), settlement gauge (BrE); - de temperature m PRODUCTION systeme hydrau/ique temperature sensor; - a tubes evacues m EN RENOUV evacuated tube collector; - de vibrations at de chocs m CONS MECA vibration and shock pick-up; - de vltesse axlale m ESPACE vehicules axial velocity sensor; - Winston m EN RENOUV Winston collector

capture/ESPAcE d'un satellite capture, OCEANO catch, landings, PHYSIQUE capture; - coupe transversale / PETR capture cross-section; - eJectronique / PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE electron capture; - des eJectrons/ PHYSIQUE electron capture; - K/PHYSIQUE K-capture; - des neutrons/PHYSIQUE neutron capture; - parasite /NUCLEAIRE de neutrons parasitic capture; - par unite d'effort/ocEANO catch per unit effort; - radiative/ PHYSIQUE radiative capture; - radiative du neutron / PHYS RAYON neutron radiative capture; - unitaire / PETR capture unit

capuchon m CHAUFFAGE cheminee cowl, ELECTROTEC cap, d'une lampe hood; - conique m CINEMAT conical snoot; - en verre m CERAM VER socket cap; - isolant m CONS MECA insulation cap; - pour meules d'emerl m PRODUCTION hood for emery wheels; - protecteur m MILITAIRE guerre chimique protective hood, PHOTO cap; - de protection m INSTRUMENT protective hood, turret cap; - de vlsee m PHOTO finder hood; - de vise. Interchangeable m PHOTO interchangeable waist-level finder; - vlsse m CERAM VER screw cap

caque/ AGRO ALIM barrel caquer vt AGRO ALIM cure car: - long courrler m TRANSPORT coach; - regie m TV

OB van, OB vehicle; - de reportage m CINEMAT mobile unit; - video m TV OB van

carablne/MILITAIRE rifle caracole/MINES pole hook caractllre m IMPRIM body type, typeface, abrege d'oeil

de caractere face, INFORMAT character, QUALITE characteristic; - accuse de reception m ORDINAT acknowledge character; - alphanumerique m INFORMAT alphanumeric character; - d'annonce m IMPRIM ad face; - d'arrit m ORDINAT terminator; - d'attente m

INFORMAT, ORDINAT idle character; - blanc m INFORMAT, ORDINAT blank; - de bourrage m TELECOM stuffing character; - de changement de code m INFORMAT code extension character, shift character; - de changamentdepagemINFORMAT,ORDINATformfeed character; - de commande m ORDINAT control character; - de code normal m INFORMAT SI character, shift-in character, ORDINAT SI character, shift in character; - de contrOle m INFORMAT, ORDINAT check character, control character; - de contrOle d'erreurs m TELECOM error check character, error check signal; - de code sp6cial m INFORMAT, ORDINAT SO character, shift-out character; - dlstlnctif m BREVETS distinctiveness; - d'khappament m ORDINAT escape character; - en-code m ORDINAT shift in character; - en culvre m IMPRIM brass type; - espace m INFORMAT, ORDINAT blank, space character; - espace arriere m ORDINAT BS, backspace; - d'etat m INFORMAT, ORDINAT status character; - 6troit m IMPRIM condensed face; - de face Didot m IMPRIM typographie modern face; - de fin m INFORMAT, ORDINAT terminator; - fonctlonnel m IMPRIM functional character; - generique m INFORMAT, ORDINAT wildcard character; - graphique m INFORMAT, ORDINAT graphic character; - hors-code m ORDINAT SO character, shift-out character; d'identification m INFORMAT, ORDINAT identification character; - interdit m INFORMAT, ORDINAT illegal character; - d'interrogation m ORDINAT ENQ, enquiry character; - d'interruption m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel break character; - italique m INFORMAT italic character; - laineux m TEXTILE woolliness; - non valide m INFORMAT, ORDINAT illegal character; - nul m INFORMAT, ORDINAT NUL, null character; - d'omlsslon m INFORMAT, ORDINAT ignore character; - de passage en code normal m INFORMAT SI character, shift-in character; - de passage en codespklal m INFORMAT shift-out character; - permanent du mouvement irrotatlonnel m PHYS FLUID permanence of irrotational motion; - de plomb m IMPRIM typographie casting; - Ie plus slgnificatif m INFORMAT, ORDINAT most significant character; - de pr6sentatlon m INFORMAT layout character; - principal m IMPRIM composition body type; - de remplissage m INFORMAT, ORDINAT filler character; - de retour arriere m INFORMAT backspace character; - de retour chariot m ORDINAT CR, carriage return; - de sonnerie m INFORMAT bell character; - spkial m INFORMAT, ORDINAT special character; - special du vol m AERONAUT flight status; - de substitution m INFORMAT, ORDINAT SUB character, substitute character; - de suppression m INFORMAT, ORDINAT DEL, delete character; - de synchronisation m (SYN) INFORMAT, ORDINAT synchronous idle character (SYN); - de tltrage m IMPRIM supertype; - travaux de ville m IMPRIM jobbing face; - visqueux m AGRO ALIM ropiness

caractere: - d'khappament m INFORMAT escape character; - de mise an page m TELECOM FE, format effector

caracteres: - antiques m pi IMPRIM sanserif face; - casseaux m pi IMPRIM pi characters; - digitaux m pi IMPRIM numerics; - 6cran dans les systemes WYSIWYG m pllMPRIM display type; - d'6dition m pi IMPRIM composition book faces; - en indice m pllMPRIM inferior characters, inferior figures, inferior letters, subscript; - de fantaisie m pllMPRIM display faces, composition fancy type; - gothiques m pllMPRIM antique face, gothic face; - gras m pllMPRIM bold face,


bold type; - d'imprlmerle m pllMPRIM printing types; - inhabituals m pi IMPRIM pi characters, composition. typographie pi types; - italiques m pi IMPRIM italic type; - de labeur m pllMPRIM commercial type, jobbing type; - large m IMPRIM extended type; - a machine a 6crire m pi IMPRIM typewriter face; - maigresmpllMPRIM, INFORMAT light face; - parpouce m pllMPRIM CPI, characters per inch; - par seconde m pi (CPS) IMPRIM, ORDINAT characters per second (CPS); - personnalises m pllMPRIM composition. typographie pi types; - pleins m pi IMPRIM full-face type; - pr6tentieux m pllMPRIM typographie swatch type; - qualitatifs m pi QUALITE qualitative characteristics; - quantitatifs m pi QUALITE quantitative characteristics; - sur bois m pi IMPRIM woodtypes; - de titrage m pllMPRIM display faces, affichage display type; - de transfert sec m pllMPRIM maquette dry transfer

caract6r1satlon/SECURITE du bruit ambiant description caract6ristique / BREVETS feature, CHiMIE property,

CONS MECA characteristic, ELECTRON characteristic curve, characteristic, response curve, ELECTROTEC nominale rating, INFORMAT characteristic, feature, notation en virgule jlottante biased exponent, MATH characteristic, NAUT specification, ORDINAT, PHYS FLUID, PRODUCTION feature, QUALITE, TELECOM characteristic; - additionnelle / BREVETS additional feature; - d'anode/ELECTROTEC anode characteristic; - de la charge/ELECTRoTEC load characteristic; - de commande/ELECTROTEC control characteristic; - de construction / NAUT constructional features; - de conversion/ELECTRON gamma characteristic; - courant-tension / ELECTROTEC, ESPACE vehicules current-voltage characteristic; - de diode/ELECTRON diode characteristic; - directe / ELECTRON forward characteristic; - directionnalle / ENREGISfR directional characteristic; - 61ectrique / ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC electrical characteristic; - d'61ectrode / ELECTROTEC electrode characteristic; - en charge / AERONAUT load characteristic; - d'enregistrement / ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISfR, TV recording characteristic; - d'enreglstrement-Iecture / ACOUSTIQUE reproducing-recording characteristic; - essentielle / BREVETS essential feature; - de fiabllite/MATERIAUX reliability parameter; - frequentielle /TELECOM frequency characteristic; - gain-frequence / ELECTRON gain frequency characteristic; - de grille / ELECTRON grid characteristic; - d'impedance / ELECTROTEC impedance characteristic; - de lecture / ACOUSTIQUE reproducing characteristic, ENREGISTR playback characteristic; - logarithmique/ELEcTRON logarithmic characteristic; - optique / TELECOM optical characteristic; - de persistance / ELECTRON persistence characteristic, ELECTROTEC decay characteristic; - phase-amplitude/TELECOM phase-amplitude characteristic; de preSSion / METEO pressure characteristic; - d'un produit/PRODUCTION product feature; - rectillgne/ELECTRoN linear characteristic;- de r6ponse harmonique / PHYS ONDES harmonic response characteristic; - de reproduction/ENREGISfR playback characteristic, TV playback characteristic, replay characteristic, reproduction characteristic; - a rotorbloqu6/ELECTR machine asynchrone locked rotor impedance characteristic;- de saut / TV surge characteristic, transient response; - spectrale/ELEcTRON spectral characteristic; - statique/ELECTRoTEC


static characteristic; - temporelle / TELECOM time characteristic; - tension-courant/ELECfROTEC voltage-current characteristic; - thermique / TELECOM thermal characteristic, THERMODYN thermal property; - de transfert/ELECfRON, PHYSIQUE transfer characteristic; - de transmission / TELECOM transmission characteristic; - ill vide / AERONAUT noload characteristic

caracteristiques: - ill circuit ouvert/ pi ELECTR materiel open circuit characteristics; - 81ectriques / pi PRODUCTION electrical ratings; - de fatigue /pl MECANIQUE materiaux fatigue properties; - de fluage / pi MECANIQUEmateriaux creep properties; - des impulsions / pi ELECTRON pulse characteristics; - mecaniques / pi CONS MECA mechanical properties; - optiques / pi MATERIAUX optical properties; - des performances/ pi CONS MECA performance properties; - de pilotage/ pi ESPACE vehicules handling characteristics; - qualitatlves / pi QUALITE qualitative characteristics; - quantitatives / pi QUALITE quantitative characteristics; - de reglage / pi PHYS RAYON d'un laser mono/requence tuning characteristics; - de saturation / pi PHYS RAYON cavite laser saturation characteristics; - d'un transistor / pi ELECTRON transistor characteristics

carambolage m TRANSPORT multiple pile-up caranguer vi NAUT pendant un coup de vent heave to carapace: - d'air annulalre / NUCLEAIRE interstice annu-

larairgap carat m METROLOGIE carat; - de fin m METROLOGIE carat

fine; - metrique m METROLOGIE metric carat caravane/TRANSPORT caravan (BrE), trailer (ArnE); -

de camping / VEHICULES camper, caravan (BrE), house trailer (ArnE), trailer (ArnE)

carbamate m CHIMIE carbamate carbamide m CHIMIE urea carbamique adj CHIMIE carbamic carbamyle m CHIMIE carbamyl, carbamyle carbanile m CHIMIE carbanil carbanion m CHIMIE carbanion carbazide m CHIMIE carbazide carbazol m CHIMIE carbazole carbazole m CHIMIE carbazole carbllne m CHIMIE carbene carbinol m CHIMIE carbinol carbocyclique adj CHIMIE carbocyclic carboglace/ AGRO ALIM dry ice carbohydrase/ AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE carbohydrase

I carbolique adj CHIMIE carbolic carbonado m MINERAUX carbonado, MINES bort, indus-

trial diamond carbonatation/ CHIMIE carbonatation, carbonation, GE-

OLOGIE neoformation carbonatation, carbonation, HYDROLOGIE carbonation

carbonate m CHIMIE, LESSIVES carbonate; - de calcium m AGRO ALIM calcium carbonate; - de chaux m CHIMIE whiting; - de fer m CHiMIE iron carbonate; - de magnesie m CHAUFFAGE magnesium carbonate; - de potassium m LESSIVES pearl ash, potassium carbonate; - de sodium m LESSIVES sodium carbonate; - de soude m CHiMIE, LESSIVES sodium carbonate, PAPIER soda ash, sodium carbonate

carbonate adj GEOLOGIE carbonated, limy carbonater vt CHiMIE carbonate carbone m (C) CHIMIE carbon (C); - active m PAPIER

activated carbon; - fixe m CHiMIE fixed carbon; -

inorganlque dlssous m POLLUTION dissolved inorganic carbon; - organique dissous m (COD) POLLUTION dissolved organic carbon; - sulfure m POLLUTION carbonyl sulfide (ArnE), carbonyl sulphide(BrE)

carbone adj GEOLOGIE, MA TERIAUX carbonaceous carbonifere 1 adj CHARBON coal-bearing, MINERAUX car-

boniferous carbonifere2 m PETROLE carboniferous carbonlflcation/ CHARBON carbonization carbonlque adj CHiMIE carbonic carbonisage m CONSTR charring carbonisation / CHARBON carbonization, CHIMIE char-

ring carbonlse adj CHIMIE charred, THERMODYN blackened,

burnt, incinerated carbonlser1 vt CHARBON carbonize, THERMODYN

blacken, carbonize carboniser:2 se - v refl CHARBON carbonize carbonyle1 adj MATERIAUX carbonyl carbonyle2 m CHIMIE carbonyl Carborundum m (MD) CHiMIE, CONS MECA Carborun-

dum (TM) carbostyryle m CHIMIE carbostyril carboxylate m CHIMIE carboxylate carboxyle m CHIMIE carboxyl carboxyle adj PLAST CAOU terme chimique carboxylated carboxylique adj CHIMIE carboxylic carboxymethylcellulose / AGRO ALIM, LESSIVES, PLAST

CAOU CMC, carboxymethyl cellulose carboY/EQUIP LAB bonbonne carburant m ESPACE, NAUT, PETROLE, THERMODYN, VE-

HICULES combustible fuel; - auto m PETROLE motor spirit; - diesel m TRANSPORT diesel oil; - embarque m AERONAUT fuel load; - emulslfle m AERONAUT emulsified fuel; - emulsionne m AERONAUT emulsified fuel; - non utilisable recuperable m AERONAUT drainable unusable fuel; - tertiairem AUTO tertiary fuel

carburateur m AUTO, CERAM VER, CONS MECA, MECANIQUE vehicules, NAUT, PRODUCTION, VEHICULES carburetor (ArnE), carburretor (BrE); - compense m AUTO zenith carburetor (ArnE), zenith carburretor (BrE); - ill depression m AUTO suction carburetor (ArnE), suction carburretor (BrE); - ill diffuseur variable m AUTO variable venturi carburetor (ArnE), variable venturi carburretor (BrE); - double corps m AUTO twin carburetor (ArnE), twin carburretor (BrE), twin-barreled carburetor (ArnE), twin-barrelled carburretor (BrE) , twin-choke carburetor (ArnE), twin-choke carburretor (BrE);- ill double corps m AUTO dual carburetor (ArnE), dual carburretor (BrE), MECANIQUE vehicules dual carburetor (ArnE), dual carburretor (BrE); - electronique m TRANSPORT electronic carburetor (ArnE), electronic carburretor (BrE); - ill deux etages m AUTO two-phase carburetor (ArnE), two-phase carburretor (BrE); - horizontal m AUTO, VEHICULES sidedraft carburetor (ArnE), sidedraft carburretor (BrE); - inverse m VEHICULES downdraft carburetor (ArnE), downdraught carburretor (BrE); - quadruple m AUTO four-barrel carburetor (ArnE), four-barrel carburretor (BrE), quad carburretor (BrE); - ill tirage par bas m AUTO downdraft carburetor (ArnE), downdraught carburretor (BrE); - zenith m AUTO zenith carburetor (ArnE), zenith carburettor (BrE)

carbure m CHiMIE carbide, MATERIAUX carbide; - allie m

METALL alloy carbide; - de calcium m CHIMIE calcium carbide; - d'hydrogene m CHIMIE hydrocarbon; - metallique m MECANIQUE materiaux carbide; - primaire m METALL primary carbide; - de silicium m CONS MECA Carborundum (fM), ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE silicon carbide; - de tungstene m CONS MECA, PETROLE tungsten carbide

carbureacteur m AERONAUT jet engine fuel, jet fuel, PETROLE ATK, aviation turbine kerosene, TRANSPORT aviation fuel

carburer vt CHIMIE carburet carbures: - satures m pi GAZ methane series carbylamine / CHIMIE carbylamine, isocyanide careas m PRODUCTION bear, horse, sow carcasse / CONS MECA skeleton, CONSTR carcass, frame,

skeleton, ELECTROTEC carcass, frame, NAUT d'un navire frame, TEXTILE carcass; - de bobine/ELEcTROTEC coil form; - de navire/NAuT hulk; - de recuisson/ CERAM VER annealing kiln; - de stator /ELECTROTEC stator frame

carcinogene! adj CHIMIE carcinogenic carcinogene2 m AGRO ALIM carcinogen carcinotron m (MD)ELECTRON carcinotron, TELECOM

carcinotron (TM); - 0 m PHYSIQUE backward wave oscillator; - de type M m PHYSIQUE type-M carcinotron; - de type 0 m ELECTRON Ootype carcinotron

cardage m TEXTILE carding card an m CONS MECA cardan coupling, gimbal joint; -

de roue m AUTO universal joint; - de transmission m VEHICULES drive shaft (ArnE), propeller shaft (BrE)

carde /TEXTILE card carder vt TEXTILE card carderie /TEXTILE cardroom cardioide / CONS MECA cardioid carenage m AERONAUT, ESP ACE fairing, NAUT careening,

REFRIG fairing; - amont m REFRIG upstream fairing; - aval m REFRIG downstream fairing; - de bout de pale m AERONAUT blade tip fairing; - de raccordement m AERONAUT cellule fillet

Carene / ASTRONOMIE Carina carene adj AERONAUT faired carene! m CHIMIE carene carene2 / AERONAUT hull, NAUT body; -liquide/NAuT

free surface; - sale/NAuT d'un bateau foul bottom carener! vt AUTO streamline carener2 vti NAUT careen, repair cargaison / ESPACE vehicules cargo, NAUT cargo, shi-

pload, shipment; - d'avion/EMBALLAGE air cargo; - diverse / EMBALLAGE general cargo; - retrigeree / TRANSPORT refrigerated cargo

cargneule / GEOLOGIE unite sedimentaire alveolar dolomite, cellular dolomite

cargo m NAUT, TRANSPORT cargo ship, freighter; - brise-glace m TRANSPORT icebreaking cargo ship; - frigorifique m NAUT reefer ship, refrigerated cargo ship, TRANSPORT refrigerated cargo ship; - a manutention horizontale m NAUT roll-on/roll-off vessel; - mixte m TRANSPORT combined cargo and passenger liner, passenger-cargo ship; - mixte passagers-marchandises m TRANSPORT combined cargo and passenger ship; - polytherme m TRANSPORT poly thermal cargo ship; - polyvalent m NAUT multipurpose ship, TRANSPORT multipurpose carrier; - pour marchandises diverses m TRANSPORT general cargo ship; - a roulage direct m TRANSPORT rollon/roll-off ship; - satellite m ESPACE vehicules cargo

satellite; - spatial m ESPACE vehicules heavy-lift vehicle

carie / CONSTR du bois rotting; - hum ide / CONSTR wet rot

carier vt CONSTR rot carlingage: - des machines m NAUT engine seating; - de

turbine m NAUT turbine seating cariingue/NAuT keelson carmin m AGRO ALIM carmine carminique adj CHIMIE acide carminic camallite/MINERAUX carnallite cameau m CHAUFFAGE, PRODUCTION flue; - a air m

PRODUCTION air flue; - de chemlnee m CERAM VER flue; - a gaz m NUCLEAIRE gas vent, issue, PRODUCTION gas flue; - interieur m PRODUCTION d'une chaudiere flue; - de sole m CHAUFFAGE bottom flue

camet: - de bord m AERONAUT journey logbook; - de commandes m PRODUCTION backlog of orders; - de douane m CINEMAT carnet; - de route m AERONAUT journey logbook; - a souches m IMPRIM /aronnage stu book; - de vol m AERONAUT flight log

carnien adj GEOWGIE Carnian camieule / GEOLOGIE unite sedimentaire alveolar do-

lomite, cellular dolomite camitine / CHIMIE carnitine carnotite /MINERAUX carnotite carone/ CHIMIE carone carotene m AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE carotene carottage m CONSTR core sampling, PETR core drilling,

core drilling, coring, PETROLE coring; - lateral m PETR sidewall coring

carotte / CERAM VER stack, CHARBON core sample, CONSTR core, GAZ core sample, MINES core, core sample, drill core, PETROLE core, PLAST CAOU moulage sprue; -Iaterale/PETR sidewall core, PETROLE sidewell core; - orientee/PETR oriented core

carotte-echantilion/MINEs core sample carotter vt GEOLOGIE/orage core carotte-temoin/MINEs core sample, core, drill core carottier m PETROLE core barrel, core drill, corer, coring

tool; - au diamant m PETROLE diamond core drill; - lateral m PETR sidewall core; - a piston m CHARBON piston sampler; - a rubans m CHARBON foil sampler

carottiere: -Iaterale/PETR core slicer caroube / AGRO ALIM carob carpholite/MINERAUX carpholite carrem (Fra) CH DE FER absolute stop signal, CONS MECA

square, CONSTR landing, quirk, square head, NAUT saloon, wardroom; - de Berne m CH DE FER carriage key; - conducteur m CONS MECA square drive; - d'entrainement m CONS MECA outil/age square bit drive; - d'entrainement de cable de compteur de vitesse m AUTO speedometer drive gear; - d'entrainement de la tige carree m PETROLE kelly bushing; - parfait m MATH perfect square; - violet m CH DE FER violet square signal

carreau m CONS MECA square file, CONSTR square, stretcher, tile, de verre pane, MINES d'une carriere head, mine mouth; - de carrelage m CONSTR flooring tile; - de carrelage ceramique m CERAM VER ceramic pavement slab; - de carriere m MINES quarry head; - ceramlque m CERAM VER Dutch tile; - de faience m CERAM VER earthenware slab; - de majolique m CERAM VER majolica tile; - de mine m MINES bankhead, plat, pit, pit bank; - de la mine m MINES pithead; - de reviitement ceramique m CERAM VER ceramic wall tile


carrelage m CONSTR brick pavement, brick paving, decking, floor, tile floor, tile flooring; - en briques m CONSTR brick pavement, brick paving

carreler vt CONSTR floor carrelat m CONS MECA square file, square ruler, CONSTR

zine carte / ELECTRON card, IMPRIM electronique, papier

AUTO road map, NAUT routing chart; - slsmlque / GEOPHYS seismological map; - ill somme cumulee / QUALITE statistique cusum chart; - spectraloide/ESPACE spectral map; - structurale/GEOLOGIE structural map, tectonic map; - structurale de subsurface / GEOLOGIE en isohypses,en isobathes structure contour map, structure subsurface contour map; - de surface Isobare/METEo surface pressure chart; - thermoformee/EMBALLAGE blister card; - de trace de navigation / NAUT plotting chart; - de traitement / TELECOM processing card; - universelle / ELECTRON generalpurpose board; - des vents/METED, NAUT wind chart

carte-Iettre/PAPIER lettercard; - iIIustree/PAPIER illustrated lettercard

carter m AUTO oil pan, CINEMAT d'une camera casing, CONS MECA case, casing, cover, guard, housing, wheel guard, ELECTR moteur, VEHICULES moteur,transmission casing; - d'allumeur m AUTO distributor housing; - de la boite de vitesses m VEHICULES gearbox housing; - de chaine m VEHICULES transmission, motocyciette chaincase; - de la chaine primaire m VEHICULES transmission d'une motocyciette primary chaincase; - de courrole m CONS MECA belt guard; - de differentiel m AUTO differential carrier; - de distribution m AUTO timing cover, timing-gear housing; - d'embrayage m AUTO clutch housing, VEHICULES clutch casing; - en cloche m PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique bellhousing; - d'engrenage m CONS MECA case, casing, cover, guard, wheel guard; - en spirale m AUTO volute casing; - d'entree m CONS MECA inlet case; - en volute m AUTO volute casing; - d'essieu m VEHICULES transmission axle casing, axle housing; - d'essieu arriere m VEHICULES transmission rear axle housing; - de filtre d'hulle m AUTO oil filter; - du frein m AUTO brake housing; - d'hulle m MECANIQUE oil pan, VEHICULES lubrification du moteur sump; - interm8dlalre m AERONAUT intermediate case; - interne m AERONAUT internal wheel case; - moteur m MECANIQUE crankcase; - de pompe m AUTO pump housing; - du pont arrlere m VEHICULES transmission rear axle housing; - de protection m SECURITE guard; - de protection des gllssleres m CONS MECA apron of a lathe; - reacteur m AERONAUT case; - recepteur m CINEMAT bottom spool box; - sec m VEHICULES dry sump; - de securlte m CONS MECA guard; - de sortie m AERONAUT exhaust case; - de ventilateur m INST HYDR fan casing; - de vilebrequln m VEHICULES crankcase; - de volant m VEHICULES flywheel housing

cartographe m CONSTR mapper cartographle / CONSTR mapping carton m AGRO ALiM tetrapak (fM), EMBALLAGE paper-

board, IMPRIM cardboard, papier board, PAPIER board; - affiche m PAPIER pasted ivory board, pasted lined board; - d'amiante m PAPIER asbestos board; - d'asbeste m CONSTR asbestos millboard; - avec compartiments m EMBALLAGE compartment case; - bitume m CONSTR roofing felt, tarred felt; - blanc avec revitement m EMBALLAGE white lined board; - blanchl m PAPIER pour bofte pliante bleached lined board; - bois m IMPRIM pulp board, PAPIER mechanical pulp board; - bois brun m PAPIER brown mechanical pulp board; - calandre humide m IMPRIM water-finished carton, PAPIER water-finished board; - chine m PAPIER veined board; - colore deux faces m PAPIER two-side colored board (AmE), two-side coloured board (BrE); - colore une face m PAPIER one-side


colored board (ArnE), one-side coloured board (BrE); - compact m PAPIER carton compact; - comprime m ELECTR pressboard, insolation insulating board; - contrecolle m IMPRIM pasteboard, PAPIER pasted board; - couche m REVETEMENT coated board; - couche pourboites pllantes m PAPIER coated folding board; - ill couches multiples m EMBALLAGE duplex board; - deux couches m PAPIER two-layer board; - dlelectrlque m PAPIER electrical insulating board; - doub" ill la cuve m PRODUCTION vat lined board; - double toile m PAPIER twin-wire board; - duplex impermeable m EMBALLAGE duplex waterproof board; - dur m PAPIER glazed millboard; - d'emboutissage m EMBALLAGE molded board (AmE), moulded board (BrE); -iIIl'enrouleuse m IMPRIM, PAPIER millboard; - entre-deux fils m PAPIER cloth-centered board (AmE), cloth-centred board (BrE); - entre-deux toiles m PAPIER cloth-centered board (AmE), cloth-centred board (BrE); - exterieur m EMBALLAGE outer case; - feutre m PAPIER felt board; - feutre m PAPIER felt board; - fossile m MINERAUX mountain paper; - frlctionne m PAPIER MG board, machine-glazed board; - de generique m CINEMAT title card; - glace m EMBALLAGE enamel board, glazed board; - grls m EMBALLAGE board mill, chipboard, millboard, IMPRIM, PAPIER chipboard; - gris mixte m PAPIER lined chipboard; - homogene m PAPIER solid board; - imitation chromo m EMBALLAGE imitation chromo board; - Impermeable ill la graisse m EMBALLAGE, PAPIER grease-resistant board; - imprlme pliant m EMBALLAGE printed folding carton; - isolant m CHAUFFAGE insulating board; - jacquard m EMBALLAGE, PAPIER jacquard board; - un jet m PAPIER single ply board; - kraft m EMBALLAGE kraft board; - mecanique m EMBALLAGE machine-made board; - mineral m MINERAUX mountain paper; - de montagne m MINERAUX mountain paper; - mou" m PAPIER molded board (AmE), moulded board (BrE); - multicouche m PAPIER multilayer board; - multijet m EMBALLAGE multiply board; - multiple m EMBALLAGE mUltiple board; - ondu" m EMBALLAGE corrugated board, corrugated cardboard, corrugated fiberboard (AmE), corrugated fibreboard (BrE), PAPIER corrugated board, corrugated cardboard; - ondul8 avec cannelures espacees m EMBALLAGE corrugated board with broadly spaced flutes; - ondule avec cannelures serrees m EMBALLAGE corrugated board with narrowly spaced flutes; - ondule ill double cannelure m EMBALLAGE double-wall corrugated fibreboard (BrE), double-wall corrugated fiberboard (AmE); - ondule ill double face m EMBALLAGE double-face corrugated board; - ondu" ill paroi simple m EMBALLAGE single-wall corrugated fibreboard; - ondute ill plusieurs epalsseurs de cannelures m IMPRIM trans/ormationmultiwall corrugated board; - paillem EMBALLAGE, IMPRIM strawboard; - de paille mixte m PAPIER mixed straw board; - palettlse m EMBALLAGE palletized board; - paraffine m PAPIER waxed board; - de pite brune mixte m PAPIER brown mixed pulp board; - de pate mecanlque m EMBALLAGE mechanical pulp board, PAPIER mechanical pulp board, mechanical woodpulp board; - de pate mecanique brune m PAPIER brown mechanical pulp board, unbleached mechanical pulp board; - plaque bois m PRODUCTION veneer board; - pour chaussures m PAPIER shoe board; - pour emboutissage m PAPIER

board for pressing; - pour etiquettes m TEXTILE tagboard; - pour flan de cllcherie m PAPIER flong; - pour reliure m PAPIER bookbinding board; - pour valise m PAPIER suitcase board; - recouvert par entrecollage m PAPIER pasted ivory board, pasted lined board; - riicupiire lave et comprime m EMBALLAGE washed and squashed consumer waste carton; - renforce m PApmR reinforced board; - resistant aux liquides m EMBALLAGE liquid-proof carton; - rigide pliant m EMBALLAGE rigid and folding cartons; - triplex m EMBALLAGE triple-wall corrugated board; - trois couches m PAPIER three-layer board, triplex board; - vernis d'un cate m EMBALLAGE one-side coated board

cartonnage: - combine pour bouteilles m EMBALLAGE coupled lid-base bottle tray

cartonneuse/EMBALLAGE cardboard machine cartouche/IMPRIM, INFORMAT, MINES, PHOTO, TV renfer-

mant une bobine cartridge, VEHICULES lubrification filter; - a aimant mobile /ENREGISTR moving magnet cartridge; - annexe/CONS MECA annex block (ArnE), annexe block (BrE); - de bande /INFORMAT tape cartridge; - de bande magniitique/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT magnetic tape cartridge; - il blanc / MILITAIRE blank cartridge; - chauffante / CONS MECA moules d'injection cartridge heater; - d'un dessin/coNs MECA engineering drawing block; - de disque/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT disk cartridge; - de donnees /INFORMAT data cartridge; - de dynamite / MINES dynamite cartridge; - a extraction/EQUIP LAB appareil de Soxhlet extraction thimble; - filtrante / GENIE CHIM filter cartridge; - de filtre / MECANIQUE, VEHICULES huile filter cartridge; - a grenaille/MILITAIRE fragmenting shell; - il plaquette amovible / CONS MECA pour outils de coupe cartridge for indexable inserts; - pour bande magnetique sans fin / ACOUSTIQUE endless magnetic loop cartridge

cartouche-amorce /MINES primer cartridge, primer cartoucherie/MILITAIRE cartridge depot, cartridge fac-

case; - d'urgence m SECURITE emergency; - urgent m SECURITE emergency

cascade/cHARBON, ELECTROTEC cascade, HYDROWGIE cascade, waterfall; - d'iilectrons/NucLEAIRE electron cascade, electron shower; - d'energie / PHYS FLUID energy cascade; - generique / NUCLEAIRE generic cascade; - incorporee / REFRIG mixed refrigerant cascade; - radiative /PHYS RAYON radiative cascade; - sans miilange /NUCLEAIRE no-mixing cascade

case/coNs MECA compartment, MINES bunker, ore bin; - a cocher /IMPRIM composition, continu X-box; - a minerai/MINES ore bin; - de train/ AERONAUT wheel well

caseinate: - de sodium m AGRO ALIM sodium caseinate caseine / AGRO ALlM, CHIMIE, PLAST CAOU proteine na-

turelle casein; - acide / AGRO ALIM casein acid; - de presure/ AGRO ALIM rennet casein

caseique acij CHIMIE lactic caserne/ CONSTR barracks casette / CERAM VER fireclay mold (ArnE), fireclay

mould (BrE) caseyage m OCEANO creel fishing caseyeur m OCEANO basket trap, creel, pot casier m EMBALLAGE bin, a bouteille crate, PRODUCTION

bin; - destinatalre m PRODUCTION destination bin casque m ENREGISTR headphones, OCEANO diving hel-

met, SECURITE helmet; - anti bruit m CONSTR earmuffs, EQUIP LAB securite ear protectors, earmuffs, SECURITE earmuffs; - antifumiie m SECURITE smoke helmet; - d'ecoute m ENREGISTR headphones; - a infrarouges m ENREGISTR wireless infrared headphones; - de protection m PETR, SECURITE safety helmet, protective helmet, TRANSPORT safety helmet; - de protection pour I'industrie m SECURITE industrial safety helmet; - respiratoire m SECURITE smoke helmet; - de securite m SECURITE safety helmet; - de securite pour soudeurs m SECURITE welder's safety helmet; - de soudeur m CONSTR welding helmet, SECURITE welder's hood, welding helmet, welding helmet; - stereo m ENREGISTR stereo headphones; - teliiphonique m TELECOM headset; - ventlle pour equipage de char m MILITAIRE ventilated tank crew helmet

cassage m CONSTR breaking cassant adj GEOLOGIE de/ormation, MATERIAUX, ME-

CANIQUE materiaux, PAPIER, PLAST CAOU brittle casse / CERAM VER de pot breaking down, IMPRIM case,

PAPIER wet break, TEXTILE broken end; - annulaire / CERAM VER annular crack; - de bande / IMPRIM impression web break; - en long/ CERAM VER snake; - en splrale / CERAM VER spiral fracture; - en travers / CERAM VER crossbreak, tranverse fracture; - etollee/ CERAM VER star fracture; - du fil de trame/TEXTILE weft stop motion; - mecanique / CERAM VER pad break; - de teinture/TEXTILE rope marking

break casse-coke m CHARBON coke breaker casse-iicrous m CONS MECA nut splitter casse-fli m CERAM VER strand break detector; - de

chaine m TEXTILE warp stop motion; - sur cantre m TEXTILE stop motion on creel

casse-gueuse m PRODUCTION pig iron breaker casse-pierre m CONSTR rock breaker, stone breaker,

stone crusher casserl vt CONSTR break

casse~ vi MECANIQUE fail casser:3 se - v refl CONSTR break casserole: - d'hellce / AERONAUT spinner casses: - de fabrication m pI PAPIER broke; - humides m

plpAPIER wet broke; - secs mplpAPIER dry broke cassette/cERAM VER saggar, ClNEMAT, ENREGISTR cas-

sette, IMPRIM cartridge, INFORMAT, PHOTO, TV avec deux bobines cassette; - compacte /ENREGISTR compact cassette; - coplanaire / ACOUSTIQUE coplanar cartridge; - numerique / ENREGISTR DAT, digital audio tape, ORDINAT digital cassette; - pour magnetoscope / ENREGISTR tape cassette; - pour urographie / INSTRUMENT pyelogram cassette; - radiographique / INSTRUMENT X-ray cartridge; - riiceptrice / PHOTO take-up cassette

casseur m CONSTR breaker steel; - d'emulsion m POLLU MER emulsion breaker

Cassiopee / ASTRONOMIE Cassiopeia cassiterite /MINERAUX cassiterite cassure / CHARBON break, fracture, CONSTR d'un pont

failure, CRISTALL, EN RENOUV fracture, GENIE CHIM breaking, MECANIQUE materiaux fracture; - conchoi"- dale / CRISTALL conchoidal fracture; - a eclats / CHARBON splintery fracture; - de fatigue / CRIST ALL

fatigue fracture; - d'image /TV picture breakup castorine/ CHIMIE castorin cataclase/ GEOLOGIE cataclasis cataclysme m GEOLOGIE cataclasm, cataclysm catadioptre m AUTO reflector, CONSTR sur la route cat's

eye (BrE), TRANSPORT rear reflector, VEHICULES reflex reflector

catadioptrique adj ASTRONOMIE, PHYSIQUE catadioptric catalase/ AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE catalase catalogue m INFORMAT catalog (ArnE), catalogue

(BrE), ORDINAT catalog (ArnE), catalogue (BrE), directory; - d'etoiles m ASTRONOMIE star catalog (ArnE), star catalogue (BrE); - de Messier m ASTRONOMIE Messier catalogue

catalyse / AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE, MATERIAUX catalysis; - sous irradiation/PHYS RAYON radiation catalysis

catalyser vt CHIMIE, PLAST CAOU catalyze catalyseur m CHIMIE catalyst, catalyzer, GAZ, MATERI-

AUX, NAUT, PETROLE, PLAST CAOU, TEXTILE, VEHICULES echappement catalyst; - de Ziegler m CHIMIE Ziegler catalyst

catalytlque adj CHIMIE catalytic catamaran m NAUT catamaran, TRANSPORT catamaran,

twin-hull ship catametamorphisme m GEOLOGIE high-grade meta-

morphism cataphote m CERAM VER cat's eye, VEHICULES reflex

reflector catapleite/MINERAuX catapleiite, catapleite cataracte / CERAM VER du verrier, CHARBON, DISTRI EAU

cataract catastrophe: - ultraviolet / PHYSIQUE ultraviolet cata-

strophe catechinamine / CHIMIE catecholamine catechine / CHIMIE catechol catechutannlque adj CHIMIE catechutannic categorie/BREvETS category, CONS MECA class; - d'aero-

nef / AERONAUT aircraft category; - produit / PRODUCTION product group

catenaire' adj GEOMETRIE catenary catenalre2 / CH DE FER catenary, crossover, overhead

crossover, CHIMIE de reactions serie, PHYSIQUE catenary

catenoide / GEOMETRIE catenoid catergol m ESPACE vehicules catergol cathartique adj CHIMIE acide cathartic cathathermometre m CHAUFFAGE courants d'air ka-

tathermometer cathepsine / CHIMIE cathepsin cathetometre m EQUIP LAB mesure de longueur, d' ecarte-

ment cathetometer, traveling microscope (ArnE), travelling microscope (BrE), PHYSIQUE cathetometer

cathode/ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE, TV cathode; - iII bain de mercure / ELECTROTEC mercury pool cathode; - au cesium / ELECTROTEC caesium cathode (BrE), cesium cathode (ArnE); - chaude/ELEcTROTEC hot cathode; - iII chauffage direct/ELECTROTEC directly-heated cathode, TV rapid heat-up cathode; - iII chauffage Indirect/ELECTROTEC indirect heater-type cathode, indirectly-heated cathode; - chauffee/ELEcTROTEC hot cathode; - commune / ELECTROTEC common cathode; -iII decharge lumlnescente/ELEcTROTEC glow discharge cathode; - iII emission thermoelectrique/ELEcTROTEC thermionic cathode; - a emission thermoelectronique/ELEcTROTEC hot cathode; - en tungstene thorie/ELECTROTEC thoriated


tungsten filament; - equipotentielle/ELECTROTEC indirectly-heated cathode; - frolde/ELEcTROTEC cold cathode; - Impregnee/ELEcTROTEC impregnated cathode; - liquide / ELECTROTEC pool cathode; - a mercure / ELECTROTEC mercury pool cathode; - iII oxydes/ELECTROTEC oxide-coated cathode; - photoemlsslve/ELEcTROTEC photocathode; - de reserve/ ELECTROTEC dispenser cathode

cathodoluminescence /ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE cathodoluminescence

cation m CHIMIE, ELECTR, HYDROLOGIE, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE cation; - basique m POLLUTION base cation; - dominant m POLLUTION dominant cation; - echangeable m POLLUTION exchangeable cation; - majeur m POLLUTION dominant cation; - prinCipal m POLLUTION dominant cation

catlonlque adj CHARBON, CHIMIE, HYDROLOGIE cationic cause: - attribuable/QuALITE assignable cause; - cour-

ante d'accidents / SECURITE common cause of accidents; - de defaillance humalne/QUALITE human failure cause; - de suspension/PRoDUCTiON reason for hold

caustlclte/cHIMIEcausticity caustifier vt CHIMIE causticize caustlque' adj CHIMIE caustic caustique2 m CHIMIE, PHYSIQUE caustic CAY abrev (commande automatique de volume) COM-

MANDE, ELECTROTEC, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE AVe (automatic volume control)

cavalier m CHARBON waling, CONS MECA tangent plate, d'un tour a flleter swing frame, CONSTR staple, wire staple, ELECTROTEC jack plug, ordinateur jumper, EMBALLAGE header label, EQUIP LAB balance rider, PRODUCTION eiectricite jumper, TEXTILE drop wire; - de deblais m CONSTR spoil heap

cave/ CONSTR vault, PETR avant-puits cellar caver vt CONSTR, MINES hollow, hollow out caveme: - cavite/NuCLEAIRE cavity, flaw cavemeux adj GEOLOGIE cavernous cavemosite / CONSTR hollowness cavltant adj MECANIQUE hydraulique cavitating cavitation / CONSTR, EN RENOUV, MECANIQUE hydrau-

cavite/cHARBoN cavity, CONSTR cavity, hollow, ELECTRON, GAZ cavity, MATERIAUX cavity, void, METALL cavity, void, MINES, PETR, PHYSIQUE cavity; - aimant spherique/ESPACE geophysique magnet spheric cavity; - coaxiale / ELECTRON coaxial cavity; - a deux frequences d'accord/ELECTRON double-tuned cavity; - d'entree/ELEcTRON buncher resonator, input cavity; - hyperfrequence/ELEcTRON microwave cavity; - laser/ELECTRON laser cavity; - optique /OPTIQUE optical cavity, PHYS RAYON creation laser optical cavity, des lasers a gaz optical cavity,formee par miroirs plans a reflexion/orte optical cavity, TELECOM optical cavity; - optlque resonnante/oPTIQuE resonant optical cavity, TELECOM cavity resonator; - resonnante/ ELECTRON cavity resonator, resonant cavity, OPTIQUE cavity resonator, resonant cavity, PHYSIQUE cavity resonator, resonant cavity, TELECOM cavity resonator, resonant cavity, cavity resonator, TV cavity resonator; - resonnante iII accord fixe / ELECTRON fixed tuned cavity resonator; - resonnante annulaire/ ELECTRON annular resonator; - resonnante d'entree/ ELECTRON buncher resonator; - resonnante de laser/


ELECTRON laser cavity; - resonnante ouverte / ELECTRON open resonator; - resonnante de sortie / ELECTRON catcher cavity; - saline/GAZ salt cavity;- de sortie/ELECTRON output cavity

cavlter vi PRODUCTION cavitate cavltes: - acc8leratrlces / pi PHYS PART installation

accelerator cavities cayat m CHARBON running jig caye/ocEANocay, key, sandbank Cc abrev ( cirro-cumulus) METEO CC (cirrocumulus) CC abrev (courant continu) CH DE FER, ELECTRON, ELEC-


CCO:· abrev (dispositif a couplage de charge, circuit CCD) , ASTRONOMIE, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV CCD (charge-coupled device)

CC02 - lit canaux entelTes m ELECTRON buried channel CCD

CCl abrev (contr{)le de charge de ligne) TELECOM LLC (line load control)

cd abrev (candela) ELECTROTEC, METROLOGIE, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE cd (candela)

Cd (cadmium) CmMIE Cd (cadmium) COA abrev (couche de demi-attenuation) NUCLEAIRE,

PHYSIQUE HVL (half value layer) CO-ROM abrev (disque compact ROM) INFORMAT,OP-

TIQUE, ORDINAT CD-ROM (compact disk-read only memory)

Ce (cerium) CHIMIE Ce (cerium) CEC abrev (capacite d' echange cationique) GOOWGIE,

PETROLE, POLLUTION CEC (cation exchange capacity) cedant m BREVETS assignor cedatlon: -Iocale/METALL local yielding ceder vi CONSTR give way cedrene m CHIMIE cedrene cedrol m cmMIE cedrol celntreuse/ CH DE FER rail-bending device celnture / IMPRIM j1exographie band, MECANIQUE, VE-

HICULES securite belt; - d'asteroides / ASTRONOMIE asteroid belt; - cartouchiere / MILITAIRE cartridge belt; - chauffante/cHAUFFAGE heating belt; - at 8tuis pour outils / CONS MECA tool belt and pouches; - facettee / NUCLEAIRE faceted ring (ArnE), facetted ring (BrE); - de lest/OCEANO weight belt; - d' Orion/ ASTRONOMIE Orion's belt; - orogenique / GOOWGIE orogenic belt; - de rayonnements/ESPACE geophysique radiation belt; - de rayonnements de Van AUen/ ASTRONOMIE, GEOPHYS, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE Van Allen radiation belt; - de roches vertes / GEOLOGIE greenstone belt; - de sauvetage/NAuT lifebelt; - de s8curite / AERONAUT seat belt, SECURITE safety belt, seat belt, TRANSPORT safety belt, seat belt, VEHICULES safety belt, seat belt; - de securlte lit trois points / TRANSPORT three-point seat belt; - de siege / AERONAUT d' avion militaire seat belt

c8ladonlte/MINERAux celadonite

ce18rite / PHYSIQUE speed; - de la lumiere / PHYSIQUE speed of light; - du son /PHYSIQUE speed of sound; - des vagUes/OCEANO wave velocity

celeste adj ASTRONOMIE celestial c8lestin m MINERAUX celestine, celestite c8lestlne/MINERAUX celestine, celestite celibataire adj PHYSIQUE electron unpaired cello m IMPRIM acetate proof cellulaire adj MATERIAUX cellular; - toeton adj MATERI-

AUX cellular cellule/cINEMAT cell cellule / CHARBON cell, compartment, ELECTROTEC cell,

ESPACE energie cell, secondary battery, storage cell, IMPRIM heliogravure, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM cell; - d'animatlon / CINEMAT animation cell; - de batterie/ELECTROTEC battery cell; - de Bragg/ELECTROTEC Bragg cell; - de conductance / EQUIP LAB analyse conductance cell; - lit couche d'arrit/ELECTROTEC barrier layer cell; - couplee au diaphragme / PHOTO coupled exposure meter; - debrochable / ELECTR draw-out unit; - de diffusion / GENIE cmM diffusion cell; - 81ectrochimique / THERMODYN fuel cell; - d'81ectrolyse/ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE electrolytic cell; - electrolytlque / ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE electrolytic cell; - 81ementaire/cRISTALL, NUCLEAIRE unit cell; - en H/ELECTROTEC H-cell; - en l/ELECTRON L-section; - en T / ELECTRON T -section; - d'epulsement/CHARBON scavenger cell; - d'essai en cuivre /PHYS RAYON copper test cell; - de fabrication/ PRODUCTION manufacturing location; - fermee / PLAST CAOU closed cell; - de flltre/ELECTRON filter section; - galvanique/ CHIMIE galvanic cell; - de Golay /PHYSIQUE Golay cell; - incorporee / CINEMA T built-in light meter, PHOTO built-in exposure meter; - de KelT/ PHYSIQUE Kerr cell; - magn8tique/INFORMAT, ORDINAT magnetic cell; - lit multiplication des 81ectrons / INSTRUMENT multiplier phototube, photomultiplier; - OAM dela couche physique/TELECOM PL-OAM, physical layer operations and maintenance; - OAM de la physique/TELECOM PL-OAM, physical layer operations and maintenance; - ouverte /PLAST CAOU open cell; - passe-bas / ELECTRON low-pass section; - photoconductrlce/ELECTRON photoconductive cell; - photo8lectrique / CINEMAT photocell, ELECTR, ELECTRON pile PEC, photocell, photoelectric cell, ELECTROTEC electric eye, ESPACE energie PEC, photoelectric cell, IMPRIM photocell, PHOTO meter cell, PHYS RAYON PEC, photoelectric cell, PHYSIQUE PEC, photoelectric cell, photocell, PRODUCTION automatisme industriellight sensor, TV PEC, photoelectric cell; - photo8lectrlque ant8rieure /ELECTROTEC frontwall photovoltaic cell; - photo8lectrlque lit metal alcelin/PHoTo alkaline photocell; - photogalvanique/ EN RENOUV photogalvanic cell; - photoreslstante / PHYSIQUE photoconductive cell; - photovoltaique / ESPACE vehicules, PHYSIQUE photovoltaiccell; - photovoltaique lit couche anterleure / ELECTROTEC front-wall photovoltaic cell; - photovoltaique lit couche posterieure / ELECTROTEC back wall photovoltaic cell; - pneumatique/ CHARBON pneumatic cell; - de posemetre/PHOTO light meter cell; - de production / PRODUCTION manufacturing location; - de redresseur /ELECfROTEC rectifier cell; - relaveuse / CHARBON cleaner cell; - au selenium / ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE selenium cell; - au siliclum/ELECTROTEC, EN RENOUV silicon cell; - solaire / ELECTROTEC, EN RE-

NOUV solar cell, ESPACE solar cell, vehieules photovoltaic cell, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, THERMODYN solar cell; - solaire a I'arseniure de gallium j ELECTRON gallium arsenide solar cell; - solaire sans concentrateur j ELECTROTEC nonconcentrator solar cell; - solaire au siliciumjELECTROTEC silicon solar cell; - TRjNAUT TR cell; - TTLjCINEMAT through-the-lens meter


cellulose; - blanchie j EMBALLAGE bleached pulp; - regenereejMATERIAuX regenerated cellulose; - technlquejEMBALLAGE wood pulp

celluloslque adj CHIMIE, TEXTILE cellulosic c8lomMre m AERONAUT ceilometer Celsius adj ( C) METROLOGIE thermodynamique Celsius

(C) cementation j CERAM VER staining, CONS MECA, ME-

CANIQUE proeMe case hardening; - a I'argentj CERAM VER silver staining; - au carbone j CONS MECA, MAT CHAUFF carburizing; - au cuivre j CERAM VER copper staining; - en nolr j CERAM VER black staining; - gazeuse jTHERMODYN gas carburizing

cementite jMATERIAUX metallurgie cementite cendrejPAPIER, PLAST CAOU, POLLUTION, THERMODYN

ash; - de houillejcHARBON coal ash; - d'osjCERAM VER, CHIMIE bone ash; - de soude j CHIMIE soda ash; - volante j CHARBON flue dust, fly ash, POLLUTION fly ash; - volatllejPAPIER fly ash

cendres j pI PAPIER, PLAST CAOU, THERMODYN ash; - exclues j pI POLLUTION ash-free; - volantes j pI CHARBON flue dust, fly ash, POLLUTION fly ash; - volatllesj pI PAPIER fly ash; - volcaniques j pI GEOLOGIE volcanic cinders

cendrier m NUCLEAIRE core catcher, melting core catcher, PRODUCTION ash bin, ash pit

cendrurejPRoDUCTION cinder pit cenomanlen adj GEOLOGIE stratigraphie cenomanian cenozoique1 adj GEOLOGIE stratigraphie Cainozoic cenozoique2 m PETR Tertiary era Centaure j ASTRONOMIE Centaurus centl-prej (e) METROLOGIE centi-( c) centiare m METROLOGIE centiare centigrade adj ( C) METROLOGIE centigrade ( C) centlgramme m METROLOGIE centigram (ArnE), centi-

gramme (BrE) centilitre m METROLOGIE centiliter (ArnE), centilitre

(BrE) centimetre m METROLOGIE centimeter (ArnE), cen-

timetre (BrE); - carre m METROLOGIE square centimeter (ArnE), square centimetre (BrE); - cube m METROLOGIE cubic centimeter (ArnE), cubic centimetre (BrE)

centim8tre-gramme-seconde m (CGS) METROLOGIE centimeter-gram-second (ArnE), centimetregramme-second (BrE) (CGS)

centinormal adj CHIMIE centinormal centipoise m PLAST CAOU unite physique centipoise centrage: 1 _ sur f1ancs adj CONS MECA side fit centrage2 m AERONAUT aircraft balance, CONS MECA

centering (ArnE), centring (BrE), ENREGISTR tracking, MECANIQUE centering (ArnE), centring (BrE); - automatique des tites m TV autotracking; - et blais m TEXTILE bow and bias; - de faisceau m TV X-Y alignment, beam alignment; - de I'image par aim ants permanents m TV permanent magnet centering (BrE), permanent magnet centring (ArnE); - de plste m TV


tracking; - des tites m TV head tracking central: - d'arrivee m TELECOM terminating exchange; -

automatique local m TELECOM CDO, community dial office; - automatique de localite m TELECOM UAX, unit automatic exchange; - automatique prive m TELECOM PAX, private automatic exchange; automatique rural m TELECOM rural automatic exchange; - autonome m TELECOM stand-alone exchange; - de depart m TELECOM originating exchange; electromecanique m TELECOM electromechanical exchange; - electronlque m TELECOM electronic exchange; - interurbaln m TELECOM trunk exchange; - manuel m TELECOM manual exchange; - manuel prive m TELECOM private manual exchange; - d'orlglne m TELECOM home exchange; - a s8lecteurs rotatifs m TELECOM rotary exchange; - serveur m TELECOM serving exchange; - de t8lecommande m COMMANDE remote control center (ArnE), remote control centre (BrE), remote control office;- t8lephonique m TELECOM telephone exchange; - telephonique automatique m TELECOM automatic telephone exchange; - temporel m TELECOM time-division exchange

centrale j PHYSIQUE power station; - aerodynamique j AERONAUT air data computer; - alimentee au gaz j ELECTR gas turbine power station; - atomique j CONSTR nuclear power plant, nuclear power station; - baro-altimetrique j AERONAUT barometric altitude controller; - a betonjcoNsTR concrete batching and mixing plant; - bigyroscopiquej AERONAUT dual platform; - de capj AERONAUT heading data generator; - de chauffage urbain j THERMODYN district heating station; - combineejTHERMODYN combined heat and power station; - de commande d'attitude j ESPACE vehicules attitude control unit; - construlte apres 1975jPOLLUTION new plant; - dieseljELEcTROTEC diesel-electric power station; - d'eau lourde j NUCLEAIRE heavy water plant; - d'electricite thermique j THERMODYN thermal power station; - electrique j CONSTR electricity generating station, ELECTR alimentation power plant, reseau electric power station, ELECTROTEC electric power station, power plant, EN RENOUV powerhouse, MINES, TELECOM electric power station; - 81ectrique au mazoutjELECTR alimentation oil-fired power station; - 81ectrique a mazoutjTHERMODYN oil-fired power station; - 81ectrosolaire j ELECTROTEC solar electric power plant, solar electric power station; - d'energie jTELECOM power plant; - d'enrobagejcoNSTR asphalt plant; - eoliennejELEcTROTEC wind-electric power station; - de force motricejELEcTRoTEC central power plant; - froidej REFRIG cold store; - au fuel j NUCLEAIRE oil-fired power plant; - a gachage j CONSTR batch plant; - generatricejELECTROTEC central power plant, power plant; - g80thermique jELECTR alimentation geothermal plant, ELECTROTEC geothermal power station; - gyroscoplque j AERONAUT gyroscopic platform; - a haute tensionjELEcTRoTEC high-tension power supply; - heliogeneratrice j ELECTROTEC solar electric power plant, solar electric power station; - hydrauUque j ESPACE hydraulic generator, vehieules hydraulic power pack, HYDROLOGIE hydroelectric power station, INST HYDR hydraulic generator, MINES hydraulic power pack; - hydro-electrlque j ELECTR alimentation hydroelectric power station, ELECTROTEC hydroelectric power plant, hydroelectric power

station; - hydroelectrlque!ELECTROTEC water power station, HYDROWGIE hydroelectric power station; - inertlelle!EsPAcE vehicules inertial unit; - non surveillee ! TELECOM unattended exchange, unmanned exchange; - nucl8aire! CONSTR nuclear power plant, nuclear power station, ELECTR generateur nuclear power station, PHYSIQUE nuclear power plant, nuclear power station; - nuclt~alre a deux clrcuits!NUCLEAIRE two-circuit nuclear power plant; - nucleaire a deux reacteurs ! NUCLEAIRE twin-reactor station; - nucl8alre de pointe!NUCLEAIREproduction d'e!ectricite peak load nuclear power plant; - nucleaire a trois circuits ! NUCLEAIRE three-circuit nuclear power plant; - de pointe! ELECTR reseau peak load power plant; - de reference d'attitude! ESPACE vehicules attitude reference unit; - de reference de direction et d'attitude! ESPACE vehicules TADG, heading and vertical reference unit system, three-axis data generator; - de reference de verticale! ESPACE vehicu/es vertical reference unit; - solaire! EN RENOUV solar farm; - solaire photovoltaique! ELECTROTEC photovoltaic solar power plant; - thermique!ELECTROTEC thermal electric power plant, thermal electric power station, NUCLEAIRE usine thermal power plant, THERMODYN heat flow diagram; - thermlque it combustibles fossiles! ELECTR, THERMODYN fossilfuel power station; - thermique a vapeur ! ELECTROTEC steam-electric power plant, steam-electric power station; - it turbine it gaz ! ELECTR alimentation gas turbine power station

centralise adj ORDINAT centralized centre:' - a centre adj CONS MECA center-to-center

(ArnE), centre-to-centre (BrE); au - du navire adj NAUT midship

ter hole (ArnE), centre hole (BrE), GEOMETRIE, TELECOM center (ArnE), centre (BrE); - d'acldlte m POLLUTION acidic area; - acoustique effectif m ENREGISTR effective acoustic center (ArnE), effective acousticcentre(BrE);- acoustlque d'une source m ACOUSTIQUE effective center of acoustic source (ArnE), effective centre of acoustic source (BrE); - automatique de commutation de messages m TELECOM automatic message switching center (ArnE), automatic message switching centre (BrE); - avec chanfrein de protection m CONS MECA center hole with protecting chamfer (ArnE), centre hole with protecting chamfer (BrE); - de basse pression m METEO center of low pressure (ArnE), centre of low pressure (BrE); - de carene m NAUT center of buoyancy (ArnE), centre of buoyancy (BrE); - du cercle circonscrit m GEOMETRIE circumcenter (ArnE), circumcentre (BrE); - de charge m PRODUCTION work center (ArnE), work centre (BrE); - du coeur m OPTIQUE, TELECOM core center (ArnE), core centre (BrE); - de collecte de donnees m TELECOM DCC, data collection center (ArnE), data collection centre (BrE); - de commutation m TELECOM switching center (ArnE), switching centre (BrE); - dEl commutation de circuits m TELECOM circuit switching center (ArnE), circuit switching centre (BrE); - de commutation de donnees m ORDINAT, TELECOM DSE, data switching exchange; - de commutation en mode vlrtuel m TELECOM virtualcircuit switching node; de commutation International m TELECOM ISC, international switching

center (ArnE), international switching centre (BrE); - de commutation maritime m TELECOM MSC, maritime switching center (ArnE), maritime switching centre (BrE); - de commutation de messages m INFORMAT store-and-forward switching center (ArnE), storeand-forward switching centre (BrE), TELECOM message switching center (ArnE), message switching centre (BrE); - de commutation mobile m TELECOM MSC, mobile switching center (ArnE), mobile switching centre (BrE); - de commutation numerique m TELECOM digital switching center (ArnE), digital switching centre (BrE); - de commutation numerlque du reseau principal m TELECOM D MNSC, digital main network switching center (ArnE), digital main network switching centre (BrE); - de commutation de paquats m TELECOM PSE, packet switching exchange; - de contrOle m ESPACE vehicules control center (ArnE), control centre (BrE); - de contrOle de la circulation aerienne m AERONAUT air traffic control center (ArnE), air traffic control centre (BrE); - de contrOle et de commandement m NAUT command and control center (ArnE), command and control centre (BrE); - de contrOle radar d'approche m TRANSPORT radar approach control center (ArnE), radar ap-

proach control centre (BrE); - de coordination de sauvatage m AERONAUT, NAUT rescue coordination center (ArnE), rescue coordination centre (BrE); - de courbure m GEOMETRIE, PHYS RAYON de lentille ou miroir, PHYSIQUE center of curvature (ArnE), centre of curvature (BrE); - de coOts m PRODUCTION cost center (ArnE), cost centre (BrE); - de decision m PRODUCTION control center (ArnE), control centre (BrE); - depressionnaire m METEO center of low pressure (ArnE), centre of low pressure (BrE); - de derive m NAUT center of lateral resistance (ArnE), centre of lateral resistance (BrE); - de direction m ESPACE control center (ArnE), control centre (BrE); - de distribution m TELECOM distribution center (ArnE), distribution centre (BrE); - eruptif m GEOWGIE volcanisme eruption point; - d'essais en vol m AERONAUT flight test center (ArnE), flight test centre (BrE); - d'exploitation m TELECOM operations center (ArnE), operations centre (BrE); - de facturation m TELECOM billing center (ArnE), billing centre (BrE); - fixe m MECANIQUE center of motion (ArnE), centre of motion (BrE); - de frals m PRODUCTION cost center (ArnE), cost centre (BrE); - de la gaine m OPTIQUE, TELECOM cladding center (ArnE), cladding centre (BrE); - galactique m ASTRONOMIE galactic center (ArnE), galactic centre (BrE); - de gestion m TELECOM NCC, management center (ArnE), management centre (BrE), network control center (ArnE), network control centre (BrE); - de gestlon d'exploitation et de maintenance m TELECOM OAMC, operation administration and maintance center (ArnE), operation administration and maintenance centre (BrE); - de gestion de reseau m TELECOM NCC, NMC, network control center (ArnE), network control centre (BrE), network management center (ArnE), network management centre (BrE); - de gravlte m CONSTR, ESPACE vehicules, MECANIQUE, NAUT, PHYSIQUE center of gravity (ArnE), centre of gravity (BrE); - de gravite de la flottaison m NAUT center of flotation (ArnE), centre of flotation (BrE), center of waterplane area (ArnE), centre of waterplane area (BrE); - hyperbare m OCEANO hyperbaric center (ArnE), hyperbaric centre

(BrE); - d'inertie m MECANIQUE, PHYSIQUE center of inertia (ArnE), centre of inertia (BrE); - d'information de vol m AERONAUT flight information center (ArnE), flight information centre (BrE); - Informatlque m INFORMAT DPC, data processing center (ArnE), data processing centre (BrE); - international automatlque m TELECOM international switching center (ArnE), international switching centre (BrE); - international de commutation de donnees m TELECOM IDSE, international data switching exchange; - international de transit principal m TELECOM main international switching center (ArnE), main international switching centre (BrE), main international trunk switching center (ArnE), main international trunk switching centre (BrE); - interurbain m TELECOM trunk exchange; - d'inverslon m CRISTALL inversion center (ArnE), inversion centre (BrE); - de maintenance des acces client m TELECOM CAMC, customer access maintenance center (ArnE), customer access maintenance centre (BrE); - de masse m ESPACE barycentre (BrE), barycenter (ArnE), center of mass (ArnE), centre of mass (BrE), MECANIQUE center of gravity (ArnE), centre of gravity (BrE), center of mass (ArnE), centre of mass (BrE), PHYSIQUE center of mass (ArnE), centre of mass (BrE); - nodal m TV switching center (ArnE), switching centre (BrE); - d'operateurs m TELECOM operator center (ArnE), operator centre (BrE); - d'operations m ESPACE vehicules operation center (ArnE), operation centre (BrE); - optJque m PHYSIQUE optical center (ArnE), optical centre (BrE); - d'oscillation m PHYSIQUE center of oscillation (ArnE), centre of oscillation (BrE); - de percussion m MECANIQUE center of impact (ArnE), centre of impact (BrE), PHYSIQUE center of percussion (ArnE), centre of percussion (BrE); - de poussee m AERONAUT aerodynamique center of pressure (ArnE), centre of pressure (BrE), ESPACE vehicules center of thrust (ArnE), centre of thrust (BrE), HYDROLOGIE center of buoyancy (ArnE), center of displacement (ArnE), centre ofbuoyancy (BrE), centre of displacement (BrE), NAUT aerodynamic center (ArnE), aerodynamic centre (BrE), center of buoyancy (AmE), centre of buoyancy (BrE), PHYSIQUE center of pressure (ArnE), centre of pressure (BrE); - de poussee de la pale m AERONAUT blade center of pressure (ArnE), blade centre of pressure (BrE); - de preSSion m AERONAUT center of pressure (ArnE), centre of pressure (BrE); - de radar m MILITAIRE radar station; - de rattachement m TELECOM local exchange, serving exchange; - de recherche sur les communications m TELECOM CRC,communications research center (ArnE), communications research centre (BrE); - de rectification m CONS MECA grinding center (ArnE), grinding centre (BrE); - de rectification Ii 7 axes m CONS MECA grinding center with 7 axis (ArnE), grinding centre with 7 axis (BrE); - de relaxation m METALL relaxation center (ArnE), relaxation centre (BrE); - RNIS m TELECOM ISDN exchange, integrated digital services exchange; - satellite m TELECOM RSU, remote switching unit, dependent exchange; - secondaire de perturbation m PHYS ONDES secondary center of disturbance (ArnE), secondary centre of disturbance (BrE); - spatial m ESPACE space center (ArnE), space centre (BrE); - de sustentation m AERONAUT lift center (ArnE), lift centre (BrE); - de symetrie m CRIST ALL center of symmetry (ArnE), centre of symmetry


(BrE); - thermique m REFRIG thermal center (ArnE), thermal centre (BrE); - de traltement de donnees m INFORMAT, TELECOM DPC, data processing center (ArnE), data processing centre (BrE); - de traltement d'informations m INFORMAT DPC, data processing center (ArnE), data processing centre (BrE); - de transit m TELECOM GSC, group switching center (ArnE), group switching centre (BrE), transit switching center (ArnE), transit switching centre (BrE), trunk switching center (ArnE), trunk switching centre (BrE), TELECOM (eT) trunk transit exchange; - de transit principal m TELECOM main trunk switching center (ArnE), main trunk switching centre (BrE); - de transit prive m TELECOM hub; - d'usinage m CONS MECA machine center (ArnE), machine centre (BrE), MECANIQUE machining center (ArnE), machining centre (BrE); - velique m NAUT center of wind pressure (ArnE), centre of wind pressure (BrE)

Centre: - de contrOle technique et operatlonnel m ESPACE communications TOCC, Technical and Operational Control Centre; - europeen pour la recherche nucl8aire m PHYS PART European Centre for Nuclear Research; - d'exploitation Intelsat m ESPACE communications lOS, Intelsat Operations Centre; - de transit International m ESPACE communications International Transit Centre

centrer vt PHOTO align centreur m CONS MECA centering pin (ArnE), centring

pin (BrE), PETROLE centralizer; - de foret m CONS MECA drilliocater

centrifugation / CHARBON Centrifuging, CHIMIE, DISTRI EAU, HYDROWGIE centrifugation

centrifuge adj GENIE CHIM, MECANIQUE, PHYSIQUE centrifugal

centrifuger1 vt CHARBON, GENIE CHIM, PLAST CAOU operation centrifuge

centrifugeur m CHIMIE, EQUIP LAB separation centrifuge, GENIE CHIM centrifugal machine; - Ii main m EQUIP LAB separation hand centrifuge; - Ii supra vitesse m EQUIP LAB separation ultracentrifuge

centrifugeuse / GENIE CHIM centrifugal machine, centrifuge, MECANIQUE, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU centrifuge; - Ii bol perfore / CHARBON basket centrifuge; - Ii bol plein/CHARBoN bowl centrifuge

centripete adj PHYSIQUE centripetal centroide adj GEOMETRIE centroid centro-symetrique adj METALL space-centered (ArnE),

space-centred (BrE) centrosymetrique adj CRIST ALL centrosymmetric cephalopode m GEOLOGIE paieontologie cephalopod cephalosporine / CHIMIE cephalosporin Cephee/ ASTRONOMIE Cepheus Cephllide / ASTRONOMIE Cepheid cepstre m ELECTRON cepstrum ceramique / CERAM VER, CHIMIE ceramic; - dentaire /

CERAM VER dental ceramic ceramiques: - superplastlques / pI MATERIAUX super-

plastic ceramics ceramiste m CERAM VER ceramist, clay worker ceramo-plastiques m pi MA TERIAUX ceramoplastics cerargyrite/MINERAUX cerargyrite, kerargyrite cerasine/ CHIMIE cerasin cerceau m MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION d'un tonneau hoop cerclage m EMBALLAGE banding, hooping, steel band

strapping, PRODUCTION hooping; - en polypropylene m EMBALLAGE polypropylene strap


cercle m CERAM VER plunger ring, CONS MECA de galets, de billes, EMBALLAGE, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION d'un tonneau hoop; - de base m CONS MECA d'un engrenage a denture en developpante base circle; - de boulonnage m PRODUCTION bolt circle; - de calage horaire m INSTRUMENT polar axis circle; - cireonscrlt m GEOMETRIE circumcircle, circumscribed circle; concentrlque m GEOMETRIE concentric circle; - de confusion m CINEMAT, PHOTO circle of confusion; - de contaet m CONS MECA dividing circle, pitch circle, pitch line; - de couronne m CONS MECA addendum circle, outside circle, point circle; - de declinaison m INSTRUMENT, PHYSIQUE declination circle; - de distance fixe m NAUT calibration ring; - de distance variable m NAUT variable range marker; - de division m CONS MECA dividing circle, pitch circle, pitch line; - d'echanfreinement m CONS MECA outside circle, point circle; - an feuillard m EMBALLAGE band iron; - d'evidement m CONS MECA dedendum circle; - exterleur m CONS MECA addendum circle, blank circle, outside circle, point circle; - de glissament m CONSTR, GEOLOGIE slip circle; - gradue m GEOMETRIE, INSTRUMENT divided circle, graduated circle; - horaire m METROLOGIE hour circle; - inscrit m GEOMETRIE inscribed circle; - limite m CONS MECA clearance circle; - meridian m INSTRUMENT meridian circle; - de moindre aberration m PHOTO circle ofleast confusion; - osculateur m GEOMETRIE kissing circle; - de pe~age m PRODUCTION bolt circle; - primitif m CONS MECA dividing circle, pitch circle, pitch line; - de Rowland m PHYSIQUE Rowland circle; - tangent m GEOMETRIE tangent circle; - de tite m CONS MECA addendum circle, blank circle, outside circle, point circle

cere": - de fer adj PRODUCTION ironbound cercler vt MECANIQUE hoop cercleuse/EMBALLAGE strapping machine cerco m OCEANO purse seine cereales: - panifiablesl pi AGRO ALIM bread grain cereallnel CHIMIE cerealin, diastase cerealose m cmMIE cerealose cererite/MiNERAUX cererite, cerite ceresinel CmMIE ceresin, ceresine cereux adj CHIMIE cerous cerf-volant m AERONAUT kite cerine/cmMIE, MINERAuxcerin cerique adj CmMIE ceric ceri-rouge m CERAM VER ceri-rouge cerite IMINERAUX cererite, cerite cerium m (Ce) CHIMIE cerium (Ce) CERN abrev (Conseil europeen pour la recherche nu-

cteaire) PHYS PART CERN (European Organization lor Nuclear Research)

cerotique adj CHIMIE cerotic certificat m BREVETS certificate; - d'acceptation m

QUALITE acceptance certificate; - agr66 de premiers secours m SECURITE approved first aid certificate; - d'assurance de la qualite m CONS MECA quality assurance certificate; - de brevet m BREVETS patent certificate; - de conformite m CONS MECA certificate of conformity, QUALITE certificate of compliance, certificate of conformity; - de construction m NAUT builder's certificate; - d'homologation m AERONAUT approval certificate; - d'immatriculation m AERONAUT certificate of registration, NAUT ship's register; - de navigabllite m AERONAUT certificate of airworthiness, NAUT certificate of seaworthiness; - de reception m

QUALITE acceptance certificate; - d'utllite m BREVETS utility certificate

certification IINFORMAT, ORDINAT, QUALITE certification

certifier vt AERONAUT en etat de navigabilite certify, QUALITE authenticate, certify

ceruleum m cmMIE ceruleum ceruse/cmMIEceruse, white lead ceruslte/MiNERAUX cerusite, cerussite cervantite/MiNERAUX cervantite cerylique adj cmMIE cerylic cesium m cmMIE cesium (ArnE), caesium (BrE) cession I BREVETS assignment; - de Iicance/QuALITE

transfer oflicense cessionnaire m BREVETS assignee c6tane m CmMIE cetane c6tazinel CHIMIE ketazine cetene m CmMIE keten, ketene c6timine/cHIMIE ketimine ceto-acides m pi cmMIE keto-acids cetonel cmMIE, PLASr CAOU ketone cetonique adj CHIMIE ketonic cetose m CmMIE ketose cetyle m CHIMIE cetyl ceylanite/MINERAux ceylanite, ceylonite ceylonite/MINERAux ceylanite, ceylonite Cf (californium) CHIMIE Cf (californium) CFAO abrev (conception et labrication assistees par

ordinateur) ORDINAT, PRODUCTION CADCAM (computer-aided design and manulacture)

CFC abrev CHIMIE (cubique alaces centrees) , CRISTALL (cubique alaces centrees) FCC (lace-centered cubic,

lace-centred cubic), EMBALLAGE ( chlorofluorocarbone) POLLUTION ( chlorofluorocarbone) , CFC (chlorofluorocarbon)

CG abrev (convertisseur de gestion) TELECOM chargemetering converter

CGL abrev (chromatographie gaz-liquide) POLLUTION, THERMODYN gas liquid chromatography

CGS abrev METROLOGIE (centimetre-gramme-seconde) CGS (centimetre-gramme-second) , POLLUTION (chromatographie gaz-solide) gas solid chromatography

chabasite/MINERAux chabasite, chabazite chabotte/coNs MECA de marteau-pilon anvil block chaDle I GEOLOGIE concentration locale de silice chert

nodule chainage m CONSTR chainage, chaining, ORDINAT chain-

ing; - de donnees m INFORMAT, ORDINAT data chaining; - de donnees de commandes repetitives m IMPRIM concatenation; - de programmes m ORDINAT program linking

chaine I CHIMIE, CONS MECA, GEOLOGIE chain, IMPRIM string, de caracteres au-dessus de la ligne normale de texte superscript, INFORMAT chain, string, MECANIQUE, METROLOGIE chain, NAUT chain cable, chain, ORDINAT chain, string, PAPIER warp, TEXTILE chain, warp, TV de diffusion TV channel, network, VEHICULES distribution, transmission chain; - d'aetion I EUlCTROTEC forward path; - d'aliongement/MINES drill chain; - d'amarrage lPOLLU MER mooring chain; - d'ancre I NAUT anchor chain; - d'approvisionnement I GAZ distribution system; - d'arpentage I CONSTR engineer's chain, land measuring chain, measuring chain, surveyor's chain; - d'arpenteur I CONSTR measuring chain, surveyor's chain; - II articu-

lationS/CONS MECA pintle chain; - d'asservlssement/ COMMANDE servoloop; - a augets / CONSTR bucket chain; - avec axes sans douilles / CONS MECA pintle chain; - binaire/INFORMAT, ORDINAT bit string; - de bits/INFORMAT, ORDINAT bit string; - callbree/coNs MECA pitch chain, pitched chain; - de caracteres / IMPRIM composition electronique, INFORMAT character string; - de charge / CONS MECA d'un palan, d'un monte-charge load chain, CONSTR d'un palan. d'un monte-charge lifting chain, PRODUCTION, SECURITE load chain; - charniere / CONS MECA pour con voyeur flat-top chain; - clnematlque / AUTO power train, MECANIQUE kinematic chain; - de codes / IMPRIM composition, in/ormatique code string; - de commande / ESPACE command link; - compacte / ENREGISTR three-in-one stereo component system; - de connexlon/TELEcOM connection; - de contrepolds / CONS MECA balance chain; - de contrale d'un rayonnement/NuCLEAIRE radiation channel; - convoyeuse / CONS MECA conveyor chain; - dedlee /TV dedicated channel; - de desintegration/PHYSIQUE decay chain; - desordonnee / CHIMIE polymere disordered chain; - de diodes/ELECTRON diode string; - directe/ELECTROTEC forward path; - de distribution/AUTO timing chain, EMBALLAGE distribution chain, VEHICULES moteur camshaft drive chain; - de distribution a rouleaux / AUTO roUer timing chain; - de distribution silencleuse/ AUTO noiseless-timing chain; - dragueuse / MINES, NAUT dredge chain; - droite / CIDMIE straight chain; - duplex / AUTO, VEHICULES transmission duplex chain; - dynamique / AERONAUT power train; - 81ectroacoustlque / ACOUSTIQUE electroacoustic chain; - d'81ements/ELEcTRON daisy chain; - d'emballage / EMBALLAGE packaging line; - d'emballage pour liquides / EMBALLAGE liquid-packaging line; - d'emballage thermoforme/EMBALLAGE blister packing line; - d'emetteurs / ELECTROTEC network; - encollee/TEXTILE sized warp; - en gerbe/coNs MECA indented chain; - en mailles d'acier moul8 a goujons/ CONS MECA pintle chain; - d'enreglstrement/Tv recording chain; - en S / PRODUCTION curbed chain; - d'entrainement/vEIDcULES transmission drive chain; - d'entrainement d'arbre a cames /VEHICULES moteur camshaft drive chain; - eprouvee / CONS MECA tested chain; - d'equilibrage / CONS MECA balance chain; - fermee / CIDMIE closed chain, ring; - frigorifique / REFRIG cold chain; - froide/REFRIG cold chain; - a fuseau / CONS MECA stud chain, CONSTR pin chain; - Galle / CONS MECA, MECANIQUE sprocket chain; - a godets / CONSTR bucket chain; - de Gunter/ CONSTR Gunter's chain; - d'informations/Tv news network; - d'isolateurs suspendus / ELECTROTEC cap and pin insulator; - laterale / CIDMIE d' atomes side chain; - de lecture / ENREGISTR playback system; - de levage / CONS MECA d'un palan. d'un monte-charge lifting chain, load chain, CONSTR d'un palan, d'un montecharge, PRODUCTION, SECURITE lifting chain; - de levage a mallies jolntlves / CONS MECA leaf chain; - Loran / AERONAUT navigation Loran chain; - il mailIonS/CONS MECA, PAPIER, PRODUCTION link chain; - a maillons courts / CONS MECA short-link chain; - il maillons non-rives forges par estampage / CONS MECA drop-forged rivetless chain; - a mall Ions ouverts / PRODUCTION link chain; - il mall Ions plats/CONS MECA block chain; - a main / CONSTR hand chain; - de manoeuvre/PRoDUCTION d'un palan, d'un monte-


charge hand chain; - de mesure de la constante de temps/NuCLEAIRE period measuring channel; - de mise en bouteilles / EMBALLAGE bottling line; - de montage/coNs MECA, EMBALLAGE, MECANIQUE, NAUT, PRODUCTION assembly line; - de montagne/GEOLOGIE mountain chain; - de moulliage/NAuT anchor chain, POLLU MER mooring chain; - non-ramifiee / CIDMIE straight chain; - ordonnee / CIDMIE ordered chain; - ouverte / CIDMIE open chain, PRODUCTION link chain; - de pliotage/EsPAcE vehicule spatial attitude control unit; - de pointeurs /INFORMAT, ORDINAT pointer chain; - porte-couteau / CHARBON cutter chain; - de precision a rouleaux et roue dentee / CONS MECA precision roUer chain and chain wheel; - de production / EMBALLAGE, NAUT production line; - de production a marche continue / EMBALLAGE continuous production line; - de production pour fermetures / EMBALLAGE closure production line; - radioactive/PHYSIQUE radioactive series; - ramifiee/ CIDMIE branched chain; - de Ramsden / CONSTR Ramsden's chain; - dereaction/coMMANDE feedback chain; - de recherche /IMPRIM search string; - de refroidissement/REFRIG cold chain; - de remplissage /EMBALLAGE filling line; - de remplissage de boites / EMBALLAGE can filling line (ArnE), tin filling line (BrE); - de remplissage de sacs / EMBALLAGE sack filling line; - de reproduction/Tv reproducing chain; - de resistances / ELECTROTEC resistor string; - de retour /ELECTRON feedback loop; - de retroaction/ ELECTRON feedback loop; - a rouleaux / CONS MECA roUer chain; - de roulis / AERONAUT pilote automatique roU channel; - a ruban d'acier / CONSTR band chain, band tape, steel band chain; - sans fin/PAPIER, VEHICULES endless chain; - sans fin a picotS/TEXTILE endless pin chain; - de securite / SECURITE safety chain; - serree/coNs MECA short-link chain; - sp6cialisee / TV dedicated channel; - de sOrete / CONS MECA safety chain, MINES bridle chain; - de suspenSion/PRODUCTION chain sling, sling, SECURITE chain sling; - de symboles/INFORMAT symbol string; - de tangage / AERONAUT pitch channel; - de t8lecinema/ CINEMAT telecine chain; - d'un tissU/PAPIER, TEXTILE warp; - torse/PRoDUCTION curbed chain; - train ante /MINES creeper chain; - de transmission a douilles/ CONS MECA transmission bush chain; - de transmiSSion a maillons coudes/CONS MECA cranked link transmission chain; - de TV a peage/TELECOM pay television network; - unitalre / INFORMA T, ORDINAT unit string; - de Vaucanson / PRODUCTION ladder chain; - de vernissage /REVETEMENT enameling line (ArnE), enameUing line (BrE); - vide /INFORMAT, ORDINAT empty string, nuU string

chaine-cilble/MINEs cable chain; - a mailles serrees/ CONS MECA short-link chain cable

chainee /METROLOGIE chain chaine-Galle: - il fuseau/coNs MECA stud chain chainer vt CONSTR chain, INFORMA T, ORDINAT concaten-

ate chainetier m PRODUCTION chainsmith chainette / CONS MECA chain, GEOMETRIE, MECANIQUE,

NAUT catenary; - il boules / CONS MECA beaded chain chaineur m CONSTR chainman chainler m PRODUCTION chain maker, chainsmith chainiste m PRODUCTION chain maker, chainsmith chainon m CONS MECA d'une chafne link, d'un ciible-



chair / CERAM VER orange peel; - fossile / MINERAUX mountain flesh; - minerale / MINERAUX mountain flesh

chaise / CONS MECA hanger, seat, seating, MECANIQUE bracket, PRODUCTION de laminoir chock; - console / MINES bracket hanger, wall bracket; - a deux Jambages/PRoDUCTION sling hanger; - en bout/CONSTR angle bracket, MINES pour transmissions end bracket, end wall bracket; - en U /PRODUCTION sling hanger; - de gabler /NAUT boatswain's chair; - grillage/REFRIG unit housing; - d'helice/NAUT propeller bracket; - palier / CONS MECA hanger with bearings, PRODUCTION plummer block; - pendante/MINEs pendant bracket; - pendante a deuxjambes/PRoDUCTION sling hanger; - de sol/MINES floor hanger, standard

chaise-applique/MINES bracket hanger, wall bracket chaland m NAUT barge, lighter, PETR barge, TRANSPORT

barge, freight barge; - automoteur m NAUT self-propelled barge; - a clapets m NAUT hopper, hopper barge; - de debarquement m MILITAIRE landing barge; - d'ecremage m POLLU MER skimming barge; - ecremeur m POLLU MER skimming barge; - r6cuperateur m POLLU MER skimming barge; - sans moteur m NAUT dumb barge

chaland-citeme m TRANSPORT tank barge chalcanthite/MINERAUX chalcanthite, cyanose, cyano-

site chalcocite / MINERAUX chalcocite, chalcosine, chalco-

sine chalcolite / MINERAUX chalcolite, NUCLEAIRE copper

uranite, torbernite chalcomenite /MINERAUX chalcomenite chalcomorphite/MINERAUX chalkomorphite chalcone/ cmMIE chalcone chalcophanite/MINERAuX chaIcophanite chalcophile adj MATERIAUX chalcophilous chalcophyllite/MINERAUX chalcophyllite chalcopyrite / MATERIAUX copper pyrites, MINERAUX

chalcopyrite chalcopyrrhotite /MINERAUX chalcopyrrhotine, chalco-

pyrrhotite chalcosiderite/MINERAUX chalcosiderite chalcostiblte /MINERAUX chaIcostibite chalcotrichite/MINERAUX chaIcotrichite chaleurl / CmMIE, ESPACE, MAT CHAUFF, PAPIER,

PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, TEXTILE, THERMODYN heat; - d'absorption / THERMODYN heat of absorption; - d'activation/THERMODYN heat of activation; - d'adsorption / NUCLEAIRE adsorption heat; - ardente / THERMODYN burning heat; - blanche / THERMODYN white heat; - de combinaison/THERMODYN heat of combination; - de combustion / CmMIE heat of combustion, THERMODYN combustion heat; - de compression/THERMODYN heat of compression; - de condensatlon/METEO, THERMODYN heat of condensation; - de convection/THERMODYN convection heat;- de decomposition / cmMIE heat of decomposition; - de dilatation / THERMODYN heat of expansion; - de dissociation/THERMODYN heat of dissociation; - de dissolution/THERMODYN heat of solution; - douce/ THERMODYN warmth; - efficace/THERMODYN available heat; - enlevee/REFRIG heat removed; - evacuee au condenseur /REFRIG condenser heat; - d'evaporation/THERMODYN heat of vaporization; - d'expanslon / THERMODYN heat of expansion; - de fond / CERAM VER bottom heat; - deformation/cHIMIE, THERMODYN

heat of formation; - de friction /THERMODYN heat caused by friction; - de fusion/THERMODYN heat of fusion, melting heat; - des gaz briiles/THERMODYN waste gas heat; - de haute qualite/NUCLEAIRE highgrade heat; - d'hydratation / CONSTR, THERMODYN heat of hydration; - d'incandescence / THERMODYN glowing heat; - latente / CHAUFFAGE, CONSTR, MECANIQUE, METEO, PETROLE raffinage, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN latent heat; - latente de compresslon/THERMODYN latent heat of compression; - latente de cristaliisation/THERMODYN latent heat of solidification; - latente d'evaporation / THERMODYN latent heat of evaporation; - latente d'expansion / THERMODYN latent heat of expansion; - latente de fuSion/PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN latent heat offusion;- latente de la glace/REFRIG ice melting equivalent; - latente massique / PHYSIQUE specific latent heat; - latentedetransformation/THERMODYN latent heat of transformation; -Iatente de vaporisation/PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN latent heat of vaporization; - massique/ CHAUFFAGE, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG specific heat; - de melange / THERMODYN heat of mixing; - moderee / THERMODYN gentle heat; - mol6culaire/THERMODYN molecular heat; - de neutralisation/THERMODYN heat of neutralization; - perdue/cHAUFFAGE, NUCLEAIRE, POLLUTION, THERMODYN waste heat; - de prise / CONSTR ciment heat of hydration; - rayonnante/PHYS RAYON rayons in/rarouges, THERMODYN radiant heat; - de reaction/CHIMIE, THERMODYN heat of reaction; - refletee / THERMODYN reflected heat; - remanente / AERONAUT after heat; - residuelle / AERONAUT afterheat; - rouge/THERMODYN glowing heat; - sllche/ TEXTILE dry heat; - sensible / CHAUFFAGE, GEOPHYS, PHYSIQUE sensible heat, THERMODYN free heat; - solaire / EN RENOUV solar heat; - de solution / THERMODYN heat of solution; - sp6cifique /ESPACE, PLAST CAOU, THERMODYN specific heat; - specifique atomlque/PHYS RAYON atomic heat capacity; - transportee parconvection/THERMODYN convected heat; - utile/cHAUFFAGE useful heat, THERMODYN available heat

chaleur:2 itre a - rouge vi THERMODYN glow chaloupe/NAuT longboat, ship's boat chalumeau m CHAUFFAGE blowlamp, CONS MECA blow-

lamp, blowpipe, blowtorch, CONSTR blowpipe, blowtorch, GAZ burner, MECANIQUE torch, TELECOM burner, THERMODYN flame cutting torch, welding torch; - a acetylene m CONSTR acetylene blowpipe; - acetylenique m CONSTR acetylene blowpipe; - a basse pression m CONSTR low-pressure blowpipe; - braseur m CONSTR brazing blowpipe, soldering blowpipe; - chauffeur m CONSTR heating blowpipe; - de coupe m MECANIQUE flame cutter; - coupeur m CONSTR cutting blowpipe; - coupeur sous I'eau m CONSTR underwater cutting blowpipe; - a decouper m CONS MECA cutting torch; - a gazm PRODUCTION gas blowpipe; - goujeur m CONSTR gouging blowpipe; - a haute pression m CONSTR high-pressure blowpipe; - manuel m CONS MECA pour soudage. coupage manual blowpipe; - oxhydrique m PRODUCTION compound blowpipe; - oxyacetylenique m CONSTR, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION oxyacetylene blowpipe; - oxycoupeur m CONSTR cutting blowpipe; - soudage m CONSTR soldering blowpipe; - soudeur m CONSTR welding blowpipe

chalut m NAUT trawl, trawl net, OCEANO dragnet, trawl, trawl net, POLLU MER trawl net, TEXTILE trawl

chalutage m OCEANO trawl fishing, trawling; - de barrage flottant m POLLU MER boom towing

chaluter vt NAUT, OCEANO trawl chalutier m NAUT, OCEANO trawler chalybite /MINERAUX chalybite chambrage m CONS MECA counterbore, MECANIQUE

chambranle m cONsTRjamb lining chambre/cHiMIE, CONS MECA d'un injecteur chamber,



TALL oscillation camera; - de photogrammetrie aerienne / PHOTO aerial mapping camera; photographique/INSTRUMENT camera, photo chamber; - pliante/PHoTo folding camera; - de pompei DISTRI EAU pump room; - portative / PHOTO field camera; - des portes/DISTRI EAU chamber, lock chamber; - de postcombustion/CHARBON postcombustion chamber, MATERIAUX catalyse, THERMODYN reacteur afterburner; - de poudre/CRISTALL powder camera; - pour fermeture hermetique / EMBALLAGE chamber-type vacuum sealing; - iii poussieres / CERAM VER side pocket; - de precombustion / AUTO moteur diesel, THERMODYN moteur diesel, VEHICULES moteur diesel precombustion chamber; - de pression /PAPIER pocket, pressure pocket; - propre/EsPAcE clean room; - de pulverisation/ GENIE CHIM pulverizing chamber, REFRIG spray chamber; - de refrigeration/REFRIG chill room; - refrlgeree/REFRIG chill room; - de regeneration / CERAM VER checker chamber; - de reverberation/ENREGISTR echo chamber, reverb, reverberant room, reverberation unit, reverb, reverberation chamber, ESPACE vehicules reverberation chamber; - de reverberation iii ressort/ ENREGISTR spring reverberation unit; - de salalson/ REFRIG curing cellar; - de sechage / PRODUCTION drying chamber, drying house, drying room; - de sechage par cong8latlon / GENIE CHIM freeze-dryer; - de sedimentation / AUTO sediment chamber; - iii sillages lumlneuX/PHYS PART streamer chamber; - de simulation spatlale / ESPACE essais space simulation chamber; - sonore / ACOUSTIQUE echo chamber; - sourde / ENREGISTR dead room, PHYSIQUE anechoic room, dead room; - souterraine / TELECOM underground chamber; - iii stenope / PHOTO pinhole camera; - de stockage frigorifique/REFRIG cold storage room; - de stockage de produits congeles / REFRIG frozen food storage room; - de sustentation/ TRANSPORT suction chamber; - de tranquillisatlon / AERONAUT plenum chamber, HYDROLOGIE settling basin; - de turbulence / AUTO turbulence chamber, turbulence combustion chamber; - de vapeur d'une chaudlere/INsT HYDR steam space; - de Weissenberg /CRISTALL Weissenberg camera; - de Wllson/PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE Wilson cloud chamber

chambre-laboratolre/PHoTO copy camera chambrer vt CERAM VER soak, CONS MECA counterbore chambrlere /MINES drag, safety drag bar chameau m NAUT caisson a air camel chamois m CONSTR, PRODUCTION chamois chamolsite/MINERAUX chamosite chamotte / CERAM VER chamotte, THERMODYN fireclay champ m ACOUSTIQUE field, CINEMAT angle, field,

ELECTR electromagnetisme field, ELECTROTEC field, dans un conducteur field, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PETR, PETROLE field; - acoustlque m ACOUSTIQUE acoustical field; - d'actlon m CINEMAT field of action, NUCLEAIRE operation area; - de I'adresse du mot m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel word address field; - d'almantation m ELECTR magnetisme magnetizing force; - aleatolre m TELECOM random field; - alternatif m ELECTROTEC alternating field; - d'analyse m TV scanning field; - aurifere m MINES gold field; - banallse m INFORMAT free field; - de bruit m TELECOM noise field; - de cle m INFORMAT key field; - coercible m ELECTROTEC coercive force; - coercltif m PHYSIQUE, TV coercivity; - de commande UIH m TELECOM UIH

control field; - continu m ELECTR constant field; - de courant altematif m ELECTR electromagnetisme alternating current field; - cristallin m PHYS RAYON crystal field; - critique m ELECTROTEC critical field; - croise m TELECOM crossed field; - demagnetlsant m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE demagnetizing field; - depolarisant m ENREGISTR, PHYSIQUE depolarizing field; - dlamantifere m MINES diamond field; - diffus m ACOUSTIQUE diffuse field; - de dispersion m ELECTR machine, trans/ormateur stray field; - de donnees m INFORMA T data field; - de drag age m MINES dredging field; - 81ectrique m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV electric field; - 81ectrique alternatif m ELECTROTEC alternating electric field; - 81ectrique atmosph8rlque m GEOPHYS atmospheric electric field; - 81ectrlque radial m PHYS RAYON radial electrical field; - 8I&ctrique statique m ELECTROTEC static electric field; - 81ectromagnetlque m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYS ONDES, PHYSIQUE electromagnetic field, TELECOM eletromagnetic field; - 81ectromagn8tique du courant d'excitation m ESSAIS exciting field; - 8Iectrostatique m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE electrostatic field; - d'epandage m DISTRI EAU, RECYCLAGE sewage farm, -spreading field; - evanescent m OPTIQUE, TELECOM evaneSCent field; - d'excltation m ELECTROTEC excitation field; - fixe m INFORMAT, ORDINAT fixed field; - de forces m ELECTROTEC field of force; - de forces nucleaires m NUCLEAIRE field of nuclear forces; - de fulte m TELECOM leakage field; - de gaz naturel m PETROLE gas field; - g60magnetique m ELECTR magnetisme, GEOPHYS, PHYSIQUE Earth's magnetic field; - geomagnetlque exterieur m GEOPHYS external geomagnetic field; - g60thermique m EN RENOUV geothermal field; - de gravitation m ASTRONOMIE, PHYSIQUE gravitational field; - gravltationnel m ASTRONOMIE, PHYSIQUE gravitational field; - de Hall m PHYSIQUE Hall field; - hyperthermlque m EN RENOUV hyperthermal field; - d'image m CINEMAT field of image, image field; - d'induction m ELECTROTEC, TV induction field; - d'indult m ELECTR generateur rotor field, machine armature field; - Indult m ELECTR electromagnetisme induced field; - irrotatlonnel m PHYSIQUE irrotational field; - de lave m GEOLOGIE, PETR lava plateau; - lointain m TELECOM distant field; - magnetique m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, ESSAIS, GEOLOGIE, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV magnetic field; - magnetlque altematif m ELECTROTEC alternating magnetic field; - magnetique exterleur m ELECTR external magnetic field; - magn8tique galactique m ASTRONOMIE galactic magnetic field; - magnetique interstellalre m ASTRONOMIE interstellar magnetic field; - magnetique paraSite m GBOPHYS magnetic interference field; - magn8tique solaire m ASTRONOMIE solar magnetic field; - magnetique du solell m ASTRONOMIE solar magnetic field; - magnetlque terrestre m ESPACE geophysique, GEOPHYS Earth's magnetic field; magnetisant m ELECTROTEC magnetizing field; - de mines m MILITAIRE minefield; - moleculaire m PHYSIQUE molecular field; - de nettate m CINEMAT field of sharpness; - oppose m ELECTR electromagnetisme opposing field; - optlque m ASTRONOMIE field of view; - d'or m MINES gold field; - iii periodicite temporelle m ELECTROTEC time-periodic field; - perturbateur m TV noise field; - perturbe m METEO disturbed field; - de pesanteur m PHYSIQUE gravitational field; - de petrole m PETR, PETROLE oilfield; - petrollfere m

PETR petroleum field, PETROLE oilfield; - proche m TELECOM near field; - protege m INFORMAT, ORDINAT protected field; - quadripolaire m NUCLEAIRE quadrupole field; - de rayonnement m PHYS RAYON radiation field; - reserve m TELECOM RES, reserved field; - rBverbere m ACOUSTIQUE reverberant field; - sinusoidal m ELECTROTEC sinusoidal field; - sol8noidal m PHYSIQUE solenoidal field; - stable m METED stable field; - stationnaire m ELECTROTEC stationary field; - statique m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM static field; - de tir m MILIT AIRE shooting range; - de tir au fusll m MILITAIRE rifle range; - tourblllonnaire m ELECTROTEC curl field; - tournant m ELECTR electromagnetisme rotating field, ELECTROTEC rotary field, TELECOM rotating field; - de tri m INFORMAT, ORDINAT sort field; - unlforme m PHYSIQUE uniform field; - utile m PHOTO effective image field; - variable m ELECTROTEC, INFORMAT, ORDINAT variable field; - vectorlel m ELECTR eiectromagnetisme, ELECTROTEC vector field; - visible m PHYSIQUE visible region; - visual m CINEMAT field of view, lens coverage

champlgnon m CONS MECA d'un essieu collar; - d'aeration m NAUT mushroom ventilator; - du rail m CH DE FER vehicules railhead

chancefMATH odds chandelier m NAUT stanchion, PRODUCTION pedestal chandelle f CONS MECA positioning screw jack, CONSTR

prop, vertical shore, MINES post, prop, shore, tree; - de pressionf CONS MECA bloc a colonnes pressure pin

chandellesf pi CONSTR shoring chanfrein m CONS MECA cant, CONSTR chamfer, ME-

CANIQUE soudage edge; - d'ajustage m CERAM VER miter return (ArnE), mitre return (BrE); - arrete m CONSTR stopped chamfer; - d'entree m CONS MECA leading chamfer; - exterieur m RESSORTS external chamfer; - interne m RESSORTS internal chamfer; - plat m CERAM VER miter bevel (ArnE), mitre bevel (BrE); - de protection m CONS MECA protecting chamfer

chanfrelnage m CONSTR, PETR beveling (ArnE), bevelling (BrE), chamfering

chanfreine adj RESSORTS chamfered chanfreiner vt CONS MECA, CONSTR, IMPRIM chamfer chanfreineusef CONS MECA plate edge planing machine changement m CONS MECA variation, de marche revers-

ing, ELECTROTEC switch, MATH substitution, PHYSIQUE change; - adiabatique m THERMODYN adiabatic change; - d'aspect m IMPRIM de tenere en cours de sechage dry back; - automatique de canette m TEXTILE automatic pirn change; - de cap m ESPACE pilotage, NAUT navigation alteration of course; - de code m INFORMAT code extension; - de contexte m INFORMAT, ORDINAT context switching; - de direction m ESPACE pilotage alteration of course; .:. d'etat m PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN change of state; - de frequence m ELECTRON frequency conversion; - de frequence heterodyne m ELECTROTEC heterodyne conversion; - de gain m ELECTRON gain change; - de ligne m IMPRIM imprimantes, photocomposeuses, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM LF, line feed; - de la IIgne de base m PETR baseline shift; - de marche m CONS MECA d'un tour reversing gear, reversing motion; - de marche du mouvement de pression m CONS MECA feed-reversing gear; - de marche pour fileter II drolte et II gauche m CONS MECA screw cutting reverse; - de marche II vis m CONS MECA screw reversing gear; - de mode m ELECTRON mode jump, INFORMAT, ORDINAT mode change;


- d'outil m PETROLE bit change,forage Be; - de phase m ELECTRON phase shift; - de plaque m IMPRIM tirage plate changeover; - de prises en charge m ELECTR transformateur on-load tap changing; - radioactif m PHYS RAYON radioactive transformation; - de route m NAUT alteration of course; - simple m CH DE FER right-hand turnoff; - de teinte m CERAM VER color change (ArnE), colour change (BrE), loss of color (ArnE), loss of colour (BrE); - de vitesse m CONS MECA change speed gear, gear change (BrE), gearshift (ArnE), VEHICULES gear change (BrE), gearshift (ArnE); - de vole m CH DE FER points, switch, turnout; - de voie automatique m COMMANDE automatic alternative routing; - de volume m METALL volume change

changer! vt NAUT de bateau transship, Ie cap change change.-2 vi NAUT vent shift changer:3 - un charbon vti CINEMAT sur une lampe a arc

trim; - d'echelle vti INFORMAT scale; - la phase vti ELECTRON phase shift; - de position vti TEXTILE shift; - Ie sens de la marche vtj CONS MECA reverse

changeur m TELECOM de frequence frequency converter; - abalsseur de frequence m TELECOM down converter; - automatlque de disques m OPTIQUE optical disc exchanger (BrE), optical disk exchanger (ArnE); - de disques m ACOUSTIQUE, ENREGISTR record changer; - "evateur de frequence m TELECOM upconverter; - de trequence m ELECTRON first detector, frequency changer, mixer, ELECTROTEC converter, frequency transducer; - de frequence heterodyne m ELECTROTEC heterodyne conversion transducer; - de grossissement m INSTRUMENT magnification changer; - pentagrille m ELECTROTEC pentagrid converter; - de phase m ELECTR courant alternatif, ELECTRON phase changer; - de prises m ELECTR tap changer; - de prises en charge m ELECTR load tap changer, on-load tap changer

chanlatefcONsTR eaves board, fascia, fascia board chant: - vif m RESSORTS sharp edge chantier:! sur Ie - adv CONSTR on site chantie.-2 m CONSTR construction site, yard, MINES labor

(ArnE), labour (BrE), stope, PRODUCTION d'unefonderie floor; - abandonne m MINES abandoned workings, mined-out area; - d'abatage m MINES stope; - accldente m CHARBON broken working; - de bois m CONSTR timberyard; - chassant m MINES drift stope; - II clel ouvert m MINES openwork; - de construction m NAUT construction yard, slipway; - de construction navale m NAUT dockyard, shipyard; - contamine m MINES gas-filled workings; - de depot m CONSTR dump (ArnE), tip (BrE), MINES dump, dump site (ArnE), dumping ground, tailings area, tip area (BrE); - d'embarcatlon m NAUT boat chock; - en grad ins m MINES stope; - en mort-terrain m MINES dead-workinngs; - en remonte m MINES raise stope; - epuise m MINES stoped-out workings; - d'exploltatlon borgne m CONSTR blind workings; - du fond m MINES bottom workings; - de houille m CHARBON coal yard; - inferieur m MINES lower workings; - de manoeuvres m CH DE FER shunting yard; - maritime m NAUT shipyard; - de moulage m PRODUCTION molding floor (ArnE), moulding floor (BrE); - de moulage en sable m PRODUCTION sand floor; - naval m NAUT shipyard, constructions dockyard; - de prefabrication m CONSTR precasting works; - de triage m CH DE FER classification yard, marshalling yard (BrE), sorting siding, switching yard (ArnE), TRANSPORT classification


yard; - deversagem CONSTR dump (ArnE), tip (BrE), MINES dump (ArnE), dump site, dumping ground, tailings area, tip area (BrE)

chantournage: -iliia fraise m CONS MECA form milling chantournement m coNSTRjigsawing chantourner vt coNSTRjigsaw chanvre m NAUT hemp chaos: - de glace m OCEANO hummocked ice chape/coNs MECA clevis, jaw, strap, d'une articulation a

genouillere fork, d'une poulie shell, CONSTR coating, feather edge, INSTRUMENT cover, MECANIQUE clevis, METROLOGIE d'une balance bearings, PRODUcnON cheek, middle, middle part, d'un moule en terre cope, RESSORTS shackle; - de bielle f CONS MECA strap; - de chassis f PRODUCTION cheek, middle; - de poulle f CONS MECA pulley shell; - sur moyeufcoNS MECA hub grip

chapeau m CONS MECA d'un patier pedestal cover, CONSTR collar, flange, flange plate, hood, d'une poutre composee boom, boom plate, d'un pieu cap, DISTRI EAU d'une vanne cap still, ELECTROTEC cap, d'une lampe hood, GEOLOGm d'un gisement, d'un reservoir cap rock, INST HYDR de valve, de elapet, de soupape, MECANIQUE cap, MINES cap, cap piece, crown, crown piece, head piece, NAUT bonnet, PRODUCTION gland, d'unpresse-etoupe follower; - d'allumeur m VEHICULES distributor cap; - altere m GEOLOGm gossan; - de bielle m AUTO connecting rod cap; - de chassis m PRODUCTION top part of flask; - de couple m CONS MECA frame cap; - ferruglneux m GEOLOGIE gossan; - de fllon m MINES capping, rock capping; - de gaz m PETR, PETRoLEgeologie gas cap; - de gaz secondaire m PETR secondary gas cap; - de moyeu m AERONAUT hub cover plate, AUTO axle cap; - de palier m AUTO bearing cap, crankshaft bearing cap, CONS MECA bearing cap; - de pleu m CHARBON, CONSTR pile cap; - de roue m VEHICULES wheel cover

chapelet m CONSTR d'un e/evateur,d'une drague bucket; - de godets m CONSTR line of buckets; - hydraullque m DISTRI EAU chapelet, paternoster pump

chapelle f CONS MECA clack box; - ill clapet f HYDROLoom valve chamber; - d'echappement f AUTO exhaust passage; - de refoulementfpRODUCTION delivery box; - de sortie f AUTO exhaust passage; - ill soupape/HYDROLOGIE valve chamber; - de structure I AERONAUT fin stub frame; - de tiroir fINST HYDR slide box, steam box, steam chamber, steam chest

chaperon m CONSTR coping chaperonner vt CONSTR cope chaplteau m AERONAUT landing gear hinge beam, EQUIP

LAB head chaptallsationf AGRO ALIM sugaring char: - d'assaut m MILIT AIRE tank; - d'assaut amphlble

m MILITAIRE amphibious tank; - d'assaut lourd m MILITAIRE heavy tank; - poseur de ponts m MILITAIRE bridge-layer tank

charbon m CHARBON coal, mineral, CHIMIE coke, GEOLOGIE coal, IMPRIM motor brush; - actif m AGRO ALIM activated charcoal, CHIMIE, DISTRI EAU, GAZ, HYDROLoom activated carbon, MATERIAUX activated charcoal; - active m CHIMm activated carbon, activated charcoal, PLAST CAOU charge activated carbon, activated charcoal; - d'agglomeration m CHARBON sintering coal; - agglutinant m CHARBON caking coal; - agglutine m CHARBON rich coal; - anthraclteux m CHARBON hard coal, lean coal, THERMODYN lean coal;

- ardent m CHARBON burning coal, live coal; - barre m CHARBON bone coal; - bitumineux m CHARBON bituminous coal, flaming coal; - de bois m CHARBON charcoal, wood charcoal, wood coal, CHIMIE charcoal, wood charcoal; - brut m CHARBON raw coal; - calibre m CHARBON graded coal; - ill coke m CHARBON coking coal; - ill coke boursoufle m CHARBON rich coal, swelled coking coal; - de contact m AUTO brush; - de cornue m CHARBON gas carbon, retort coal; - cribl8 m CHARBON screened coal, sifted coal; - demlgras m CHARBON semibituminous coal; -ill detacher m CERAM VER cracking coal; - domestique m CHARBON domestic coal, household coal; - d'81ectrode m ELECTROTEC electrode carbon; - en gros morceaux m CHARBON lump coal; - en morceaux m CHARBON best coal; - en parc m CHARBON stock coal, stockyard coal; - en stock m CHARBON stock coal, stockpile coal; - iipure m CHARBON cleaned coal; - d'exploitation souterraine m CHARBON deep-mined coal; - extra pur m CHARBON super clean coal; - flltrant m GENIE CHIM filtering charcoal; -illflltrer m CHARBON filtering charcoal; - ill gaz m CHARBON gas coal; - gras m CHARBON fat coal, flaming coal, medium-volatile coal, soft coal; -Iamelleux m CHARBON foliated coal, slate-foliated lignite, paper coal, papyraceous lignite; - IImoneux m CHARBON coal sludge, slimes, mud coal; - maigre m CHARBON lean coal, low-volatile coal, uninflammable coal, nonbituminous coal; - maigre sableux m CHARBON sintering sand coal; - marchand m CHARBON commercial coal, saleable coal; - mat m CHARBON candel coal, cannel coal, dull coal, kennel coal; - menu m CHARBON coal slack, pea coal, small coal, MINES small, small coal; - de mine m CHARBON pit coal; - minerai m CHARBON mineral coal; - noncollant m CHARBON noncaking coal; - nu m AGRO ALIM loose smut; - plclforme m CHARBON pitch coal; - pour arc m CINEMAT arc carbon; - pour gazogime m CHARBON generator coal, producer coal; - pour lampes a arc m CONS MECA arc lamp carbon; - pulverise m CHARBON coal dust, coal powder, pulverized coal, pulverized charcoal, MATERIAUX coal dust; - pulverulent m CHARBON duff, dust coal, fine coal; - pur m CHARBON pure coal; - pur sans cendre et sec m CHARBON clean coal, cleans; - reconnu m CHARBON known coal deposit; - de sang m AGRO ALIM blood black; - schisteux m CHARBON schistous coal; - de soute m CHARBON bunker coal; - tendre m CHARBON soft coal; - de terre m CHARBON bright coal, glance coal, coal; - de tourbe m CHARBON peat coal; - toutvenant m CHARBON pit coal, rough coal, run-of-mine coal, unscreened coal, MINES run-of-mine, run-ofmine coal; - ill vapeur m CHARBON boiler coal, steam raising coal

charbonlser vt CHARBON char charbonnage m CHARBON coal mine, coal mining, min-

ing of coal, MINES coal mine, colliery, pit charbonnaille f CHARBON coal slack, fines, MINES small

coal charbonne adj CHARBON carbonized charbonner! vt CHARBON carbonize, char, NAUT bunker charbonner:2 se - v refl CHARBON carbonize charbonneux adj CHIMIE carbonaceous charbonnier m CHARBON coal ship, NAUT collier char-bulldozer m MILIT AIRE tank bulldozer chardage m TEXTILE hairiness, raising, scratching charder vt TEXTILE raise, scratch

chardonnet m CONSTR hanging post charge: I en - adj NAUT loaded, VEHICULES under load charge2/ AGRO ALIM batch, CERAM VER filler, CHARBON,

CONSTR load, ELECTR charge, alimentation load, ELECTROTEC charge, charging, load, HYDROLOGIE load, INST HYDR head of water pressure, pressure, MECANIQUE, METALL load, MINES charge, NAUT bulk, load, ORDINAT load, PAPIER filler, load, PETROLE feed, feedstock, PHYSIQUE load, PLAST CAOU batch, filler, melange extender, POLLU MER payload, PRODUCTION load, stock, REFRIG capacity, load, SECURITE care, TELECOM charge, load; _ - d'accumulateur /ELECTR accumulator charge, battery charge; - des accumulateurs / ESPACE vehicules battery charging; - accumulee / ELECTROTEC integrated charge; - aclde/POLLUTION acid loading; - actlve/ELECTR machine resistive load, ohmique, resistive active load, ELECTROTEC active load, PLAST CAOU active filler, matiere premiere reinforcing filler; - adaptee / ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE matched load; - addltlonnelle / CHARBON surcharge load; - admissible /CHARBON permissible load, safe load, ELECTR allowable load; - admissible de fonctlonnement/sEcURITE safe working load; - aerodynamique / AERONAUT aerodynamic load; - alaire / AERONAUT wing loading; - d'alimentatlon / PETROLE hydrocarbures de base feedstock; - d'amor!;age /ESPACE pyrotechnie, MINES priming charge; - amorce/MILITAIRE primer; - annuelle/DisTRI EAU annual load; - d'appoint/cINEMAT trickle charge, ELECTROTEC topping charge; - atmospherique/POLLUTION atmospheric load, atmospheric loading; - automatique / PRODUCTION automatic feeder; _ - de batterle/ELECTRoTEC battery charge; - d'un broyeur / CHARBON crop load; a-de calcul par roue / AERONAUT navigabilite design wheel load; - calorifique/REFRIG cooling load, THERMODYN fire load; - calorifique d'exploltatlon / REFRIG service load; - calorifique du prodult/REFRIG product load; - des canaux/TELECOM channel loading; - capacitive /ELECTR circuit a courant alternatif, ELECTROTEC, TELECOM capacitive load; - au cheval/ METROLOGIE power loading; - circulante / CHARBON circulating load; - coaxiale / ELECTROTEC coaxial load; - coaxlale fixe/ELEcTROTEC coaxial fixed load; - de colonne / MINES column charge, columnar charge; - complete/TRANsPORT carload (ArnE), wagonload (BrE); - de conduction / PHYSIQUE conduction charge; - d'un cong8lateur / REFRIG freezer capacity; - constante/ELECTR constant load; - continue /ELECTR machine constant load, moteur continuous load, ELECTROTEC continuous loading; - a courant alternatif/ELECTROTEC AC load; - au crochet /PETRoLE/orage hook load; a-dl8lectrique/TELEcoM dielectric charge; - du disque balaye / AERONAUT disc loading (BrE), disk loading (ArnE); a-d'eau/DisTRI EAU water pressure, INST HYDR pressure; - efficace / EMBALLAGE effective load; - 81ectrique / ELECTR, ELECTROTEC electrical charge, PHYS PART charge, electrical charge, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM electrical charge; - 81ectrostatlque / ELECTR, MATERIAUX electrostatic charge; - 81ementaire / PHYSIQUE elementary charge; - en guide d'ondes / ELECTROTEC waveguide load; - en suspension/HYDROLOGIE load in suspension, suspended load; -


d'entretien/ELECTROTEC floating charge; - d'epreuve / AERONAUT navigabilite proof load, CONS MECA test load, des elements de fixation proofload; - equlllbree / ELECTROTEC balanced load; - d'espace / PHYSIQUE space charge; - d'essai / CHARBON test loading, CONS MECA test load; - d'etalonnage / CONS MECA preload; - excessive / CONSTR overload; - d'exploltatlon / CONSTR live load; - explosive/MiNES blasting charge; .. - du faisceau/TV beam loading; - fixe /ELECTROTEC fixed load; - fixe en guide d'ondes/ELEcTROTEC waveguide fixed load; - de flambement/MEcANIQUE materiaux buckling load; - de fond / GEOLOGIE bed load; - du four/ CERAM VER furnace charge, furnace fill; - de frlgorigene/REFRIG refrigerant charge; a-generale d'ecoulement/METALL general yield load; - geostatlque/PETRoLE geologie overburden; - de grande puissance/ELECTROTEC high-power load; D-hydraullque / INST HYDR hydraulic head; - hydrodynamique / HYDROLOGIE hydrodynamic load; - hydrostatique /HYDROLOGIE hydrostatic load, PETRoLEgeologie de forage hydrostatic head; B-d'incendie /THERMODYN fire load; - Incomplete / NUCLEAIRE underload; - inductive / ELECTR courant alternatif, ELECTROTEC, TELECOM inductive load; - induite/CHIMIE, ELECTR, ELECTROTEC induced charge; - intermlttente/ELEcTR generateur intermittent load; l1li-lente/cINEMAT, ELECTROTEC trickle charge; - libre / PHYSIQUE free charge; - limite / AERONAUT maximum load, de pale limit load, ELECTR appareil limit load, NAUT maximum load, TRANSPORT loading capacity; -liquide/MATERIAUX, REFRIG liquid charge; - a la longueur/RESSORTs load at length; 1I:iiII-de manoeuvre / AERONAUT navigabilite maneuvering load (ArnE), manoeuvring load (BrE); - marchande/ AERONAUT payload; - marchande maximum / AERONAUT maximum payload; - marchande normale estimee / AERONAUT estimated normal payload; - massique / PHYSIQUE charge mass ratio, specific charge; - maxlmale / CHARBON bearing capacity, ELECTROTEC, PAPIER peak load; - maximum de reaction 81astique/ AERONAUT maximum spring back load; - de mime signe/ELEcTR like charge; - militaire /MILITAIRE missile warhead; - de mine/MINES charge; - de missile / ESPACE vehicules missile warhead; - mobile / ELECTROTEC moving charge; - moyenne / ELECTR average load; 1IiI-negative/ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE negative charge; - nominale/ELEcTROTEC rated load; - non-Inductive /ELECTR noninductive load, nonreactive load; - normale / ELECTROTEC off-peak load; - nucl8aire/PHYS PART nuclear charge; II!I-offerte/ AERONAUT allowable load; - opposee/ CHIMIE opposite charge; n-de pale/AERONAUT blade loading; - par essieu /CONSTR axle load; - par roue/CONSTR wheel load; - partagee/ELEcTROTEC partitioned charge; - partielle / AUTO, TRANSPORT part load; - it passage unique / NUCLEAIRE once-through charge; - passive / ELECTROTEC passive load; - payante/ AERONAUT payload; - permanente / CHARBON permanent load, ELECTR moteur continuous load; - de pied / MINES bottom charge; - de polarisation / PHYSIQUE polarization charges; - de pOilu ants atmospherlques/POLLUTION atmospheric load, atmospheric loading; - ponctuelle /ELECTR, PHYSIQUE point charge; - posltive/ELECTR,


ELECfROTEC, PHYSIQUE positive charge; - pratique / CONS MECA working load; de la - primaire/MILITAIRE percussion priming; - prlmalre / ESPACE priming charge, vehicules primer charge; - princlpale/ CONSTR main load; - propulsive/MILITAIRE propelling charge; - provoquant un calage moteur / PRODUCTION stall load; .. - radlale/MATERIAUX radial load; - de rafales limite/ AERONAUT gust load limit; - raplde/TRANSPORT boost charge, quick charge; - reactive / ELECfROTEC, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM reactive load; - recouvree/ELECTROTEC recovered charge; - reglable/ ELECfROTEC sliding load; - reglable en guide d'ondes/ ELECfROTEC waveguide sliding load; - remanente / ELECTROTEC remanent charge; - remorquee/TRANSPORT trailing load; - renfo~ante/PLASTcAOU matiere premiere reinforcing filler; - repartle / ELECfROTEC continuous loading; - residuelle/ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, TV residual charge; - resistive / ELECfROTEC, TELECOM resistive load; - du ressort/RESSORTS spring load; - resultante / ELECfROTEC net charge; - de ruissellement/HYDROLOGIE surface water load; - de rupture / CHARBON breaking load, failure load, ultimate load, CONS MECA, EMBALLAGE, MECANIQUE, NAUT, PAPIER breaking load; - ill la rupture / PLAST CAOU load at break; - de rupture en fatigue /MErALL fatigue strength; - de rupture ratlonnelle/MATERIAUX fracture stress; _ - de securlte / CONS MECA safe load; - de securite par flexion/CONS MECA safe stress under bending; - de signes contralres / ELECTR opposite charge; - de slgnes opposes /ELECTR opposite charge; - solide / HYDROLOGIE solids loading; - iIIla sortie/ELECTROTEC output charge; - soulev8e / AERONAUT lifted load; - sous-marlne / MILIT AlRE depth charge; - spatiale / PHYSIQUE space charge; - speclfique/PHYS PART d'un electron, PHYSIQUE specific charge; - speclfique d'electrons / NUCLEAlRE electron specific charge; - stabilisatrlce/ELEcTROTEC bleeder; - statique/ELECTROTEC static charge; - statique d'eau /INST HYDR static head; - superficlelle/ELECTR, PHYSIQUE surface charge; - surfaclque / PHYSIQUE surface charge density; - sur Ie foret/PETR bit load; - sur la meche/PETR bit load; - sur I'outil/PETR bit load; - sur Ie trepan/ PETR bit load; - du systeme/TELECOM system load; D-temporaire/cHARBoN temporary load; - theorlque / AERONAUT design load; - theorique ill spires jointlves/RESSORTS theoretical solid load; - thermique / THERMODYN heat load; - totale de combustible / NUCLEAIRE fuel charge, total charge; - totale maximale / CONSTR maximum total load; - de traflc / TELECOM, TRANSPORT traffic load; - de traitement / INFORMAT, ORDINAT processing load; - transversale/ RESSORTS transverse load; - de travail / CONS MECA working load, PRODUCTION load, TEXTILE work load; - de travail moyenne /TEXTILE average workload; II:!I-utile/ AERONAUT payload, DISTRI EAU service load, ESPACE vehicules payload, MECANIQUE vehicules carrying capacity, POLLU MER, TELECOM, VEHICULES payload; - utile d'un satellite /ESPACE useful satellite load; - d'utilisation/TRANsPORT degree of utilization _ - verticale maximum sur roues / AERONAUT maximum wheel vertical load

charge adj EMBALLAGE reinforced, REVETEMENT d'une couche coated; - en poids et en cubage adj NAUT full and down; - de poussiere adj CHARBON, SECURITE

atmosphere dust-laden charge-lmage/ELECfROTEC image charge

chargement m ClNEMAT dufilm film threading, ESPACE propulsion, INFORMAT fichier ou programme loading, MINES charging, loading, NAUT cargo, load, loading, shipload, shipment, shipping, ORDINAT fichier ou programme loading, PAPIER d'un appareil feeding, loading, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION, TRANSPORT loading; - amont m PRODUCTION backward scheduling; - arrime m NAUT bulk; - automatique m CINEMAT self-threading, ORDINAT autoload; - automatlque de pellicule m ClNEMAT automatic film-threading; - aval m PRODUCTION forward scheduling; - avec arret m NUCLEAIRE du reacteur off-load charging; - axial m METALL axial loading; - de la bande m ENREGISTR tape threading; - biaxial m MErALL biaxial loading; - de cartouche m INFORMAT cartridge loading; - concentrlque m CONSTR concentric loading; - dynamlque m CONSTR dynamic loading; - en discontinu m NUCLEAIRE combustible batch fuel loading; - en metal dur m MECANIQUE materiaux hard facing; - excentrlque m CONSTR eccentric loading; - ill froid m NUCLEAIRE off-load charging; - iIIla lumiere du jour m ClNEMAT daylight loading; - manuel m ClNEMAT manual threading; - de palette m EMBALLAGE pallet load; - par cassette m CINEMAT cassette loading; - pardessus m MINES load on top; - par zones m NUCLEAlRE zoned fuel loading; - au plus tard m PRODUCTION backward scheduling; - au plus tilt m PRODUCTION forward scheduling; - quasl-statique m ESPACE vehicules quasi-statical loading; - sans arret m NUCLEAlRE du reacteur on-load charging, on-load fueling (ArnE), on-load fuelling (BrE); - sequenceur m PRODUCTION sequencer load; - de silo de puits m MINES shaft bunker loading; - sur resldus m POLLUTION load on top process

chargerl vt CINEMAT lace up, load, thread, CONS MECA strain, CONSTR, ELECTROTEC load, ENREGISTR lace up, load, thread, IMPRIM load, INFORMAT load, set, MECANIQUE load, NAUT load, une cargaison ship, ORDINAT load, set

chargerZ vi MINES squeeze chargeur m CINEMAT, CONS MECA magazine, ELECTRO-

TEC charger, EMBALLAGE feeder, NAUT shipper, ORDINAT disk pack, loader, PRODUCTION charger, TRANSPORT sur rbeau loader; - absolu m ORDINAT absolute loader; - d'arche m CERAM YER stacker; - de balles m TRANSPORT bale loader; - ill bande sans fin m TV tape loop cassette; - de batterle m ELECTROTEC, PHOTO, TRANSPORT battery charger; - co-axial m CINEMAT concentric magazine; - de disques m INFORMAT disk pack; - embarquem TRANSPORT built-in charger; - d'entretien m ELECTROTEC trickle charger; - frontal m POLLU MER front-end loader; - mecanique m PRODUCTION stoker; - mecanique ill alimentation par Ie dessus m CONS MECA overfeed stoker; - de palettes m EMBALLAGE pallet loader; - ill poste fixe m TRANSPORT stationary charger; - ill regime lent m ELECTR accumulateur trickle charger

chargeur-Bdlteur: - de liens m ORDINAT link loader chargaurs: - jumeles m pi PHOTO twin magazine chargeuse / PRODUCTION charging machine, loader,

TRANSPORT loader; - mecanlque / CONSTR power loader

chargeuse-pelle/ CONSTR backhoe loader chargeuse-Pallateuse / CONSTR, TRANSPORT backhoe

loader charlot m CONS MECA carriage, EQUIP LAB meuble trolley,

IMPRIM de machine Ii ecrire, INFORMAT carriage, INSTRUMENT mechanical stage, MECANIQUE carriage, truck, NUCLEAIRE crab, trolley, TRANSPORT car, carriage, wagon, Ii bagages barrow; - d'alesage m CONS MECA boring head; - automoteur m SECURITE code de securite industrial truck; - ill benne basculante m TRANSPORT dump lorry (BrE), dump truck (AmE); - de chargement m MINES larry, larry car; - ill clYllIres m SECURITE premier secours stretcher cart; - de contrepolds m MINES counterbalance carriage; - de d6coupe m CERAM VER automatic cutter; - depalettlsateur m EMBALLAGE depalletizer; - des dunes m TRANSPORT beach buggy, buggy; - 818Ctrlque m TRANSPORT electric trolley; - Elemack m CINEMAT cricket dolly, elemack, spider dolly; - elevateur m EMBALLAGE, MECANIQUE lift truck; - elevateur ill fourche m CONSTR, EMBALLAGE forklift truck, TRANSPORT fork truck, forklift truck, forklift truck; - d'etuve ill noyaux m PRODUCTION core carriage; - de guidage volets m AERONAUT flap roller carriage; - de hissage m AERONAUT hoisting carriage; - de levage ill commande manuelle m EMBALLAGE manual lift truck; - monorail ill grappin m TRANSPORT monorail grab trolley; - omnldlrectionnel m CINEMAT crab dolly; - de palan m CONS MECA d'un pont roulant block carriage; - de pont roulant m MECANIQUE materiel de levage crab; - portegriffe m CINEMA T claw carriage; - porte-meule m CONS MECA wheel carriage; - porte-outil m CONS MECA d'un etau-limeur ram, d'une machine-outil tool carriage; - porte-tourelle m CONS MECA turret slide; - de precision m CONS MECA pour machine-outil precision slide; - recepteur m TRANSPORT receiving trunk; - roulant m CONS MECA runner, PRODUCTION traveling runner (ArnE), traveling trolley (ArnE), travelling runner (BrE), travelling trolley (BrE), trolley; - de roulement m CONS MECA runner, PRODUCTION monkey carriage, traveling runner (ArnE), traveling trolley (ArnE), travelling runner (BrE), travelling trolley (BrE), trolley, d'un pont roulant jenny; - de service ill bord m AERONAUT service trolley; - de tour m MECANIQUE lathe saddle, lathe slide; - de transport m MECANIQUE dolly; - de transport reacteur m AERONAUT engine trolley; - transversal m CONS MECA cross-slide; - de travelling m CINEMAT dolly; - de travelling ill 6cartement variable m CINEMAT scorpion dolly; - de travelling sur pneumatlques m CrNEMAT billyboy dolly; - ill trongonner m CONS MECA cutting-off slide

charlotage m CONS MECA traverse; -longitudinal m CONS MECA sliding; - transversal m CONS MECA surfacing, PRODUCTION cross-traverse

chariot-crabe m CINEMAT crab dolly charlot-gNe m CrNEMA T crab charme m PAPIER hornbeam, PHYSIQUE charm charmeuse/TEXTILE lock-knit charmonium m PHYSIQUE charmonium chamlere: - at gond/ CONSTR hinge and pin chamillre / CONS MECA hinge, CONSTR butt, butt hinge,

GEOLOGIE hinge, INSTRUMENT hinge, side joint, MECANIQUE, VEHICULES hinge; - et plvot/CONSTR hinge and pin; - porte-moule / CERAM VER mold holder (ArnE), mould holder (BrE); - unlverselle / CONS MECA universal joint

charnieres: sur - adj MECANIQUE hinged chamon m CONSTR d'une charniere knuckle


charpente / CONS MECA frame, CONSTR framing, d'un comble, d'un pont frame, d'une grue framework, MECANIQUE frame; - de cintre / CONSTR center (AmE), centering (AmE), centre (BrE), centring (BrE); - de comble/CONSTR roof frame; - ill crolslllons/coNSTR lattice bracing; - en bols/CONSTR carpentry; - en fer/ CONSTR ironwork; - en forme de portlque / CONSTR gantry

charpenterle / CONSTR carpentry; - en fer / CONSTR ironworking

charpentier m CONSTR carpenter; - du bord m NAUT shipwright; - de marine m NAUT shipwright

charrette / CONSTR design office charriage m GEOLOGIE overthrust; - de fond m HYDRO-

LOGIE bed load transport, bottom transport charrie: - par I'&au adj HYDROLOGIE waterborne charrier vt HYDROLOGIE drift, transport, wash away charNe/IMPRIM plough (BrE), plow (AmE); - dMon-

ceuse /CONSTR ripper charte: - d'affr8tement ill temps/PETRoLE time charter;

- chromatique/Tv color chart (ArnE), colour chart (BrE); - des couleurs/IMPRIMphotogravurecolor key (ArnE), colour key (BrE); - de couleurs at gamme de grls / CINEMAT color chart and grey scale (ArnE), colour chart and grey scale (BrE); - de grls normalise /CINEMAT standard gray card (ArnE), standard grey card (BrE); - des marees/NAUT tide chart

charte-partie /NAUT, PETROLE charter party chas m PRODUCTION d'une aiguille eye chassage m MINES development, drift, level, strike

drive, drifting level, driving level, drifting, driving, tunneling (AmE), tunnelling (BrE), drivage, drive, level running along the strike; - des clavettes m CONS MECA driving out of keys, driving out of wedges

chassante / MINES drift, level, strike drive, drivage, drive, driving level, level running along the strike

chasse / CONS MECA clearance, set, DISTRI EAU flush, scouring, d'eau scour, IMPRIM width, OCEANO scouring, sedimentation fishery, fishing; - d'air /MINES air blast, rush of air; - du caractere /IMPRIM character pitch, character width; - ill COinS/PRoDUCTION keying hammer; - d'eau/DISTRI EAU scour, scouring; - par reflux / DISTRI EAU backblowing; - sous-marine / OCEANO underwater fishing

chasse-bestlaux m CH DE FER cowcatcher, pilot chasse-boulon m CONS MECA teeming pouch, PRODUC-

TION drift bolt, drive bolt chasse-clavette m CONS MECA drift, driver, key drift chasse-cle m CONS MECA drift, driver, key drift chasse-clou m CONSTR bradawl, nail punch, nail set, set chasse-gouplile m CONS MECA pin drift, CONSTR pin

punch, MECANIQUE pin driver, outillage drift chasse-goupliles m CONS MECA drift punch chasse-mar" m NAUT coasting lugger chasse-neige m METED blower, drifting snow; - rotatif m

TRANSPORT snow blower chasse-pMe/PAPIER banger, pulp charge chasse-plerres m CH DE FER cow-catcher, vehicules

guard iron chasse-pointe m CONSTR bradawl, nail punch, nail set,

set chasserl vt CONS MECA drive, drive in, drive into, ESPACE

drive, vehicules blow, PRODUCTION un rivet knock out; - par distillation vt THERMODYN distil off (BrE), distill off (ArnE)

chasser:2 - sur I'ancre vi NAUT drag anchor


chasse-rivet m CONSTR rivet set, rivet snap, riveting set, set

chasses: - proportionnelles / pllMPRIM proportional widths

chasse-tampon m CONS MECA plugging bar chAssis m CH DE FER underframe, vehicules frame, CINE-

MAT rack, CONS MECA frame, underframe, CONSTR sash, ELECTROTEC frame, IMPRIM chase, frame, printing frame, MECANIQUE frame, MINES durn, timber frame, timber set, NAUT frame, NUCLEAlRE base frame, underframe, PHOTO slide holder, slide, PRODUCTION box, molding flask (ArnE), moulding flask (BrE), casting box, flask, molding box (ArnE), moulding box (BrE), VEHiCULES carrosserie chassis; - de bogie m CH DE FER vehicules bogie frame, bogie truck frame (ArnE); - de charpente m CONSTR frame, skeleton; - a colonnes m PRODUCTION column box; - dormant m CONSTR window frame; - d'E/S m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel I/O chassis; - en metal m PHOTO metal dark slide; - de fenitre m CONSTR sash, window frame, window sash; - de fonderie m PRODUCTION box, molding flask (ArnE), moulding flask (BrE), casting box, flask, foundry flask, molding box (ArnE), moulding box (BrE); - de guidage m PETROLE template; - a guillotine m CONSTR sliding sash; - Inverseur m PHOTO pour tirage de couple stereoscopique transposing frame; - de mine m MINES durn, timber frame, timber set; - mobile m CONSTR sash, window sash; - a molettes m MINES gallows frame, head frame, headstock, pithead frame; - de montage m IMPRIM chase, frame; - de moulage m PRODUCTION box, molding flask (ArnE), moulding flask (BrE), casting box, flask, foundry flask, molding box (ArnE), moulding box (BrE); - negatif m PHOTO slide holder, slide; - a negatlf m IMPRIM chase; - a pivot m CONSTR pivot-hung sash; - pneumatlque m IMPRIM airframe, vacuum frame; - de porte m CONSTR doorframe, jamb lining; - porte-plaque m PHOTO plate holder, slide holder, slide; - processeur m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel processor chassis; - processeur primalre m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel primary processor chassis; - a rideau m PHOTO roller blind dark slide; - separe m PHOTO dark slide; - surbaisse m VEHICULES chdssis drop bed frame; - a trois parties m PRODUCTION dessous, chape, dessus three-part flask, three-parted box; - tubulaire m VEHICULES motocyclette tubular frame; - ill tuyaux m PRODUCTION pipe box; - a verre m CERAM VER casement; - vitre m CONSTR glazed frame, glazed sash

chAssls-cablne m VEHICULES chassis cab chAssis-presse m PHOTO contact printing frame; - a

margeur mobile m PHOTO masking frame chAssis-support m CONS MECA mounting chat m PRODUCTION break-out chAteau m NAUT bridge castle; - d'eau m CONSTR, HY-

DROLOGIE, MINES water tower; - de refrigeration m MINES cooling tower; - de transport pour un seul assemblage combustible m NUCLEAIRE shielded coffin, single element shipping cask

chatolement m ESPACE speckle chatoyant ad} MlNERAUX chatoyant, TEXTILE lustrous chatterton m CINEMA T camera tape; - grandelargeur m

CINEMAT gaffer tape chaude: - blanche /THERMODYN white heat; - blanc-

soudantjPRoDUCTION sparkling heat chaudiere / AGRO ALIM, CH DE FER vehicules, CHIMIE,

CONS MECA, INST HYDR, MECANIQUE, NAUT, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN boiler; - aquatubulalre/CHAUFFAGE water tube boiler; - auxillaire / MAT CHAUFF auxiliary boiler; - de base / NUCLEAlRE base load boiler; - a basse pression/MAT CHAUFF low-pressure hot water boiler; - de bitumier / CONSTR asphalt boiler, tar boiler; - a bouilleur /MAT CHAUFF shell-type boiler; - a bouilleurs/INST HYDR elephant boiler; - a bouilleurs croises/MAT CHAUFF cross tube boiler; - ill cameau Interieur /PRODUCTION flue boiler; - ill charbon/MAT CHAUFF coal-fired boiler; - de chauffage central/MAT CHAUFF central heating boiler; - a chauffage exterieur / PRODUCTION outside-fired boiler; - a chauffage interieur / PRODUCTION insidefired boiler; - chauffee chaleur perdue / AERONAUT waste heat boiler; - chauffee par chaleur perdue / THERMODYN waste heat boiler; - a clrculation/INST HYDR circulating boiler; - a circulation d'eau forcee / MAT CHAUFF forced circulation boiler; - cyllndrique/ INST HYDR cylinder boiler; - cyllndrique simple/INsT HYDR plain cylindrical boiler; - a deux ballons/MAT cHAuFFbi-drum boiler; - a deux passes/MATCHAUFF double-pass boiler; - aeau chaude/coNs MECA hot water boiler; - a ecorces/PAPIER bark boiler, bark burner, bark power boiler; - electrlque/coNs MECA electric heater; - a evaporation raplde / THERMODYN flash boiler; - fixe/PRODUCTION stationary boiler; - a flamme directe / PRODUCTION direct draft boiler (ArnE), direct draught boiler (BrE); - a fonds bombes /INST HYDR dish-ended boiler; - a foyer cylindrique / INST HYDR cylindrical flue boiler; - a foyer exterleur / PRODUCTION outside-fired boiler; - a foyer Interieur / PRODUCTION inside-fired boiler; - a foyer interieur cylindrique /PRODUCTION flue boiler; - a foyer tubulalre /INST HYDR tubular furnace boiler; - inexplosible / PRODUCTION safety boiler; - de locomotive / MAT CHAUFF locomotive boiler; - marine / MAT CHAUFF marine boiler; - marine a rayonnement/MAT CHAUFF marine radiant boiler; - marine a rechauffer ill rayonnement/MAT CHAUFF marine radiant reheat boiler; - a mazout/CHAUFFAGE, MAT CHAUFF oil-fired boiler; - monobloc/CHAUFFAGE packaged boiler; - multltubulalre/PRoDUCTION safety boiler; - a passage unique/ MAT CHAUFF once-through boiler; - a petits elements /PRODUCTION sectional boiler; - placee a demeure/ PRODUCTION stationary boiler; - ill rayonnement/MAT CHAUFF radiant boiler; - de reserve / CHAUFFAGE stand-by boiler; - a retour de flamme/PRODUCTION return flue boiler, return tube boiler, return tubular boiler; - sectlonnelle / MAT CHAUFF, PRODUCTION sectional boiler; - sectionnelle aquatubulalre / MAT CHAUFF water tube boiler; - ill trois passes / MAT CHAUFF treble-pass boiler; - a tube-foyer /PRODUCTlON flue boiler, single flue boiler; - a tubes d'eau/ CHAUFFAGE water tube boiler; - ill tubes de fumee / MAT CHAUFF fire-tube boiler; - tubulaire/ AGRO ALIM, PRODUCTION tubular boiler; - tubulaire a retour de flamme/PRoDuCTION return flue boiler, return tube boiler, return tubular boiler; - ill vapeur /INST HYDR, THERMODYNsteam boiler; - avapeurelectrique/coNs MECA electric steam boiler; - ill vaporisation instantanee/INST HYDR flash boiler, flasher

chaudron m PRODUCTION cauldron chaudronnerie/INST HYDR boiler works, boilermaking chaudronnier m INST HYDR boilermaker, boilersmith,

MECANIQUE boilermaker

chauffage m AUTO heater system, CHAUFFAGE, GAZ, MECANIQUE heating, PRODUcnON heating, stoking, TEXTILE, THERMODYN heating, VEHICULES accessoires heating system; - a basse frequence m (chauffage BF) ELECTROTEC low-frequency induction heating; - a basse pression m CHAUFFAGE low-pressure heating; - BF m (chauffage a hasse /requence) ELECTROTEC low-frequency induction heating; - central m CONSTR, MATCHAUFF, THERMODYN central heating; - central au mazout m CHAUFFAGE oil-fired central heating system; - au charbon pulverise m MAT CHAUFF pulverized coal firing; - combustible m THERMODYN fuel; - a conduit de chemlnee m CONS MECA flued heater; - dielectrique m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, MAT CHAUFF dielectric heating; - dynamlque m THERMODYN dynamic heating; - a &aU chaude m MAT CHAUFF hot water heating system; - electrlque m CHAUFFAGE, ELECTR electric heating, THERMODYN heating; - electrique de surface m CONS MECA electric surface heater; - electronlque m ELECTROTEC electronic heating; - au gaz m PRODUcnON gas heating, THERMODYN gas heating, heating; - d'un groupe d'ilots m MAT CHAUFF district heating; - a haute frequence m ELECTROTEC (chaujJage HF) high-frequency heating, MAT CHAUFF power frequency heating; - a haute pression m MAT CHAUFF high-pressure heating system; - HF m (chauffage a haute /requence) ELECTROTEC high-frequency heating; - Inductif m THERMODYN inductive heating; - infrarouge m PHYS RAYON infrared heating; - des locaux m GAZ space heating; - au mazout m CONSTR oil firing, MAT CHAUFF oil heating; - mecanlque m CONS MECA mechanical firing; - MF m (chauffage a moyenne /requence) ELECTROTEC medium-frequency heating; - a moyenne frequence m (chauffage MF) ELECTROTEC medium-frequency heating; - mural m THERMODYN panel heating; - ohmlque m ELECTR resistance heating, NUCLEAIRE par e//et Joule Joule heating, THERMODYN resistance heating; - par arc 81ectrlque m ELECTROTEC arc heating; - par effet joule m THERMODYN resistance heating; - par haute frequence m ELECTR high-frequency heating; - par induction m ELECTROTEC, MATERIAUX, MECANIQUE, PLAST CAOU induction heating; - par jaquette electrlque m CHAUFFAGE electric blanket heating; - par plancher chauffant m THERMODYN underfloor heating; - par radiation m PHYS RAYON radiation heating, THERMODYN radiant heating; - par Ie sol m CHAUFFAGE floor heating, underfloor heating; - prealable m CH DE FER vehicules preheating; - a radiation d'air chaud m SECURITE hot air radiation heating system; - rapide m AGRO ALIM flash heating; - a rayonnement m MAT CHAUFF radiant heating; - a rayons gamma m PHYS RAYON gamma ray heating; - aux rayons infrarouges m CHAUFFAGE infrared heating; - a recuperation de chaleur m REFRIG regenerative heating; - sans conduit de cheminee m CONS MECA flueless heater; - solaire m ASTRONOMIE solar heating, EN RENOUV solar heating system; - urbain m THERMODYN district heating; - a vapeur m CONSTR steam heating; - de volture m MAT CHAUFF car heater

chauffaglste m THERMODYN heating engineer chauffe/PRoDUCTION fire chamber, stoking chauffe: - a blanc adj THERMODYN white-hot; - au

charbon adj CHARBON coal-fired; - au coke adj PRODucnON coke-fired; - a gaz adj CHAUFFAGE, PRODUCTION gas-fired; - au rouge adj THERMODYN


red-hot chauffe-bain m PHOTO dish heater; - a gaz m MAT

CHAUFF salle de hain gas geyser chauffe-ballon m EQUIP LAB heating mantle chauffe-eau m EQUIP LAB, THERMODYN chauffage water

heater; - a electrode m CHAUFFAGE electrode boiler; - a gaz m THERMODYN gas boiler, gas water heater; - instantane m MAT CHAUFF instantaneous water heater; - menager m CONS MECA domestic boiler; - solaire m CONS MECA solar water heater

chauffe-entonnoir m EQUIP LAB funnel heater chauffe-liant m CONSTR binder heater chauffer' vt CHIMIE, PHYSIQUE heat, PRODUcnON stoke,

une chaudiere serve, TEXTILE, THERMODYN heat chauffe~ vi CONS MECA run hot; - a vide vi CERAM VER

fire over chauffe-regle m CONSTR screed heater chaufferie / INST HYDR boiler house, boiler room; -

d'appoint / EN RENOUV geothermie booster heating system; - a gaz/ CHAUFFAGE gas heating system

chauffeur m PRODUCTION stoker chaufour m PRODUCTION lime kiln, lime pit chaufournerle /PRODUCTION lime burning chaufrein m MECANIQUE soudage gap chaulage m CONSTR liming; - de lac m POLLUTION lake

liming chauler vt COULEURS whitewash chaulmoogra m CHIMIE huile chaulmoogra chaumard m NAUT fairlead; - a rouleau m NAUT roller

fairlead chaussee/coNSTR roadway, d'unpont deck, floor, en

heron pavement (BrE), NAUT causeway, TRANSPORT roadway, VEHICULES road; - emplerree / CONSTR metalled road (BrE), paved road (ArnE)

chaussette / IMPRIM rouleaux sleeve, NUCLEAIRE thimble

chaussures: - agreees / pI SECURITE approved footwear; - antistatlques / pI SECURITE antistatic footwear; - en plastique moul8/pl SECURITE plasticmolded footwear (ArnE), plastic-moulded footwear (BrE); - de protection/pI SECURITE protective footwear; - de travail/pI SECURITE work boots

chaux/ AGRO ALIM lime, CERAM VER chalk, CHARBON, CHIMIE, CONSTR lime; - anhydre/cHIMIE quicklime; - chloree / AGRO ALIM chlorinated lime, LESSIVES bleaching lime, bleaching powder, chlorinated lime; - eteinte / AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE, CONSTR slaked lime; - grasse/PAPIER fat lime; - hydratee/coNsTR hydrated lime; - sodee / CHIMIE soda lime; - sulfatee / CHIMIE sulfate of lime (ArnE), sulphate oflime (BrE); - vive/ CERAM VER, CHIMIE, CONSTR, POLLU MER quicklime

chavibetol m CHIMIE chavibetol chavicol m CHIMIE chavicol chavlrement m CONSTR dumping (ArnE), tipping (BrE) chavirer' vt CONSTR shoot, tip, tip up, NAUT capsize

chavire~ vi NAUT capsize cheddlte/MINEs chlorate explosive chef m PRODUCTION foreman; - animateur m CINEMAT

animation director; - de base m CONSTR d' une ardoise tail; - de bureau d'etudes m CONSTR chief designer; - de caisson m OCEANO caisson master; - de chantier m PETROLE tool pusher; - d'equipe m PRODUCTION charge hand, foreman; - d'escadre m NAUT commodore; - de forage m PETR drilling superintendent; - du gisement m MINES rock capping; - machiniste m CINEMAT boss grip; - mecaniclen m NAUT chief engineer; -


operateur m CINEMAT chief cameraman; - de palanquee m OCEANO diving supervisor; - de place m CERAM VER foreman, gaffer; - de plongee m OCEANO diving supervisor; - de pose m CH DE FER track-laying foreman; - de poste m PRODUCTION foreman; - sondeur m PETR driller; - de tete m CONSTR d'une ardoise head; - de traction m CH DE FER head driver; - de train m CH DE FER vehicules conductor (ArnE), guard (BrE); - de triage m CH DE FER freight yard foreman (ArnE), goods yard foreman (BrE)

chelate m CHIMIE, LESSIVES chelate chelater vt CHiMIE chelate chelateur m CHIMIE chelating agent chelation / CHIMIE chelation; - sequestration / NU-

CLEAIRE chelate formation, chelation chemin m CONSTR road, way, GEOMETRIE, INFORMAT,

ORDfNAT, PHYSIQUE path, VEHICULES road; - d'acces m ORDINAT access path; - anfractueux m CONSTR rough road; - de cAble m ELECTR alimentation cable run; - de cartes m INFORMAT card bed; - creux m CONSTR sunken road; - critique m CONSTR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT critical path; - detoume m CONSTR byway; - de donnees m ELECTRON, INFORMAT data path; - en deblal m CH DE FER railroad cutting (ArnE), railway cutting (BrE); - de fer m TRANSPORT railroad (ArnE), railway (BrE); - defer a cremaillere m TRANSPORT cog railroad (ArnE), cog railway (BrE), rack railroad (ArnE), rack railway (BrE), rack-and-pinion railroad (ArnE), rack-and-pinion railway (BrE); - de fer miniature m CH DE FER model railroad (ArnE), model railway (BrE); - de fer minier m TRANSPORT mine railroad (AmE), mine railway (BrE); - de fer modele reduit m CH DE FER model railroad (AmE), model railway (BrE); - de fer de montagne m CH DE FER, TRANSPORT mountain railroad (ArnE), mountain railway (BrE); - de fer de montagne a cremalliere m TRANSPORT rack mountain railroad (ArnE), rack mountain railway (ArnE); - de fer suspendu m CONS MECA runway, PRODUCTION overhead runway, overhead track, TRANSPORT overhead runway; - de fer a voie &trolte m CH DE FER narrow gage railroad (ArnE), narrow gauge railway (BrE), TRANSPORT light railroad (ArnE), narrow gage track system (ArnE), narrow gauge track system (BrE); - defer a voie large m CH DE FER broad-gage railroad (ArnE), broadgauge railway (Br E); - de fer a vole normale m CH DE FER standard gage railroad (ArnE), standard gauge railway (BrE); - a forte pente m CONSTR steep road; - de halage m CONSTR tow path; - de mise ala terre m PRODUCTION electricite earthing path (BrE), grounding path (ArnE); - de nivellement m OCEANO survey traverse; - optimal m TELECOM optimal path; - optique m OPTIQUE optical path, dans un milieu homogene et isotrope optical path length, TELECOM optical path, optical path length; - du papler m IMPRIM dans la machine lead; - de retenue m PRODUCTION voie logique d' accrochage hold-in path; - de roulement m CONS MECA runway, pour billes race, MECANIQUE race; - de roulement pour billes m CONS MECA ball race; - rude m CONSTR rough road; - sulvi par Ie bouton de manlvelle m CONS MECA crankpath

cheminee/cHAUFFAGE chimney, CONS MECA chamber, CONSTR chimney stack, chimney, funnel, shaft, stack, GEOLOGIE volcanique vent, MECANIQUE funnel, MINES chimney, chute, mill, mill hole, pass, NAUT funnel, PETR stack, PRODUCTION chimney; - d'aerage/MINES

air stack, surface ventilation chimney, surface ventilation duct; - a charbon/cHARBON chute, drop hole, coal chute; - de chaudiere/INsT HYDR carneau boiler flue; - en acier / CONSTR steel chimney; - en t61e / CONSTR steel chimney; - d'equillbre/EN RENOUV surge shaft, HYDROLOGIE surge shaft, surge tank; - a minerai /MINES mill, mill hole, ore pass; - d'usine/coNsTR chimney stack; - de ventilation / CONSTR vent pipe; - volcanique / GEOWGIE volcanic vent; - volcanique diatreme/ GEOLOGIE diatreme

cheminement m CONSTR meandering, PETROLE creep; - aleatoirem INFORMAT, ORDINAT random walk; - d'arc m ELECTR de/aut d'isolateur tracking; - horizontal au boucller m CH DE FER shield tunneling (ArnE), shield tunnelling (BrE); -littoral m HYDROWGIE littoral drift

chemisage m INST HYDR clothing, lagging, NUCLEAlRE jacketing; - exterleur de chaudiere m INST HYDR boiler jacket, chauffage

chemise/ AUTO cylinder liner, CERAM VER casing, skirt, CONS MECA element liner, D1STRI EAU d'une pompe lining, ESPACE vehicules jacket, MECANIQUE cylinder liner, jacket, liner, NUCLEAIRE jacket, PRODUCTION jacket, lining, sheathing, d'un /ourneau shirt; - de chauffage/THERMODYN heating jacket; - a circulation d'eau/PRoDUCTION water jacket; - de cylindre/ AUTO cylinder sleeve, VEHICULES moteur cylinder liner; - d'eau / AUTO, PRODUCTION, THERMODYN, VEHICULES systeme de re/roidissement water jacket; - exterleure / PRODUCTION building, d'un haut /ourneau mantle; - humide / AUTO wet cylinder liner; - a vapeur/ CHAUFFAGE, INST HYDR steam jacket

chemise adj MECANIQUE jacketed chenal m CONSTR, D1STRI EAU channel, EN RENOUV chan-

nel, fairway, GEOLOGIE, HYDROLOGIE channel, NAUT channel, fairway, OCEANO channel; - d'acces m NAUT approach channel; - acoustique m OCEANO acoustic channel, acoustic waveband, sound channel; - d'approche m AERONAUT approach path, NAUT approach channel; - de coulee m PRODUCTION main gate, main runner, runner; - de coulee en chute directe m PRODUCTION direct pouring gate, drop runner, plump gate, pop gate; - de coulee en source m PRODUCTION fountain runner, horn gate; - de coulee a talon m PRODUCTION side gate; - de cours d'eau m D1STRI EAU channelway, HYDROLOGIE streamway; - de deversement m D1STRI EAU drainage channel; - filonien m MINES lode channel; - a huile m CONS MECA oil channel; - de maree m OCEANO tidal channel; - de navigation m HYDROLOGIE navigation channel, OCEANO fairway, shipping channel, TRANSPORT navigation channel; - de rlviere m HYDROLOGIE river channel; - sonore m OCEANO acoustic channel, sound channel

chenalage m NAUT fairway navigation cheneau m CONSTR gutter; - a I'anglalse m CONSTR

parapet gutter; - encalsse m CONSTR box gutter, parallel gutter, secret gutter, trough gutter

chenet m MAT CHAUFF firedog chenillards/ pI ENREGlSTR sound bars chenilie/MILITAIRE d'un char d'assaut caterpillar chenilles/ pI CONS MECA pour vehicules crawler tracks cherche-p6les m ELECTR connexions polarity tester chercher vt INFORMAT, ORDINAT seek chercheur m ASTRONOMIE auxiliary telescope, finder,

CONSTR des travaux publics surveyor, INSTRUMENT finder, MINES digger; - de IIgne m TELECOM LF, line finder; - d'operateur m TELECOM access matrix; - de

pale m ELECTR polarity tester chert m GEOLOGIE chert; - ferruglneux rubana m GEO-

LOGIE jaspilite chessylite/ CHiMIE, MlNERAUX chessylite cheval m CONS MECA horsepower, METROLOGIE metric

horsepower, MINES horsepower; - dynamlque m CONS MECA horsepower; - effectif m CONS MECA BHP, brake horsepower, actual horsepower, PRODUCTION BHP, brake horsepower, effective horsepower; - de force m CONS MECA horsepower; - heure m CONS MECA horsepower hour; - heure effectif m CONS MECA brake horsepower hour, effective horsepower hour, MECANIQUE actual horsepower hour, PRODUCTION brake horsepower hour; - indique m CONS MECA gross horsepower; - de Troie m INFORMAT, ORDINAT Trojan horse; - vapeur m AUTO horsepower, hp, CONS MECA, METROLOGIE horsepower

chevalement m MINES gallows frame, head frame, headstock, pithead gear, pithead frame

chevalement-abri m MINES head house chevalat m CERAM VER buck (ArnE), horse (BrE), stor-

age rack, CONSTR trestle, PRODUCTION horse; - d'extractlon m MINES gallows frame, head frame, headstock, pithead frame; - de scieur m CONSTR buck, jack, sawbuck, sawhorse

Chevalet: - du Pelntre m ASTRONOMIE Pictor chevauchement m ACOUSTIQUE overcutting, CONS MECA

straddling, CONSTR overlap, overlapping, ELECTRON pipelining, ELECTROTEcoveriapping, GEOLOGIE overlap, overthrust, thrusting, INFORMAT, ORDINAT overlap, PETROLE overthrust, PRODUCTION overriding; - aveugle m GEOLOGIE structure sans afJleurement blind thrust; - des soupapes m AUTO valve lap

chevelure: - cometaire / ASTRONOMIE coma fail; - hydrographlque/PETR braided stream

Chevelure: - de Berenice/ ASTRONOMIE Coma Berenices chevat m MINES foot, footwall chevatre m CONSTR trimmer, trimmer beam; - sous la

marche paliere m CONSTR landing trimmer cheville / CONS MECA pin, CONSTR brad, draw bore pin,

hinge pin, peg, pin, MECANIQUE peg; - antiexpanslon/ CONSTR through bolt; - d'assemblage / CONS MECA drift pin; - d'attache/PRoDuCTION hitch pin; - d'attelage/CONS MECApour une remorque coupling pin;- autoforeuse / CONSTR self-drill anchor; - barbelee / CONSTR sprig bolt; - de bols/CONSTR treenail (ArnE), trenail (BrE), trunnel (ArnE); - cadre/coNsTR frame fixing; - clou / CONSTR hammer plug; - douille / CONSTR sleeve anchor; - metallique corps creux / CONSTR metal cavity fixing umbrella; - ouvrillre / CONS MECA kingbolt, kingpin, main pin, pintle; - de securlte / CONS MECA safety bolt

cheviller vt CONSTR bolt, peg, PRODUCTION dowel chevre / CONSTR derrick, derrick crane, gin, jack, saw-

buck, sawhorse, shear legs, PRODUCTION horse; - a vehlcule / CONS MECA pour Ie rem placement de bogies liftingjack; - vertlcale/ CONSTR derrick, derrick crane

chevron m CONS MECA chevron, herringbone, CONSTR rafter; - aratler m CONSTR hip, hip rafter; - intermedlalre m CONSTR common rafter; - de long pan m CONSTR hip rafter; - principal m CONSTR principal, principal rafter

chevronnage: - a tenon m CONSTR bridle joint chevrons m pi CERAM VER chevron runner bars chez: - Ie destlnataire adv TELECOM at the far end; -

I'emetteur adv TELECOM at the near end


chlastollte /M1NERAUX chiastolite chicane/CINEMA T light trap, CONS MECA baffie, CONSTR

baffie, baffie plate, GENIE CHIM baffie, vapor trap (ArnE), vapour trap (BrE), NUCLEAlRE, PAPIER, VEHICULES silencieux baffie; - pour ratenue de I'huile / NUCLEAlRE oil baffie

chlcanes/plREFRIG baffieplates chien m CONS MECA click, detent, dog, pawl, ratchet,

trigger, CONSTR devil's claw, lion's claw; - de garde m ORDINAT watchdog timer

Chiens: - de Chasse m pi ASTRONOMIE Canes Venatici chiffon m PAPIER rag; - non-pelucheux m MECANIQUE

lint-free cloth chlffrage m CERAM VER figuring, ELECTRON encipher-

ment,ORDINATencryption chiffralson: - d'une echelle/METROLOGIE scale numbe-

ring chlffre m IMPRIM numeral, INFORMAT, ORDINAT digit; -

binalre m CONS MECA binary number, INFORMAT, ORDINAT binary digit, bit; - de bourrage m TELECOM maritime mobile stuffing digit; - de controle m INFORMAT, ORDINAT check digit; - en Index m IMPRIM inferior character, inferior figure, inferior letter, subscript; - d'identification de natlonalita m TELECOM NID, national identification digit; -Ie plus significatif m INFORMAT, ORDINAT MSD, most significant digit; - de polds falble m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel LSD, least significant digit; - de poids fort m INFORMAT, PRODUCTION automatisme industriel MSD, most significant digit; - de polds Ie plus falble m INFORMAT, ORDINAT LSD, least significant digit; - romaln m IMPRIM, MATH Roman numeral; - slgnificatif m MATH significant figure; - supplementaire m TELECOM extra digit

chiffrement m TELECOM encipherment, encryption; - de bout en bout m TELECOM end-to-end encipherment; - de donnees m ORDINAT data encryption; - de liaison m TELECOM link-by-link encipherment; - de liaison par liaison m TELECOM link-by-link encipherment

chiffrer vt ELECTR digitize, ELECTRON encipher, TELECOM encode, TV code

chiffres: - aprils la virgule m pi MATH significant figures; - arabes m pi IMPRIM modern figures; - at signes digitaux m piIMPRIM numerics

chignole / CONS MECA hand brace chiidrenite/MiNERAux childrenite chll8lte /MINERAUX chileite chimico-analytique adj CHIMIE chemico-analytical chlmico-81ectrique adj CHIMIE chemico-electrical chlmlco-m8tallurglque adj CHIMIE chemicometallurgi-

cal chimico-mineralogique a4J CHIMIE chemicomineralogi-

cal chimico-physique a4J CHIMIE chemicophysical chimie: - alimentaire / AGRO ALIM food chemistry; -

appliquee / CHIMIE applied chemistry; - de I'atmosphere / POLLUTION atmospheric chemistry; - atmospherique / POLLUTION atmospheric chemistry; - inorganlque/cHIMIEmineral chemistry; - minerale/ CHIMIE inorganic chemistry, mineral chemistry; - organique / CHIMIE organic chemistry; - physlologlque / CHIMIE physiochemistry; - pure / CHIMIE theoretical chemistry; - radioactive/ CHIMlE, PHYS RAYON radiochemistry; - sous rayonnement/NUcLEAIRE radiation chemistry; - de la telnture/couLEURS teintochemistry

chlmioluminescence / PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE chemi-


luminescence chlmlotherapie JCHlMIE chemotherapy chimique adj CHIMIE, TEXTILE chemical chimiquier m NAUT chemical tanker chinois m AGRO ALIM conical sieve chiolitejMINERAUX chiolite chiral adj CHIMIE chiral chiralitej CRIST ALL, MA TERIAUX catalyse chirality chltlne j CHIMIE chitin chitosamine JCHlMIE chitosamine chlviatitejMINERAUX chiviatite chloanthitejMINERAux chloanthite chloracetate m CHIMIE chloracetate chloracetique adj CHIMIE chloracetic chlorage m LESSIVES chlorination chloral m CHIMIE chloral chloralamide m CHIMIE chloralamide chloralbenzene m CHIMIE chloral benzene chloralbutol m CHIMIE chloralbutol chloralformiate m CHIMIE chloralformate chloralose m CHIMIE chloralose chloranile m CHIMIE chloranil chlorastrolitejMINERAUX chlorastrolite chlorate m CHIMIE chlorate; - de potasse m CHIMIE

potassium chlorate; - de potassium m CHIMIE potassium chlorate

chloration j CHIMIE, HYDROLOGIE chlorination; - au point optimaljHYDROLOGIE breakpoint chlorination

chlore m (CI) CHIMIE chlorine (CI); - actif m LESSIVES, PAPIER active chlorine; - liquide m THERMODYN liquid chlorine

chlora adj HYDROLOGIE, LESSIVES chlorinated chlorer vt HYDROLOGIE chlorinate chloreux adj CHIMIE chlorous chlorhydrate adj CHIMIE muriated chlorhydrique adj CHIMIE acide hydrochloric chlorlque adj CHIMIE chloric chloritej CHARBON, CHIMIE, MINERAUX, PETROLE mineral

chlorite chloritoidejMINERAUX chlorite spar, chloritoid chlorobutadiene m CHIMIE chloroprene chlorocalcite jMINERAUX chlorocalcite chlorofibres j pi TEXTILE chlorofibers (ArnE), chloro-

fibres (BrE) chlorofluorocarbone m (CFC) EMBALLAGE chlorofluo-

rocarbon (CFC) chlorohydrinej CHIMIE chlorohydrin chloromelanitejMINERAUX chloromelanite chloropale jMINERAUX chloropal chlorophane jMINERAUX chlorophane chlorophenol m CHIMIE chlorophenol chlorophyllej CHIMIE chlorophyll chloropicrinej CHIMIE chloropicrin, nitrochloroform chloroplatinate m CHIMIE chloroplatinate chloroprene m CHIMIE chloroprene chlorospinelle m MINERAUX chlorospinel chlorosulfonationjLEssIVES chlorosulfonation (ArnE),

chlorosulphonation (BrE) chlorosulfone adj LESSIVES chlorosulfonated (ArnE),

chi oro sulphonated (BrE) chlorurationj CHIMIE chlorination chlorure m CHARBON, CHIMIE, MATERIAUX chimie

chloride; - aclde m CHIMIE acidic chloride; - d'acide m CHIMIE acid chloride; - d'acyle m MATERIAUX acyl chloride; - d'ammonium m CHIMIE ammonium chloride; - d'argent m CHIMIE, ELECTROTEC silver

chloride; - de benzoyle m CHIMIE benzoyl chloride; - de calcium m AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE calcium chloride; - de carbonyle m CHIMIE carbonyl chloride; - de chaux m AGRO ALIM chlorinated lime, LESSIVES bleaching lime, bleaching powder, chlorinated lime, PAPIER bleaching powder; - de cobalt m CERAM VER cobalt chloride; - decolorant m LESSIVES bleaching agent, chlorine bleaching agent; - de methyle m CHIMIE methyl chloride; - de methylrosalinium m CHIMIE viocid; - d'or m CHIMIE gold chloride; - de polyvinyle m CONSTR, ELECTROTEC, MATERIAUX, PLAST CAOU polyvinyl chloride; - de polyvinyle chlore m PLAST CAOU chlorinated polyvinyl chloride; - de polyvinyle non plastlfie m PLAST CAOU unplasticized polyvinyl chloride; - de polyvinylidene m PLAST CAOU polyvinylidene chloride; - de potassium m CHIMIE potassium chloride; - de sodium m CHIMIE, LESSIYES sodium chloride; - de xenon m ELECTRON xenon chloride; - de zinc m ELECTROTEC zinc chloride

chlorurer vt CHIMIE chlorinate choc m CHARBON impact, CONS MECA shock, CONSTR,

MECANIQUE impact, PHYSIQUE impact, shock, PRODUCTION jar, jarring; - acide m POLLUTION acid shock; - acide printanier m POLLUTION spring acid shock; - acide du printemps m POLLUTION spring acid shock; - avant m ESPACE bow shock; - 81astlque m PHYSIQUE elastic collision; - 81ectrique m ELECTROTEC, SECURITE electric shock; - en retour m MECANIQUE recoil, PHYSIQUE return stroke; - in8lastique m PHYSIQUE inelastic collision; - lointain m NUCLEAIRE distant collision, range collision; - pyrotechnlque m ESPACE vehicules pyrotechnic shock; - thermique m ESPACE thermal shock, NUCLEAIRE heat flush, THERMODYN thermal shock

chocage m NUCLEAIRE chugging choisir vt INFORMA T, ORDINAT select cholsisseuse j CERAM YER slitter choix m CERAM YER inspection, selection, sorting, IM-

PRIM select; - des composants m ESPACE vehicules component selection; - du fabricant m CONS MECA manufacturer's discretion

cholate m CHIMIE cholate chol6cystographlejINSTRuMENT cholecystography cholesterique adj CHIMIE cholesteric cholesterol m AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE cholesterol cholinej AGRO ALIM choline cholinergique adj CHIMIE cholinergic cholinesterase j CHIMIE cholinesterase cholique adj CHIMIE acide cholic chomage:1 en - adjPRoDUCTION idle chomage2 m PRODUCTION d'une usine closing chondrine j CHIMIE chondrin chondrite j ASTRONOMIE chondrite; - charbonneuse j

ASTRONOMIE carbonaceous chondrite chondritique adj GEOLOGIE chondri tic chondroarsenite jMINERAUX chondrarsenite chondrodite jMINERAUX chondrodite choquage m ESPACE chugging choquer vt NAUT marine check, un cordage slip christianite jMINERAUX christianite chromage m MATERIAUX chromium plating, chromiz-

ing, YEHICULES chromium plating chromate m CHIMIE chromate; - de fer m CHIMIE iron

chromate chromate: - au bronze adj PRODUCTION bronze chro-

mate finished

chromatlclte/TV chromaticity chromatlque adj PHOTO, PHYSIQUE, TV chromatic chromatlsation/MATERIAuX chromizing chromatographe m EQUIP LAB pour phase gazeuse gas

chromatograph, pour l' analyse des ions ion chromatograph

chromatographie / cmMIE chromatography; ~ d'adsorption gaz-solide / POLLUTION gas solid chromatography; ~ ill couches minces / EQUIP LAB analyse thin-layer chromatography; ~ en phase gazeuse / ( CPG) AGRO ALIM, cmMIE, MA TERIAUX gas chromatography; ~ en phase IIqulde / POLLUTION liquid chromatography; ~ gazeuse/THERMODYN gas chromatography; ~ gaz-liqulde / (CGL) POLLUTION, THERMODYN gas liquid chromatography; ~ gaz-solide / (CGS) POLLUTION gas solid chromatography; ~ IIqueflee / POLLUTION liquid chromatography; ~ liquide ill grande vltesse / POLLUTION high-performance liquid chromatography; ~ liquide ill haute performance / POLLUTION high-performance liquid chromatography; ~ IIquide ill haute pression / (CLHP) AGRO ALIM, cmMIE, EQUIP LAB, POLLUTION high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC); ~ par partition / CHIMIE partition chromatography; ~ par permeation du gel/EQUIP LAB analyse gel permeation chromatography; ~ sur couches minces / CmMIE TLC, thin-layer chromatography; ~ sur gel permeable/ CHiMIE gel permeation chromatography;

~ sur papler / CHiMIE paper chromatography chrome m CHiMIE (Cr ) chromium (Cr ) chromer vt GENIE CHiM chrome chromeux adj CHIMIE chromous chromlnance / ELECTRON chrominance, TV chroma; ~

retardee/Tv lagging chrominance chromlque adj CHiMIE chromic chromlte/cERAM VER, MINERAUX chromite chromodynamique: ~ quantique/PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE

quantum chromodynamics chromogene m CHIMIE chromogen chromophorique adj CHiMIE chromophoric chromosphere/ ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE chromosphere chromotropique adj cmMIE chromotropic chromotypie / PHOTO color printing process (ArnE),

colour printing process (BrE) chronogramme m INFORMAT, ORDINAT timing diagram chronologie/ELECTRON de circuits logiques logic tim-

ing, ESPACE de lancement chronology chronometrage m CINEMAT timing chronomi'ltre m EQUIP LAB chronometer, duree timer,

NAUT chronometer, PHYSIQUE chronometer, timer; ~ ill declic m PHYSIQUE stopciock, stopwatch

chronometrer vt PRODUCTION time chronophotographie/ CINEMAT motion analysis chrysene m CHiMIE chrysene chrysoberyl m MINERAUX chrysoberyl, cymophane chrysocolle /MINERAUX chrysocolla chrysoidine /CHIMIE chrysoidine chrysolite/MINERAuX chrysolite chrysolithe /MINERAUX chrysolite chrysophanique adj CHiMIE chrysophanic chrysoprase/MINERAUX chrysoprase chrysotile m MINERAUX chrysotile chuck m CONS MECA d'un tour chuck chute/CINEMATcut, offcut, reject, throw-away, trim, de

pellicule vierge short end, DISTRI EAU fall, lift, HYDROLOGIE ecluse lift, waterfall, INSf HYDR head, difference


negative de niveau fall, MECANIQUE discard, NAUT leech, PHYSIQUE de temperature fall, TEXTILE feeder; ~ anodique/GAZ anode drop; ~ de barre/PRoDUCTION crop end; ~ cathodlque / GAZ cathode drop; ~ de comble/coNsTR pitch of roof, roof pitch; ~ d'eau/ HYDROLOGIE waterfall head, INSf HYDR water fall height; ~ d'eau utile/EN RENOUV effective head; ~ en ligne/ELECTR de tension, ELECTROTEC de tension line drop; ~ d'un filet/OCEANO net depth; ~ de trequence / ELECTR frequency fall-off; ~ d'impedance / ELECTR tension impedance drop; ~ inductive/ELECTR inductive drop; ~ Inductive de tenslon/ELEcTR reactance drop; ~ libre/ AERONAUT, EMBALLAGE free fall; ~ de neige/METEO snowfall; ~ de papler /IMPRIM/a~onnage offcut; ~ du pH/POLLUTION pH drop; ~ de potentiel/ ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE potential drop; ~ de potentlel thermique/THERMODYN heat drop, thermal head; ~ de pression / EN RENOUV pressure drop, INST HYDR pressure drop, pressure loss, PAPIER, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique pressure drop; ~ de pression hydraulique / HYDROLOGIE fall in hydraulic head; ~ reactive /ELECTROTEC reactance drop; ~ de resistance /ELECTR IR-drop, ohmic drop, resistance drop; ~ du sommet/ELECTRON droop; ~ de temperature/THERMODYN heat drop, temperature drop; ~ de tension / CINEMAT power drop, ELECTR potential drop, voltage drop, voltage loss, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION voltage drop

chutes: ~ non Imprimees/pIIMPRIM/a~onnage, recuperation du papier blank trimmings

chutier m CINEMAT pour film bin, editing rack, film bin, film tree, trim bin

chymosine/ AGRO ALIM rennin Ci abrev (cirrus) METEO Ci (cirrus) CI abrev ELECTR (circuit integre) , ELECTRON (circuit

integre) I C (integrated circuit), ELECTRON (circuit imprime),INFORMAT (circuit integre) IC (integrated circuit), INFORMAT (circuit imprime) PC (printed circuit), ORDINAT (circuit integre) IC (integrated circuit),ORDINAT (circuit imprime) PC (printed circuit), PHYSIQUE (circuit integre) IC (integrated circuit), PHYSIQUE (circuit imprime) PC (printed circuit), TELECOM (circuit integre) IC (integrated circuit), TELECOM (circuit imp rime) PC (printed circuit), TV (circuit integre) IC (integrated circuit), TV (circuit imprime) PC (printed circuit)

clble / ESPACE, PHYS PART, TV target; ~ d'absorption totale /PHYS RAYON total absorption target; ~ creuse / NUCLEAIRE hollow target; ~ ill emission secondaire / ELECTRON secondary emission target; ~ en glace / NUCLEAIRE ice target; ~ ill fils/PHYS RAYON wire mesh target; ~ multiplicatrice au siliclum/ELEcTRON siliconintensifier target

cible-mannequin/ MILIT A1RE dummy target cicatrlce: ~ de coulee/ CERAM VER casting scar CIE / (Commission internationale de l' eclairage)

PHYSIQUE International Commission on Illumination ciel: I ill ~ ouvert adj MINES open cast ciel2 m MINES d'une mine, PRODUCTION d'un/oyer roof; ~

de gorge m CERAM VER throat cover cigale: ~ d'ancre/NAuT anchor ring ciment m CERAM VER cement, CHIMIE cement, glue,

CONSTR cement, GEOLOGIE binder, d'une roche sedimentaire cement, MATERIAUX, PLASf CAOU construction cement; ~ arme m CONSTR reinforced concrete; ~ ill durcissement rapide m CONSTR quick-


setting cement, rapid-hardening cement; - en vrac m CONSTR bulk cement; - fondu m CHIMIE lumnite; - de haut-foumeau m CONSTR blast furnace cement; - isolant m REFRIG insulating cement; - Portland artificiel ill haute resistance aux sulfates m CONSTR Portland sulfate-resisting cement (ArnE), Portland sulphateresisting cement (BrE); - Portland ordinairem CONSTR ordinary Portland cement; - ill la pouzzolane m CONSTR pozzolanic cement; - ill prise lente m CONSTR slow-setting cement; - ill prise rapide m CONSTR quicksetting cement, rapid-hardening cement

cimentage m CONSTR cementing cimentaire adj CONSTR cementing cimentation ! CONSTR, PETR, PETROLE cementation,

cementing; - sous pression!PETRoLE squeeze clmenter vt CERAM YER cement, CONSTR bed out, cement cimenterie! CONSTR cement works cimentier m CONSTR cement maker, cement manufac-

turer cimollte!MINERAUX cimolite cinabre m CHIMIE, MINERAUX cinnabar, MINES mercury

ore cinchonidine !CHIMIE cinchonidine cinchonine! CHIMIE cinchonia, cinchonin cinchonique adj CHIMIE acide quinic cineaste m CINEMAT cinematographer, film-maker; -

independant m CINEMAT independent film-maker; - plglste m CINEMAT independent film-maker

Cinemascope m (MD) CINEMA T Cinemascope (TM) cinematlque !MECANIQUE, PHYSIQUE kinematics cinematographier vt CINEMAT film cinemoderivometre m AERONAUT drift indicator cinemometre m PHYSIQUE tachometer; - radar m TRANS-

PORT road traffic radar cineol m CHIMIE cineol cineolique adj CHIMIE cineolic cineradiographie ! CINEMAT X-ray cinematography,

cineradiography Cinerama m (MD) CINEMAT Cinerama (TM) cinerite! GEOLOGIE flinty ash, vitric tuff cinGtiquel adjESPAcE kinetic cinGtique2 !CHIMIE, GAZ, MATERIAUX, MECANIQUE, ME-

TALL, NUCLEAIRE, PHYSIQUE kinetics; - des gaz! THERMODYN gas kinetics; - de reaction!MATERIAUX reaction kinetics

cinnamate m CHIMIE cinnamate; - de benzyle m AGRO ALIM benzyl cinnamate; - d'8thyle m AGRO ALIM ethyl cinnamate; - ethylique m AGRO ALIM ethyl cinnamate

cinnamique adj CHIMIE cinnamic cinnamyle m CHIMIE cinnamyle cinnoline! CHIMIE cinnoline clnquieme: - generation! INFORMAT, ORDINAT fifth

generation cintrage m CONSTR du toit arching, IMPRIM papier curl,

PHOTO des pellicules photographiques buckling; - ill froid m MECANIQUE cold bending

cintre: I en - adj CONSTR arched cintre2 m CONS MECA former, CONSTR arch, center

(ArnE), centering (ArnE), centre (BrE), centring (BrE), d'une voute curve; - de lancement m CONSTR launching gantry

clntre adj CONSTR arched cintrer vt CONSTR arch, un tuyau bend, une piece de bois

bend, MINES arch, PRODUCTION bend clntreur: - a tubes m CONSTR pipe bender cintreuse! CH DE FER rail-bending machine, CONS MECA

bending press cipolin m GEOLOGIE patterned marble circlip m MECANIQUE circlip

circonference! GEOMETRIE circumference; - primitive! CONS MECA pitch circumference

clrconscription!coNSTR area, TELECOM local exchange area; - administrative! CONSTR administrative area

clrconscrire vt GEOMETRIE circumscribe circuit: I en - adj ELECTR connected; en - ouvert adj

PHYSIQUE open circuit circuit2 m ELECTR, ELECTRON, ORDINAT circuit, PHYSIQUE

circuit, network; en - m ELECTR in circuit ( cct) TELECOM circuit; .. - d'absorption m ELECTR absorption circuit, suction circuit, relais spark absorber; - d'acces m TELECOM access circuit; - d'accord m ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, TELECOM tuning circuit; - a accord dkale m ELECTRON double-tuned circuit; - accorde m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE tuned circuit; - actlf m PHYSIQUE active circuit; - additionneur m ELECTR adding network; - d'air comprlme m AERONAUT pressure air system; - d'alarme m TELECOM alarm circuit; - d'alimentation m ELECTR feed circuit, ELECTROTEC power supply circuit, ESPACE feed system; - d'allumage m ESPAcEpyrotechnie ignition circuit, PHOTO triggering circuit; - d'amortissement m ELECTROTEC snubber circuit; - amplifie m TELECOM amplified circuit; - analogique m ELECTRON analog circuit (ArnE), analogue circuit (BrE), linear circuit, ELECTROTEC, TELECOM analog circuit (ArnE), analogue circuit (BrE); - d'annulation de lasuppression m TV unblanking circuit; - de I'anode m ELECTROTEC anode circuit; - anodique m ELECTROTEC anode circuit, plate circuit; - ill antiCOincidence m PHYSIQUE anticoincidence circuit; - antiresonnant m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE antiresonant circuit; - arithm8tique m ELECTRON arithmetic circuit; - d'arrit ill distance m PRODUcnON automatisme industriel remote shutdown circuit; - d'arrit de la machine m PRODUcnON machine shutdown circuit; - d'asservlssement m CINEMAT servoloop; - astable m ELECTRON astable circuit; - asymetrique m ELECTR asymmetric circuit, asymmetrical circuit; - asynchrone m ORDINAT, TELECOM asynchronous circuit; - d'attaque de ligne m INFORMAT line driver; - d'attente m AERONAUT holding pattern, holding stack; - d'attente en hippodrome m AERONAUT racetrack holding pattern; - d'attente en vol m AERONAUT flight holding pattern; - d'augmentation de la pente m TV peaking circuit; - aut08levateur m TV bootstrap; U-de balayage lineaire m TV sweep circuit; - ill bande etroite m ELECTRON narrow band circuit; - basculant m TV dumping circuit; - binaire m ELECTRON binary circuit; - bipolaire m ELECTRON bipolar integrated circuit; - bistable m ELECTRON bistable circuit; - bouchon m AERONAUT, PHYSIQUE antiresonant circuit; - boucle m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC ring circuit (ArnE), ring main (BrE); - des boues m PETROLE mud system; - de Burgers m METALL Burgers circuit; .. - cadence m ELECTRON clocked circuit; - carburant m AERONAUT fuel system; - cathodique m ELECTROTEC cathode circuit; - CCD m (CCD) ASTRONOMIE, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV charge-coupled device (CCD); - de champ m ELECTR machine field circuit; -

de charge m ELECTR accumulateur charging circuit, TELECOM load circuit; - de chauffage m MAT CHAUFF heating circuit; - de circulation du gaz m NUCLEAIRE gas circulation loop; - de clamp m TV clamping circuit; - cloche m TV Gaussian circuit; - codeur m PRODUCTION encoder; - ill coincidence m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE coincidence circuit; - combinateur m TELECOM, TV combining circuit; - combinatolre m ELECTRON, ORDINAT combinational circuit (ArnE), combinatorial circuit (BrE), TELECOM combining circuit; - de commande m CINEMAT control circuit, COMMANDE control circuit, signal circuit, ELECTR, ORDINAT, TELECOM control circuit; - ill commande unique m ELECTROTEC ganged circuit, single drive circuit, TV ganged circuit; - de commutation m ELECTROTEC switching circuit; - commute m TELECOM switched circuit; - comparateur m ELECTRON comparator circuit; - compensateur m TV corrector circuit; - de compensation m ELECTR compensating circuit, ELECTROTEC adjusting circuit, TELECOM compensation circuit; - de compensation de cable m TV cable compensation circuit; - de comptage m ELECTRON counter circuit; - conformateur m TV squaring circuit; - de connexion m TELECOM junctor, trunk; - de connexion local m TELECOM intraoffice junctor circuit (ArnE), own-exchange supervisory circuit; - ill constantes localisees m ELECTROTEC lumped element circuit; - ill constantes reparties m ELECTROTEC distributed element circuit; - de contra Ie m ELECTR, REFRIG control circuit; - de convergence m TV convergence circuit; - correcteur m TV corrector circuit; - correcteur de distorsion m TV equalizer; - de correction m ELECTRON peaking circuit; - couple m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC coupled circuit; - de courant alternatif m ELECTR alternatingcurrentcircuit; - ill courant altematif m ELECTROTEC AC circuit; - ill courant continu m ELECTROTEC DC circuit; - ill courant de Foucault m ELECTR eddy current circuit; II!I-de decharge m ELECTROTEC discharge circuit; - de d6clenchement m ELECTR trigger circuit, trip circuit, ELECTRON, ESSAIS, PHYSIQUE trigger circuit; - declencheur de trame m TV field gating circuit; - detectueux m NUCLEAIRE failed circuit, failed loop; - de demarrage m TELECOM startup circuit; - de depart m ELECTR leading-out wire, outgoing circuit; - de derivation m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel branch circuit; - de derivation de moteur m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel motor branch circuit; - derive m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC derived circuit; - de detection m ELECTRON detector circuit; - de detection d'incendie m NAUT fire detection system; - ill deux fils m ELECTR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT two-wire circuit; - differentiateur m ELECTRON differentiating circuit; - de differentiation m TV peaking network; - divlseur m ELECTRON dividing circuit, scaler, scaling circuit; - ill double sens m TELECOM both-way circuit; B-d'eau m NAUT water system; - echantlllonneur m ELECTROTEC sample-and-hold circuit; - d'echappement moteur m NAUT engine exhaust system; - d'eclairage m ELECTR lighting circuit; - d'ecrfitage m ELECTRON clipper circuit, TV amplitude limiter circuit; - electrique m ELECTR electric circuit, ELECTRON, TELECOM electrical circuit; - 81ectronique m ELECTRON, TELECOM electronic circuit; - enchaine m ELECTR linked circuit; - d'enclenchement m ELECTROTEC interlock circuit; - en derivation m ELECTR derived

circuit, ELECTROTEC derived circuit, shunt circuit; - en parallele m MINES, TELECOM parallel circuit; - en pont m ELECTROTEC bridge circuit; - de I'enroulement secondaire m ELECTROTEC secondary circuit; - en series paralleles m MINES series-parallel circuit; - entierement personnalise m ELECTRON full custom circuit; - entrant m TELECOM incoming circuit; - d'entree m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC input circuit; - d'entree ill TEC m ELECTRON FET front end; - equivalent m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE equivalent circuit; - ET m ELECTRON AND circuit; - ET inclusif m ELECTRON inclusive AND circuit; - d'evacuation de la chaleur m NUCLEAIRE heat removal loop; - d'excitation m ELECTROTEC energizing circuit, excitation circuit; - exterieur m ELECTR external circuit; D-fantOme m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM phantom circuit; - ferme m CHARBON, CONS MECA closed circuit, ELECTR closed circuit, closed loop, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE closed circuit; - ferme d'usagers m INFORMAT, ORDINAT closed user group; - ferroresonnant m ELECTROTEC ferroresonance circuit; - de filtrage RC m ELECTRON RC filter-circuit; - de fixation de niveau m ELECTRON clamping circuit; - fixe aeronautique m AERONAUT aeronautical fixed circuit; - de freinage m CONS MECA brake system; - de freinage double circuit m AUTO L-split system; .. - de garde m ELECTROTEC guard .circuit; - gaussien m TV Gaussian circuit; - gaz m MAT CHAUFF gas circuit; - geothermique m EN RENOUV geothermal circuit; - de graissage m CONS MECA lubricating system; U - ill haut debit m TELECOM megastream circuit; - ill haut debit par satellite m TELECOM Satstream circuit (TM); - d'horloge m ELECTRON clock circuit; - hybride m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE hybrid circuit; - hybride ill couches epaisses m ELECTRON thick-film hybrid circuit; - hybride ill couches minces m ELECTRON thin-film hybrid circuit; - hybride hyperfrtiquence m ELECTRON MIC, microwave integrated circuit; - hybride optique m ELECTRON optical hybrid circuit; - hybride ill puces nues connectees par fils m ELECTRON chip-and-wire hybrid circuit; - hybride Simple m ELECTRON simple hybrid circuit; - hydraulique m AUTO, INST HYDR hydraulic system; - hypertrequence m ELECTRON microwave circuit; .. - imprimem ELECTRON printed wiring, ELECTRON (CI) , INFORMAT (CI),ORDINAT (CI), PHYSIQUE (CI) , TELECOM (CI), TV (CI) printed circuit (PC); - imprime double face m ELECTRON double-sided printed circuit; - imprime haute frequence m ELECTRON highfrequency printed circuit; - imprime hyperfrequence m ELECTRON microwave printed circuit; - imprime multicouche m ELECTRON, TELECOM multilayer printed circuit; - imprime au polyimide m ELECTRON polyimide printed circuit; - imprime ill rubans etroits m ELECTRON fine line printed circuit; - imprime simple face m ELECTRON single-sided printed circuit; - imprime souple m ELECTRON flexible printed circuit; - imprlme ill substrat souple m ELECTRON flexible printed circuit; - ill impulsion m ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC pulse circuit; - incorpore m ELECTRON on-chip circuit; - inducteur m ELECTR inductive circuit, primary circuit; - d'induit m ELECTR machine armature circuit; - integrateur m ELECTROTEC integrating circuit; - ill integration ill echelle moyenne m TELECOM MSI circuit; - integrem ELECTR, ELECTRON, ORDINAT,


PHYSIQUE integrated circuit, TELECOM chip, TELECOM, TV integrated circuit; - Integre analoglque m ELECTRON analog integrated circuit (ArnE), analogue integrated circuit (BrE), linear integrated circuit; - Integre bipolaire m ELECTRON, ORDINAT bipolar integrated circuit; - integre bipolaire analogique m ELECTRON analog bipolar integrated circuit (ArnE), analogue bipolar integrated circuit (BrE); - Integre blpolalre Schottky m ELECTRON Schottky bipolar integrated circuit; - Integre blpolalre au slllcium m ELECTRON silicon bipolar integrated circuit; - integre CMOS ill grilles metalllques m ELECTRON metal gate CMOS integrated circuit; - integra ill couche &paisse m TELECOM thick-layer integrated circuit; - integre electronlque m ELECTRON electronic integrated circuit; -Integre ill grande &chelle m PHYSIQUE large-scale integrated circuit, TELECOM large-scale integration circuit; - integre Hall m AUTO Hall integrated circuit; - integre ill haute densite m ELECTRON high-density integrated circuit; - Integre hybrlde m ELECTRON, TELECOM hybrid integrated circuit; - Integre hyperfrequence actif m ELECTRON active microwave integrated circuit; - integre logique m ELECTRON logic integrated circuit, TELECOM integrated office system; - Integre micro-onde m PHYSIQUE MlC, microwave integrated circuit; - Integre monollthlque m ELECTRON monolithic integrated circuit; - integra monolithique mlcro-ondes m PHYSIQUE MMlC, monolithic microwave integrated circuit; - integre monolithique ill semi-conducteurs m TELECOM monolithic integrated circuit; - Integre NMOS m ELECTRON NMOS integrated circuit; - integre numerlque m ELECTRON digital integrated circuit; - integre optique m ELECTRON optical integrated circuit, OPTIQUE, TELECOM IOC, integrated optical circuit; - Integra optique monomode m ELECTRON single-mode optical integrated circuit; - Integre planar m ELECTRON planar integrated circuit; - integre ill seml-conducteur m ELECTRON semiconductor integrated circuit; - integre au slllcium m ELECTRON silicon-integrated circuit; - Integre ill tres grande &chelle m PHYSIQUE very largescale integrated circuit; - Integra trldlmenslonnel m ELECTRON three-dimensional integrated circuit; - integra de type planar m ELECTRON planar integrated circuit; - integre unipolaire m ELECTRON unipolar integrated circuit; - d'interface m ELECTRON, TELECOM interface circuit; - Intermedlalre m TV buffer; - Inverseur de phase m ELECTR a courant alternatif-continu phase inverter; - inverseur a semi-conducteurs m ELECTR semiverter; _ - de Jonctlon m TELECOM trunk; .. - ill large bande m TELECOM wide band circuit; - de Iigne m TELECOM line circuit; - Iineaire m ELECTR, ELECTRON, TELECOM linear circuit; - de lissage m ELECTR smoothing circuit; - logique m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM logic circuit; - logique combinatoire m ELECTRON combinatorial circuit; - logique Integra m ELECTRON integrated logic circuit; - logique MOS m ELECTRON MOS logic circuit, metaloxide semiconductor logic circuit; - logique optique m ELECTRON optical logic circuit; - logique programmable m INFORMAT, ORDINAT PAL, programmable array logic, TELECOM programmable logic circuit; - LSI m PHYSIQUE, TELECOM LSI circuit, large-scale integration circuit; D-magnStique m ELECTR magnetic circuit, ma-

chine electrique. transformateur core, ELECTROTEC, ESPACE vehicules, PHYSIQUE magnetic circuit; - matriciel m TELECOM matrix circuit; - melangeur m ELECTRON combiner circuit, TV adder; - melangeur pour Ie bleu m TV blue adder; - melangeur pour Ie rouge m TV red adder; - melangeur pour Ie vert m TV green adder; - de memoire m TELECOM memory circuit; - mStalllque m ELECTROTEC metallic circuit; - mlcronlque m ELECTRON micron circuit; - de mise au point m COMMANDE adjustment circuit, regulator circuit; - mlxte m TELECOM both-way circuit; - monolithique m ELECTRON monolithic integrated circuit; - monostable m ELECTRON one-shot circuit; - MOS ill grille mStallique at oxyde secondaire m ELECTRON thick oxide metal gate MOS circuit; - moyen debit m TELECOM kilostream circuit; - MSI m TELECOM MSl circuit; - multiStage m TELECOM multistage circuit; - de multiplexage m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel multiplex circuit; 1IiI-NI m ELECTRON NOR circuit; - NI exclusif m ELECTRON exclusive NOR circuit; - NON m ELECTRON NOT circuit; - NON-ET m ELECTRON NAND circuit; - non-inductif m ELECTR noninductive circuit; - non-Iineaire m TELECOM nonlinear circuit; - non reclproque m TELECOM nonreciprocal circuit; - numerique m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM digital circuit; - numerlque de synchronisation m TV digital framer; _ - optlque m ELECTRON optical integrated circuit; - d'optique integre m OPTIQUE, TELECOM IOC, integrated optical circuit; - optoelectronique m ELECTRON optical integrated circuit; - optoelectronlque Integre m TELECOM integrated optoelectronic circuit; - d'ordres m TV talk back circuit; - oscillant m ELECTR oscillating circuit, ELECTRON resonant circuit, TV oscillating circuit; - oscillant parallele m ELECTRON parallel resonant circuit; - OU m ELECTRON OR circuit; - OU exclusif m ELECTRON exclusive OR circuit; - OU inclusif m ELECTRON inclusive OR circuit; - ouvert m CHARBON open circuit, ELECTR open circuit, open loop, ELECTROTEC broken circuit, open circuit, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION open circuit; _ - parallele m ELECTR, TELECOM parallel circuit; - de parole m TELECOM speech circuit; - passif m PHYSIQUE, TELECOM passive circuit; - physique m ELECTROTEC physical circuit; - de polarisation m ELECTROTEC bias circuit; - polyphase m ELECTR a courant alternatifpolyphasecircuit; - predlffusemINFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM gate array; - prlmaire m ELECTR primary circuit; - principal m ELECTR reseau main circuit; - protecteur m ELECTR protective circuit; - de protection m ELECTROTEC ballasting circuit, protection circuit, shutdown circuit, TELECOM protection circuit; - de puissance m ELECTR power circuit; - push-pull m ENREGISTR push-pull circuit; .. - de quantification m ELECTRON quantizer; - quatre fils m INFORMAT, ORDINAT four-wire circuit; .. - de rayonnement m TV radiating circuit; - de reactance m ELECTR choke circuit, reactance circuit; - a reactance m ELECTROTEC reactive circuit; - reactlf m ELECTROTEC reactive circuit; - de reaction m COMMANDE, TV feedback circuit; - realise sur la carte m ELECTRON on-board circuitry; - realise sur la puce m ELECTRON on-chip circuit; - reclproque m TELECOM reciprocal circuit; - de recoupement m ENREGISTR crossover network; - de redressement m ELECTROTEC rectifying circuit; - r8el m ELECTROTEC side circuit; -

du rMrigerant m REFRIG refrigerant circuit; - de refrigeration m REFRIG refrigerating circuit; - de refroidissement m AUTO cooling system; - de refroidissement moteur m NAUT engine cooling system; - de refroidissement il reservoir d'expanslon m AUTO closed and sealed cooling system; - de refroidissement de saumure m NUCLEAIRE systeme brine cooling system; - de reglage m COMMANDE regulator circuit; - de regularisatlon m CINEMAT servoloop; - de regulation m TRANSPORT closed-loop traffic control system, TV servo loop; - resistlf m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM resistive circuit; - de resonance m ELECTR induction acceptor circuit; - resonnant m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM resonant circuit; - resonnant parallale m ELECTRON parallel resonant circuit; - resonnant serle m ELECTROTEC series resonant circuit; - il retard m ELECTR delay circuit, ELECTRON delay circuit, timedelay circuit, TV delay circuit; - de retour m ELECTR return conductor, return wire, ELECTROTEC return circuit; - de retour video m TV video feedback circuit; _-sans perte m TELECOM zero loss circuit; - secondaire m ELECTROTEC secondary circuit; - de secours m AERONAUT emergency system, PRODUCTION backup circuit; - semi-personnalise m ELECTRON semicustom circuit; - serle m ELECTROTEC, MINES, TELECOM series circuit; - serie-parallele m ELECTROTEC series-parallel circuit; - sortant m TELECOM outgoing circuit; - de sortie m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM output circuit; - de sortie en court-circuit m PRODUCTION shorted output circuit; - de soudage m CONSTR welding circuit; - souple m ELECTRON flexible printed circuit; - sous forme integree m ELECTRON integrated circuitry; - sous tenSion m ELECTROTEC live circuit; - specifique il une application m ORDINAT ASIC, application-specific integrated circuit; - de suppression m TV blanking circuit; - symetrique m ENREGISTR balanced circuit; - synchrone m TELECOM synchronous circuit; .. - tampon m ELECTRON buffer circuit; - de tarage m ELECTR bucking circuit; - de t8lecommunications m ELECTROTEC communications circuit; - detemporisatlon m ELECTRON time-delay circuit; - il thermistance m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel thermistor circuit; - de tir m MINES firing circuit, shot-firing circuit; - total m ELECTR full circuit; - de trafic m TELECOM traffic circuit; - de traitement de matieres fertiles m NUCLEAIRE blanket reprocessing circuit; - iii tras bas niveau m ELECTROTEC dry circuit; - iii tras grande Integration m TELECOM VLSI circuit, very large-scale integration circuit; - triphase m TELECOM three-phase circuit; - de trl de signaux m TV separation circuit; II:!I-ULSI m TELECOM ultra large scale integration circuit; - utillsateur m ELECTR load circuit; - d'utilisation m ELECTR load circuit; B-de ventilation moteur m NAUT engine ventilation system; - de verroulUage m PRODUCTION automatisme industriellatch circuit, TV clamping circuit; - de vidange m ESPACE vehicules fuel dumping system; - de vide-vite m ESPACE vehicules fuel dumping system; - vlrtuel m INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM virtual circuit; - virtue! commute m TELECOM SVC, switched virtual circuit; - virtuel permanent m INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM PVC, permanent virtual circuit; - virtuel sur canal 0 m TELECOM D-channel virtual circuit; - VLSI m TELECOM VLSI circuit, very large-scale integration circuit; - de vole m CH DE FER


track circuit circuitage: - electrique m ELECTROTEC electric wiring circuit-pilote m COMMANDE control circuit, signal circuit circuits: il-Integres atfj ORDINAT solid-state clrculaire: - d'information aeronautlque / AERONAUT

aeronautical information circular; - de pointage / MILIT AIRE artillerie training rack

circularisation/EsPAcE d'une orbite circularization circulariser vt ESP ACE une orbite circularize clrculateur m ESPACE communications, TELECOM circula-

tor; - il effet Faraday m ELECTROTEC Faraday circulator; - il hyperfr6quences m TELECOM microwave circulator; - optlque m TELECOM optical circulator

clrculation/coNsTR traffic flow, DISTRI EAU circulation, INFORMAT flow, PETROLE boues de/orage circulation, PHYSIQUE circulation, flow, TRANSPORT traffic flow, traffic, VEHICULES traffic; - anticyclonlque / METEO anticyclonic circulation; - arritee /TRANSPORT stationary traffic; - atmospherique / METEO general atmospheric circulation; - de boue/PETR mud circulation; - il contre-voie / CH DE FER running on wrong line, wrong direction running; - cyclonique/METEo cyclonic circulation; - en mouvement / TRANSPORT moving traffic; - en navette / TRANSPORT shuttle traffic; - forcee /MA T CHAUFF fanned circulation; - de l'information/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT information flow; - 10cale/coNsTR local traffic; - de materiel/EMBALLAGE material flow; - perdue/PETR lost circulation, PETRoLE/orage loss of returns, lost circulation; - des polds 10UrdS/TRANSPORT heavy freight-Â¥ehicle traffic (ArnE), heavy goods vehicle traffic (BrE); - routlere/ TRANSPORT road traffic; - il la surface / AERONAUT taxiing; - tourbillonalre / METED vorticity; - iii voie unique/ CH DE FER single line working

circuler vi INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE flow; - en sens opposes vi PHYS PART /aisceaux circulate in opposite directions

Circumnavigation/TRANsPORT circumnavigation circumpolaire atfj TRANSPORT circumpolar CIRD abrev (code d'identification de reseau de donnees)

TELECOM DNIC (data network identification code) cire/IMPRIM wax; - de camauba/ AGRO ALIM carnauba

wax; - d'enductlon / REVETEMENT coating wax; - il enduire / REVETEMENT coating wax; - d'enrobage / REVETEMENT coating wax; - iii impregner /EMBALLAGE impregnating wax; -Isolante /ELECTROTEC insulating wax; - microcristalline / PETROLE microcrystalline wax; - deparaffine/cHiMIE, ELECTR isolateurparaffin wax; - perdue / CERAM VER lost wax; - de petrole / PETROLE rajJinage petroleum wax

cire m NAUT foul weather gear, oilskin cirer vt REVETEMENT coat cirro-cumulus m (Cc) METEO cirrocumulus ( Cc) clrrolite/MINERAUX cirrolite cirro-stratus m (Cs) METED cirrostratus (Cs) cirrus m (Ci) METEO cirrus (Ci); - infrarouge m AS-

TRONOMIE infrared cirrus CIRT abrev (code d'identification de reseau telex) TELE-

COM telex network identification code cis atfj CHIMIE forme d'un compose cis cisalile / CONS MECA shear, MECANIQUE outil/age shears,

PHOTO trimmer; - iii barres/CONS MECA bar shear; - il blUettes / CONS MECA billet shears; - il blooms / CONS MECA bloom shears; - de cable de treuil/ AERONAUT hoist cable cutter; - iii guillotine/MECANIQUE outil/age


guillotine shears, PRODUCTION guillotine, guillotine shears, SECURITE guillotine; - de mise a longuer des barres/ CONS MECA bar shears; - pour feuilles/EMBALLAGE sheet cutting machine

cisaille-d6chlqueteuse/PHoTo jagged edge trimmer cisaillement m CONS MECA shearing, slide, resistance des

materiaux shear, GEOLOGIE shear, shearing, wrench fault, MATERIAUX shearing, MECANIQUE shear, PAPIER shearing effect, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU rheologie shear; - critique m METALL critical shear strain; - horizontal du vent m AERONAUT horizontal wind shear; - de maclage m METALL twinning shear; - simple m CONS MECA resistance des materiaux single shear; - de vent m METEO wind shear

cisailler vt CONS MECA shear, PRODUCTION clip; - a froid vt CONS MECA cold-shear

clsailles/ pi CONS MECA shear, shearing machine, shears; - ill anneaux/pl CONS MECA ring shears; - a brames/pl PRODUCTION slab shears; - chantoumeuses/pl CONS MECA scroll shears; - d'etabli/pl CONSTR bench shears; - de ferblantier / pi PRODUCTION tinman's shears, tinman's snips; - a goupilies/pi CONSTR pin shears; - grlgnotantes / pi CONS MECA nibbler; - a levier a contrepolds / pi PRODUCTION lever shearing machine with counterweight; - a main/pi PRODUCTION hand shears; - a metaux / pi PRODUCTION metal shears; - passe-franc/pi CONS MECA panel shears; - a toles / pi CONS MECA plate shears; - unlverselles / CONS MECA universal shears

ciseau m CONSTR, MINES, PRODUCTION chisel; - automatique m ENREGISTR tape splicer; - bedane m CONSTR mortise chisel; - biseaute m CONS MECA beveled chisel (ArnE), bevelled chisel (BrE); - a la charrue m CONSTR bolster; - de deux chanfreins m CONSTR doublebeveled chisel (ArnE), double-bevelled chisel (BrE); - a froid m CONS MECA flat chisel, flat cold chisel, PRODUCTION flat cold chisel; - a gouge m CONSTR gouge; - long m CONSTR paring chisel; - qui se grippe m CONSTR dans une rainure chisel which binds

clseaux m pi CERAM VER shears, CONS MECA scissors; - de couturiere m pi TEXTILE shears; - a cranter m CONS MECA pinking shears; - a dissection m pi EQUIP LAB biologie dissecting scissors

ciseleur m PRODUCTION chiseler (ArnE), chiseller (BrE) clselure / PRODUCTION chiseling (ArnE), chiselling

(BrE) clslunalra adj ASTRONOMIE cislunar cission / PHYSIQUE shear; - redulte / METALL resolved

shear stress; - resolue/METALL resolved shear stress cis-trans adj CHIMIE cis-trans Citation/BREvETS citation, IMPRIM quotation clter v t BREVETS cite citeme / CONSTR tank, DISTRI EAU cistern, water tank,

ESPACE, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION tank; - de cargaison/POLLUTION cargo tank; - de degraissage/ AGRO ALIM degreasing tank; - de livraison / PRODUCTION delivery tanker; - souple flottante/POLLu MER dracone, floating flexible tank; - de stockage / POLLUTION, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique storage tank

citral m CHIMIE citral citrate m CHIMIE citrate citrlne/MINERAuX citrine, citrine quartz, false topaz cltrlque adj CHIMIE citric cltronellal m CHIMIE citronellal citronyle/ CHIMIE citronyl

citrulline j CHIMIE citrulline civettone/ CHIMIE civetone civiilre/sEcuRITE stretcher CI (cMore) CHIMIE Cl (chlorine)

CL50 abrev (concentration letale a 50"/0) POLLUTION median lethal concentration

clale/HYDROLOGIE electricite grid, PRODUCTION screen claim m MINES claim; - minier m MINES mining claim,

mining concession clairl adj GEOLOGIE light-colored (ArnE), light-coloured

(BrE); en - adjTELEcoM uncoded clalr:2 - de lune m ASTRONOMIE moonlight; - de Terre m

ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE astronomie earthshine claire / OCEANO claire, oyster bed, oyster fattening

pond; - de coupelle j CHIMIE bone ash; - soudura / ELECTR raccordement soft solder

claire-vole/ CONSTR paling, NAUT skylight clairieresj pi CERAM VER thin ware clair-obscur m CINEMAT chiaroscuro clameau m PRODUCTION dog iron clameaux m pi CONS MECA clamp, CONSTR cramp, cramp

iron, joint cramp, PRODUCTION clamp clamp m TV clamping clampe / CONS MECA clamp, CONSTR cramp, cramp iron,

joint cramp, timber dogs, PRODUCTION clamp clamping: - sur Ie palier arrlere m TV back porch clamp-

ing clap m CINEMAT clapper board, slate, ENREGISTR clap-

per; - a I'envers m CINEMAT upside down slate; - micro mCINEMATmiketap

clapet m CONS MECA clack, clack valve, flap valve, INST HYDR clack valve, clapper valve, deflecting valve, delivery valve, drop valve gear, flap valve, valve, MINES, PETROLE rajfinerie, PHYSIQUE valve, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique poppet; - d'admlssion m INST HYDR inlet valve, relief valve; - d'aerosol m EMBALLAGE aerosol valve; - d'alr m CONS MECA air valve; - anti-retour m CONS MECA, ESPACE vehicules check valve, INST HYDR nonreturn valve, MECANIQUE check valve; - anti-retour pilote m PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique pilot-operated check valve; - d'appel d'air m INST HYDR relief valve; - d'asplration m AUTO, INST HYDR suction valve; - d'aspiration d'air m CONS MECA air sniffing valve; - ill bille m CONS MECA ball valve, INST HYDR ball valve, globe valve; - a charniere m INST HYDR leaf valve; - commande m AERONAUT lockout valve; - coupe-feu m CHAUFFAGE protection contre les incendies fire damper; - de decharge m AUTO relief valve, CONS MECA discharge valve, INST HYDR blow valve, discharge valve, escape valve, exhaust valve, outlet valve, relief valve, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique, VEHICULES lubrification relief valve; - de depression m CONS MECA depressurization valve; - de detente m CONS MECA auxiliary valve, INST HYDR expansion valve; - d'echappement m INST HYDR eduction valve, exhaust valve; - equillbre m INST HYDR balanced valve; - d'expansion m INST HYDR expansion valve; - d'expiration m AERONAUT exhalation valve; - a flotteur m CONS MECA float valve; - de frelnage m INST HYDR retaining valve; - de gonflage m AERONAUT air charging valve; - d'intercommunication d'alr m AERONAUT air cross bleed valve; - d'intercommunication de carburant m AERONAUT fuel cross feed valve; - de levage m INST HYDR lifting valve; - a levier m INST HYDR lever valve; - de mise a I'alr libra m AERONAUT air vent valve; - de mise

al'air libre etanche au carburant m AERONAUT air-nofuel vent valve; - de non-retour m CONS MECA check valve, return valve, EN RENOUV check valve, nonreturn valve, PRODUCTION nonreturn valve, VEHICULES lubrification check valve; - a opercule soul eve m INST HYDR distributeur a soupape poppet valve; - de pied m CONS MECA foot valve; - de pied d'asplration m INST HYDR suction valve; - pilote m CONS MECA pilot valve; - plat m CONS MECA clapper; - de pompe m PETROLE pump valve; - de pompe a boue m PETROLE mud pump valve; - preferentlel m INST HYDR priority valve; - de pressurlsatlon m AERONAUT pressurizing valve; - prlorltalre m INST HYDR priority valve; - de purge m CONS MECA bleed valve; - reducteur de pression m INST HYDR pressure-reducing valve; - de refoulement m AUTO outlet valve; - it ressort m INST HYDR spring valve; - de retenue m AUTO vacuum check valve, CONSTR nonreturn valve, DISTRI EAU check valve, INST HYDR back pressure valve, nonreturn valve, retaining valve; - de soupape m NUCLEAIRE flap, valve flap; - de sOrete m INST HYDR escape valve; - de surpresslon m INST HYDR blow valve, pressure relief valve, relief valve; - tare m CONS MECA calibrated valve; - de trop plein m INST HYDR overflow valve; - de verrouillage m PRODUCTION locking lab; - de vidange m CONS MECA drain valve

claplste m CINEMA T clapper person clapot m NAUT, OCEANO choppy sea clapotis m NAUT swash, OCEANO choppiness, ripple claquage m ELECTR dielectrique breakdown, ELECTRON

breakdown, punch-through, puncture, ELECTROTEC breakdown, electrical breakdown, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU electrique breakdown, THERMODYN appareil/age flashover; - destructif m ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC destructive breakdown; - electrique m ELECTROTEC electrical breakdown; - entre broches m ELECTROTEC pin-to-pin breakdown; - de I'isolant m ELECTROTEC insulation breakdown; - de lajonctlon emetteur-base m ELECTRON emitter base breakdown; - d'un magnetron m ELECTROTEC magnetron arcing; - par avalanche m ELECTR diode semi-conductrice, ELECTRON avalanche breakdown; - par effet Zener m ELECTRON Zener breakdown; - par emballement thermlque m ELECTRON thermal breakdown; - par surtension m ELECTROTEC overvoltage breakdown

claque: - de collage/cINEMA T bloop claquement m ACOUSTIQUE click, CONSTR backfire, PRO-

DUCTION rattling; - de pales m AERONAUT helicoptere blade slap; - du piston m AUTO, VEHICULES moteur piston slap

claquer1 vt THERMODYN appareil/age flash over claquer2 vi CRIST ALL crack claquette/cINEMAT clapper board, slate; - du debut/

CINEMAT head slate; - de fin / CINEMAT end slate, end board, tail slate, upside down slate; - Image / CINEMAT camera slate, picture clap, vision clap

clarlfiant m AGRO ALIM clarifier clarlficateur1 a4j CHIMIE clarifying clarificateur2 m HYDROLOGIE clarifier, settling tank clarification / CHARBON, CHIMIE clarification, GENIE

CHIM defecation, purification, QUALITE clarification; - de I'eau/ GENIE CHIM water purification

clarifier vt AGRO ALIM beurre, liquide, CHARBON, CHIMIE clarify, GENIE CHIM clarify, settle on, par flltre filter

clarlte /MINERAUX c1arite clarkelte/MINERAUX c1arkeite


clarte/DISTRI EAU de l'eau clearness, IMPRIMphotogravure lightness

classe/BREVETS, CONS MECA, CRISTALL, INFORMAT, ORDINAT class, PRODUCTION, QUALITE excellence technique grade; - d'un amplificateur /ELECTRON amplifier class; - de durabilite / CERAM VER staining class; - erreur de protocole/TELECOM protocol error class; - d'exploltation asymetrlque en mode reponse normal/ TELECOM UNC, unbalanced operation normal response mode class; - holoedrique / CRISTALL holohedral class; - d'lsolatlon / ELECTR insulation class; - d'obJat gere/TELECOM MOC, managed object class; - de precision/METROLOGIE class of accuracy; - de protocole / TELECOM protocol class; - ressource indisponlble/TELECOM resource unavailable class; - service-ou-option Indlsponlble /TELECOM service-oroption not available class; - service-ou-option non mis en oeuvre / TELECOM service-or-option not implemented class; - situation normale / TELECOM normal situation class; - spectrale/ ASTRONOMIE spectral type

classement m CH DE FER vehicules marshaling (ArnE), marshalling (BrE), CHARBON size grading, sizing, GEOLOGIE sorting, PHYSIQUE rating, PRODUCTION, QUALITE, TELECOM grading; - granulometrique m GENIE CHIM particle classification, particle sizing, MATERIAUX metallurgie grain size classification

classer vt AGRO ALIM grade, CHARBON, GENIE CHIM classify, GEOLOGIE, PRODUCTION grade, QUALITE classify, QUALITY grade

classeur m CERAM VER classifier, CONS MECA sizer, PAPIER screen; - coni que m PRODUCTION cone classifier; - a courant ascendant m CHARBON countercurrent classifier, upward current classifier; - mecanique m CHARBON mechanical classifier

classeur-trleur m CONS MECA sizer classlflcateur m CHARBON classifier, CONS MECA sizer,

GENIE CHIM classifier; - a contre-courant m CHARBON counterflow classifier; - a coupe m CHARBON bowl classifier

classification/ ASTRONOMIE classification, CHARBON sizing, QUALITE classification; - des caracteres/IMPRIM classification of type design; - en energie des photons / ASTRONOMIE photon energy classification; - de Hubble / ASTRONOMIE des galaxies Hubble classification; hydraulique / CHARBON hydraulic classification; - des masses d'air / METEO air mass classification

classique a4j CONS MECA standard claste m GEOLOGIE clast clastique a4j GEOLOGIE clastic claudetite /MINERAUX c1audetite clause: - de capaclte / AERONAUT capacity clause; - de

retrocession/PETRoLE relinquishment requirement clausthalite/MINERAUX c1austhalite clavage m CONSTR d'une voute keying, keying in, keying

up claveau m CONSTR arch stone, voussoir, PRODUCTION

quoin clavetage m CONS MECA cottering, forelocking, keying,

keyway; - par clavettes disques m CONS MECA woodruff keys and keyways; - par clavettes inclinees m CONS MECA taper keys and keyways; - par clavettes tangentielles m CONS MECA tangential keys and keyways

clavate adj MECANIQUE keyed

claveter vt CONS MECA cotter, key clavettel AUTO insert, CINEMAT key, CONS MECA cotter,

forelock, key, pin, CONSTR wedge, MECANIQUE key, PAPIER key bolt, pin, pinhole, TV key, VEHICULES moteur, carburateur collet; - d'arbre I CONS MECA shaft key; - d'assemblage/MECANIQUE locating key; - de calage/coNs MECA shaft key, steady pin; - creusel CONS MECA saddle key; - disque I VEHICULES Woodruff key; -lil disque/coNs MECA disc key (BrE), disk key (AmE); - et contre-clavette/coNs MECA gib and cotter, gib and key; - evidee/coNs MECA saddle key; - fendue/coNs MECA spring cotter, spring forelock, spring key; - 1I frictionl CONS MECA saddle key; - inclinee/coNS MECA taper key; - inclinee avec talonl CONS MECA taper key with gib head; - inclinee mince I CONS MECA thin taper key; - inclinee sans talonl CONS MECA taper key without gib head; -linguiforme ICONS MECA feather, spline; -lil manton net ICONS MECA gib head key; -lil meplat/ CONS MECA key on flat; - noyee I CONS MECA sunk key; - paraliele/NUCLEAIREfixee par vis feather key, spline key; - POSH 1I plat/coNs MECA key on flat; - d'une soupape/NUCLEAIRE valve off, valving out; - a talon I CONS MECA gib head key; - tangentielle I CONS MECA tangent key; - 1I tete I CONS MECA gib head key

clavetter vt CONS MECA key clavettes: - paralleles carrees I pi CONS MECA square

parallel keys; - paralleles rectangulaires I pi CONS MECA rectangular parallel keys

claviature/pETRoLE manifold, pipe manifold clavier m CINEMAT, ELECTR commande, IMPRIM, INFOR-

MAT, ORDINAT keyboard, PHYSIQUE keyboard, keypad, TELECOM keyboard, keypad, push-button dial, TV keyboard; - amovlble m INFORMAT detachable keyboard; - auxilialre m IMPRIM additional keyboard; - aveugle m IMPRIM blind keyboard; - AZERTY m INFORMAT, ORDINAT AZERTY keyboard; - detachable m PRODUCTION detachable keyboard; - independant m PRODUCTION detachable keyboard; -lil membrane m ELECTROTEC, PRODUCTION automatisme industriel membrane keyboard; - numerlque m ENREGISTR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TV keypad; programmable m INFORMAT, ORDINAT soft keyboard; - QWERTY m INFORMAT, ORDINAT QWERTY keyboard

clel ACOUSTIQUE, CINEMAT key, CONS MECA key, spanner (BrE) wrench (ArnE), CONSTR, ELECTROTEC, INFORMAT key, MECANIQUE outil spanner (BrE), wrench (ArnE), NAUT chock, cordage hitch, ORDINAT, TELECOM, TV key, VEHICULES outil spanner (BrE), wrench (ArnE); - Allen mAle/IMPRIM Allen key (BrE), Allen wrench (ArnE); - anglaise/coNs MECA coach wrench; - anglaise simple 1I marteau I CONS MECA single bar coach wrench; - 1I b6quille I CONS MECA sliding tee socket wrench, socket wrench, tee socket wrench; - de Berne/cH DE FER Berne key; - de bocage/pETRoLE tongs; - 1I bougles I CONS MECA spark plug wrench; - de calibrel CONS MECA spanner (BrE) , wrench (ArnE); - 1I chaine pour tubes ICONS MECA chain pipe wrench; - 1I chocs pneumatique I CONS MECA pneumatic impact wrench; - cintree en S I CONS MECA S-shaped spanner (BrE), S-wrench (ArnE), curved spanner; -lil cllquet I CONS MECA ratchet spanner (BrE), ratchet wrench (ArnE); - 1I col de cygne I CONS MECA gooseneck wrench; - coudee I CONS MECA bent spanner (BrE), cranked spanner (BrE), offset wrench; - cro-

codile ICONS MECA alligator wrench; -lil douille ICONS MECA socket wrench, CONSTR crutch key, MECANIQUE socket spanner (BrE), socket wrench (ArnE); - dynamometrlque I CONS MECA torque wrench, NUCLEAIRE metric key, torque spanner (BrE), torque wrench (ArnE), VEHICULES outil torque spanner (BrE), torque wrench (ArnE); - emmanchee/coNs MECA nut spinner; - encrolx/coNsMECA wheel nut cross brace; - en deux pieces pourtubes/cONS MECA grip pipe wrench; - en main I CONSTR turnkey; - en S I CONS MECA S-shaped spanner (BrE), S-wrench (ArnE), curved spanner (BrE); - en tube I CONS MECA angle box wrench; - d'epalsseur I CERAM VER V-gage (ArnE), V-gauge, thickness gage (ArnE), thickness gauge; -lil ergot I CONS MECA pin spanner (BrE), pin wrench (ArnE); - a ergots/coNS MECA C-wrench (BrE) , open end wrench, hook and pin wrench; -lIfercreux/coNS MECA tube wrench; - fermee I CONS MECA spanner (BrE), wrench (ArnE); - 1I fourche I CONS MECA fork wrench, gap spanner (BrE), open end wrench, MECANIQUE outil/age open end wrench; - 1I fourche extra-plate ICONS MECA low-profile open-end wrench; - 1I griffe I CONS MECA hook spanner (BrE), hook wrench (ArnE); - hexagonale coudee I VEHICULES outil Allen key (BrE), Allen wrench (ArnE); - a mAchoires mobiles I CONS MECA screw wrench, shifting spanner (BrE); - mAle ICONS MECA Allen key (BrE), Allen wrench (ArnE), hexagonal key; - mAlecoudeel CONS MECA angled key; -lil marteaul CONS MECA screw hammer; -lil molette/cONS MECA adjustable spanner (BrE), screw wrench, adjustable wrench (ArnE), shifting spanner (BrE), MECANIQUE outil/age, VEHICULES outil adjustable spanner (BrE) , adjustable wrench (ArnE); -lil molette fal;on Clyburnl CONS MECA Clyburn wrench; - 1I molette a une seule mAchoire mobile/cONS MECA Clyburn wrench; -lil pipes ICONS MECA angled socket spanner (BrE), angled socket wrench; - 1I pipes debouchees I CONS MECA angled open socket spanner (BrE), angled open socket wrench; - polygonale I CONS MECA ring wrench, VEHICULES outilring spanner (BrE), ring wrench (ArnE); - polygonale contre-coudee I CONS MECA offset ring spanner (BrE), offset ring wrench; - polygonale demle-Iune I CONS MECA half-moon ring spanner (BrE); - polygonale a trapper I CONS MECA slogging ring spanner (BrE), slogging ring wrench; - polygonale a tuyauterie I CONS MECA split ring flare nut spanner (BrE), split ring flare nut wrench; - pour vis 1I six-pans creux/CONS MECA Allen key (BrE), Allen wrench (ArnE); - qui va a une serrure I CONSTR key which fits a lock; - de rallonge ICONS MECA pour cle a douille lengthening bar; - de recherche/INFORMAT, ORDINAT search key; - de reglage/cOMMANDE adjustment spanner (BrE), adjustment wrench (ArnE); - de r6glage des culbuteurs/coNS MECA tappet adjuster; - 1I rochet/coNS MECA ratchet spanner (BrE), ratchet wrench (ArnE); -lil sangle/coNs MECA strap spanner (BrE), strap wrench; - serre-tubes ICONS MECA pipe spanner (BrE), pipe wrench; - serre-tubes 1I chaine I CONS MECA chain pipe spanner (BrE), chain pipe wrench; - de serrure I CONSTR lock key; - simple I CONS MECA single-ended spanner (BrE), single-ended wrench; - simple a fourche ICONS MECA single-ended spanner (BrE), single-ended wrench; - six-pans/MECANIQUE outil/age hex head wrench; - 1I six pans I CONS MECA spanner for hexagon nuts; - 1I tiges I

PETROLE pipe tongs, tongs; - a tubes/coNs MECA tube wrench, CONSTR pipe spanner (BrE), pipe wrench; - a tuyauter / CONS MECA pipe spanner (BrE), pipe wrench; - a tuyauterle a cliquet/CONS MECA ratchet flare nut wrench; - a viS/CONS MECA screw key; - de voiture / CONS MECA coach wrench

cle-Stau/ CONS MECA lock grip wrench clef/voircle clenche/ CONSTR de loquet de porte bar, catch clenchette/ CONSTR de loquet de porte bar cles: - d'encrler / pllMPRIM machines fountain keys cleveite /MINERAUX cleveite ClF abrev (combustion sur lit fluidise) POLLUTION

fluidized bed combustion ClHP abrev (chromatographie liquide a haute pression)

AGRO ALIM, CIDMIE, EQUIP LAB, POLLUTION HPLC (high-pressure liqUid chromatography)

clic m TELECOM transient cllchage m MINES catch, dog, prop, kep, rest, de plan

incline tub controller cllchages m pi MINES cage sheets, cage shuts, fangs cliche m ASTRONOMIE negative, d'un corps celeste photo-

graphic negative, IMPRIM block, stereoplate, stereotype plate, PHOTO image, photograph, picture, negative, PHYSIQUE negative, REVETEMENT electroplate; - d'archlves m PHOTO file picture; - developpe m PHOTO developed image; - adorer m IMPRIM block; - electrotypique m IMPRIM electrotype; - lateral m INSTRUMENT lateral view; - manque m PHOTO spoiled negative; - de poudre m CRISTALL powder photograph; - de projection m CINEMAT lantern slide, slide; - slmill m PHOTO halftone block; - sous-expose m PHOTO underexposed picture; - stereo m IMPRIM presse electrotype; - surexpose m PHOTO overexposed picture; - au trait m IMPRIM line block, line cut, line plate; - typographique m IMPRIM block print, impression block

clicherie: - typographique/IMPRIM typographie blockmaking

cliches: - pour dorure m pi IMPRIM reliure gold blocking cllcheur m MINES onsetter (BrE), platman (ArnE) client m INFORMAT, ORDINAT client; - grand compte m

TELECOM major account holder; - pilote m TELECOM test customer

client/serveur m ORDINAT client/server clignotant m IMPRIM electronique blinker, VEHICULES

blinker, accessoire flasher clignotement m ORDINAT blinking clignoter vi ELECTRON flicker, ORDINAT visualisation

graphique blink clignoteur m AERONAUT indicator, VEIDCULES blinker,

accessoire direction indicator, flasher; - avantm AUTO front flasher

climagramme m METEO climagram, climatic graph, climatogram

climat m METEO climate; - continental m METEO continental climate; - equatorial m METEO equatorial climate; - maritime m METED maritime climate; - medlterraneen m METEO mediterranean climate; - de montagne m METEO mountain climate; - de moussons m METEO monsoon climate; - polaire m METEO polar climate; - tropical m METEO tropical climate; - de type medlterraneen m METEO mediterranean climate

climatlsatlon/ CONS MECA, MAT CHAUFF, METED, PAPIER, REFRIG air conditioning; - toutes salsons/REFRIG all year air conditioning


cllmatiser vt MAT CHAUFF, REFRIG air-condition climatiseur m AUTO air conditioner, REFRIG air condi-

tioning unit, VEHICULES habitac/e air conditioner; - a air et ventilation libre m REFRIG free flow air conditioning unit; - a condenseur a air m REFRIG air-cooled air conditioning unit; - a condenseur a eau m REFRIG water-cooled air conditioning unit; - a encastrer m REFRIG through-the-wall air conditioning unit; - de feniitre m REFRIG window air conditioning unit; - mobile m REFRIG room air conditioning unit; - monobloc m REFRIG self-contained air conditioning unit; - mural m REFRIG console air conditioning unit; - de toiture m REFRIG rooftop air conditioning unit; - a ventilation libre m REFRIG free flow air conditioning unit; - de zone m REFRIG zone air conditioning unit

climatologie/METEo climatology clinker m CONSTR clinker cllnochlore m MINERAUX clinochlore clinoclase/MINERAuX clinoclase, clinoclasite clinoclasite /MINERAUX clinoclase, clinoclasite clinoedrite /MINERAUX clinohedrite clinohumite /MINERAUX clinohumite clinometre m CHARBON clinometer, inclinometer,

CONSTR, GEOLOGIE clinometer, GEOPHYS clinometer, tiltmeter, METROLOGIE clinometer, PHYSIQUE inclinometer

clinometrie / CONSTR clinometry clinozoisite /MINERAUX clinozoisite clinquant m PRODUCTION foil clintonite/MINERAUX clintonite clip m CINEMAT video clip clique/TELECOM clique cliquet m CONS MECA click, detent, dog, keeper, ratchet

spanner (BrE), ratchet wrench (ArnE), ratchet, ratchet brace, trigger, d'un treuil pawl, CONSTR brace, latch, MECANIQUE pawl, ratchet, NUCLEAIRE latch; - d'arriit m CONS MECA d'un treuil pawl; - a canon m CONS MECA ratchet, ratchet brace; - a douilles debouchees m CONS MECA open socket ratchet; - simple m CONS MECA ratchet spanner (BrE), ratchet wrench (ArnE); - de stationnement m AUTO /rein parking pawl; - universel m CONS MECA reversible ratchet; - de verrouiliage m CONS MECA catch

cliquetage m VEIDCULES moteur pinging (ArnE), pinking(BrE)

cliqueter vi CONS MECA chatter cliquetis m AUTO pinging (ArnE), pinking (BrE), piston

knock, PETROLE knock, piston, VEHICULES moteur pinging (ArnE), pinking (BrE)

clivage m CONSTR cleaving, CRISTALL, GEOLOGIE, METALL cleavage; - ardolsler m GEOLOGIE slaty cleavage; - ardolsier axial m GEOLOGIE axial plane cleavage; - de crenulatlon m GEOLOGIE slip cleavage; - de diamant m PRODUCTION diamond cleaving; - de flux m GEOLOGIE flow cleavage; - de fracture m GEOLOGIE fracture cleavage; - par pll-fracture m GEOLOGIE strain slip cleavage

cliver vt CONSTR cope cloche / CIDMIE bell jar, CONS MECA de cabestan barrel,

CONSTR pothole, de la sur/ace subsidence, EQUIP LAB verrerie bell jar, MINES cauldron, sludge pump, sludger, d'une carriere opening, PRODUCTION bell, d'un cabestan drum; - d'avertissement/coMMANDE signal bell; - de barbotage / AGRO ALIM bubble cap, NUCLEAIRE bubble cap, bubble hood; - de curage/MINES sludge pump, sludger; - a echantillon / MINES core


breaker, core catcher, core extractor, core lifter, core plunger, core pusher; - en porcelalne / CERAM VER porcelain cup; - de gueulard/PRODUCTION cone; - de liaison / AUTO input shell; - de mesure / AERONAUT drag cup; - de plongee / OCEANO, PETR, PETROLE diving bell; - a plongeur /NAUT, OCEANO diving bell; - de refroidissement / CERAM VER soaking pit; - de repichage / MINES horn socket; - de tachymetre / AERONAUT drag cup

cloison/CONS MECA bulkhead, CONSTR division, partition, ESPACE vehicules, MECANIQUE bulkhead, MINES brattice, NAUT bulkhead; - d'aerage/MINES air brattice; - antiballast/ AERONAUT antisurge baffle; - axlale /NAUT center line bulkhead (AmE), centre line bulkhead (BrE); - coupe-feu / NAUT fire bulkhead, TIlERMODYN fire-resistant bulkhead, fire-resisting bulkhead; - de decrochage/ AERONAUT stall fence; - en decharge / CONSTR self-supporting partition; - en madriers/coNsTR plank partition; - en porte-a-faux/ CONSTR self-supporting partition; - en toile grossiere / CONSTR canvas brattice; - a entretolse / CONSTR stud partition; - etanche / AERONAUT aerone/ pressure bulkhead, MECANIQUE bulkhead; - d'incendie/THERMODYN fire-resistant bulkhead, fire-resisting bulkhead; - mediane/MINES midwall; - mediane de brOleur / CERAM VER midfeather; - pare-feu / AERONAUT fire wall, fireproof bulkhead, ESPACE fire bulkhead, fire wall, fireproof bulkhead, NAUT fire bulkhead; - de planches/coNsTR boarding; - pressurlSH / AERONAUT aerone/ pressure bulkhead; - de separation/coNsTR partition; - transversale/NAuT transverse bulkhead

cloisonnage m CONSTR partitioning, REFRIG baffle plates

cloisonne adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT partitioned clolsonnement m CONSTR partitioning, INFORMAT, OR-

DINAT compartmentalization cion age m PHYSIQUE cloning clone m INfORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE clone cloquage m IMPRIM blistering, PAPIER blistering, bub-


PRODUCTION blister clos l adj GEOMETRIE, MATH closed clos2 m CHiMIE retort closet m CERAM VER closet clotte/ CERAM VER flooding cloture/coNsTR enclosure, ELECTR relais closing oper-

ation; - de bomage/coNsTR boundary fence; - en til de fer /CONSTR wire fence; - de machine/sECURITE machine fence; - muree/CONSTR walled enclosure

cl6turer vt CONSTR fence in clou m CONSTR nail, rivet, MECANIQUE nail; - ardoise m

CONS MECA clout nail, slate nail; - barbele m CONSTR barbed wire nail; - de couvreur m CONS MECA slate nail; - a crochet m CONSTR tenterhook, wall holdfast; - a deux polntes m CONSTR staple, wire staple; - fondu m CONSTR cast nail; - a latter m CONSTR lath nail; - malt0nnerie m CONSTR masonry nail; - de mouleur m PRODUCTION gagger, lifter; - a parquet m CONSTR flooring nail; - a patte m CONSTR wall holdfast, PRODUCTION holdfast; - pour noyaux m CONSTR core nail; - reflectorise m CONSTR reflecting stud; - a river m CONSTR rivet; - a roc m CHARBON rock dowel, rock tip

clouage m CONSTR nailing clouement m CONSTR nailing

clouer vt CONSTR drive in, nail clouterle /PRODUCTION nailmaking clouure/ CONSTR nailing clup8lne /CHIMIE clupeine Cm (curium) CHIMIE Cm (curium)

CMI abrev (concentration maximale d'immixtion) POLLUTION maximum emission concentration

CMS abrev (composant monte en sur/ace) ELECTRON, TELECOM SMC (sur/ace-mounted component)

CN abrev (commande numerique) COMMANDE, CONS MECA, PRODUCTION NC (numerical control)

CNC abrev (concentration numerique des conversations) TELECOM DSI (digital speech interpolation)

CNP abrev (concentration numerique de la parole) TELECOM digital speech compression

CNS abrev (concentrateur numerique satellite) TELECOM digital satellite concentrator

Co (cobalt) CHiMIE Co (cobalt) coacervat m CHiMIE coacervate coacervation/ CHiMIE coacervation coagulant m GENIE CHlM, HYDROLOGIE coagulant coagulation / AGRO ALIM coagulating, CHiMIE clotting,

coagulation, GENIE CHIM, HYDROLOGIE, PLAST CAOU coagulation

coagulerl vt GENIE CHIM thicken coaguler:2 se - v refl CHiMIE gel, GENIE CHiM coagulate coagulum m PLAST CAOU caoutchouc coagulum coalescence / METEO coalescence; - des cavites / ME-

TALL void coalescence coaltar m CHARBON coal tar coarmateur m NAUT part owner coaxial adjELEcTROTEC, GEOMETRIE coaxial cobalamine/ CHiMIE cobalamin cobalt m (Co) CHIMIE cobalt (Co); - arseniate m MINE-

RAUX red cobalt; - oxyde noir m MINERAUX black cobalt ocher (ArnE), black cobalt ochre (BrE)

cobaltammine/cHiMIE cobaltammine cobaltiammlne/cHIMIE cobaltammine cobaltique adj CHiMIE cobaltic cobaltite/MINERAUX cobalt glance, cobaltine, cobaltite cobaltoammine / CHiMIE cobaltammine cocaine/ CHIMIE cocaine cocanallsatlon/TY interleaving coccolite/MINERAUX coccolite coccollthe / GEOLOGIE coccolith coche: - de plaisance m TRANSPORT houseboat cochenilie/ AGRO ALIM cochineal Cocher m ASTRONOMIE Auriga cochon m PRODUCTION bear, horse, sow cochonnet m PETROLE pig, canalisation go devil cockpit m ESP ACE, NAUT cockpit coco m NAUT coir cocotte: - minute/ AGRO ALIM pressure cooker COD abrev (carbone organique dissous) POLLUTION dis-

solved organic carbon codage m ELECTRON coding, encoding, ESPACE com-

munications, INFORMAT encoding, ORDINAT encoding,

encryption, TELECOM coding, encoding; - adaptlf m TELECOM adaptive coding; - de base m INFORMAT, ORDINAT basic coding; - blnaire m TELECOM binary coding; - bit ill bit m TELECOM bit-by-bit encoding; - convolutif m TELECOM convolutional coding; - ill debit reduit m TELECOM LRE, low rate encoding; - de detection d'erreurs m TELECOM error detection coding; - ill faible debit m TELECOM LRE, low rate encoding; - ill frequence m TELECOM frequency encoding; - Intertrame m TELECOM interframe coding; - intratrame m TELECOM in-frame coding; - numerique m ELECTRON digital coding; - par blocs m TELECOM block coding; - par convolution auto-orthogonal m TELECOM self-orthogonal convolutional coding; - par convolution ill debit moltle m TELECOM rate one half convolutional coding; - par modulation de largeur m ELECTRON width coding; - de la parole m ESPACE communications, TELECOM speech coding, speech encoding; - pour correction d'erreurs m TELECOM error correcting code; - predictif m TELECOM predictive coding; - predlctif IIneaire m ELECTRON linear predictive coding, TELECOM LPC, linear predicting coding; - de signal composite m TELECOM composite signal coding; - sous forme numerique m TELECOM digital coding; - ill tonalites sequentlelles m TELECOM sequential tone coding; - de la voix m TELECOM vocoding

code m ELECTRON, IMPRIM, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM code; - absolu m ORDINAT absolute code; - alphabetlque m INFORMAT alphabetic code; - alphanumerique m INFORMAT alphanumeric code; - d'arrit m INFORMAT, ORDINAT stop code; - arrondi m PRODUCTION rounding code; - ASCII m IMPRlM, INFORMAT, ORDINAT ASCII code; - ASME m MECANIQUE AS ME code; - d'authentiflcatlon m INFORMAT authentication code; - ill barres m EMBALLAGE, IMPRlM, INFORMAT, TELECOM bar code; - blnalre m INFORMAT binary code; - blpolaire m TELECOM bipolar code; - bipolalre avec substitution de trois zeros m TELECOM B3ZS, bipolar code with three-zero substitution; - bipolalre ill haute densite d'ordre 2 m TELECOM HDB2, high-density bipolar of order 2 code; - biqulnaire m INFORMAT biquinary code; - de bruit pseudoaleatolre m TELECOM pseudorandom noise code; - de caractere m INFORMAT character code; - CMI m TELECOM CMI, coded mark inversion; - complementalre m TELECOM complementary code; - considere m TELECOM given code; - de contact pour chaine de production m EMBALLAGE in-line contact coding; - convolutlf m TELECOM convolutive code; - de convolution m TELECOM convolution code, convolutional code; - correcteur d'erreurs m ELECTRON, ESPACE communications, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM ECC, error correcting code; - cyclique m TELECOM cyclic code; - dateur m EMBALLAGE date code; - decimal code blnalre itendu m (code EBCDIC) ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC); - detecteur d'erreurs m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT error detecting code, self-checking code; - EBCDIC m (code decimal code binaire etendu) ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT EBCDIC, EBCDIC code; - d'emplacement m EMBALLAGE site code; - ill enchainement m ORDINAT chain code; - en IIgne m TELECOM line code; - d'erreur m INFORMAT, ORDINAT error code; - defonctlon m INFORMAT function code; - de Gray m ESPACE communications Gray code; - de Hamming m ESPACE communications Hamming code;


- Hollerith m INFORMAT, ORDINAT Hollerith code; - horaire SMPTE m CINEMAT SMPTE time code; - ill huit moments m ELECTRON eight-level code; - d'identification m INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM identification code; - d'identlflcation du destinatalre m TELECOM recipient identification code; - d'identification de reseau de donnees m (CIRD) TELECOM data network identification code (DNIC); - d'identlflcation de reseau bilex m (CIRT) TELECOM telex network identification code; - d'impulsion m ELECTRON pulse code; - d'instructions m INFORMAT, ORDINAT instruction code; - d'instructions machine m INFORMAT, ORDINAT machine instruction code; - laser m ELECTRON laser code; - lineaire m EMBALLAGE line code, TELECOM linear code; - ill longueur variable m TELECOM variable length code; - de lot m EMBALLAGE batch code; - machine m INFORMAT, ORDINAT machine code; - national de destination m TELECOM NDC, national destination code; - non binaire m TELECOM non binary code; - numerique m ELECTRON digital code, INFORMAT, ORDINAT numerical code; - objet m INFORMAT, ORDINAT object code; - op m (code d'operation) INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PRODUCTION op code (operation code); - d'operatlon m INFORMAT, ORDINAT operation code, PRODUCTION automatisme industriel operation number, PRODUCTION automatisme industriel operation code; - d'option m ORDINAT option code; - optionnel m INFORMAT option code; - de pOint m TELECOM point code; - du point d'origlne m TELECOM OPC, originating point code; - de priorite de traitement m TELECOM processing priority code; - de prlorite de la transmission m TELECOM transmission priority code; - de production m CINEMAT production code; - de protection contre les erreurs m TELECOM error protection code; - de redondance cyclique m TELECOM cyclic redundancy code; - redondant m INFORMAT, ORDINAT redundant code; - ill reponse partlelle m TELECOM partial response code; - retour m INFORMAT, ORDINAT return code; - de securite m CONS MECA, SECURITE safety code; - separateur m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel fence code; - de service m INFORMAT function code; - source m INFORMAT, ORDINAT source code; - temporel m CINEMAT address code, time code, ENREGISTR, TV time code; - temporel incruste m TV burnt-in time code; - temporel ill piste centrale m ENREGISTR center track time code (ArnE), centre track time code (BrE); - temporel SMPTE m TV SMPTE time code; - unite de temps m PRODUCTION time key

code-barre m IMPRIM emballage wedge codecmELECTRoN, TELEcoMcodec codeine! CHiMIE codeine codemandeur m BREVETS joint applicant coder vt ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM en-

code, TV code, encode, scramble codes: - de blocs cycliques m pi TELECOM cyclic block

codes codeur m ELECTRON, INFORMAT coder, encoder, TELE-

COM coder, TV coder, encoder; - de clavier m INFORMAT, ORDINAT keyboard encoder; - ill frequences vocales m ENREGISTR vocoder, TELECOM linear predicting coding vocoder, vocoder; - ill frequences vocales active par la hauteur du son m TELECOM pitch-excited vocoder; - ill frequences vocales de formants m TELECOM formant vocoder; - ill frequences vocales de voies m TELECOM channel vo-


coder; - d'impulsions m ELECTRON pulse coder; - MICDA m TELECOM ADPCM encoder; - multitours m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel multi turn encoder; - optique m ESPACE communications optical encoder; - a reinjection m COMMANDE feedback encoder; - simple tour m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel single turn encoder

codeur/decodeur m ELECTRON, ORDINAT, TELECOM codec, coder/decoder

coefflcient: i II - d'uniformlte moyen ad) CHARBON sol medium-graded

coefflcient2 m ELECTR, INST HYDR coefficient, MATH coefficient, modulus, PHYSIQUE coefficient, PRODUCTION factor; _ - d'abondance m DISTRI EAU coefficient of abundance; - d'abrasion de gravier m CONSTR AA, aggregate abrasion value; - d'absorption m PAPIER absorbency value, absorption rate, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE absorption coefficient; - d'absorption Iineique m PHYSIQUE linear absorption coefficient; - d'absorption massique m PHYSIQUE mass absorption coefficient; - d'absorption solaire m EN RENOUV solar absorption coefficient; - d'activite m PHYSIQUE activity coefficient; - d'adherence m AUTO adhesion coefficient; - aerodynamique m AERONAUT aerodynamic factor, ESPACE aerodynamic coefficient; - d'affaiblissement m ENREGISTR attenuation factor, PHYSIQUE attenuation coefficient, linear coefficient; - d'affaiblissement lineique m PHYSIQUE linear attenuation coefficient; - d'amortissement m PHYSIQUE damping coefficient; - d'amplification m ELECTRON amplification factor, gain, gas ratio; - d'anamorphose m CINEMAT anamorphic squeeze; - d'armement m OCEANO hang ratio, hanging ratio; - d'attenuation m ELECTRON attenuation coefficient, PHYSIQUE attenuation coefficient, linear coefficient; - d'attenuation lineique m PHYSIQUE linear attenuation coefficient; - d'attenuation de rafale m AERONAUT gust alleviation factor; - d'attrition m PRODUCTION scrapping factor; - d'augmentation de pression m EN RENOUV pressure coefficient; - d'auto-echauffement m ELECTROTEC self-heating coefficient; - d'auto-induction m ELECTROTEC self-induction; 1:IlI-binomial m MATH binomial coefficient; - de Brewster m CERAM VER stress-optical coefficient; a-de capacite m PHYSIQUE coefficient of capacitance; - de capturabilite m OCEANO catchability coefficient, coefficient of capture; - de chaleur m REFRIG heat ratio; - de charge m AERONAUT load factor; - de cisaillement m PHYSIQUE modulus of rigidity, rigidity modulus, shear modulus; - de compressibilite m CHARBON, PHYSIQUE compressibility coefficient; - de conductibilite thermique m MECANIQUE mecanique, physique coefficient of thermal conductivity, PHYSIQUE coefficient of thermal conduction, PLAST CAOU coefficient of thermal conductivity; - de consolidation m CHARBON coefficient of consolidation; - de contraction m CONS MECA, EN RENOUV, INST HYDR contraction coefficient; - de convection m CHAUFFAGE convection heat transfer coefficient; - de conversion AM-PM m ESPACE communications AM-PM conversion coefficient; - de correlation m INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYS FLUID correlation coefficient; - de couplage m ELECTR bobine, PHYSIQUE coefficient of coupling; - de couplage electromecanique m ACOUSTIQUE electromechanical

coupling factor; - de couplage magnetique m ELECTR transformateur magnetic coupling coefficient; - de couple de rotation m EN RENOUV coefficient of torque; a-de debit mEN RENOUV discharge coefficient, flow coefficient, ESPACE discharge coefficient, PHYS FLUID flow coefficient; - de decharge m INST HYDR coefficient of efflux; - de desadaptation m ELECTROTEC mismatch factor; - differentiel m MATH differential coefficient; - de diffusion m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE diffusion coefficient, TELECOM scattering coefficient; - de diffusion apparente m MATERIAUX apparent diffusion coefficient; - de diffusion thermique m PHYSIQUE thermal diffusion coefficient; - de dilatation m CONSTR, MECANIQUE mecanique, physique, PLAST CAOU coefficient of expansion, TV expansion coefficient; - de dilatation lineique m PHYSIQUE linear expansion coefficient; - de dilatation thermique m MATERIAUX, MECANIQUE, PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN thermal expansion coefficient; - de dilatation volumique m PHYSIQUE cubic expansion coefficient, cubic expansivity, volume expansion coefficient; - de dispersion rnagnetique m ELECTR coefficient of magnetic dispersion; - de dispersion du materiau m OPTIQUE material dispersion coefficient, TELECOM material dispersion parameter; - de dissipation m PHYSIQUE dissipation coefficient; _ - d'ecaillement m CONSTR flakiness index; - d'ecoulement m DISTRI EAU runoff coefficient, HYDROLOGIE coefficient of run-off; - d'ecrasement m NAUT modulus of compression; - d'ecrasement de gravier m CONSTR aggregate crushing value; - d'ecrouissage m METALL work-hardening coefficient; - d'effet utile m MECANIQUE mecanique, physique, PHYSIQUE coefficient of efficiency, PRODUCTION commercial coefficiency; - d'Einstein m PHYS RAYON Einstein coefficient; - d'elancement m CONSTR slenderness ratio; - d'elasticite m MATERIAUX, METALL coefficient of elasticity, NAUT modulus of elasticity, PLAST CAOU coefficient of elasticity; - d'emmagasinement m HYDROLOGIE water storage coefficient; - d'equilibrage m ELECTROTEC return current coefficient; - d'equivalence en UVP m TRANSPORT passenger car equivalent; U-defiltrem CINEMAT filter factor; - definessem NAUT coefficient of fineness; - de force laterale m AERONAUT lateral force coefficient; - de forme m CHAUFFAGE isolation thermique shape factor; - de friction m PLAST CAOU coefficient of friction; - de frottement m CONSTR, MECANIQUE, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU coefficient of friction; - de frottement par glissement m PHYSIQUE sliding friction coefficient; - de frottement de roulement m PHYSIQUE rolling friction coefficient; - de frottement statique m PHYSIQUE static friction coefficient; - defuite m GENIE CHIM dispersion coefficient; R-de glissement m EN RENOUV, TRANSPORT liftto-drag ratio; - de gravier poli m CONSTR polished stone value; U - d'hysteresis m ELECTR magnetisation hysteresis coefficient; D-d'induction mutuelle m ELECTR coefficient of mutual induction; - d'induction propre m ELECTROTEC self-induction; - d'infiltration m HYDROLOGIE coefficient of infiltration; - d'influence m PHYSIQUE coefficient of induction; - d'isolation thermique m PHYSIQUE coefficient of thermal insulance, thermal

insulation coefficient; .. - de lixiviation m NUCLEAIRE leaching coefficient; a-de majoration m PRODUCTION scrapping factor; - de mobilite m PETR mobility ratio; - de moment m CONS MECA moment coefficient; - de montage m PRODUCTION assembly coefficient; _ - numerique forfaitaire m CONS MECA empirical operation factor; _ - d'occupation m AERONAUT loading factor; n -de partage m CHIMIE partition coefficient; - de Peltier m PHYSIQUE Peltier coefficient; - de penetration m VEHICULES carrosserie drag coefficient; - de permeabilite m CHARBON, HYDROLOGIE coefficient of permeability; - de perte m INST HYDR coefficient of efflux; - de plenitude m AERONAUT d'une helice solidity; - de Poisson m CONSTR, MECANIQUE materiaux, PHYSIQUE Poisson's ratio; - de ponderation de gain m ELECTRON gain weighting factor; - de portance m AERONAUT, EN RENOUV, PHYSIQUE lift coefficient; - de portance de pale m AERONAUT d'un helicoptere blade lift coefficient; - de pose m PHOTO exposure factor; - de potentiel m PHYSIQUE coefficient of potential; - de pression m PHYSIQUE pressure coefficient; - de pression des terres m CHARBON earth pressure coefficient; - de production m PETROLE recovery factor; - de puissance mEN RENOUV energie eolienne power coefficient; _ - de qualite m INSTRUMENT magnification factor; D-de rayonnement m CHAUFFAGE radiation heat transfer coefficient; - de rayonnement de I'antenne m TV aerial efficiency; - de rebut m PRODUCTION scrapping factor, shrinkage factor; - de reciprocite electroacoustique m ACOUSTIQUE electroacoustical reciprocity coefficient; - de recombinaison m PHYSIQUE recombination coefficient; - de reduction m NAUT d'echantillonnage coefficient of reduction; - de reflectivite m ESPACE reflectivity coefficient, communications TWT transfer coefficient; - de reflexion m ELECTRON, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE reflection coefficient; - de reflexion speculaire m TELECOM specular reflection coeficient; - relatif de pression m PHYSIQUE relative pressure coefficient; - de remplissage m NAUT coefficient of fineness, TELECOM filling coefficient; - de remplissage tout-cargo m AERONAUT all-cargo load factor; - de rendement m PRODUCTION commercial coefficiency; - de repartition m METALL partition coefficient; - de reserve de capacite m TRANSPORT reserve capacity; - de resistance ala conductibilite de chaleur m THERMODYN heat insulation factor; - de restitution m PHYSIQUE restitution coefficient; - de rugosit8 m HYDROLOGIE coefficient of roughness; - de ruissellement m CONSTR runoff coefficient; - de ruissellement utile m HYDROLOGIE coefficient of usable groundwater; CII-de securite m CHARBON, CONSTR, ELECTR, NAUT, SECURITE safety factor; - de Seebeck m PHYSIQUE Seebeck coefficient; - de soudure m CONSTR joint efficiency; - de Steinmetz m PHYSIQUE Steinmetz coefficient; - de sustentation m TRANSPORT lift coefficient; _-de tarissement m HYDROLOGIE coefficient of drainage; - de temperature m ELECTROTEC, THERMODYN temperature coefficient; - de temperature de la capacite m ELECTROTEC temperature coefficient of capacitance; - de temperature de resistance m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC temperature coefficient of resist-

ance; - de Thomson m PHYSIQUE Thomson coefficient; - de torsion m TEXTILE twist factor; - de traction d'helice m TRANSPORT propeller thrust coefficient; - de trainee m AERONAUT, AUTO, EN RENOUV, NAUT, PHYS FLUID dans des fluides, PHYSIQUE, TRANSPORT drag coefficient; - de transfert AM-PM m ESP ACE communications AM-PM transfer coefficient; - de transfert d'energie m PHYSIQUE energy transfer coefficient; - de transfert d'energie massique m PHYSIQUE mass energy transfer coefficient; - de transfert sur images m ELECTRON image transfer coefficient; - de transmission m PHYSIQUE transmission coefficient, POLLUTION coefficient of haze; - de transmission thermique m PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN heat transfer coefficient; - de turbidite m EN RENOUV turbidity coefficient; I:I!I-d'uniformite m CHARBON uniformity coefficient; - d'utilisation m PRODUCTION duty cycle, material quantity per unit; - d'utilisation pratique m (CUP) MINES weight strength (WS); _ - de viscosite m PHYS FLUID, THERMODYN viscosity coefficient; - viscosite-temperature m THERMODYN viscosity-temperature coefficient; - de vitesse m EN RENOUV velocity coefficient; - de vitesse au pointeau mEN RENOUV nozzle velocity coefficient; - du volume d'emission et d'absorption m PHYS RAYON volume emission and absorption coefficient

coelostat m ASTRONOMIE coelostat coembranche m CH DE FER co-owner of private siding co-entreprise! cONsTRjoint venture coenzyme! AGRO ALIM coenzyme coequipier m ESPACE vehicules crewmate coercivite!ENREGISTR coercivity, MATERIAUX retentiv-

ity, PHYSIQUE, TV coercivity coeur m CONSTR, ELECTROTEC, ESPACE pilotage, GEO-

LOGIE d'un pli core, NUCLEAIRE active lattice, core, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM core; - annulaire m NUCLEAIRE annular core; - de I'atome m NUCLEAIRE atomic core; - bien modere m NUCLEAIRE well moderated core; - de chaine m TELECOM BU, base unit; - de comete m ESPACE astronomie comet core; - de croisement m CH DE FER common crossing; - de croisement courbe m CH DE FER curved common crossing; - de croisement droit m CH DE FER straight common crossing; - de dislocation m METALL dislocation core; - de fibrem OPTIQUE fiber core (ArnE), fibre core (BrE); - a gradient d'indice m ELECTROTEC graded index core; - du materiau m MATERIAUX chimie analytique bulk of material

coffrage m CONSTR formwork, shuttering, DISTRI EAU coffering, NAUT casing, PRODUCTION form; - en acier m CONSTR steel forms; - glissant m CONSTR moving formwork, sliding formwork, slip form; - mobile m CONSTR moving formwork, sliding formwork, slip form; - perdu m CONSTR permanent concrete shuttering; - permanent du beton m CONSTR permanent concrete shuttering

coffre m AUTO boot (BrE), trunk (ArnE), CONSTR d'une serrure case, DISTRI EAU chamber, coffer, MINES bunker, ore bin, NAUT locker, VEHICULES carrosserie boot (BrE), trunk (ArnE); - d'amarrage m NAUT, POLLU MER mooring buoy; - a bagages m AUTO, TRANSPORT boot (BrE), trunk (ArnE), VEHICULES carrosserie luggage compartment; - de batterie m AUTO battery box; - congelateur m REFRIG chest freezer; - d'ecluse m DISTRI EAU lock chamber; - de gouttiere m CONSTR


rainwater head; - it minerai m MINES ore bin; - it munitions m MILITAlRE ammunition box; - it signaux m NAUT signal locker

coffre-fort m SECURITE safe coffrer v t MINES co ff er, seal coffret m IMPRIM reliure, emballage, la~onnage casing,

MECANIQUE case; - de chantier m MINES gate end box; - classeur pour diapos m PHOTO slide box; - de commande et de visualisation m ESPACE pilotage control and display unit; - d'extremite m ELECTR accessoire de cClble terminal box; - it montage mural m PRODUCTION wall mount enclosure assembly; - pour montage en surface m PRODUCTION surface-mounted enclosure; - de television m TV television cabinet

cognement m AUTO dieseling, CHIMIE bumping, CONS MECA des moteurs a explosion knocking

cogner! vt CONS MECA drive, drive in, drive into cogner2 vi CHIMIE bump, CONS MECA knock cognitique IORDINAT knowledge engineering coherence I ELECTRON coherence, INFORMAT consist-

ency, MATERIAUX, OPTIQUE rayonnement coherence, ORDINAT consistency, PHYS ONDES coherence; - d'onde/TELEcOM wave coherence; - optique/TELECOM optical coherence; - partielie/oPTIQUE, TELECOM partial coherence; - spatiale I PHYSIQUE, TELECOM spatial coherence; - temporelie/oPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM temporal coherence

coherent ad) ELECTRON, OPTIQUE coherent cohesif ad) CONSTR cohesive cohesionl CHARBON, CONSTR, PHYSIQUE cohesion cohobation/cHiMIE cohobation, redistillation cohober vt CHIMIE coho bate, redistil coiffe I CONSTR d'une chevre cap, ESPACE nose cone,

shroud, VI.lhicules fairing, IMPRIM reliure head cap, TEXTILE cap; - du bord d'attaque I AERONAUT leading edge glove; - ejectable I ESPACE Vlihicules ejectable nose cone; - de fusee IMILIT AlRE fuse cap; - mobile de trainl AERONAUT landing gear sliding valve

coiffee: - par hydroxie adj CHIMIE hydroxy-capped coiffer vt CONSTRpuits cap, GEOLOGIE drape coin m CONS MECA quoin, wedge, CONSTR plug, quoin,

wedge, IMPRIM, MECANIQUE wedge, MINES gad, spike, wedge, RESSORTS wedge key; - de cal age m CONS MECA keying wedge; - de calfat m CONSTR reaming iron; - de centrage m IMPRIM typographie centering wedge (ArnE), centring wedge (BrE); - demi-rond m CONSTR plug; - de desserrage m CONS MECA loosening wedge; - en quartz m CRISTALL quartz wedge; - etroit m CONSTR tight corner; - it fendre Ie bois m CONSTR timber-splitting wedge; - grippeur m PETROLE slip; - gris neutre m CINEMAT neutral wedge; - mouche m CERAM VER dubbed corner; - multiple m MINES compound wedge, multiple wedge; - photometrique m PHOTO step wedge; - it pierre m CONSTR plug, stone wedge; - prisonnier m CONS MECA set key; - de rattrapage de jeu m CONS MECA slip for taking up wear; - sale m OCEANO saltwater wedge; - sensitometrique m CINEMAT gamma strip, sensitometric step wedge, step wedge; - de serrage m CONS MECA tightening wedge; - de surface interieure m EMBALLAGE inside corner edge

coinl;age m CONS MECA jamming, keying, wedging, CONSTR binder

coince adj CONS MECA jammed coincement m CONS MECA jam, jamming, wedging,

CONSTR binder, PETRoLEprobleme delorage key seating

coincer! vtcoNsMEcAjam, wedge, key, MECANIQuEjam, wedge

coincer:2 se - v rtifl MECANIQUE jam, NUCLEAlRE seize coincidence IINFORMAT, ORDINAT hit coins: - gommes m pi PHOTO corner mounts; - de

retenue m pi PETR slips coistresse/MINES counter gangway, counter level, sub-

drift coke m CHARBON, CHIMIE, THERMODYN coke; - de gaz m

CHARBON gas coke; - metallurgique m CHARBON furnace coke, metallurgic coke, oven coke; - d'usine it gaz m CHARBON gas coke

cokefactionl CHARBON coking; - differee ITHERMODYN delayed coking

cokefiant ad) CHARBON coking cokefier vt CHARBON coke cokerie I CHAUFF AGE, MINES coking plant col m CERAM VER, ELECTRON neck, EQUIP LAB d'une

cornue neck, verrerie neck, ESPAcEpropulsion throat, MECANIQUE neck; - d'admission m AERONAUT d'un moteur inlet throat; - d'ampoule m ELECTRON electron tube neck; - de bouteille m EMBALLAGE bottleneck; - creux m CERAM VER hollow neck; - de cygne m CINEMAT, CONSTR swan neck, MECANIQUE gooseneck; - penche m CERAM VER bent neck; - protecteur m SECURITE neck shield; - trop etroit m CERAM VER choke; - de tube m TV tube neck; - detuyere m ESPACEpropu!- sion nozzle throat

colain m CONSTR collar colchiceine I CHIMIE colchiceine colchicine I CHIMIE colchicine colcotar m CHIMIE colcothar colemanite/MlNERAuX colemanite colibacille m HYDROLOGIE colon bacillus colineaire ad) GEOMETRIE collinear colinearite I GEOMETRIE collinearity colique: - des scaphandriers IOCEANO colics, diver's

cramps, stomach cramps collaboration: - europeenne pour la physique du muonl

PHYS PART European collaboration for muon physics collage m CERAM vERjoining, laminating, pluck, stick-

ing, sticking mark, ELECTROTEC sticking, EMBALLAGE glueing, MECANIQUE bonding, PAPIER pasting, sizing, PLAST CAOU bonding, PRODUCTION bonding, gluing, sticking; - de la ban de neuve sur la bande finissante m IMPRIM derouleurs splice; - it chaud m EMBALLAGE hot gluing, THERMODYN hot bonding; - des contacts m ELECTR relais sticking contacts; - dans la pate m PAPIER stock sizing, stuff sizing; - en marche au derouleur m IMPRIM flying paster; - en surface m PAPIER surface sizing; - it froid m THERMODYN cold bonding; - mecanique m MECANIQUE, TV splice; - parallele m EMBALLAGE parallel glueing; - physique m TV mechanical splice; - de poinl;0n m CERAM VER plunger spike (ArnE), plunger sticking (BrE)

collagene m AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE collagen collagimetre m PAPIER size tester, sizing tester coli ant adj EMBALLAGE adhesive, GENIE CHIM agglutina-

tive, PLAST CAOU adhesifs tacky collapse: - gravitationnel m ESPACE gravitation collapse collargol m CHIMIE collargol collationner vt IMPRIM collate colie/cHIMIE glue, sizing agent, COULEURS size, sizing

agent, sizing preparation, EMBALLAGE bonding agent, glue, IMPRIM glue, PAPIER glue, size, PLAST CAOU cement, glue, PRODUCTION adhesive, TEXTILE glue, size;

- aCide/IMPRIM acid size; - acrylique/TEXTILE acrylic size; - ill'alcool polyvinyle /TEXTILE polyvinyl alcohol size; - d'amidon /IMPRIM starch paste; - animale / COULEURS animal size, IMPRIM /ar;onnage, PAPIER, PLAST CAOU animal glue; - iI base d'acBtate/EMBALLAGE acetate glue; - iI base de caseine / AGRO ALIM casein glue, caseinate gum; - a base de deux polymeres / MATERIAUX two-polymer adhesive; - blanche / COULEURS white size; - iI chaud /IMPRIM brochure, reliure hot-melt adhesive; - de contact / EMBALLAGE, PLAST CAOU adhesif contact adhesive; - durcissante a chaud/EMBALLAGE, PLAST CAOU hotsetting glue; - durcissante iI froid / PLAST CAOU cold-setting glue; - d'emballage iI base d'eau/EMBALLAGE water-based backing adhesive; - en emulsion/ EMBALLAGE emulsion adhesive; - epoxy ill'or /ELECTRON gold epoxy; - falte sur demande /EMBALLAGE purpose-formulated adhesive; - iI film / CINEMAT splicing cement; - flexible qui ne craquele pas en sechant/IMPRIM nonwarp glue; - forte/IMPRIM glue; - iI froid/IMPRIM starch paste; - fuslble/PLAST CAOU adhesif hot-melt adhesive; - hot-melt /IMPRIM hotmelt glue; - a I'hydrate de carbone / TEXTILE carbohydrate size; - de m8lange /EMBALLAGE mixed adhesive; - naturelle / SECURITE natural adhesive; - neutre/PHoTO acid-free glue; - de peau/coULEURS glue size, PLAST CAOU animal glue; - permanente reslstante ilia refrlgeratlon/EMBALLAGE chill permanent adhesive; - de poisson / AGRO ALIM finings, isinglass; - pour film/cINEMAT cement; - prot8ique/ TEXTILE protein size; - servant ilia fabrication de blocs papetlers/IMPRIM padding emulsion; - synthetique/ TEXTILE synthetic size; - thermofusible /EMBALLAGE hot-melt adhesive; - thermofuslble autoadhesive / EMBALLAGE pressure-sensitive hot-melt adhesive; - iI usages mUltiples/EMBALLAGE all-purpose adhesive; - veglttale / COULEURS vegetable size, PRODUCTION

vegetable glue colle: tres - adj IMPRIM hard sized collecte/PETR flow line, RECYCLAGE refuse collection,

waste collection; - de donnees/INFORMAT, ORDINAT data collection, data gathering, TELECOM data collection; - des positions Inutlles /ORDINAT garbage collection; - s8lectlve / RECYCLAGE selective collection, separate collection

collecteur m CHARBON collector, CONS MECA d'un surchauffeur manifold, CONSTR head, main, ELECTROTEC collector, commutator, EQUIP LAB verrerie manifold, MECANIQUE header pipe, manifold, NUCLEAIRE header, manifold, PETROLE pipe manifold, PHYSIQUE collector, POLLU MER manifold system, PRODUCTION de surchauffeur header, systeme hydraulique manifold, TELECOM collector, TRANSPORT collector, commutator; - d'admlssion m AERONAUT moteur, MECANIQUE intake manifold, VEHICULES moteur inlet manifold (BrE), intake manifold (ArnE); - d'allmentatlon m NUCLEAIRE feeder header; - annulaire m AERONAUT annulus; - de la batterle m REFRIG coil header; - de boue m CONS MECA pour conduites et robinetterie dirt trap; - de demarreur m AUTO starter collector ring, starter commutator, starter slip ring, VEHICULES moteur starter slip ring; - iI deux augets m POLLUTION double bucket collector; - de donnees m TELECOM data sink; - d'eau m MINES sinkhole, standage, sump; - d'echappement m AERONAUT, AUTO, MECANIQUE, VEHICULES exhaust manifold; - d'entree


m CONS MECA inlet manifold (BrE), intake manifold (ArnE); - des gaz bruiN m THERMODYN exhaust manifold; - d'hulle m CONS MECA oil cup; - mecanlque m ELECTROTEC commutator; - de messages m INFORMAT, ORDINAT message sink; - de poussiere m CHARBON dust collector; - de precipitation m POLLUTION precipitation collector; - de pressurisation m AERONAUT pressurizing manifold; - principal m HYDROLOGIE, RECYCLAGE main sewer; - du radlateur m AUTO radiator header; - de saumure m REFRIG brine header; - secondaire m DISTRI EAU branch sewer; - solaire m CONS MECA solar collector; - de surchauffeur m PRODUCTION superheater header, superheater manifold; - de tAte m AUTO radiator header; - de transistor m TELECOM transistor collector; - de type P m ELECTRON p-type collector; - de vapeur m PAPIER steam header

collecteur-fosse m DISTRI EAU drainage ditch colle-email/IMPRIM fish glue coller vt AGRO ALIM clarify, CINEMAT join, splice, CONSTR

menuiserie stick, MECANIQUE bond, ORDINAT raccord splice, TEXTILE size; - iI chaud vt THERMODYN hotbond; - iI froid vt THERMODYN cold-bond; - a sec vt PHOTO dry-mount

collerette:1 iI-adj MECANIQUE flanged collerette2 / ESPACE flange, IMPRIM emballage collar,

MECANIQUE collar, flange, PRODUCTION autour de teeran d'un ordinateur bezel, d'un tube flange, VEHICULES phare rim; - bas profil/PRODUCTION automatisme industriellow-profile bezel; - de la cuvette d'avant-corps/cERAM VER curb

collerettes/ pI TEXTILE paper collars colles: - iI chaud maintenues a une temperature de

fusion/pIIMPRIMhot-melts collet m CONS MECA collet, d'un essieu collar, d'un cylin-

dre de laminoir journal, CONSTR d'un ciseau neck, NUCLEAIRE gland, stuffing box lid, PRODUCTION flange, d'un cylindre de laminoir neck; - du paller de butee m CONS MECA thrust collar; - rabattu m PRODUCTION turned-up flange; - iI souder m CONS MECA welded collar; - tombe m PRODUCTION turned-up flange

colleuse/cINEMAT joiner, splicer, PAPIER pasting machine, TELECOM splicer; - bout iI bout/CINEMAT butt end splicer; - en biais / CINEMA T diagonal joiner; - iI path8ine / CINEMAT cement splicer; - a pedale / CINEMAT machine splicer; - iI scotch / CINEMA T guillotine splicer, tape splicer; - seche/cINEMAT dry splicer

colleuse-plleuse: - flexible / EMBALLAGE flexo-foldergluer

collidlne / CHIMIE collidin, collidine collier m CONS MECA collar, d'un excentrique strap,

coNSTRfixe sur un chevron gutter bracket, MECANIQUE collar, VEHICULES clamp; - d'arbre m CONS MECA shaft collar; - d'arrBt m CONS MECA set collar, stop collar; - d'attache m PRODUCTION tie wrap; - de brOleur m CERAM VER port mouth; - de butee m CONS MECA thrust collar; - de cllble m ELEcTRfixation cable clip; - de cllbles m ELECTROTEC cable clamp; - chauffant m CONS MECA moule d'injection band heater; - iI coins m PETR spider; - d'embrayage m CONS MECA clutch collar; - d'excentrique m CONS MECA eccentric collar, eccentric hoop, eccentric strap; - de flottaison m ESPACE vehicules flotation collar; - de frein m TEXTILE rume; - iI garniture de protection m CONS MECA lined clamp; - de jonction m CONS MECA coupling sleeve; -


de mise a la terre m ELECTR raccordement earth clip (BrE), ground clip (ArnE); - partuyau m CONSTR hose coupler; - posltionneur m PETR line-up clamp; - de retenue m CONsTRpour la descente des tubages de puits casing clamp, MINES pour la descente des tubages de puits pipe clamp; - a segments m AUTO piston ring compressor; - de serrage m CONS MECA, MECANIQUE cable clamp, hose clamp; - de serrage pour tubes m CONS MECA pipe clip; - de serrage pour tuyaux flexibles m CONS MECA hose clamp; - de tuyau m CONSTR pipe-collar

colligatif adj CHIMIE colligative collimater vt ASfRONOMIE, ELECTRON, INSTRUMENT colli-


PHOTO, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM collimator; - de pilotage m AERONAUT head-up display, INSTRUMENT HUD, head-up display; - de spectroscope m INSTRUMENT spectroscope collimator


colline: - abyssale / OCEANO abyssal hill, sea high, sea knoll

colliSion/cHARBoN collision, ESPACE vehicules docking, INFORMAT collision, METALL impingement, ORDINAT collision, PHYSIQUE shock, SECURITE collision, TELECOM clashing, TRANSPORT collision; - aerienne / AERONAUT aerial collision; - atome-atome / NUCLEAIRE atom-atom collision; - avec rearrangement/ NUCLEAIRE rearrangement collision; - &lastique/NUCLEAIRE billiard ball collision, elastic collision, elastic impact; - d'&lectrons/TELECOM electron collision; - en chaine/TRANsPORT multiple pile-up; - en vol/ AERONAUT aerial collision; - defianc/TRANsPORT side collision; - galactique / ASTRONOMIE galactic collision; - in&lastique/PHYS RAYON inelastic collision; - in&lastique en profondeur /NUCLEAIRE deep inelastic collision; - ion-ion / PHYS PART ion-ion collision; - laterale / TRANSPORT side on collision; - lointaine / NUCLEAIRE distant collision, range collision; - par I'arriere / TRANSPORT rear end collision; - de particules / PHYS PART particle collision; - primaire / TRANSPORT primary collision; - proton-antiproton / PHYS PART proton-antiproton collision; - protonproton / PHYS PART proton-proton collision; - radiative/PHYS RAYON radiative collision; - rasante/ NUCLEAIRE glancing collision; - secondaire/TRANsPORT secondary collision

collisionneur: - lineaire &lectron-positron m PHYS PART electron-positron collider; - proton-antiproton m PHYS PART proton-antiproton collider

collodion m CHIMIE collodion colloidal adj CHIMIE colloidal colloide m AGRO ALIM, CERAM VER, CHARBON colloid,

CHIMIE coagute colloid, gel, HYDROLOGIE, PLAST CAOU etat physique colloid; - protecteur m CHIMIE protectivecolloid

colloides: - irreversibles m pI CHIMIE irreversible colloids

colloir m CERAM VER squeegee colloxyline / CHIMIE colloxylin coliure/cINEMAT join, patch splice, splice, tape splice,

ENREGISTR tape splice, PAPIER paster, splice, PLAST CAOU adhesifglue line; - en biais/cINEMAT diagonal splice; - a la path8ine/cINEMAT cement splice

collyre m SECURITE eyewash

collyrite/MINERAUX collyrite colmatage m CHARBON, CONS MECA binding, clogging,

DISTRI EAU binding, blocking, clogging, PRODUCTION filling up, silting, systeme hydraulique blocking, TEXTILE plugging; - des parois m PETR skin effect; - d'une tite m TV head clogging

colmater1 vt DISTRI EAU clog colmater:2 se - v refl PRODUCTION clog up Colombe/ ASTRONOMIE Columba colonne/coNs MECA standard, d'un laminoir housing,

CONSTR pillar, ELECTRON column, EN RENOUV forage geothermique tubing, IMPRIM, INFORMAT, ORDINAT column, PRODUCTION holster, TEXTILE wale; - d'absorption / AGRO ALIM absorption tower, CHARBON, GENIE CHIM absorption column, absorption tower, PETROLE absorption tower, raffinerie absorber, absorption column; - acoustique / ACOUSTIQUE sound column; - d'agrandisseur /PHOTO enlarger column; - barometrlque/PAPIER barometric column, barometric leg, drop leg; - binaire / INFORMAT, ORDINAT binary column; - de boue/PETRoLE mud column;- de carte/INFORMAT card column; - centrale/PHoTO de trepied central column; - a chromatographie / EQUIP LAB analyse chromatography column; - de cimentation/PETROLE cementing string; - de coke/ CHARBON coke column; - de combustible/NuCLEAIRE pellet stack; - de concentration/ GENIE CHIM concentration column; - de condensation / GENIE CHIM condensation column; - a corps de remplissage / GENIE CHIM packed column, packed tower; - couch" /MINES de minerai course of ore; - a dessecher /EQUIP LAB verrerie drying column; - de direction / AUTO, VEHICULES steering column; - de direction c8dant sous I'impact/ AUTO collapsible steering column; - de direction t&lescopique/TRANsPORT axially collapsing steering column; - de distillation/GENIE CHIM distillation column, distillation tower, PETROLE, THERMODYN distillation tower; - d'eau/EN RENOUV, HYDROLOGIE head of water; - d'eau differentielle / EN RENOUV differential head; - d'eau &levee / EN RENOUV high head; - d'eau en amont/EN RENOUV upstream head; - d'eau moyenne/EN RENOUV medium head; - d'eau peu &levee / EN RENOUV low head; - en charge / CONSTR wet standpipe; - entretoise/CONS MECA support pillar; - epaulee / CONS MECA guide pillar; - d'epuisement/REFRIG stripping column; - d'exploitation / PETR perforated casing, production string; - d'extraction / GENIE CHIM extractor; - de fermeture d'eau / PETROLE water string; - de fractionnement / EQUIP LAB distillation, GENIE CHIM, PETROLE raffinerie fractionating column; - a fractionner / GENIE CHIM separating column; - gamie / GENIE CHIM packed column, packed tower; - a gamissage / CHIMIE packed column, GENIE CHIM packed column, packed tower, PETROLE packed column; - geologique/GEOLOGIE geological column; - de guidage / CONS MECA bloc a colonnes guide pillar, de plaque d'ejection ejection guide pillar, moule d'injection guide pillar; - guide / PETR guidepost; - d'incendie / CONS MECA pillar hydrant; - inclinee /PHOTO angled column; - de laminoir / CONS MECA bearer; - lisse / CONSTR plain column; - de mise en contact/HYDROWGIE contact column; - de mise au point des faisceaux d'ions/PHYS RAYON ion beam focusing column; - montante / CONSTR riser, riser pipe, rising main, ELECTR riser, alimentation rising main, PETR riser pipe, riser, stand-

pipe, PETROLE riser, standpipe; - moyenne d'eau/EN RENOUV medium head; - perdue /PETR, PETROLE liner; - perdue non creplnn/PETRoLE/orage blank liner; - des petites annonces classees /IMPRIM presse adstack; - ill plateaux / PETROLE plate column; - ill plateaux de barbotage / GENIE CHIM bubble tray column; - positive / ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE positive column; - de production/PETR, PETROLE production string, production tubing; - reservn aux dernieres nouvelles /IMPRIM newshole; - sllche / CONSTR dry standpipe; - de sel/PETRoLE salt column; - sonore/ ENREGlSTR sound column; - stratigraphique / GEOLOGIE geological column, log, d'un/orage composite log; - de surforage / PETROLE wash over string; - telescoplque / CINEMAT polecat; - thermlque / NUCLEAlRE thermal column; - detubage/coNsTR casing line, string of casing, tube column; - de tubes / CONSTR casing line, string of casing, tube column

colonnes: - en serpent comportant des I8zardes / pI IMPRIM composition snaking columns

colophane / cmMIE colophony, PLAST CAOU matiere premiere pour peinture rosin, matiere premiere wood rosin

colophene m CmMIE colophene colophon m IMPRIM imprint colophonite/MINERAUX colophonite coloradoite/MINERAuX coloradoite colorant m AGRO ALIM color (ArnE), coloring (ArnE),

colour (BrE), colouring (BrE), CERAM VER coloring agent (ArnE), colouring agent (BrE), CHIMIE dye, COULEURS coloring agent (ArnE), coloring matter (ArnE), colouring agent (BrE), colouring matter (BrE), TEXTILE dye, dyestuff; - acide m CHIMlE, TEXTILE acid dye; - d'acrldlne m COULEURS acridine dye; - d'aniline m COULEURS aniline dye; - azoique m cmMlE azo dye, TEXTILE azoic dye; - basique m cmMlE basic dye, PAPIER basic color (ArnE), basic colour (BrE), basic dye, TEXTILE basic dye; - benzoique m COULEURS benzo dyestuff; - de cuve m TEXTILE vat dye; - diazoique m CmMIE bis-azo dye; - direct m TEXTILE direct dye; - disperse m TEXTILE disperse dye; - en poudre m COULEURS powdered dye; - pour beurre m COULEURS butter coloring (ArnE), butter colouring (BrE); - pour encre d'imprimerie m COULEURS printer's color (ArnE), printer's colour (BrE), printing color (ArnE), printing colour (BrE); - premetallise m TEXTILE premetallized dye; - reactlf m TEXTILE reactive dye

colorants: - anthraceniques m pI CmMIE anthracene dyes

coloration/cHIMIE staining, CINEMAT tinting, COULEURS dyeing; - acoustique / ENREGlSTR acoustic coloring (ArnE), acoustic colouring (BrE); - due aux rayons X/ NUCLEAIRE X-ray coloration (ArnE), X-ray colouration (BrE); - en surface / PAPIER surface coloring (ArnE), surface colouring (BrE); - par immersion / PAPIER padding

colore adj TELECOM colored (ArnE), coloured (BrE) colorer vt CmMIE stain, PAPIER color (ArnE), colour

(BrE), dye, stain, TEXTILE dye colorlage m INFORMAT, ORDINAT painting colorlmiltre m CHIMIE, EQUIP LAB analyse, HYDROWGlE,


colorlmMrie / cmMIE, DlSTRI EAU, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE colorimetry

colorls m TEXTILE shade; - clair m TEXTILE light shade; -


fance m TEXTILE dark shade, deep shade, overall shade; - naturel m TEXTILE natural color (ArnE), natural colour (BrE), natural shade; - neutre m TEXTILE neutral shade

coltinage: - du charbon m CHARBON coal backing colures m pI ASTRONOMIE colures coma m ELECTRON, PHOTO, PHYSIQUE coma comagmatique adj GEOLOGIE comagmatic combinaison/ CmMIE combination, CONS MECA contriv-

ance, INFORMAT, MATH, ORDINAT combination; - antl-g / ESPACE vehicuies anti-G suit; - d'images / IMPRIM combo; - logique /ELECTRON logic pattern; - de plongn/OCEANO diving suit, wetsuit; - de protection/sECURITE protective suit; - spatiale pressurlsee/ ESPACE extra-vehicular pressure garment; - de travail/ TEXTILE overall

comblnateur: - d'inversion et de freinage m TRANSPORT reversing braking switchgroup; - optlque m OPTIQUE, TELECOM optical combiner; - de pas m AERONAUT mixing unit; - de pas general et cyclique m AERONAUT collective pitch synchronizer; - de shuntage m CH DE FER shunt controller

combination: - de plongee /NAUT wetsuit combinatoire/MATH combinatorics combinatorique /MA TH combinatorics comblnel adj AERONAUT gyrodyne comblne2 m CHIMIE combination, compound, PRODUC-

TION handset, TELECOM handset, receiver; telephonique ill ecoute ampllfiee m TELECOM amplified handset

combinerl vt CINEMAT marry up, INFORMAT, ORDINAT combine, PLAST CAOU blend

combiner:2 se - v refl CmMIE coalesce, unite combineur m TELECOM combiner comble m CONSTR roof; - avec avant-toit m CONSTR

umbrella roof; - brise m CONSTR curb roof, gambrel roof (ArnE), mansard roof (BrE); - ill deux &gouts m CONSTR double pitch roof, pitch roof, ridge roof, ridged roof, span roof; - ill deux longs pans m CONSTR pitch roof, ridge roof, ridged roof, span roof; - ill deux longs pans avec croupes m CONSTR hip roof with ridge, hip-and-ridge roof, hipped ridge roof; - ill deux longs pans sans fermes m CONSTR couple roof; - ill deux pans symetrlques m CONSTR double pitch roof; - ill deux pentes m CONSTR double pitch roof, pitch roof, ridge roof, ridged roof, span roof; - ill deux rampants m CONSTR double pitch roof; - ill deux rampes m CONSTR ridge roof, ridged roof, span roof; - a deux versants m CONSTR double pitch roof, pitch roof, ridge roof, ridged roof, span roof; - en appentis m CONSTR lean-to roof, pent roof; - en croupe m CONSTR hip roof, hipped roof; - en dent de scle m CONSTR sawtooth roof, shed roof, square to roof; - en dome m CONSTR dome roof; - en mansarde m CONSTR gambrel roof (ArnE), mansard roof (BrE); - ill la frangaise m CONSTR curb roof; - ill la Mansard m CONSTR curb roof, gambrel roof (ArnE), mansard roof (BrE); - a une pante m CONSTR single pitch roof; - ill pignon m CONSTR gable roof; - retrousse m CONSTR collar roof; - sans ferme m CONSTR untrussed roof; - ill une seule pente m CONSTR single pitch roof; - sur fermes m CONSTR trussed roof; - ill un versant m CONSTR single pitch roof

combler vt CONSTR/OSSe fill up combles: - s'lntersectant m pI CONSTR hip-and-valley



combla-shed m CONSTR sawtooth roof, shed roof, square to roof

comburable adj ClllMIE combustible comburant! adj ClllMIE combustive comburantl m AERONAUT, ESPACE propulsion oxidizer,

THERMODYN oxidant combustlblllt6/EMBALLAGE, SECURlTE combustibility,

THERMODYN combustibility, inflammability combustible! adj ClllMIE combustive, THERMODYN com-

bustible, inflammable combustible2 m ESP ACE propulsion fuel, propellant fuel,

THERMODYN combustible, fuel, VElllCULES fuel; - aluminure d'uranlum m NUCLEAIRE uranium aluminide fuel; - d'appolnt m NUCLEAIRE make-up fuel; - de bloxyde d'uranium m NUCLEAIRE U02fuel, uranium dioxide fuel; - en dispersion m NUCLEAIRE dispersion fuel; - enrichl m NUCLEAIRE enriched fuel, enriched nuclear fuel; - fosslle m POLLUTION, THERMODYN fossil fuel; - de gueulard m PRODUCTION furnace gas; - IIquidemTHERMODYN/usees liquid fuel; - de matrice m NUCLEAIRE matrix fuel; - de m6nage m CHARBON household fuel; - nauf m NUCLEAIRE fresh fuel, new fuel; - non fumigene m POLLUTION smokeless fuel; - non Irradl6 m NUCLEAIRE fresh fuel, new fuel; - nucl6alre m MrLITAIRE nuclear fuel; - de rM6rence m PETROLE reference fuel; - sollde m NUCLEAIRE solid nuclear fuel; - d'U02 m NUCLEAIRE V02 fuel, uranium dioxide fuel; - d'uranlum naturel m NUCLEAlRE natural uranium fuel

combustibles m pi CHARBON combustibles, fuels; - gazeux m pi PETROLE gaseous fuels; - pour soutes m pi TRANSPORT bunker oils; - sulfureux m pi POLLUTION sulfurous combustibles (AmE), sulphurous combustibles (Br E)

combustlon:!&- d'huile adj THERMODYN oil-burning; & - de mazout adjTHERMODYN oil-fired

combustlon2 / ClllMIE, PLAST CAOU, SECURITE combustion, THERMODYN burning, combustion; - du carbone /NUCLEAIRE carbon burning; -& co-courant/PETR forward combustion; - complete / GAZ complete combustion; - & contra-courant/PETR reverse combustion; - en avance/PETR forward combustion; - 6rosive/ESPAcEpropulsion erosive burning; -In situ/ PETR in situ combustion; - Inversee / PETR reverse combustion; - lente / AUTO slow combustion; - masslque cible / NUCLEAIRE target burn-up, target irradiation; - masslque finale /NUCLEAIRE final fuel bum-up, ultimate bum-up; - masslque moyenne du coeur /NUCLEAIRE core average bum-up; - massique de prM6rence / NUCLEAlRE design bum-up, design irradiation level; - massique r6allsable/NUCLEAIRE achievable burn-up; - optlmale/NUCLEAIRE optimum bum-up; - pulsatolre/THERMODYN resonant burning; - spontanM / SECURITE spontaneous combustion; - submergM / GAZ submerged combustion; - sur lit fluldis6/ (CLF) POLLUTION fluidized bed combustion

com6nlque adj CHIMIE comenic comMe / ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE astronomie, IMPRIM

comet; - de Halley / ASTRONOMIE Halley's comet; - p6riodlque/ ASTRONOMIE periodic comet

Comlt6: - consultatlf International des radlocommunications m (CCIR) TELECOM International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR); - consultatlf International t6l6graphlque et t6l6phonlque m (CCITT) TELECOM International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT); - International

d'enreglstrement des fr6quences m ESPACE communications IFRB, International Frequency Registration Board

comit6: - de suret6 d'a6roport m AERONAUT airport security committee

comma m ACOUSTIQUE comma; - d'Aristoxene m ACOUSTIQUE Aristoxene comma; - de Didyrne m ACOUSTIQUE Didyme comma; - hold6rien m ACOUSTIQUE Holder comma; - de Pythagore m ACOUSTIQUE Pythagorean comma; - syntonlque m ACOUSTIQUE syntonous comma

commandant: - de bord m AERONAUT captain, pilot, ESPAcEvehicules commander; - d'un navire amlral m NAUT flag captain; - des op6ratlons sur Ie terrain m POLLU MER OSC, on-scene commander

commande:!&- automatlque adj CONS MECA push-button; iii 6Iectronlque adj ELECTRON electronically-controlled; & - manuelle adj COMMANDE, ELECTROTEC manually-controlled, MECANIQUE hand-operated; II - num6rlque adj COMMANDE, CONS MECA numerically-controlled; & - num6rique par ordlnateur adj CONS MECA CNC-controlled, computerized numerical control; & - par Ie bas adj CONS MECA underdriven; & - par chaine adj CONS MECA chain-driven; & - p6destre adj COMMANDE pedestrian-controlled; & - au pied adj COMMANDE pedestrian-controlled; & - vocale adj COMMANDE voice-operated

commande:2&- manuelle adv ESPACE hand-operated commande:3 - de liaison de donn6es & haut niveau /

ORDINAT HDLC, high-level data link control commande4/ AERONAUT actuation, COMMANDE control,

CONS MECA drive, driving gear, driving, ELECTR, ESPACE control, ORDINAT command, control, PAPIER, TEXTILE drive, VEHICULES control; .. - ACC / (contrainte de commande adaptative) COMMANDE ACC (adaptive control constraint); - d'.cees au sUpport/TELECOM MAC, medium access control; - adaptative/COMMANDE, ELECTROTEC adaptive control, TRANSPORT vehicle-actuated control; - adaptatlve des Signaux/TRANSPORT vehicle-actuated signalization, vehicle-actuated traffic signals; - adaptative de la vltesse / COMMANDE adaptive speed control; - d'allumeur /VEHICULES distributor drive; - d'.rrit/Tv pause control; - asservle/Tv programed control (ArnE), programmed control (BrE); - attendue/PRoDUCTION scheduled receipt; - automatlque/ COMMANDE, CONS MECA, CONSTR, ELECTR, EMBALLAGE automatic control; - automatlque de I'espacement entre las v6hlculas /TRANSPORT automatic control of headway; - automatlque de fr6quence / (CAF) ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION, TELECOM automatic frequency control (AFC); - automatlque de gain/ (CAG) ELECTRON, TELECOM automatic gain control (A GC); - automatlque de gain & seull / ELECTRON delayed automatic gain control; - automatlque d'lncendle/coNSTR automatic fire alarm; - automatlque de marche et de freinage / TRANSPORT automatic running and braking control; - automatique de phase /ELECTRON automatic phase control; - automatique des trainS/TRANsPORT ATO, automatic train operation, automatic train control; - automatlque de volume / (CAV) COMMANDE automatic amplitude control, automatic volume control (A VC), ELECTROTEC, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE automatic volume control (AVC); - de l'avance/VElllCULES allumage. soupapes

for~age/PRoDUCTION force disable command; l1li-de lecture/ENREGISTR playback control; - de liaison de donnees/ AERONAUT, INFORMAT, TELECOM DLC, data link control; - de liaison de donnees ill haut niveau/TELECOM HDLC, high-level data link control; - de liaison logique / TELECOM LLC, logical link control; - locale / MECANIQUE local control; - de



commencement m CONS MECA starting; - de I'echappement m INST HYDR release point

commensurable adj MATH commensurable commentaire m IMPRIM en LDS comment, INFORMAT,

ORDINAT narrative, PAPIER en LDS comment commerce: - caboteur m NAUT coastal trade; - ma-

ritime m NAUT sea trade, seaborne trade, shipping trade

commis:2 - aux vivres m NAUT purser commissaire m NAUT purser; - d'avarie m NAUT sur-

commisslonnaire: - chargeur m NAUT shipping agent; - exp8diteur m NAUT shipping agent

MECA transmitter of motive power communication I I CH DE FER crossover, railroad junc-

communication:2lttre en - avec vi TELECOM to be talking to

communications communiquant adj TELECOM networked communiquer: - I'energie a vt PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN

impart energy to commutable adj ELECTROTEC, PRODUCTION switch se-

lectable, TV switchable commutateur m CINEMAT switch, ELECTR changeover

switch, circuit switch, machine commutator, ELECTROTEC multiposition switch, selector switch, switch, ENREGISTR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE switch, TELECOM switching unit, switch, TV switch; EI-d'abonnes m TELECOM local exchange; - a acces flexible m TELECOM FAS, flexible access switch; - a action fugitative m ELECTR touch contact switch; - actionne par la pression m ELECTR manometric switch; - d'appareil m ELECTROTEC instrument switch; - automatique m ELECTR automatic switch, ELECTROTEC self-acting switch; a autonomie d'acheminement m TELECOM GSC, group switching center (ArnE), group switching centre (BrE); - auxiliaire m TELECOM auxiliary switch, auxiliary switching unit; B-a bain d'huile m PRODUCTION oil switch; - a bande etroite m TELECOM narrow band switch; - barometrique m AERONAUT barometric switch; - a bascule m CINEMAT rocker switch, COMMANDE toggle switch, tumbler switch, ELECTR interrupteur rocker switch, ELECTROTEC reversible switch; - a batterie centrale m TELECOM CB switchboard, central battery switchboard, common battery switchboard; - bipolaire a bascule m ELECTR DPSS, double-pole snap switch; - bipolaire a couteaux m ELECTR double-pole double-throw knife switch; - de bits m TELECOM bit switch; - de bouclage m ELECTR bus bar coupler; a-a carnes m ELECTR camshaft controller, drum controller, drum starter; - caractere par caractere m TELECOM character coupling switch; - de caracteres m TELECOM character switch; - du champ de mesure m ELECTR range switch, scale switch; - de charge m COMMANDE regulator breaker, regulator cutout, ELECTR automobile regulator cutout; - a chevauchement m ELECTROTEC shorting contact switch; - de circuits m ELECTRON circuit switch, TELECOM circuit switching unit, circuit-switched exchange; - de circuits rapides m TELECOM fast circuit switch; - de circuits virtuels m (CCV) TELECOM virtual-circuit switch (VCS); - a clef de protection de memoire m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel memory protect keyswitch; - des clignotants m AUTO direction indicator; - de commande m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC control switch; - commande par la voix m TELECOM voiceoperated switch; - de commande et d'accuse de reception m ELECTR control discrepancy switch; - conjoncteur m ELECTROTEC circuit closer, self-acting switch; - a contactage progressif m ELECTR continuity switch; - a contacts a chevauchement m ELECTROTEC shorting contact switch; - a contacts sans court-circuit m CONSTR nonshorting switch; - a couteaux a deux directions m ELECTR double-throw knife switch; - cyclique mecanique m ELECTROTEC scanning switch; - cylindrique m ELECTR drum switch; CI!I-de demarrage m ELECTR starting changeover switch; - a deplacement de fibre m TELECOM moving fiber switch (ArnE), moving fibre switch (BrE); - de derivation m ELECTR shunting switch; - de desserrage m ELECTR release switch; - a deux directions m

ELECTR, PHYSIQUE double-throw switch; - a deux fils m TELECOM two-wire switch, two-wire switching system, two-wire system; - a dicorde m TELECOM double-cord switchboard; - a diode m TV diode switch; - de direction m ELECTR direction commutator, machine-outil direction switch; - a une direction m PHYSIQUE single throw switch; - disjoncteur m ELECTR circuit breaker; - de donnees m TELECOM DSE, data switch; a-d'eclairage m ELECTR light switch; - electronique m INFORMAT, ORDINAT electronic switch, TELECOM electronic exchange; - electronique de messages m TELECOM electronic message switch; - electro-optique m TELECOM electro-optic switch; - en boitier DIP m ELECTROTEC DIP switch; - encastre m ELECTR flush switch, recessed switch; - d'enclenchement m ELECTROTEC interlock switch; - en etoile m TELECOM star switch; - en frequence m TELECOM frequency-division switching system; - en longueur d'onde m TELECOM wavelength division switch; - en parallele m ELECTR multiple switch; - en serie m ELECTR series switch; - d'enveloppes m TELECOM envelope switch; - d'escalier m ELECTR three-point switch, three-position switch, three-way switch; - d'etage m ELECTR ascenseur floor switch, landing switch; - etOile-triangle m ELECTR star-delta starter, star-delta starting switch; - etoile triangle m ELECTR y-delta starter, y-delta starting switch; l1li-ferme m ELECTROTEC sealed wafer rotary switch; - a fiche m ELECTROTEC plug switch; - a fiches m COMMANDE jack switch; - a fiches et jacks m TELECOM plug and cord switchboard; - de fin de course m ELECTR limit switch; - de flash m PHOTO flash switch; - de flux m ELECTR flow switch; - de fonctions m ELECTR function selector; R-a galette m ELECTROTEC deck switch, gang switch, wafer switch; - a galette ferme m ELECTROTEC sealed wafer rotary switch; - a galette non ferme m ELECTROTEC open wafer rotary switch; - glissant m ELECTROTEC sliding switch; - a glissiere m ELECTROTEC slide switch; - a gradins m ELECTR multiple contact switch, step switch; - de groupe preregle m TV subpreset switch; 1IlI-holographique m TELECOM holographic exchange; - hybride m TELECOM hybrid switch; D-interurbain m TELECOM toll switch, trunk exchange; - inverseur m TV normal reverse switch; - a inversion m ELECTR reversing drum switch; n -a jacks m ELEcTRjack switchboard; D - a large bande m TELECOM broadband switch; - a levier m ELECTROTEC lever switch; - de ligne m ELECTR line commutator; - local m TELECOM LE, local exchange, local switch; IIiiJ - MA m PHYSIQUE on/off switch; - a manette m CONS MECA handle switch, ELECTR double-throw knife switch, lever commutator switch; - a manivelle m CONS MECA handle switch; - manuel m TELECOM exchange switchboard, switchboard; - manuel a fiches et jacks m TELECOM plug and cord switchboard; - manuel sans cordons m TELECOM cordless switchboard; - marche/arret m PHYSIQUE onloff switch; - de memoire m PRODUCTION memory store switch; - de messages m TELECOM message switch; - de mesure m ELECTROTEC test switch; - minuterie m ELECTR clock relay; - de mise en phase m ENREGISTR phasing switch; - de mise en veilleuse m ELECTR dimmer


gapping switch; - des signaux des tates m TV switcher; - spatial m TELECOM space switch; - spatial multiplex m TELECOM multiplex space switch; D-T m TELECOM TSI, time slot interchanger; - a tambour m ELECTR drum switch; - t8lephonique m TELECOM telephone exchange; - t8lephonique prive m TELECOM PBX, private branch exchange; - t8lex m TELECOM telex exchange; - temporel m TELECOM TSI, time slot interchanger, time switch; - temporise m ELECTR clock relay; - a temps m ELECTR switch clock; - a tige m ELECTR joystick selector; - a toumerpousser m ELECTR lock-down switch; - tout a relais m TELECOM relay system; - de trame m TV field shift switch; - de transit m TELECOM tandem exchange, transit exchange; - de transit international m TELECOM INTTR, international transit exchange, international gateway exchange; - de transit urbain m TELECOM junction tandem exchange; - a trois positions m ELECTR three-way switch; II!I-unipolaire m ELECTR single-pole double-throw switch; - universel m TELECOM universal switch; - urbain m TELECOM central exchange, central switching unit, metropolitan switch; B-video m TELECOM video switch; 1131-des zones de mesure m ELECTR range switch, scale switch

compact, green pellet compactage m CHARBON, CONSTR, MATERIAUX compac-

companseur m ELECTRON compander compansionjELEcTRON companding comparaison: - de signauxjELEcTRON signal compari-

son; - de tensionjELEcTROTEC voltage comparison comparateur m ELECTRON comparator, signal com-

parator, INFORMAT, METROLOGIE, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE comparator, TELECOM comparator, comparison circuit; - a amplificateur operationnel m ELECTRON operational amplifier comparator; - analogique m ELECTRON analog comparator (ArnE), analogue comparator (BrE); - a cadran m CONS MECA dial gage (ArnE), dial gauge (BrE); - differentiel m ELECTRON differential comparator; - electronique m CONS MECA mesurage dimensionnel electronic comparator; - mecanique m METEO dial gage (ArnE), dial gauge (BrE); - optique m METROLOGIE optical comparator; - de phase m ELECTRON phase comparator, phase detector, TV phase comparator; - de signaux m ELECTRON signal comparator; - de tension m ELECTROTEC voltage comparator


compartiment m ORDINAT bucket, compartment, REFRIG compartment; - abaisse d'une faille m GEOLOGIE downfaulted side, dropped side; - a bag ages m TRANSPORT baggage room (ArnE), luggage compartment (BrE); - a basse temperature m REFRIG low-temperature compartment; - congelateur m REFRIG freezer compartment; - des echelles m MINES ladder road, ladder shaft, ladder way, manway; - emboitable m EMBALLAGE compartmented insert; - de I'exhaure m DISTRI EAU d' un puits pump compartment; - d'extraction m CONSTR d'un puits hoisting compartment; - a glace carboni que m REFRIG dry ice bunker; - a marchandises m TRANSPORT cargo space; - des pompes m DISTRI EAU d'un puits pump compartment; - de production de glace m CONS MECA ice-making compartment; - relevem GEOLOGIE upfaulted block; - de travail m CERAM VER gathering end; - des voyageurs m TRANSPORT passenger compartment

compartimentation / CONSTR partitioning compartiment-moteur m VEHICULES engine compart-

ment com pas m AERONAUT atterrisseur torque link, CONS


(AmE), double callipers (BrE); - de mer m NAUT mariner's compass; - a pointes seches m CONS MECA divider, pair of dividers, GEOMETRIE, METROLOGIE dividers, NAUT dividers, pair of dividers, PRODUCTION divider, dividers, pair of dividers; - a pompe m CONS MECA pump spring bow, rotational compass; - a porte-crayon m CONS MECA compasses with pencil point; - quart decercle m CONS MECA wing compasses; - qui s'affole m NAUT disturbed compass; - de reduction m CONS MECA reduction compass; - de relevement m NAUT azimuth compass, bearing compass; - repetiteur m ESPACE VI?hicules, NAUT repeater compass; - a repetition optique m NAUT projector compass; - a ressort m CONS MECA spring dividers; - de route m NAUT steering compass; - spherique m CONSTR bow calipers (AmE), bow callipers (BrE); - a tire-ligne m CONS MECA compasses with pen point; - de train m AERONAUT torque link; - de variation m GEOPHYS variation compass; - a verge m CONS MECA beam dividers, trammel, METROLOGIE beam compasses

Compas m ASTRONOMIE Circinus compas-balustre m CONSTR bow, bow compass, bow

compensateur m ELECTR, ELECTRON compensator, ELECTROTEC balancer, compensator, PHYSIQUE compensator; Babinet m PHYSIQUE Babinet compensator; - de commande de pas m AERONAUT blade pitch control compensator; - de courant alternatit m ELECTR alternating current balancer; - de dilatation a soufflet m CONS MECA bellow expansion joint; - de direction m AERONAUT rudder trim; - d'erreur de vitesse de tates m TV velocity error compensator; - d'evolution m AERONAUT balance tab, horn balance; - de freinage m AUTO proportioning valve; - hydraulique de pilonnement m PETRoLEplatejorme en mer hydraulic compensator; - d'impiidance m ENREGISTR impedance compensator; - de perte de niveau m TV drop-out compensator; - de phase m ELECTR moteur phase advancer; - de pilonnement m PETR, PETROLE exploitation en mer heave compensator; - pneumatique m AERONAUT pneumatic cylinder; - de presence m ENREGISTR presence equalizer; - a ressort m CONS MECA spring tab; - atube ondule m NUCLEAIRE de dilatation corrugated expan-

box tilts compensationj AERONAUT counterbalance, trimming,

compiler vt ORDINAT compile complement m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT comple-

complementeur m INFORMAT, ORDINAT negator completion I PETROLE d' un puits lore completion; - en

out-of-balance comportement m CONSTR behavior (ArnE), behaviour


adduct; - amphiphile m LESSIVES amphiphilic compound; amphotere m LESSIVES amphoteric compound; - aromatique m AGRO ALIM, MATERIAUX, PETROLE aromatic compound; - electronique m METALL electronic compound; - ignifuge moussant m SECURITE intumescence compound; - inorganique de chrome m CHiMIE inorganic chromium compound; - d'insertion m CHIMIE clathrate compound; - inter-halogene m CHIMIE inter halogen compound; intermetallique m MATERIAUX, METALL intermetallic


compound; - Interstitiel m CHiMIE interstitial compound; - marque m NUCLEAIRE isotopically tagged compound, labeled compound (AmE), labelled compound (BrE); - metallo-ceramique m MECANIQUE outil/age cermet; - metamere m CHiMIE metamer; - nitre m CHiMIE nitro-compound; - organique m CHiMIE organic compound; - orgomagnesien m CHiMIE organomagnesium compound; - soufre m GAZ sulfur compound (AmE), sulphur compound (BrE); - stoechiometrique m CRISTALL stoichiometric compound; d'uranium m NUCLEAIRE uranium compound

composeur m CERAM VER mixer; - vocal m TELECOM voice dialler

compositeur m IMPRIM comp, compositor, typesetter, composing stick, setting stick; - typographique m IMPRIMtypo

LAGE label overprinting machine compoundage m ELECTROTEC compounding

compresseur m AUTO supercharger, CONS MECA, CONSTR, ELECTRON, ENREGISTR, EQUIP LAB, GAZ, MECANIQUE, PAPIER, PETROLE plongee, pompe, moteurs, REFRIG, VEHICULES moteur compressor; - d'air m CONS MECA air compressor, CONSTR compressor, EQUIP LAB, INST HYDR, MECANIQUE air com prime air compressor; - alternatlf m REFRIG reciprocating compressor; - automatlque m ENREGlSTR dialogue equalizer; - axial m AERONAUT axial compressor, CONS MECA low-pressure compressor, MECANIQUE axial compressor; - centrifuge m AUTO centrifugal supercharger, CONS MECA centrifugal compressor; - compound m PRODUCTION stage compressor; - it contre-courant m REFRIG return flow compressor; - it cylindres jumeles m INST HYDR duplex compressor; - double m CONS MECA dual compressor; - entierement hermetique m CONS MECA hermetic compressor; - entraine par moteur diesel m CONS MECA diesel-powered compressor; - it equlcourant m REFRIG uniflow compressor; - etage m CONS MECA, PRODUCTION stage compressor; - it flux inverse m REFRIG return flow compressor; - de freln m AUTO air compressor; - frlgorifique m REFRIG refrigerating compressor; - it gaz m PRODUCTION gas compressor; - it groupe unique de cylindres en tandem m PRODUCTION straight-line compressor; - haute pression m CONS MECA high-pressure compressor; - a injection m PRODUCTION spray compressor; - it injection d'air m INST HYDR air injection compressor; - a injection d'eau m INST HYDR water injection compressor, PRODUCTION spray compressor; - it injection pneumatique m INST HYDR air injection compressor; - lent m INST HYDR slow-speed compressor; - it marche sache m CONS MECA dry-running compressor; - a membrane m CONS MECA diaphragm compressor; - monocylindrlque m INST HYDR single stage compressor; - monocyllndrlque simple m PRODUCTION straight-line compressor; - it piston m CONS MECA, GAZ piston compressor; - it piston it basse pression m CONS MECA low-pressure piston compressor; - it piston it haute pression m CONS MECA high-pressure piston compressor; - it plusieurs etages m CONS MECA multistage compressor, NUCLEAIRE compound compressor; - pour fluides frigorlgenes m CONS MECA refrigerant compressor; - de refrigeration m CONS MECA refrigerant compressor; - refroidi par air m REFRIG air-cooled compressor; - refroidi par gaz refrigerant m REFRIG refrigerant-cooled compressor; - rotatif m REFRlG rotary compressor; - rotatif stationnaire it un arbre m CONS MECA single shaft stationary rotary compressor; - rotatif it vis m PRODUCTION rotary screw compressor; - sans hulle m REFRIG oil-free compressor; - sec m CONS MECA dry-running compressor; - a simple effet m INST HYDR single stage compressor, REFRIG single-acting compressor; - de suralimentation m MECANIQUE supercharger; - it vis m CONS MECA, GAZ screw compressor; - de volume m ENREGlSTR volume compressor; - volumetrlque m CONS MECA positive displacement compressor

compresseur-expanseur m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT compander

compressibillte j CHAUFFAGE, METALL, PAPIER, PHYS FLUID, PHYSIQUE compressibility; - des gazjTHERMODYN compressibility of gases; - isentropique j

PHYSIQUE isentropic compressibility; - isothenne / PHYSIQUE isothermal compressibility

compressiomiltre m CHARBON compressometer; - pour moteur diesel m AUTO diesel compression tester

compression / CINEMAT squeeze, CONSfR, ELECTRON, ENREGISTR compression, INFORMAT compaction, compression, INST HYDR, MATERIAUX, NUCLEAIRE compression, ORDINAT compaction, compression, PHYS ONDES des ondes sonores, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU, REFRIG compression; - adiabatique / PHYS FLUID, THERMODYN adiabatic compression; - automatique de volume / ENREGISTR automatic volume compression; - de bande / ELECTRON bandwidth compression; - de bande passante / TV bandwidth compression; - du blanc/TV white compression; - de blocs/ORDINAT block compaction (BrE), block compression (ArnE); - compound / PRODUCTION stage compression; - de donnees /INFORMA T data compaction, data compression; - de la dynamique/ELECTRON volume compression; - en deux 6tages / CONS MECA two-space compression; - a un etage/REFRIG single stage compression; - etagee/coNs MECA compound compression, PRODUCTION stage compression; - de gain / ELECTRON gain compression; - d'image / TV picture compression; - d'images / ELECTRON image compression; - d'impulsion / TELECOM pulse compression; d'infonnatlon / ELECTRON data compression; - de memolre/INFoRMATmemory compaction, memory compression; - des noirs/Tv black compression, black crush; - a plusieurs atages/REFRlG multistage compression; - de signal/TELECOM signal compression; - de t8lecopie / TELECOM facsimile compression; - temporelle / TELECOM time compression; - des tonalites /IMPRIM photogravure tone compression; - de la vapeur/GENIE CIDM vapor compression (ArnE), vapour compression (BrE)

compresslon-extension/EsPAcE communications, TELECOM companding; syllabique / TELECOM maritime-satellite syllabic companding

compressometre m PAPIER compression tester, compressometer

comprimer vt CONSfR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT compress, PRODUCTION press

comptabillsation: - des travaux/INFORMAT, ORDINAT job accounting

comptablliser: - en stock vt PRODUCTION post to stock comptabillte: - des produits / PRODUCTION product

accounting comptage m ELECTRON counting, GAZ metering, INFOR-

MAT tally, PRODUCTION automatisme industriel up count, TELECOM metering; - des accas m TRANSPORT access road census (ArnE), slip road census (BrE), access road count (ArnE), slip road count (BrE), ramp metering; - des appals m TELECOM call metering; - de la circulation m TRANSPORT traffic census, traffic count; - de dMaut m QUALITE defect counting; - directionnel m TRANSPORT directional census; - electronique m ELECTRON electronic counting; - des mouvements m COMMANDE traffic count

compte: - de la chaine m TEXTILE warp setting; - de justification de pointeur m TELECOM PJC, pointer justification count; - a rebours m ESPACE vehicules countdown, TV back timing; - rendu m ESPACE payoff; - rendu de donnees d'accident m AERONAUT accident data reporting; - rendu de donnees d'incident m AERONAUT incident data reporting; - rendu d'essai m


INFORMAT, ORDINAT test report; - rendu pour I'atterrissage m AERONAUT meteorologie report for landing; - rendu pour Ie decollage m AERONAUT report for takeoff; - temps m PHOTO timer

compte-fils m IMPRIM contrlJle de qua/ite line tester, magnifying glass, magnifying lens, PAPIER line tester, thread counter

compte-gouttes m CONS MECA drip-feed lubricator, EMBALLAGE drop counter, EQUIP LAB verrerie, PAPIER dropper; - capillaire m EQUIP LAB dropping tube

compte-pas m PHYSIQUE pedometer compte-pose m PHOTO darkroom timer comptes: -Iainiers m pI TEXTILE wool counts compte-tours m AUTO tachometer, CONS MECA revol-

ution counter, speed counter, VEHICULES moteur, accessoire rev counter (Br E), tachometer (ArnE)

compteur m CONS MECA counter, ELECTR meter, ELECTRON counter, ENREGISTR tape counter, INFORMAT counter, METROLOGJE meter (ArnE), ORDINAT counter, PRODUCTION automatisme industriel up counter, TELECOM counter, meter, TV tape counter, VEHICULES accessoire speedometer; - d'abonne m TELECOM subscriber's meter; - additlf m ELECTRON up counter; - d'appels m TELECOM CR, call register; - bidirectionnel m ELECTRON bidirectional counter, updown counter; - binaire m ELECTRON, ORDINAT binary counter; - Cerenkov m ASTRONOMIE, PHYS RAYON Cerenkov counter; - a cllquet m CINEMAT click footage counter; - de consommation m ELECTROTEC demand meter; - de contamination m SECURITE contamination meter; - de debit m INST HYDR current meter; - de debit d'air m CONS MECA air meter; - ill diaphragme m GAZ diaphragm meter; - a domicile m TELECOM subscriber's private meter; - d'eau m TEXTILE water meter; - a eau m DISTRI EAU water meter; - d'6clairs m GEOPHYS lightning flash counter; - 81ectrique m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC electricity meter; - el&ctronique m ELECTRON electronic counter; - en anneau m TV ring counter; - en cascade m ORDINAT cascadable counter; - d'energie m ELECTROTEC energy meter, integrating meter; - d'energie active m ELECTR active energy meter; - d'energie apparente m ELECTR apparent energy meter; - en pieds m CINEMAT film footage counter, footage counter; - d'etincelles m PHYS RAYON spark counter; - a gaz m EQUIP LAB, PRODUCTION gas meter, THERMODYN flowmeter, gas meter; - Geiger m NUCLEAIRE, PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE Geiger counter; - d'heures de marche m NAUT engine hours indicator, operating hours indicator; - d'- heures de travail m SECURITE working hours counter; - horaire m PHYSIQUE timer; - d'images m CINEMAT frame counter, PHOTO exposure counter, frame counter; - d'impulslon m ELECTRON pulse counter; - d'impulsions m ELECTR impulse counter; - d'instructions m INFORMAT, ORDINAT sequence control register; - joumaller m AUTO trip mileage indicator; - kilometrique m AUTO mileage recorder (BrE), odometer (ArnE); - de manoeuvres m ELECTR changeur de prise operation counter; - metreur m METROLOGIE length meter; - a neuf chlffres m EMBALLAGE nine digit counter; - de noyaux de condensation m POLLUTION condensation nucleus counter; - d'orbites m ESPACE mesures orbit counter; - a paiement prealable m CONS MECA slot meter; - pas a pas m INFORMAT step counter; - a piston rotatif m GAZ rotary piston meter; - de poses m PHOTO frame counter; - de poussiere


mlcrometrlque m INSTRUMENT dust counter; - de programme m INFORMAT, ORDINAT program counter; - progressif m ELECTRON accumulating counter, adding counter, count -up counter, up counter; - proportionnel m PHYSIQUE proportional counter; - de puissance apparente m ELECTR apparent power meter; - de radiation m PHYS ONDES radiation counter, PHYS RAYON radiation counter, radiation monitor; - de renvols m TELECOM redirecting counter; - a scintillation m ASTRONOMIE, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE scintillation counter; - sequential m INFORMAT, ORDINAT step counter; - au silicium m PHYS RAYON silicon counter; - soustractif m ELECTRON down counter; - de surplus d'energie m ELECTR excess energy meter; - de taxes m TELECOM message register, subscriber's meter; - de taxes d'abonne m TELECOM subscriber's meter; - de taxes a domicile m TELECOM subscriber's private meter; - de tours m CONS MECA revolution counter, speed counter, stroke counter; - de tours manuel m EMBALLAGE hand tachometer; - de traflc m TRANSPORT traffic counter; - a turbine m GAZ turbine meter; - a ultrason m GAZ ultrasound meter; - de vapeur m PAPIER steam flowmeter; - de vitesse m AUTO, VEIDCULES speedometer; - de vltesse IInealre m CONS MECA surface speed indicator; - a vortex m GAZ vortex meter; - de yues m PHOTO frame counter

compteur-decompteur m ELECTRON increment-decrement counter, up-down counter, PRODUcnON automatisme industrielup-down counter, TV forwardbackward counter

compteur-frequencem8tre m ELECTRON frequency counter

comptoir: - frigorlfique m REFRIG refrigerated counter concassage m CHARBON breaking down, crushing,

CONSTR breaking; - en circuit oUYert m CHARBON open circuit crushing; - fin m CHARBON fine crushing; - grossler m CHARBON coarse crushing; - tertiaire m CHARBON tertiary crushing

concasser vt AGRO ALIM grind, CHARBON crush, CONSTR break, crush

concatener vt ORDINAT concatenate concave m CHARBON concave concavlte / ENREGISTR de la bande cupping, PETR sag

bend,underbend concentrateur m ELECTRON, EN RENOUV, MAT CHAUFF,

MINES, ORDINAT concentrator, TELECOM CON, concentrator; - d'abonnes m TELECOM line concentrator, local line concentrator; - d'abonnes distant m TELECOM remote line concentrator; - d'abonnes local m TELECOM collocated concentrator; - distant m TELECOM remote concentrator; - de donnees m INFORMAT, ORDINAT data concentrator; - de lignes m TELECOM line concentrator; - numerlque satellite m (CNS) TELECOM digital satellite concentrator; - satellite numerlque m TELECOM RCU, remote concentration unit; - solaire m EN RENOUV solar concentrator; - de voles asynchrones m TELECOM access concentrator

centration; - des slgnauxvocaux/TELECOM interpolation of speech signals; - sure / NUCLEAIRE safe concentration; - volumique critique de pigment / (CVCP) REVETEMENT peinture critical pigment volumeconcentration (CPVC)

concentre1 adj AGRO ALIM concentrated, PHYSIQUE lumped

concentre2 m AGRO ALIM, CHARBON concentrate; - de lewre m AGRO ALIM yeast extract; - de petlt-Iait m AGRO ALIM whey concentrate; - de prodult de boulangerie m AGRO ALIM bakery concentrate; - de proteines de lactoserum m AGRO ALIM whey concentrate; - de proteines de poisson m (CP P ) OCEANO fish protein concentrate (FPC); - uranif8re m NUCLEAIRE uranium concentrate, yellow cake

concentrer vt AGRO ALIM, CHARBON concentrate, ELECTRON focus, GENIE CHIM concentrate, PRODUCTION consolidate; - par ebullition vt AGRO ALIM boil down

concentricite/MECANIQUE concentricity concentrique adj MECANIQUE concentric concept: - de pale avan"ante m AERONAUT advancing

blade concept conception / CONSTR, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PRODUC-

TION, SECURITE design; - assistee par ordinataur / (CAD) ELECTR, IMPRIM, MECANIQUE, ORDINAT, PRODUCTION, TELECOM computer-aided design (CAD); - automatisee/ORDINAT design automation; - de base /NUCLEAIRE base design; - des circuits/ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC circuit design; - des circuits analogiques / ELECTRON analog circuit design (ArnE), analogue circuit design (BrE); - des circuits integres / ELECTRON integrated circuit design; - des circuits numeriques / ELECTRON digital circuit design; - et fabrication asslstees par ordinateur / (CFA 0) ORDINAT, PRODUCTION computer-aided design and manufacture (CADCAM); - fonctionnelle/INFORMAT, ORDINAT functional design; - hi8rarchique orientea objet/oRDINAT HOOD, hierarchical objectoriented design; - logicielle / INFORMAT, ORDINAT software design; - logique / ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT logic design; - orientee objet / (COO) INFORMAT, ORDINAT object-oriented design (ODD); - de programme/INFORMAT, ORDINAT program design; - des puces/ELECTRON chip design; - des reacteurs/ NUCLEAIRE reactor design; - de satellite/ESPACE satellite design; - structuree / INFORMAT, ORDINAT structured design; - sure en cas de d8faillance/NUCLEAIRE fail-safe design

conceptuel adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT conceptual conceSSion / MINES claim, PETROLE concession; - de

mines / MINES mining claim, mining concession; - miniere/MINES mining claim, mining concession

concevoir vt MECANIQUE design conchage m AGRO ALIM conching concher vt AGRO ALIM conche conchyliculteur m OCEANO shellfish farmer conchyliculture/ocEANo shellfish culture concordance/GEOLOGIE conformity, OCEANO concord-

ance, PETROLE conformity; - des couleurs / COULEURS color match (ArnE), colour match (BrE); - de marea/ OCEANO concordance

concr8fier vt CONSTR concrete concrat m CONSTR concrete concretation/ AGRO ALIM caking concretion / AGRO ALIM caking, GEOLOGm concretion,

nodule, PETR concretion


concurrent adjINFORMAT, ORDINAT concurrent condamnatlon: - centrale/vEHICULES central locking; -

des portieres/ CH DE FER vehicules door blocking condamner vt NAUT les panneaux batten down condensable adj CmMIEgaz, PHYSIQUE condensable condensat m CHAUFFAGE, GENIE cmM, PETROLE, THER-

MODYNCOndensate condensateur m AUTO capacitor, CINEMAT condenser,

CONS MECA electrique seulement capacitor, ELECTR composant capacitor, composante condenser, ELECTROTEC capacitor, condenser, EQUIP LAB electrique condenser, ORDINAT, PAPmR, PHYSIQUE capacitor, PRODUCTION electrique condenser, TELECOM, TV capacitor, VEHICULES allumage capacitor, condenser; - d'accord m ELECTROTEC tuning capacitor; - d'accord ill cages m ELECTROTEC gang tuning capacitor; - accoup" m ELECTROTEC gang capacitor; - accumulateur d'energie m ELECTROTEC energy storage capacitor; - ill air m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE air capacitor; - ajustable m ELECTROTEC adjustable capacitor, trimmer capacitor; - ajustable ill air m ELECTROTEC air trimmer capacitor; - d'allumage m AUTO ignition capacitor; - ill I'aluminium m ELECTROTEC aluminium electrolytic capacitor (BrE), aluminum electrolytic capacitor (ArnE); - ill I'aluminium ill 8Iectrolyte IIquide m ELECTROTEC wetaluminium capacitor (BrE), wet-aluminum capacitor (ArnE); - ill I'aluminlum ill electrolyte sollde m ELECTROTEC solid aluminium capacitor (BrE), solid aluminum capacitor (ArnE); - d'amortissement m ELECTROTEC damping capacitor, snubber capacitor; - ill anneau de garde m ELECTROTEC guard ring capacitor; - d'a"it m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE blocking capacitor; - autoclcatrisant m ELECTROTEC self-healing capacitor; - ill bande plastique m ELECTROTEC film capacitor; - de blocage m PHYSIQUE blocking capacitor; - bouton m ELECTROTEC disc capacitor (BrE), disk capacitor (ArnE); - calculable m PHYSIQUE calculable capacitor; - ceramique m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM ceramic capacitor; - ceramique aJustable m ELECTROTEC adjustable ceramic capacitor; - ceramique ill enrobage ve"e m ELECTROTEC glass-coated ceramic capacitor; - ceramique monocouche m ELECTROTEC single layer ceramic capacitor; - ceramique tubulaire m ELECTROTEC tubular ceramic capacitor; - de charge m ELECTROTEC reservoir capacitor; - commande en tension m ELECTROTEC voltage-controlled capacitor; - de compensation thermique m ELECTROTEC temperature-compensating capacitor; - ill couche epaisse m ELECTRON thick-film capacitor; - ill couche mince m ELECTR thin-film capacitor; - ill couches minces m TELECOM thin-layer capacitor; - de couplage m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE coupling capacitor; - cyllndrique m PHYSIQUE cylindrical capacitor; - dans I'hulle m ELECTR oil-immersed capacitor; - ill decharge m ELECTROTEC discharge capacitor; - de decouplage m ELECTROTEC decoupling capacitor, PHYSIQUE bypass capacitor; - de demarrage m ELECTR starting capacitor; - dephaseur m ELECTR phase-shifting capacitor; - de derivation m PHYSIQUE bypass capacitor; - di8lectrique m ELECTR dielectric condenser; - ill dielectrique m8tallise m ELECTROTEC metalized film capacitor (ArnE), metallized film capacitor (BrE); - discret m ELECTROTEC discrete capacitor; - double m ELECTR two-cell capacitor; - electrique m PAPmR electrical condenser; - electrochimique m ELECTROTEC wet-aluminium capa-

citor (BrE), wet-aluminum capacitor (ArnE), PHYSIQUE electrolytic capacitor, TELECOM electrochemical capacitor; - electrochimique a I'aluminium m ELECTROTEC aluminium electrolytic capacitor (BrE), aluminum electrolytic capacitor (ArnE); - a electrolyte solide m ELECTROTEC solid electrolyte capacitor; - electrolytlque m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE electrolytic capacitor; - electrolytique a I'aluminlum m ELECTROTEC aluminium electrolytic capacitor (BrE), aluminum electrolytic capacitor (ArnE); - 81ectrolytique non polarise m CONSTR nonpolarized electrolytic capacitor; - electrolytique polarise m ELECTROTEC polarized electrolytic capacitor; - en bande m ELECTROTEC reeled capacitor; - en plastique m ELECTROTEC plastic capacitor; - d'entree m ELECTROTEC input capacitor; - en verre m ELECTROTEC glass capacitor; - etalon m ELECTR reference capacitor, ELECTROTEC standard capacitor; - a film m ELECTROTEC film capacitor; - ill film plastique m ELECTROTEC plastic film capacitor; - de filtrage m ELECTR capaciteur smoothing capacitor, ELECTROTEC filter capacitor; - fixe m ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE fixed capacitor; - ill fortes tuites m ELECTROTEC leaky capacitor; - de forte valeur m ELECTROTEC large-value capacitor; - de fuite de grille m ELECTROTEC grid capacitor; - d'impulsion m ELECTR pulse capacitor; - inductif m ELECTROTEC inductive capacitor; - Integrateur m ELECTROTEC integrating capacitor; - d'integration m ELECTROTEC integrating capacitor; - integre m ELECTROTEC integrated capacitor, on-chip capacitor; - interdigital m PHYSIQUE interdigital capacitor; - ill jonction m ELECTROTEC junction capacitor; - a lames m ELECTR plate capacitor; - a lames multiples m ELECTR multiple plate capacitor; - de Lampard et Thomson m PHYSIQUE Lampard and Thomson capacitor; - de liaison m ELECTROTEC blocking capacitor; - localise m ELECTROTEC lumped capacitor; - de memorisation m ELECTROTEC storage capacitor; - metallise m ELECTROTEC metalized film capacitor (ArnE), metallized film capacitor (BrE); - au mica m ELECTR mica dielectric capacitor, ELECTROTEC mica capacitor; - au mica argente m ELECTROTEC silvered mica capacitor; - au mica metallise m ELECTROTEC metalized mica capacitor (ArnE), metallized mica capacitor (BrE); - mis en parallele m PHYSIQUE shunt capacitor; - monte en serie m ELECTROTEC series capacitor; - MOS m ELECTROTEC MOS capacitor, metal-oxide semiconductor capacitor; - optique m CINEMAT optical condenser; - oscillant m ELECTR oscillating capacitor; - ill I'oxyde de tantale m ELECTROTEC tantalum oxide capacitor; - au papier m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC paper capacitor; - au papier impregne d'huile m ELECTROTEC oil paper capacitor; - au papier metallise m ELECTR metalized paper capacitor (ArnE), metallized paper capacitor (BrE); - pare-etincelles m ELECTROTEC spark capacitor; - pastille ceramique m ELECTROTEC ceramic chip capacitor; - plan m ELECTROTEC parallel plate capacitor; - a plaques paralleles m PHYSIQUE parallel plate capacitor; - pliant m ELECTR book capacitor; - polarise m ELECTROTEC polarized capacitor; - pour accumulation d'energie m ELECTROTEC energy storage capacitor; - pour courant alternatif m ELECTROTEC AC capacitor; - de protection m ELECTROTEC protection capacitor; - de puissance m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC power capacitor; - a rebord m ELECTR rim capacitor; - a refluement m NUCLEAIRE refluxer; -

reglable m PHYSIQUE variable capacitor; - rotatif m ELECTR rotary capacitor; - sans blocage m ELECTROTEC nonblocking concentrator; - de sortie m ELECTROTEC output capacitor; - a sorties radiales m ELECTROTEC radial lead capacitor; - synchrone m ELECTROTEC synchronous capacitor; - au tantale m ELECTROTEC tantalum capacitor; - au tantale a anode frittee m ELECTROTEC tantalum slug capacitor; - au tantale a anode frittee et electrolyte gelifiee m ELECTROTEC wet-slug tantalum capacitor; - au tantale bobine m ELECTROTEC tantalum foil capacitor; - au tantale au boitier en argent m ELECTROTEC silver case tantalum capacitor; - au tantale a 8iectrolyte gelifiee m ELECTROTEC wet-slug tantalum capacitor; - au tantale ill electrolyte liquide m ELECTROTEC tantalum wet capacitor; - au tantale ill electrolyte solide m ELECTROTEC solid tantalum capacitor, tantalum solid capacitor; - au tantale sec m ELECTROTEC solid tantalum capacitor; - tout tantale m ELECTROTEC all-tantalum capacitor; - de traversee m ELECTROTEC feedthrough capacitor; - de vapeur m PAPIER steam condenser; - variable m ELECTR adjustable capacitor, capaciteur variable capacitor, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE variable capacitor; - variable ill air m ELECTROTEC air variable capacitor; - variable differentiel m ELECTROTEC differential capacitor; - variable ill rotor commun m ELECTROTEC split stator variable capacitor; - ill vide m ELECTROTEC vacuum capacitor

condensateurs: - jumel8s m pI ELECTR gang capacitors, ELECTROTEC ganged capacitors; - a rapport de capacite m pI ELECTROTEC ratioed capacitors

condensation f CERAM VER, CHAUFFAGE, CHIMIE, CONSTR, EMBALLAGE, GENIE CHIM, HYDROLOGIE, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN condensation; - de Bose-Einstein f PHYSIQUE Bose-Einstein condensation; - de Claisen f CHIMIE Claisen condensation; - d'eau f IMPRIM, REFRIG sweating; - par injection f GENIE CHIM condensation by injection; - par refroldlssement de la surface f GENIE CHIM condensation by surface cooling; - statistique de Bose-Einstein f PHYSIQUE Bose-Einstein condensation; - des vapeurs fNUCLEAIRE vapor condensation (ArnE), vapour condensation (BrE); - du zinc f CHARBON zinc condensation

condense adj PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN condensed condenser vt CHIMIE occlude, gaz condense, EMBALLAGE

condensate, GAZ, GENIE CHIM condense, INFORMAT, ORDINAT pack, THERMODYN condense

condenseur m CHARBON, CHAUFFAGE, CHIMIE, EQUIP LAB, GENIE CHIM, PETROLE, REFRIG condenser; - a air m REFRIG air-cooled condenser; - a air force m REFRIG forced draft air-cooled condenser (ArnE), forced draught air-cooled condenser (BrE); - ill air par convection m REFRIG natural air-cooled condenser; - a autorefroidissement m REFRIG evaporative condenser; - des buees m NUCLEAIRE off-gas condenser; - ill calandre et serpentin m REFRIG shell and coil condenser; - ejecteur m INST HYDR ejector condenser; - a ejection m INST HYDR ejector condenser; - en sous-sol m NUCLEAIRE underfloor condenser; - a glace m NUCLEAIRE ice condenser; - ill immersion m REFRIG submerged condenser; - ill injection m INST HYDR injection condenser, jet condenser; - ajetm GAZ spray condenser, INST HYDR injection condenser, jet condenser; - a lanlares m TEXTILE tape condenser; - ill melange m PRODUCTION direct contact condenser; -

par injection m INST HYDR injection condenser; - par melange m PRODUCTION direct contact condenser; - par surface m PRODUCTION surface condenser; - pour microscopes m EQUIP LAB microscope condenser; - a purgeur m REFRIG bleeder-type condenser; - refroidl par I'eau m CHAUFFAGE water-cooled condenser; - ill refroidlssement m CHAUFFAGE air-cooled condenser; - ill refroidlssement par chaleur latente d'evaporation m REFRIG evaporative condenser; - ill surface m PRODUCTION surface condenser; - ill trompe m INST HYDR ejector condenser; - universel m INSTRUMENT universal condenser

conditlon/INFORMAT, ORDINAT condition; - de ballastage maximal/NAuT deepest ballast condition; - de Bragg/CRISTALL Bragg's law; - de branche/PRoDuCTION automatisme industriel branching condition; - en paraliele/PRoDUCTION automatisme industriel parallel condition; - d'essai/METROLOGIE, PRODUCTION test condition; - fausse/PRODUCTION automatisme industriel off condition; - de freinage de reference / AERONAUT d'une piste reference friction condition; - initiale / MATERIAUX initial condition; - de liaison / INFORMAT, ORDINAT interface requirement; - de nonglissement / PHYS FLUID no-slip condition; - de regime permanent / ELECTROTEC, TELECOM steadystate condition; - requise / SECURITE requirement; - de securite requlse / SECURITE safety requirement; - vraie/PRoDuCTION automatisme industriel on condition

conditionne acij TEXTILE conditioned; - pour expedition postale acij AGRO ALIM mail-order packed; - sous atmosphere contr618e acij AGRO ALIM controlled atmosphere packed; - sous gaz acij AGRO ALIM gas-packed; - sous-vide acij AGRO ALIM vacuumpacked

conditlonnel adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT conditional conditionnement m AGRO ALIM packaging, CERAM VER,

CHARBON conditioning, IMPRIM packaging, PAPIER de {,humidite ou la temperature, PLAST CAOU procMe conditioning, PRODUCTION, TEXTILE packaging; - de I'alr m CONS MECA, MAT CHAUFF, SECURITE air conditioning; - aseptlque m AGRO ALIM aseptic filling; - des boues m DISTRI EAU, HYDROLOGIE sludge conditioning; - de I'eau m DISTRI EAU water conditioning; - et traitement m POLLUTION des dechets conditioning; - industriel m NUCLEAIRE industrial packaging; - du papler m PAPIER paper conditioning; - par unite m EMBALLAGE unit pack; - sous atmosphere contr61ee m EMBALLAGE CA packaging, controlled atmosphere packaging CAP; - sous carte m EMBALLAGE carded packaging; - sous materiaux barriere m EMBALLAGE barrier packaging; - sous vide m EMBALLAGE vacuum pack

conditionner vt CHARBON, PRODUCTION condition condltionneur m CHARBON conditioning tank; - d'air m

CONS MECA air conditioner, REFRIG air conditioning unit; - ill air de piece m REFRIG room air conditioning unit; - ill air de type armoire m REFRIG self-contained air conditioning unit; - ill air de type feniitre m REFRIG window air conditioning unit; - a air de zone m REFRIG zone air conditioning unit; - de feutre m PAPIER felt conditioner

conditions: l - ambiantes dangereuses / pi SECURITE unsafe environmental conditions; - atmospheriques/ pi MA TERIAUX, METED, NAUT atmospheric conditions; - climatiques/pi EMBALLAGE climatic conditions; - du


contrat de transport / pi NAUT shipping terms; - contr61ees / pi MATERIAUX controlled conditions; - dimensionnelles / pi SECURITE dimensional requirements; - d'ecoulement/pl MATERIAUX flow behavior (ArnE), flow behaviour (BrE); - en champ libre/pl ENREGISTR free field conditions; - d'envlronnement/ pi METROLOGIE, PRODUCTION environmental conditions; - d'essai/pIEMBALLAGE, ESSAIS, MATERIAUX test conditions; - de fonctlonnement / pi ELECTR d'un materiel, ELECTROTEC operating conditions; - de fond / pi PETROLE forage bottom hole conditions, downhole conditions; - ideales / pi TRANSPORT ideal conditions; - d'injections d'equilibre / pi TELECOM steady-state launching conditions; - de Iivralson / pi PRODUCTION terms of delivery; - maritimes/pi NAUT sea conditions; - meteorologiques / pi METEO meteorological conditions; - nominales / pi ELECTROTEC rated conditions; - pour la similitude dynamique de deux ecoulements / pi PHYS FLUID conditions for dynamic similarity of two flows; - de reference / pi METROLOGIE reference conditions; - requises pour la sante et la surete / pi SECURITE au travail health and safety requirements; - requises de securite et surveillance / pi SECURITE safety requirements and supervision; - requises de securite pour alimentation en 81ectricite / pi SECURlTE electrical safety requirements; - requises techniques de securite / pi SECURITE technical safety requirements; - de reservoir/pi PETR reservoir conditions; - de service / pi ELECTR d'un materiel operating conditions; - de sous-sol/pl PETROLE subsurface conditions; - de trafic / pi TRANSPORT traffic conditions; - de travail / pi PRODUCTION, SECURITE working conditions; - d'utilisation prevues/pl AERONAUT anticipated operating conditions; - de validite / pi PRODUCTION effectivity terms

conditlons:2 dans les - usuelles d'utllisation loc PRODUCTION under normal conditions of use

conductance/ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, IMPRIM, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM conductance; - directe / ELECTR semi-conducteur forward conductance; - electrique/TELEcoM electrical conductance; - en I'etat passant / ELECTR semi-conducteur forward conductance; - equivalente /PHYSIQUE equivalent conductance; - mutuelle/ELECTROTEC transconductance; - negative / ELECTR semi-conducteur negative conductance; - superficielle / CHAUFFAGE surface conductance; - thermique / CHAUFFAGE, PHYSIQUE thermal conductance

conducteurl acij ELECTR conducting, MATERIAUX conducting, conductive, PETROLE conducting

conducteuy2 m CH DE FER vehicules driver (BrE), engineer (ArnE), CONSTR foreman, operator, ELECTR conductor, cdble, raccordement conductor, ELECTROTEC conductor, IMPRIM rotary printer, PETROLE electrique, thermal, PHYSIQUE conductor, TELECOM conductor, leg; - d'arche m CERAM VER lehr attendant; - d'autobus m TRANSPORT bus driver; - central m TELECOM inner conductor; - de chaleur m MATERIAUX thermal conductor, PRODUCTION heat conductor; - de chantiers m CONSTR chief superintendent engineer; - de la charge m ELECTROTEC load leads; - chauffant m CONS MECA conduction heater, contact heater; - de connexion m ELECTROTEC connecting lead; - coupe m ELECTROTEC open conductor; - creux m ELECTR hollow conductor; - de distribution m ELECTR distributor; - divlse m ELECTROTEC stranded conductor; - ecran m ELECTR d' un cdble shielding conductor;


- d'electrlcite m PHYSIQUE electrical conductor; - 81ectrlque m ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE electrical conductor; - d'emisslon m TV continuity log; - en aluminium m ELECTR aluminium conductor (BrE), aluminum conductor (AmE); - en couche epalsse m ELECTRON thick-film conductor; - en couches minces m ELECTRON thin-film conductor; - d'entree m ELECTROTEC input lead; - exterieur m TELECOM outer conductor; - ill fils armes m ELECTROTEC metal-sheathed conductor; - flexible m ELECTROTEC flexible conductor; - d'induit m ELECTR machine armature conductor; - isole m ELECTR d'un dible core, insulated conductor, insulated core, ELECTROTEC insulated conductor; - linealre m PHYSIQUE ohmic conductor; - de lingots m CONS MECA traveling table (ArnE), travelling table (BrE); - de masse m ELECTROTEC earth lead (BrE), ground lead; - massif m ELECTROTEC solid conductor; - metalllque m ELECTROTEC metallic conductor; - de metallisation m ELECTROTEC bonding jumper; - de mise ill la masse m ESPACE vehicules bonding strap; - de mise ill la terre m PRODUCTION electricite earthing electrode conductor (BrE), grounding electrode conductor (ArnE); - negatif m ELECTROTEC negative conductor; - neutre m ELECTROTEC neutral conductor, zero conductor; - nu m ELECTR bare conductor; - de nuque m TELECOM B-Ieg, ring; - ohmique m PHYSIQUE ohmic conductor; - de polds lourds m CONSTR HG driver; - de pointe m TELECOM A-leg; - principal m ELECTROTEC main conductor; - de protection m ELECTR d'un dible shielding conductor; - de terre m ELECTR earth conductor (BrE), ground conductor (ArnE), ELECTROTEC earth lead (BrE), ground lead (ArnE), PRODUCTION earth wire (BrE), e/ectricite ground wire (ArnE); - thermique m MATERIAUX thermal conductor; - tubulaire m MINES conductor pipe, drill casing, guide tube; - volant m PRODUCTION flying lead

conductibilite/ELEcTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE conductivity; - calorifique /THERMODYN heat conductivity, thermal conductibility, thermal conductivity; - 81ectrique / ELECTROTEC electrical conductivity; - electrolytique/ELECTR electrolytic conductivity; - II I'etat passant/ELEcTROTEC on-state conductivity; - extrinseque / ELECTROTEC extrinsic conductivity; - Intrinseque/ELEcTR, ELECTROTEC intrinsic conductivity; - thermique / CONSTR thermal conductivity, THERMODYN caloric conductibility, thermal conductibility, thermal conductivity; - thermique 81ectronique /NUCLEAIRE electronic heat conductivity

conductible adj ELECTR conducting conductimetre m EQUIP LAB analyse conductivity meter conduction / CONSTR, ELECTROTEC, MAT CHAUFF,

PHYSIQUE conduction; - aerlenne / ACOUSTIQUE air conduction; - de chaleur /THERMODYN heat conduction; - 81ectrique / ELECTROTEC electric conduction, electrical conduction; -lacunaire/ELEcTROTEC defect conduction, hole conduction; - d'obscurite / ELECTROTEC dark conduction; - osseuse / ACOUSTIQUE bone conduction; - par trous / ELECTROTEC p-type conductivity; - thermique/THERMODYN thermal conduction

conductivite / DISTRI EAU, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, PETR, PHYSIQUE quantite, PLAST CAOU, TELECOM conductivity; - calorifique / THERMODYN thermal conductivity; - capillaire /HYDROLOGIE capillary conductivity; - 81ectrique / ELECTR conductivity; -

81ectronique / PHYS RAYON electron conductivity; - hydraullque/EN RENOUV, HYDROLOGIE hydraulic conductivity; - ionique 8qulvalente / PHYS RAYON ionic conductance; - moleculaire/THERMODYN molecular conductivity; - specifique/ELECTR specific conductance; - thermique / CHAUFFAGE, GAZ, PETROLE, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU, THERMODYN thermal conductivity; - thermlque 8qulvalente / CHAUFFAGE equivalent thermal conductivity

conduire vt DISTIU EAU un canal carry, ESPACE drive, NUCLEAIRE operate, PAPIER drive, TRANSPORT drive, steer

conduit m CONSTR conduit, conduit pipe, pipe, ELECTR alimentation conduit, MINES air passage, air passageway, airway, PHYS FLUID pipe, PRODUCTION de dible, REFRIG, TELECOM duct, THERMODYN d'une cheminee flue; - d'alr m CONS MECA air conduit, CONSTR vent; - de cibles m ELECTROTEC cable conduit, conduit; - de derivation m AERONAUT turbosou/flante secondary duct; - distributeur d'eau d'allmentation m NUCLEAIRE distribution ring, feedwater manifold; - en fonte m CONSTR cast-iron pipe; - de gaz m CONSTR gas pipe;- karstique m HYDROLOGIE karstic conduit; - de lumiere m ELECTROTEC light pipe; - de pale m AERONAUT blade duct; - principal m NUCLEAIRE distributing pipe, manifold, PETR trunk line; - secondaire de derivation m AERONAUT secondary duct; - ill vent m CONS MECA air conduit; - de ventilation de poche d'air m PAPIER pocket-ventilating duct; - virtuel m TELECOM VP, virtual path

conduite / CH DE FER vehicules driving, CONS MECA ducting, duct, CONSTR conduit, conduit pipe, main, pipe, pipeline, DISTRI EAU conduit, EN RENOUV conduit, pipeline, ESPACE vehicules handling; - d'air / CHARBON air duct, CONS MECA air duct, air pipe, MAT CHAUFF air duct, PAPIER airline, REFRIG air duct; - d'alimentation/ AUTO delivery pipe, NUCLEAIRE feedline; - d'amenee / CONSTR supply pipe, INST HYDR head pipe; - d'amenee d'eau/DisTRI EAU water supply pipe; - d'amenee de secteur /ELECTROTEC mains lead (BrE), supply lead (ArnE); - d'arrivee/PRoDUCTION inlet pipe; - ascendante pour les bouches d'incendie / THERMODYN fire riser, fire rising main; - d'aspiration/ CONS MECA eductor, HYDROLOGIE, TRANSPORT suction pipe; - automatique des trains par mini-ordinateur / CH DE FER ATOMIC, automatic train operation by mini computer; - II bride / CONSTR flange pipe; - circulaire de vent/PRoDUCTION bustle pipe, circular blast aim, haut /ourneau horseshoe main; - de condensation /REFRIG condensate line; - dangereuse / SECURITE unsafe act; - de decharge du gaz de couverture / NUCLEAIRE cover gas discharge line; - de distribution d'eau/DISTRI EAU water main; - d'eau/ DISTRI EAU water pipe; - d'eau de refroidissement/ CONS MECA cooling water pipe; - d'echantillonnage/ QUALITE d'eau sampling line; - d'ecoulement/PETR, PETROLE flow line; - II emboitement/coNsTR socket pipe; - d'emission/Tv cue sheet; - en fonte/coNsTR iron pipe; - d'evacuation/RECYCLAGE drain; - d'evacuation d'air /PETROLE air exhaust; - de fer / CONSTR iron pipe; - forcee/EN RENOUV barrages, HYDROLOGIE penstock, INST HYDR full pipe, NUCLEAIRE penstock; - de frein/ AUTO brake line; - de gaz/CONSTR, TRANSPORT gas pipe; - generale / CH DE FER main brake hose (ArnE), main brake pipe (BrE); - hydraulique/ AUTO hydraulic linkage; - ill joints ill emboitements f CONSTR

socket pipe; - maitresse / CONSTR main; - maitresse de gaz/PRODUCI10N gas main; - maitresse de vapeur /INST HYDR main steam pipe; - du moteur /NAUT engine operation; - de pression/AUTO pressure tube; - princlpale/CH DE FER main air supply hose (ArnE), main air supply pipe (BrE), CONSTR main; - principale d'eau/DISTRI EAU water main; - principale de gaz/ PRODUCI10N gas main; - de refoulement/DisTRI BAU delivery main, delivery pipe; - sans pression /NUCLEAIRE tuyauterie unpressurized line; - de saumure/ REFRIG brine line; - soupJe / CONS MECA flexible pipe, PRODUCI10N hose; - sous-marine/TRANsPORT undersea pipeline; - de succion / CONS MECA appareils d'aspiration eductor; - de trop plein/ AUTO overflow pipe; - de vapeur /INST HYDR steam pipe; - de vent/ PRODUCTION blast main; - de ventilation / CONSTR ventilation duct

conduites / pi CONSTR piping; - de fer/pi CONSTR iron piping

conduits m pi CONSTR piping; - de fer m pi CONSTR iron piping

condurrite/MINERAUX condurrite cone m CERAM VER reamer, CHARBON slug, CONS MECA

cone, cone pulley, speed cone, step cone, ELECTRON cone, funnel, ESPACE, GEOMETRIE cone, IMPRIMplieuse former, MATERIAUX bell, cone, MATH cone, MILITAIRE d'une tor pille nose, PRODUCTION, TEXTILE, TV cone; - d'ablatlon m ESPACE thermique ablating cone; - d'alluvion m HYDROLOGIE alluvial cone; - d'appel m DISTRI BAU depression cone; - d'avancement m MINES sink; - avertisseur m CONSTR traffic cone; - de cendres m GEOLOGIE cinder cone; - central m ESPAcEpropulsion thrust cone; - circulaire droit m GEOMETRIE right circular cone; - classeur m CHARBON cone classifier; - de confusion m AERONAUT confusion cone; - a corde m CONS MECA cone sheave, grooved cone; - creux m CERAM VER bell cone; - de decantation m CHARBON settling cone, GENIE CRIM settling cone, settling tank; - de dejections m GEOLOGIE cone delta; - de diffuseur m GENIE CHIM atomizer injection nozzle; - de dispersion m GENIE CRIM dispersion cone; - divergent m PRODUCTION d'un injecteur delivery cone, delivery nozzle, delivery tube; - de diviSion m CONS MECA pitch cone; - d'eboulis m DISTRI EAU alluvial cone; - d'echappement m AERONAUT exhaust cone; - d'elution m GENIE CRIM elutriating funnel; - d'entree d'air m TRANSPORT spike; - epalsslsseur m CHARBON thickening cone; - erodable m ESPACE thermique ablating cone, nose cone; - ill faible conicite m CONS MECA pour emmanchements d'outils self-holding taper; - ill filtrer m GENIE CHIM filtering cone; - de fracturation m CERAM VER fracture cone; - d'helice m AERONAUT spinner; - de Hertz m CERAM VER Hertzian fracture; - male m CONS MECA male cone; - de mer profonde m GEOLOGIE deep-sea fan; - Morse m CONS MECA Morse taper; - de nez m AERONAUT nose cone; - de nez amovible m AERONAUT detachable nose cone; - de nez demontable m AERONAUT detachable nose cone; - oblique m GEOMETRIE oblique cone; - d'occultation du coronographe m ASTRONOMIE occultation cone for coronograph; - pour Ie slump-test m CONSTR slump cone; - primitif m CONS MECA pitch cone; - de projection m GENIE CRIM atomizing cone; - de pulverisateur m GENIE CRIM atomizer injection nozzle; - pyroscopique m CERAM VER Seger cone; - de renvoi m CONS MECA cone for overhead motion, countershaft cone,


overhead cone, overhead cone pulley; - de revolution m GEOMETRIE cone of revolution; - scalene m GEOMETRIE scalene cone; - de scorles m GEOWGIE cinder cone; - ill sedimentation d'lmhof m EQUIP LAB verrerie Imhof sedimentation cone; - separateur m CHARBON cone separator; - des signaux m COMMANDE signal cone; - de silence m CONS MECA cone of silence; - sous-marin m OCEANO abyssal cone, deep-sea fan; - support m TEXTILE cone tube; - Taylor m PHYS RAYON Taylor cone; - de television m CERAM VER cone (BrE), funnel (ArnE); - de transmission m CONS MECA cone, cone pulley, speed cone, step cone; - ill trois gradins m CONS MECA three-lift cone pulley, three-step cone pulley; - d'usure m CHARBON mantle; - de vitesse m CONS MECA cone, cone pulley, speed cone, step cone; - volcanique m GEOPHYS volcanic cone

cone-poulle m CONS MECA cone, cone pulley, speed cone, step cone; - ill trois etages m CONS MECA threelift cone pulley, three-step cone pulley

confection/coNsTR d'une route, du heton arme making, PRODUCTION des joints, TEXTILE making up; - artlsanale / AGRO ALIM hand baking; - des noyaux / PRODUCTION core making; - de routes/ CONSTR road making

confectionner vt PRODUCTION outil make conferenCe/TELECOM conference call; - rendez-vous/

TELECOM meet-me conference call; - telephonique / TELECOM conference call, telephone conference

confetti m INFORMAT chad confidentialite/INFORMAT, ORDINAT privacy, TELECOM

confidentiality; - de donnees /INFORMAT, ORDINAT data privacy (BrE), data security (ArnE); - du flux de dOnneeS/TELECOM traffic flow confidentiality

configuration / CONS MECA outline, CONSTR lie, du pays lay, ELECTRON, ESPACE configuration, pattern, INFORMAT, ORDINAT configuration, PRODUCTION layout, TV setup; - de base de donnees /ORDINAT database mapping; - binaire/INFORMAT bit pattern; - de cablage/PRoDUCTION wiring configuration; - du champ magnetique /NUCLEAIRE, PHYS RAYON magnetic field configuration; - chargee/ESPACE vehicules full-load configuration; - dechargee / ESPACE vehicules reduced load configuration; - d'ecoulement / PHYS FLUID, REFRIG flow pattern; - d'electrode /TELECOM electrode configuration; - electronique / PHYSIQUE electronic configuration; - en anneau/TELEcOM ring configuration; - en etOile/TELEcoM star configuration; - en grappes/NucLEAIRE banked configuration; - d'erreurs/TELECOM eITor pattern; - delancement/ ESPACE vehicules launching configuration; - de la ligne/ELECTROTEC line configuration; - des lignes de courant / PHYS FLUID streamline pattern; - lisse / AERONAUT clean configuration; - logicielle / INFORMAT, ORDINAT software configuration; - materielle/ INFORMAT, ORDINAT hardware configuration; - memoire/PRoDUCTION in/ormatique memory map; - des partitions /ORDINAT, PRODUCTION in/ormatique setting-up partitions; - des poles / PRODUCI10N automatisme industriel pole arrangement; - de pose / PETR pipe string; - de pose de barrage/POLLU MER boom-laying configuration; - quadripolaire / NUCLEAIRE quadrupolar configuration; - de redondance /PRODUCTION backup configuration; - d'un reseau/ ELECTR system configuration; - spatlale/poLLUTION spatial pattern; - de stockage/ESPACE vehicules storage configuration; - du systeme / PRODUCTION


system setup; - du type canal I NUCLEAlRE channel configuration; - de I'utilisateur IINFORMAT, ORDINAT user operating environment

configurer vt ORDINAT configure, PRODUCTION inlormatique install, TV set up

confinement m GEOLOGIE, MINES, PETROLE geologie confinement, PHYSIQUE confinement, containment; - inertiel m PHYSIQUE inertial confinement; - magnetique m PHYSIQUE magnetic confinement; - des quarks m PHYS PART quark confinement

confirmation I PRODUCTION authorization, TELECOM confirmation, confirm; - deconnexion/TELECOM CC, connect confirm; - primitive lTELECOM confirm

confirmer vt TELECOM confirm confisquer vt NAUT seize conflit: - d'acces m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT,

TELECOM contention; - du travail m PRODUCTION industrial dispute

confluent m DISTRI EAU, HYDROLOGIE confluence confluer vi DISTRI EAU meet conformateur: - pneumatique m TV vacuum guide sys-

tem conformation: - d'impulsion/oRDINAT pulse shaping conformer vt CINEMAT, TV conform, match conformite I CONS MECA accordance, INFORMAT, ORDI-

NAT conformance, QUALITE compliance, conformity; - des couleurs/coULEURS color match (ArnE), colour match (BrE)

conge m CONSTR fillet, neck mold (ArnE), neck molding (ArnE), neck mould (BrE), neck moulding (BrE), neck molding plane (ArnE), neck moulding plane (BrE); - de bandage m CH DE FER vehicules tire groove (ArnE), tyre groove (BrE); - de raccord m CH DE FER fillet radius; - de raccordement m AERONAUT cellule, CONSTR fillet; - de raccord de la table de roulement m CH DE FER rail shoulder

congiilateur m AGRO ALIM deepfreeze, freezer, CONS MECA freezer, frozen food storage cabinet, OCEANO deep-freeze ship, freezer trawler, freezer vessel, REFRIG deepfreeze, freezer, THERMODYN deepfreeze, quick freezer, domestique freezer; - a air forcii m REFRIG air blast freezer; - a aspersion m REFRIG spray freezer; - continu m REFRIG continuous freezer; - a creme glaciie m REFRIG batch-type freezer; - discontinu m AGRO ALIM batch freezer, REFRIG batch-type freezer; - domestique m REFRIG domestic freezer; - a iitageres m REFRIG shelf freezer; - horizontal m AGRO ALIM deep freeze; - a liquide m REFRIG liquid chiller; - miinager m REFRIG domestic freezer; - navlre m OCEANO deep-freeze ship, freezer trawler, freezer vessel; - par contact m REFRIG contact freezer; - a plaque m REFRIG plate freezer; - a racleur m REFRIG scraped surface freezer; - vertical m REFRIG upright freezer

congiilation:! a - rapide adj AGRO ALIM quick-freezing congiilation2 I MATERIAUX congealment, congelation,

PHYSIQUE freezing, solidification, REFRIG freezing; - en masse divisiie/REFRIG loose freezing; - en vracl REFRIG bulk freezing; -Ientel AGRO ALIM, REFRIG slow freezing; - parcontact/REFRIG contact freezing; - par immersion/EMBALLAGE, REFRIG immersion freezing; - par jet d'air IREFRIG jet freezing; - par pulviirisatlonl REFRIG spray freezing; - rapide/REFRIG quick freezing; - sans circulation d'air IREFRIG still-air freezing; - sous courant d'air lAGRO ALIM blast freezing; - superficielle I REFRIG crust freezing; - sur bande I REFRIG

belt freezing; - sur plaque riifrlgiirante I REFRIG fluidized bed freezing; - ventlliie I REFRIG air blast freezing

congelii adj REFRIG frozen, THERMODYN frozen, frozen solid; - a basse tempiirature adj AGRO ALIM deepfrozen


congeler:2 se - v refl THERMODYN freeze congere/METEo snowdrift conglomiirat m CONSTR, EN RENOUV conglomerate, GEO-

LOGIE conglomerate, lithic tuff; - aurlfere m MINES banket, gold conglomerate, gold reef; - de faille m MINES fault conglomerate; - de friction m GEOLOGIE crush conglomerate; - polygiinique m GEOLOGIE polygenetic conglomerate, polymictic conglomerate, PETR interformational conglomerate

conglutiner vt GENIE CHIM coagulate congru adj MATH congruent congruent adj MATH congruent coniacien adj GEOLOGIE stratigraphie Coniacian conicltii I AERONAUT coning angle, taper ratio, CONS

MECA d'un angle gear cone angle, MECANIQUE taper; - du rotor I AERONAUT coning angle

conifiirlne I CHIMIE coniferin coniine I CHIMIE coniine, conine conine I CHIMIE coniine, conine coniquesl pI GEOMETRIE conics conjoncteur m ELECTROTEC circuit closer conjoncteur-disjoncteur m COMMANDE regulator

breaker, regulator cutout conjonctlonl ASTRONOMIE, ELECTRON, INFORMAT oper-

ation ET, ORDINAT operation ET conjunction; - infiirleurel ASTRONOMIE inferior conjunction; - superleure I ASTRONOMIE superior conjunction

conjugaison I AERONAUT combination, CH DE FER vehicules blending

conjugationl CHIMIE conjugation conjuguii! adj CHIMIE conjugated, GEOMETRIE conjugate,

MATERIAUX twin, MATH conjugated conjugue2 m MATH conjugate connaissances: - en informatlque I pi INFORMAT com-

puter literacy connaissement m NAUT bill of lading, shipping bill,

PETROLE transport bill of lading; - aiirlen m TRANSPORT airway bill; - avec riiserves m NAUT c1aused bill of lading; - net m NAUT clean bill of lading; - sans riiserve m NAUT clean bill oflading

connectii adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT on-line; - par jack adj ELECTRoTEcjackedin

connecter! vt ELECTROTEC connect, patch, INFORMAT attach, connect, ORDINAT attach, connect, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION connect

connecter:2 se - au systeme v refl INFORMA T log on connecteur m CINEMAT connector, coupler, jack plug,

ELECTROTEC, ORDINAT, TELECOM connector; - d'accouplement m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel mating connector; - d'amplificateur de ligne m PRODUCTION line drive connector; - banalisii m ELECTROTEC hermaphroditic connector; - de boucle m PRODUCTION automatisme industrielloopback connector; - a broches m CINEMAT pin connector; - de cilbles m ELECTROTEC cable connector; - de carte enfichable m ELECTROTEC edge connector; - de circuit Imprimii m ELECTROTEC printed circuit connector; - coaxial m ELECTROTEC coaxial connector; - de con-

connectez: - Ie poste de donnees sur la ligne loc TELECOM connect data set to line


connexions: - d'ecrans/pl ELECTR dible shield bonding connexite: - numerique de bout en bout / TELECOM

(CERN) PHYS PART European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)

conseiller: - de securite m CONSTR safety advisor conseils: - de montage m pI EMBALLAGE handling and

d'huile m ELECTROTEC oil conservator; - menager de denrees congelees m REFRIG freezer, household frozen food storage cabinet

conservation / PETROLE, SECURITE conservation; - de charge / PHYSIQUE conservation of charge; - de charges electriques / ELECTROTEC charge storage; - des eaux / HYDROLOGIE water conservation; - de I'energie / PHYSIQUE conservation of energy; - de I'information / ELECTROTEC data retention; - de la luminance/oPTIQuE conservation of brightness, conservation of radiance, TELECOM conservation of radiance; - de la masse/PHYSIQUE conservation of mass; - des materiaux inflammables/sECURITE care of flammable stores; - du moment angulaire / ASTRONOMIE conservation of angular momentum; - de la parite/PHYSIQUE conservation of parity; - dequantite de mouvement/PHYSIQUE conservation of momentum; - sous gaz/ AGRO ALIM gas storage; - de la trace/


consignation / EMBALLAGE bottle deposit, deposit; - emballage / PRODUCTION return of empties; - des pannes/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT failure logging

d'uneencre body console/coNs MECA, CONSTR bracket, INFORMAT con-

TION strengthening consolider vt PRODUCTION strengthen consommable atij ESPACE, MECANIQUE expendable consommateur m GAZ consumer; - de courant domes-

tique m ELECTR domestic consumer consommation / ELECTROTEC input power, d'energie

constat: - d'avaries m NAUT damage assessment; -

d'impact m POLLUTION impact statement; - d'impact sur I'environnement m POLLUTION environmental impact statement

constellation/ ASTRONOMIE asterism, constellation constituant1 adj CONS MECA component constltuant:2 - detritique m GEOLOGIE clast constituer: - une contrefa,<on vt BREVETS constitute an

infringement; - un danger pour vt SECURITE be a danger to

constitutif adj CONS MECA component constriction/MET ALL constriction, NUCLEAIRE denting constrlngence /PHYSIQUE constringence constructeur m CONSTR builder, PRODUCTION maker; -

de bAtlments m CONSTR builder; - de machines m CONS MECA engine builder; PRODUCTION engine maker; - de maisons m CONSTR house builder; - de modele rBduit m CINEMAT model builder; - de navires m NAUT shipbuilder, shipwright

construction / CONSTR building, construction, structure, de btitiments erection, GEOMETRIE construction; - alveolee /EMBALLAGE honeycomb structure; - de cordes / PHYS RAYON physique theorique string construction; - en acier / CONSTR steel construction; - en nid d'abeilles/ AERONAUT honeycomb structure; - en serie /NAUT mass production, series production; - de haut en bas / CONSTR top-down construction; - mecanlque / PRODUCTION mechanical engineering; - moderne / CONSTR modern construction; - des murailles / NAUT side construction; - navale / NAUT shipbuilding; - paraslsmique / CONSTR earthquakeproof construction; - de puits / EN RENOUV well sinking; - des reacteurs nuclealreS/NUCLEAIRE reactor art; - riglde / CONSTR rigid construction; - de routes/coNSTR road making; - routiere/TRANSPORT road building, road making; - transversale / NAUT transverse framing

construlre vt CONSTR construct, put up, maison build; - la carcasse vt NAUT d'un navire frame

consultatlon/INFORMAT inquiry, look-up, query, ORDINAT inquiry, query; - de donnees/INFORMAT data query, interrogation, inquiry, look-up, ORDINAT data query, interrogation, look-up; - des fournlsseurs / PRODUCTION quotation request, request for quotation; - des messages/TELEcOM message retrieval; - de table /INFORMAT, ORDINAT table lookup, table search

consulter vtiNFORMAT, ORDINAT query contact m AERONAUT contact point, ELECTR relais, inter-

rupteur, etc, ELECTROTEC contact, INFORMAT switch, VEHICULES allumage point; - "F" m PRODUCTION NO contact; - "F" II fermeture m PRODUCTION NO contact; - "F" ill fermeture avancee m PRODUCTION NO early make contact; - "0" m PRODUCTION NC contact, normally closed contact; - "0" II ouverture m PRODUCTION NC contact; - "0" II ouverture retardee m PRODUCTION NO late break contact; - d'arc m ELECTR interrupteur arcing contact; - argente m ELECTROTEC silver-plated contact; - auxiliaire m ELECTROTEC auxiliary contact, PRODUCTION auxiliary switch; - auxiliaire en accessoire m ELECTR, PRODUCTION auxiliary contact accessory; - banalise m ELECTROTEC hermaphroditic contact; - basculant II mercure m COMMANDE mercury switch, wet reed relay; - de base m ELECTROTEC base contact; - bimetallique m ELECTROTEC bimetallic contact; - brule m VEHICULES allumage burnt contact; - central pour flash m PHOTO


hot-shoe flash contact; - chevauchant m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel overlap contact; - a chevauchement m ELECTROTEC bridging contact, shorting contact; - du collecteur m ELECTROTEC collector contact; - de connexion en bande m ELECTROTEC reeled contact; -li court-circuit m ELECTROTEC bridging contact; - de declenchement m AUTO, CONS MECA trigger contact, PRODUCTION trip contact; - a declic m PRODUCTION snap-action contact; - a deux directions m ELECTROTEC DPST, double-pole single-throw switch; - de drain m ELECTROTEC drain contact; - electrlque m ELECTR relais, ELECTROTEC electrical contact; - d'emetteur m ELECTROTEC emitter contact; - en argent m ELECTROTEC silver contact; - en bande m ELECTROTEC reeled contact; - en charbon m ELECTROTEC carbon contact; - d'enclenchement m ELECTROTEC interlock contact; - femelle m ELECTROTEC female contact, socket contact; - II fermeture m ELECTR relais make contact; - II fiches m ELECTROTEC plug connector; - fixe m ELECTR relais, ELECTROTEC fixed contact, PRODUCTION stationary contact; - fixe de vole m CH DE FER contact ramp, crocodile; - glissant m ELECTROTEC sliding contact; - a grand pouvoir de coupure m ELECTROTEC heavy-duty contact; - de grille m ELECTROTEC gate contact; - a interrupteur scelle m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel sealed switch contact; II un - interrupteur m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, SPST, singlepole single-throw; - inverseur m ELECTROTEC double-throw contact, reverse contact; a un - inverseur m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC SPDT, single-pole double-throw; - jumele II preSSion m ELECTR, PRODUCTION bifurcated mating contact; - II lames souples m PRODUCTION reed contact, automatisme industriellogic reed contact, TELECOM reed contact; - de mise en court-circuit m ELECTROTEC shorting contact; - mobile m ELECTR movable contact, ELECTROTEC moving contact, PRODUCTION movable contact; - mobile ill double portee m PRODUCTION bifurcated movable contact; - mouille au mercure m ELECTROTEC mercury-wetted contact; - normalement ouvert m ELECTR relais make contact; - ohmique m ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE ohmic contact; - a ouverture m ELECTR relais break contact, PRODUCTION normally closed contact; - II ouverture retardee m PRODUCTION automatisme industriellate break contact; - par radio m NAUT radiocommunication; - de passage m ELECTR trans/ormateur transition contact; - ponctuel m ELECTROTEC point contact; - II portH sur la tranche m ELECTROTEC side-wipe contact; - potentiel difference m ELECTR entre deux metaux contact emf; -li preSSion directe m ELECTR relais butt contact; - de relais m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PRODUCTION relay contact; - de repos m ELECTR relais back contact, break contact, normally closed contact, open contact, resting contact, ELECTROTEC break contact; - repos m ELECTROTEC, PRODUCTION break contact; - repos-travail m ELECTROTEC make-and-break contact; - de rupture m ELECTR relais break contact, normally closed contact, VEHICULES allumage breaker contact; - a rupture brusque m PRODUCTION snap-action contact; sans chevauchement m ELECTROTEC nonbridging contact; - sans court-circuit m ELECTROTEC nonbridging contact; - scelle m ELECTROTEC sealed contact, TELECOM reed; - sec m ELECTR, PRODUCTION hard contact; - II simple rupture m ELECTROTEC single break contact; - a soufflage mag-


netlque m CONS MECA magnetic arc blowout contact; - de source m ELECTROTEC source contact; - tite-bande m TV head-to-tape contact; - de travail m CONSTR normally open contact; - de travail m ELECTR closing contact, normally open contact, ELECTROTEC make contact; - ill vis m ELECTR screw contact

contacteur m ELECTR relais, ELECTROTEC contactor; - avec blocs addltifs temporises m ELECTR contactor with timer adder desk; - avec blocs instantanes m ELECTR contactor with auxiliary adder desk; - avec relais de protection thermique ill bllames m ELECTR, PRODUCTION contactor with overload relay; - barometrlque m INST HYDR pressure switch; - CA m PRODUCTION AC contactor; - centrifuge m CONS MECA centrifugal switch; - de debit m PRODUCTION flow switch; - manometrique m INST HYDR pressure switch; - marche arriere m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel reverse contactor; - marche avantm PRODUCTION forward contactor; - mecanique m ELECTR relais mechanical contactor; - moyenne tension ill coupure sous vide m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel medium-voltage vacuum contactor; - de niveau de Ilquidem PRODUCTION fluid-level switch; - de papillon d'air m AUTO throttle valve switch; - de porte m COMMANDE emergency door switch; - de prealimentation m PRODUCTION precharge contactor; - ill semi-conducteur m ELECTRON semiconductor contactor; - de stop m AUTO stop light switch; - suppl8mentalre m PHOTO auxiliary shoe; - de switch m PRODUCTION systeme hydrau/ique level switch; - thermlque m PRODUCTION systeme hydrau/ique temperature switch; - variometrique m AERONAUT pressure rate-of-change switch

contacts: - en contact m pI ELECTROTEC mated contacts; - mls en contact m pI ELECTROTEC mated contacts; - ill placage selectif m pI ELECTROTEC selectively-plated contacts; - principaux m pI ELECTR trans/ormateur main contacts; - principaux de coupure m pI ELECTR main switching contacts

contamlnametre m MILITAIRE guerre nuc/eaire contamination meter, radiation meter

contamination / CHARBON, CHIMIE contamination, ESPACE contamination, pollution, HYDROLOGIE, NUCLEAIRE radioactive, QUALITE nourriture contamination, SECURITE pollution; - des eaux/DISTRI EAU water pollution; - radioactive / PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE radioactive contamination, SECURITE radioactive pollution

contaminer vt CHARBON contaminate contemporain adj GEOLOGIE coeval contenance/coNs MECA capacity, CONSTR d'un champ

content conteneur m CHARBON, EMBALLAGE container, TELECOM

CT, container, TRANSPORT container; - assemblable m TRANSPORT joinable container; - avec porte laterale m TRANSPORT open wall container; - bache m TRANSPORT tarpaulin covered container; - ill baches m TRANSPORT tilt container, tiltainer; - de boites de conserve ill recycler m RECYCLAGE can bank; - de boites en aluminium m RECYCLAGE aluminium can bank (BrE), aluminum can bank (ArnE); - buse m CONS MECA pouring sleeve; - calorifique m TRANSPORT heated container; - citeme m TRANSPORT tank container; - ill clalre-voie m TRANSPORT lattice-sided container, skeleton container; - de collecte m RECYCLAGE bank; - de collecte de verre use m RECYCLAGE

bottle bank; - collico m TRANSPORT collico; - en acier pouvant litre mis en pieces detachees m EMBALLAGE steel reusable CKD container; - ferme m TRANSPORT closed container, covered container; - ferroviaire m TRANSPORT railroad container (ArnE), railway container (BrE); - f10ttant m TRANSPORT barge container; - frJgorlfique m THERMODYN heat-insulated container, TRANSPORT refrigerated container; - gerbable m TRANSPORT stackable container; - de grande capacite m EMBALLAGE large size container; - hors-cotes m (HC) TRANSPORT high-cube container (HC); -Intermedlaire ill pulverents m EMBALLAGE intermediate bulk container; - Isotherme m TRANSPORT insulated container; - multimodal m TRANSPORT intermodal container; - non normalise m TRANSPORT dravos, odd container; - non retour m EMBALLAGE one-way container; - normalise m TRANSPORT standard container; - ouvert m TRANSPORT open-top container; - palette m TRANSPORT pallet container; - ill parol ouverte m TRANSPORT open wall container; - ill porteur amenage m TRANSPORT PA container; - pour trafic d'outre-mer m TRANSPORT overseas container, transcontainer; - ill pulverulents m TRANSPORT dry bulk container; - ill pulverulents ill vidange par air pulse m TRANSPORT bulk container with pressure discharge; - ill pUlverulents ill vidange par gravlte m TRANSPORT bulk container with gravity discharge; - repllablem TRANSPORT collapsible freight container; - ill roues fixes m TRANSPORT container with fixed wheels; - sans toit m TRANSPORT tilt-top container; - special hors-cotes m (SHC) TRANSPORT superhigh cube (SHC); - terrestre m TRANSPORT land container; - ill toit ouvert m TRANSPORT tilt-top container; - ill toit ouvrant m TRANSPORT container with opening top; - de transport m TRANSPORT freight container; - virtuel m (CTV) TELECOM virtual container; - virtuel-n m TELECOM VC-n, virtual container-n

conteneurisation/EMBALLAGE, TRANSPORT containerization

conteneuriser vt TRANSPORT containerize conteneur-n m TELECOM Con, container-n contention / ORDINAT content-addressable storage

(ArnE), content-addressable store (BrE), contention contenu m BREVETS de l'abrege, INFORMAT, ORDINAT,

TELECOM, TEXTILE content; - decislonnel m ORDINAT decision content; - energetique m THERMODYN energy content; - en harmonlques m ELECTRON harmonic content; - en vapeur d'eau m METEO specific humidity, water content; - informatlonnel m ORDINAT information content; - nominal m EMBALLAGE, IMPRIM nominal content; - salin m OCEANO salt content

contexte m INFORMAT, ORDINAT context; - d'applicatlon m TELECOM application context

contextuel adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT context-sensitive contexture: - d'un tISSU/TEXTILE fabric construction contigu adj GEOMETRIE, INFORMA T, ORDINAT contiguous contlnu adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT continuous; en - adj

IMPRIM impression, traitements comptementaires inline

continuite: - de contact/ELECTR, PRODUCTION contact continuity; - dialoguee / CINEMAT scenario; - electrlque/ELECTROTEC electrical continuity

contlnulte-dlscontlnulte / ESSAIS continuity-discontinuity

continuum: - espace-temps m ESP ACE space-time continuum

conti-snap m IMPRIM conti-snap contour m CONS MECA outline, CONSTR d'une colonne

contour, d'un dome contour; - d'un caractere m INFORMAT, ORDINAT character outline; - de flux constant m GEOPHYS isodynamic flux lines

contourage m PRODUCTION contour grinding contournement m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, THERMODYN

flashover; - par un arc m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC arc over contractablllte/cHARBoN contractancy, contractibility contracter: se - v refl PHYSIQUE, TEXTILE contract contractile adj TEXTILE contractile contraction / CINEMAT shrinkage, CONSTR shrinking,

METALL shrinkage, PHYSIQUE contraction, shrinkage, PRODUCTION shrinkage, TEXTILE contraction, shrinkage; - due au froid/THERMODYN contraction due to cold; - de Fitzgerald et Lorentz/PHYSIQUE LorentzFitzgerald contraction; gravltatlonnelle / ASTRONOMIE gravitational contraction; - d'image/Tv cramping; - lanthanide/cHiMIE lanthanide contraction; - laterale/HYDRoLOGIE ecoulement de l'eau par deversoir end contraction, METALL lateral contraction; - des longueurs/PHYSIQUE length contraction; - thermique/THERMODYN thermal contraction

contraindre vt CONS MECA stress contralnte / CERAM VER, CONS MECA, CONSTR stress,

GEOWGIE strain, stress, INFORMAT constraint, MECANIQUE materiaux, METALL stress, ORDINAT constraint, PETROLE stress, PHYSIQUE strength, stress, PLAST CAOU, RESSORTS stress; - appliquee / METALL applied stress, working stress; - au ChOC/EMBALLAGE impact stress; - circonferentielle / METALL circumferential stress; - clrconferentielle de flexion/NAUT bending circumferential stress; - de cisaillement / CONSTR, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU, RESSORTS shear stress; - de cisalllement rliduite/MATERIAUX resolved shear stress; - de cisaillement slmple/METALL simple shear stress; - de commande adaptative / (commande ACe) COMMANDE adaptive control constraint (ACC); - de compression/EMBALLAGE, MECANIQUE materiaux, METALL compression stress; - corrlgee / RESSORTS corrected stress; - de courrole de transmission/CONS MECA belt stress; - critlque/METALL critical stress; - critique de rupture/METALL critical fracture stress; - dans Ie rall/CH DE FER rail stress; - directe/CONS MECA direct stress; - dynamique/coNs MECA dynamic stress; - d'6coulement/PHYSIQUE flow stress, yield stress; - effective/PETRoLE geologie effective stress; - en retour /METALL back stress; - finale/ RESSORTS ultimate stress; - de flexion / MECANIQUE, RESSORTS bending stress; - de frottement / METALL friction stress; - hydrostatlque/METALL hydrostatic stress; - initiale / RESSORTS initial stress; - interne / MET ALL internal stress; -locale/MET ALL local stress; - longitudlnale/METALL longitudinal stress; - maximale /IMPRIM mecanique, papiers maximal stress; - maximum admissible de la courroie / CONS MECA maximum allowable belt stress; - minimale/METALL minimum stress; - moyenne/METALL mean stress; - nominale/ METALL nominal stress; - non corrigee / RESSORTS uncorrected stress; - osciliante/RESSORTs oscillating stress; - permanente/cERAM VER permanent stress; - reelle /MET ALL true stress; - reelle de rupture/MET ALL true fracture stress; - reslduelle / CERAM VER, CONSTR, MATERIAUX, RESSORTS residual stress; - de Reynolds/ PHYS FLUID Reynolds stress; - de rupture/cONs MECA breaking stress, ultimate stress, MECANIQUE materi-


aux breaking stress; - statique / CONS MECA strain; - technologique / ESPACE technological restriction; - temporalre / CERAM VER temporary stress; - de tension / PHYSIQUE tensile stress; - thermlque / MATERIAUX, THERMODYN thermal stress; - detorsion/ RESSORTS torsional strain; - totale / RESSORTS total stress; - de traction/MEcANIQUE materiaux, METALL, PHYSIQUE, RESSORTS tensile stress; - varlable/METALL fluctuating stress; - visqueuse/PHYS FLUID viscous stress

contralntes: - dues a I'environnement / pI ESPACE vehicules environmental stress

contrarotatif adj ESPACE antenne despun contraste m CINEMAT lighting ratio, IMPRIM photogra-

vure gradation, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE contrast; - d'indice m OPTIQUE index contrast; - d'indlce de refraction m TELECOM refractive index contrast; - lumineux m CINEMA T lighting contrast

contraste adj CINEMAT contrasty, hard contrat: - d'affretement m NAUT charter party contre: l a - adjNAuT aback contre:2 - Ie vent adv NAUT upwind contre:3 - presslon/INST HYDR, PAPIER back pressure c~ntre adj NAUT bois laminated contre-allzes m pI NAUT anti trades

c~ntre-arc m NAUT sagging contre-bague/ CERAM VER bead contrebalancer vt MECANIQUE counterbalance contre-balancler m MINES balance bob contre-bateau m CERAM VER convex bow contre-bouterolle/ AERONAUT backing bar, bucking bar contre-bride / MECANIQUE, NUCLEAIRE counterflange,

mating flange contre-cable: - d'equilibre m MINES counterbalancing

rope contre-cache m CINEMAT complementary matte,

reverse mask, countermatte contre-came/MECANIQUE cam follower contre-champ m CINEMAT countershot, reverse angle contre-clavette ICONS MECA gib, nose key contrecollage m IMPRIM alignment, lining-up, PAPIER

glueing, pasting c~ntre-cone m CONS MECA cone for overhead motion,

countershaft cone, overhead cone, overhead cone pulley

contrecoup m CONS MECA recoil, MINES d'une explosion backlash, SECURITE repercussion c~ntre-courant m CHARBON counterflow, CHIMIE, HY-

DROLOGIE countercurrent, INST HYDR counterstream line, OCEANO countercurrent; - de fond m NAUT undertow; - sous-marin m NAUT undercurrent

contre-coussinet m CONS MECA top brass contre-dessin m CERAM VER image contre-dupli m CINEMAT reversal master print, second

generation dupe contre-echelle / CONS MECA diagonal scale contre-ecrou m CONS MECA checknut, jam nut, keeper,

locknut, locknut, pinch nut, safety nut, set nut, IMPRIM mecanique backnut, MECANIQUE locknut, PRODUCTION grip nut, locknut

contre-electrode/Tv backplate contre-entrefer m ENREGISTR back gap contre-essal m CONS MECA countertest contre-etrave/NAUT apron

contrefa~on/BREvETs infringement contrefacteur m BREVETS infringer

contre-fer m CONSTR d' un rabot back iron contrefiche / CONS MECA brace strut, CONSTR brace,

raker, raking shore, spur, strut; - de couple/coNs MECA frame cross member; - dlagonale de train / AERONAUT landing gear diagonal truss; - horlzontale / AERONAUT horizontal strut; - longitudinale / AERONAUT drag link; - de train principal/AERoNAUT main landing gear brace-strut; - de verrouillage du train / AERONAUT drag brace

contre-fieche/RESSORTs reverse deflection contrefort m CONSTR buttress, close buttress contre-fosse m DISTRI EAU berm ditch contre-frult m CONSTR inner batter contre-griffe/cINEMATpilotclaw contregyrer vt ESPACE vehicules despin contre-hublot m NAUT deadlight contre-Jour: 1 iii - adj CINEMAT, PHOTO backlit contre-Jour2 adv CINEMA T, PHOTO against the light contre-Iame/PAPIER bed knife contre-Iatte / CONSTR counter lath contre-Ievre/PAPIER apron lip contre-limon m CONSTR wall string contremaitre m CONSTR, PRODUCTION foreman; - de

forage m PETR tool pusher; - de production m PETROLE roustabout

contre-manivelie/PRoDUCTION fly crank contremarche/coNsTR riser, rise, riser, rise; - pallere/

CONSTR landing riser contre-mesures: - electroniques / pI MILITAIRE elec-

tronic countermeasures contre-moule m NAUT inner lining contrepartie: - optlque / ASTRONOMIE des radiosources

intenses optical counterpart contre-plaque / CONS MECA backing plate, counterplate;

- devitlsseuse / CONS MECA moule d'injection core plate; - d'ejection/ CONS MECA ejector retaining plate

contreplaque m CONSTR plywood, wall plate, article plywood, EMBALLAGE plywood; - a la resine m PLAST CAOU bois resin-bonded plywood

contre-plateau: - pour Ie montage des mandrins m CONS MECA chuck back

contrepoids m CONS MECA balance weight, counterweight, CONSTR, INSTRUMENT counterweight, MECANIQUE balance weight, counterweight; - arriere m CONS MECA back balance; - d'equilibrage m ENREGISTR counterweight; - de maintien de la tension m CONS MECA balanced tension block

contre-poim;:on m CONS MECA counterpunch contre-poinc;onner vt CONS MECA counterpunch contre-polnte / CONS MECA back puppet, backhead,

deadhead, footstock, headstock, loose head, loose headstock, sliding headstock, sliding poppet, tailstock; - iii fourreau / PRODUCTION cylinder poppet head, cylinder tailstock; - d'un tour/CONS MECA back center (ArnE), back centre (BrE)

contrepoison m CHIMIE antidote contre-poupee / CONS MECA back puppet, backhead,

deadhead, footstock, headstock, loose head, loose headstock, sliding headstock, sliding poppet, tailstock

contre-pression/IMPRIM mecanique back pressure; - a I'echappement/ AERONAUT exhaust back pressure

contre-rail m CONSTR checkrail contre-reaction/ELECTRON inverse feedback, negative

feedback, ELECTROTEC inverse feedback, ENREGISTR, MECANIQUE regulation feedback, PHYS ONDES negative

feedback, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM feedback; - de courant /ELECTROTEC current feedback; - paraliele/ELEcTROTEC shunt feedback; - s8lective/ELEcTRON selective feedback; - serie/ELEcTROTEC series feedback; - de synchronisation / TV sync feedback; - de tension / ELECTROTEC voltage feedback

contre-rouleau m CERAM VER trang roll contre-slgnal m COMMANDE, PRODUCTION feedback sig-

nal contre-tension/PHYSIQUE stopping potential contre-tlge / CONS MECA tailrod; - de piston/CONS MECA

extended piston rod, tail piston rod contre-torpilleur m NAUT destroyer contretypage m COULEURS color matching (ArnE), col-

our matching (BrE), IMPRIM reproduction optical printing

contre-type m CINEMAT interdupe,pour tirage des copies d'exploitation release negative, IMPRIMphotogravure, PHOTO duplicate; - couleur m CINEMAT color dupe neg (ArnE); - negatif m CINEMAT dupe negative, intermediate negative

contretyper vt CINEMAT dupe, PHOTO duplicate contre-vapeur /INST HYDR reversed steam contrevenir: - aux reglements vi SECURITE contravene

regulations contrevent m CONSTR wind brace contreventement m CONSTR bracing against wind press-

ure; - diagonal de chaudiere m INST HYDR diagonal stay

contreventer vt CONSTR comble, /erme brace against wind pressure

controlable adj COMMANDE controllable controle: 1 sous - adj COMMANDE, CONS MECA under

control; iii - centrifuge adj EN RENOUV centrifugally operated

controle2 m ELECTR, ELECTRON control, ENREGISTR monitoring, ESPACE check, control, inspection, INFORMAT check, MECANIQUE examination, inspection, ORDINAT check, control, PAPIER regulation control, verification checking, PRODUCTION, QUALITE inspection, REFRIG check, TELECOM, TEXTILE control, TV monitoring; .. - d'acc8leration m AERONAUT acceleration control unit; - d'acces m TELECOM access control; - d'acces au media m TELECOM MAC, medium access control; - d'acces au reseau m INFORMAT, ORDINAT network access control; - actif m ESPACE vehicules active control; - d'aerage m COMMANDE ventilation control; - des aigus m ENREGISTR treble control; - d'alignement m TV registration control; - alimentaire m QUALITE food control; - de I'alimentation du til m TEXTILE yarn feed control; - de I'amiante iii I'usine m SECURITE asbestos control in the workplace; - annexe m COMMANDE minor control; - d'approche m AERONAUT approach control; d'assemblage m COMMANDE assembly line inspection; - d'assiette m TRANSPORT trim control; - attentif m SECURITE close supervision; - automatlque m COMMANDE automatic control, automatic monitoring, INFORMAT machine check; - automatique d'approche m AERONAUT automatic approach control; automatlque de chromlnance m ( CA C) TV automatic chrominance control (ACC); - automatlque de frequence m (CAF) COMMANDE, ENREGISTR, TV automatic frequency control (AFC); - automatlque de gain m ( CA G) COMMANDE automatic gain control, automat-

ic gain monitoring, GEOPHYS automatic gain control (AGC); - automatique de luminance m COMMANDE, TV automatic brightness control; - automatlque dela marche m CH DE FER automatic train monitoring; - automatlque du nlveau d'enreglstrement m ENREGISTR automatic recording level control; - automatique de phase m ELECTRON, TV APC, automatic phase control; - automatique de selectivite m COMMANDE automatic selectivity control; - automatique de sensltivlte m COMMANDE automatic sensitivity control; - automatique ill sequence m COMMANDE ASC, automatic sequence control; - automatique des trains m CH DE FER A TC, automatic train control; - d'avancement m COMMANDE feed check, progress check; - des avancements m COMMANDE progress control; - d'avaries m COMMANDE malfunction detection; II!II-des basses m ENREGISTR bass control; - de bout en boutm ORDINAT end-to-end control; - du bruit des avions m COMMANDE aircraft noise monitoring; B-de capacite m AERONAUT transport aerien capacity control; - cent-pour-cent m COMMANDE hundred per cent inspection; - de charge de batterie m CINEMAT battery check; - de charge de IIgne m (CCL) TELECOM line load control (LLC); - de chauffe m NAUT combustion control; - dela circulation m COMMANDE traffic control; - de la circulation aerienne m AERONAUT, COMMANDE air traffic control; - ill claviers m COMMANDE keyboard tuning; - de configuration m INFORMAT, ORDINAT CM, configuration management; - de conformlte m PRODUCTION configuration control; - de contlnuite m COMMANDE continuity check, ELECTR circuit continuity test; - du contraste m COMMANDE contrast control; - de la couche limite m TRANSPORT boundary layer control; - a cycle ferme m COMMANDE closed-loop control; - cyclique dela superfluite m MATH cyclic redundancy check; I:I!I-du debit m COMMANDE rate control; - de derangements m COMMANDE malfunction detection; - de deroulement m TV continuity control; - de la deviation m COMMANDE deviation control; - dim ensionnel m COMMANDE dimensional check, dimensional inspection, CONS MECA gaging (AmE), gauging (BrE); - ill distance m COMMANDE remote control, remote monitoring; - de la duree de stockage m EMBALLAGE shelf life test; - dynamique de la charge m TELECOM dynamic load control; .. - d'echappement de moteur m CONS MECA engine emission control; - d'eclairage m COMMANDE light control, lighting control; - d'ecoute m COMMANDE audio check; - d'emisslon m COMMANDE emission control; - en cours d'enregistrement m OPTIQUE DRAW, direct read after write; - en cours defabricatlon m COMMANDE production control, QUALITE in-process inspection in manufacturing; - de I'energie atomique m COMMANDE atomic energy control, nuclear energy control; - en orbite m ESPACE essais orbit control; - en premiere Inspection m COMMANDE firsttime inspection, initial inspection; - en premiere presentation m QUALITE original inspection; - d'entree m PRODUCTION good inwards test; - en usine m COMMANDE, MECANIQUE factory inspection; - de I'environnement m POLLUTION environmental control, pollution control; - d'equilibrage de nlveau m ENREGISTR balance control; - d'erreur d'en-tete m TELECOM HEC, header error control; - d'erreurs m TELECOM


error check; - d'erreur sur I'en-tete m TELECOM HEC, header error control; - a I'etage superieur m COMMANDE major control; - d'etanch8ite m REFRIG leak test; - d'etat m COMMANDE condition monitoring; - de I'etat d'avancement m PRODUCTION progress control; - d'expositlon aux vapeurs de soudage et brasage m SECURrTE control of exposure to fumes from welding and brazing; l1li-de fabrication m COMMANDE manufacturing control; - de fatigue m AERONAUT fatigue inspection; - final m COMMANDE, QUALITE final inspection; - de flux m INFORMAT, ORDINAT flow control; - de flux generique m TELECOM G FC, generic flow control; - de frequence m TELECOM frequency control; - des fumees m SECURITE smoke control; .. - de gain automatique retarde m ENREGISTR delayed automatic gain control; - de gaz brul8 m COMMANDE exhaust gas test; - de gaz d'echappement m COMMANDE exhaust gas test; - de granulometrle par tamisage m NUCLEAlRE sieve analysis; _ - holographlque de la quallte m COMMANDE holographic quality control; - d'homogen8ite m COMMANDE consistency check; U-d'image m COMMANDE video check, video monitoring; - d'imparite m COMMANDE odd parity check; - d'inflammabilite m SECURITE fire test; - Integral m COMMANDE integral control; D-de lacet m EN RENOUV yaw control; - de la largeur de ligne m TV line amplitude control; - de levage par Interrupteur pendant m SECURITE palan roulant pendant switch control; - de liaison m ORDINAT data link control; - logique m ELECTRON logic test; - de la longueur developpee m CONS MECA peripheral length checking; - de lot m COMMANDE batch control; D-magnetoscopique m CONS MECA magnetic particle inspection; - majeur m COMMANDE major control; - manuel m COMMANDE, CONSTR manual control; - marginal m COMMANDE marginal testing; - du materiel m COMMANDE hardware acceptance test; - des mesures m COMMANDE dimensional check, measurement control; - du milieu naturel m COMMANDE environmental control; - du milieu vital m COMMANDE environmental control; - mineur m COMMANDE minor control; - minimums-maximums m COMMANDE minima-maxima check; - minutleux m COMMANDE tight inspection; - du montage a la chaine m COMMANDE assembly line inspection; - multiple m COMMANDE multiple control; - multivoies m NAUT multichannel monitoring; D-de niveau m COMMANDE level control; - du niveau de bruit m SECURITE noise control; - du niveau d'un liquide m EMBALLAGE liquid level control; - du niveau de rayonnement m COMMANDE radiation monitoring; - au nlveau Inf8r1eur m COMMANDE minor control; - noir-blanc m TV black-white monitoring; - non destructlf des materiaux m NUCLEAlRE examen nondestructive materials testing; - normal m QUALITE normal inspection; - de nourriture m QUALITE food inspection; _ - d'operationm COMMANDE process control, process monitoring; - orthographique m INFORMAT spellchecker; 1IiI-par attrlbuts m QUALITE inspection by attributes; - par bloc m COMMANDE block check; - par bon ou mauvais m COMMANDE quality inspection; -

par courant de Foucault m ELECfROTEC eddy current inspection; - par detection de code interdit m COMMANDE forbidden combination check; - par differences m COMMANDE difference check control; - par duplication m COMMANDE duplication check; - par echantillonnage m QUALITE sampling inspection; - par echo m INFORMAT, ORDINAT echo check; - par induction electrique m COMMANDE electric induction check; - par interrupteur pendant m SECURITE palan roulant pendant switch control; - de parite m COMMANDE parity check, INFORMAT, ORDINAT odd-even check, parity check, TELECOM parity check; - par multiprocesseur m COMMANDE multiprocessor control; - par I'operateur m COMMANDE operator control; - par parametres m QUALITE inspection by variables; - par processeur m COMMANDE processor control; - par redondance m COMMANDE, INFORMAT, ORDINAT redundancy check; - par redondance longitudinale m ORDINAT LRC, longitudinal redundancy check; - par redondance verticale m INFORMAT, ORDINAT VRC, vertical redundancy check; - par sonnage m ELECTR ringing test; - particulier m COMMANDE special examination; - parvidage m ORDINAT dump check; - passif m ESPACE VI!hicules passive control; - des phases m COMMANDE phase monitoring; - de pistage m COMMANDE tracking control, ENREGISTR clamped capacitance; - de piste m COMMANDE track check, ENREGISTR channel separation; - de la pollution atmospherique m POLLUTION air pollution control; - de positlonnement m COMMANDE positioning control; - pour I'assurance de qualite m COMMANDE quality assurance control; - pousse m COMMANDE extended inspection; - de presence m PRODUCTION timekeeping; - de pression hydraulique m PRODUCTION hydraulic pressure test, COMMANDE hydraulic pressure test; - principal m COMMANDE major control; - de processus industriel m TELECOM process control; - programme m COMMANDE programed check (ArnE), programmed check (Br E); 1iI!I-de qualite m CONSTR, EMBALLAGE, IMPRIM, METROLOGIE des produits fabriques, NUCLEAIRE, PRODUCTION quality control; - de la qualite de I'air ambiant m SECURlTE quality monitoring of ambient air; D-radar m AERONAUT, COMMANDE, TRANSPORT radar control; - radio m COMMANDE radio monitoring; - radiographlque m COMMANDE radiation test, ESPACE vehicules X-ray inspection; - de reception m COMMANDE, CONS MECA acceptance inspection, PRODUCTION receiving inspection, QUALITE acceptance inspection, receiving inspection; - de radondance cyclique m COMMANDE, ELECTRON, ORDINAT cyclic redundancy check, ORDINAT cyclical redundancy check; - r8duit m QUALlTE reduced inspection; - relais maitre m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel MCR, master control reset; - de rendement m COMMANDE efficiency survey; - renforce m COMMANDE, QUALITE tightened inspection; - de resistance a la soudure m PRODUCTION weld strength check; - de routage m TELECOM routing control; .. - secondaire m COMMANDE minor control; - selectlf m COMMANDE, QUALITE screening inspection; - de sensation d'intensite m ENREGISTR loudness control; - de sequence m COMMANDE, INFORMAT, ORDINAT sequence check; - serre m COMMANDE severe control; - de siccite m REFRIG dryness test; - simple de

parite m COMMANDE single parity check; - de sortie m TV output control; - statistique m METROLOGIE statistical check; - statistique de la fabrication m COMMANDE statistical manufacturing quality control; - statistique par attributs m ESSAIS statistical control by attributes; - strict m COMMANDE tight inspection; - de survltesse mEN RENOUV overspeed control; .. - de temperature m TEXTILE temperature control; - des textes m TELECOM text editing; - des tol8rances m INFORMAT marginal check, marginal test, ORDINAT marginal check, marginal test; - de tonalite m COMMANDE tone control, TV hue control, phase control; - de toxicite a I'usine m SECURITE control of toxicity at work; - du trafic aerien m AERONAUT, TRANSPORT ATC, air traffic control; - de trame m COMMANDE field monitoring, frame monitoring; - de transmission m COMMANDE transmission control; - destravauxm INFORMAT job control; .. - aux ultrasons m PHYS ONDES ultrasonic inspection; - d'uniformite m COMMANDE consistency check; _-de validite m COMMANDE, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM validity check; - de vibration m COMMANDE vibration test; - de vidage m INFORMAT dump check; - visuel m COMMANDE visual inspection; - visuel d'etancheite m REFRIG visual leak test; - de vitesse m TEXTILE speed control; - de volume m ENREGISTR volume control

contr616: - par impulsions ad) COMMANDE pulse-controlled; par I'operateur ad) COMMANDE operator-controlled; - par ordinateur adj PRODUCTION computer-controlled; - a partir du sol adjEsPACE vehicules ground-controlled

contr61er vt CINEMAT monitor, COMMANDE check, control, inspect, monitor, verify, CONSTR check, ENREGISTR monitor, ESPACE control, inspect, INFORMAT monitor, test, NAUT check, ORDINAT control, monitor, POLLU MER, PRODUCTION, TEXTILE monitor; - au calibre vt CERAM VER put down in color work (ArnE), put down in colour work (BrE); - de nouveau vt METROLOGIE recheck

contr6les: - electroniques m pi PRODUCTION solid-state controls

contr61eur m COMMANDE controller, verijicatio'; inspector, CONS MECA controller, instrument telltale, ESPACE, INFORMAT controller, MECANIQUE inspector, OPTIQUE, ORDINAT controller, PRODUCTION checker, timekeeper, QUALITE inspector; - acrylique m EMBALLAGE acrylic tester; - d'altitude m AERONAUT altitude controller; - de batteries "entre bornes" m ELECfROTEC load tester; - a carnes m ELECTR commutateur cam switch; - de circuit m COMMANDE line tester; - de la circulation aerienne m AERONAUT, COMMANDE air traffic controller; - a cyllndre m COMMANDE drum-type controller; - de debit m COMMANDE flow control device; - de demarrage m COMMANDE starter control; - de derouleurs m COMMANDE tape control unit; - de disque m INFORMAT, ORDINAT disk controller; - a distance m COMMANDE remote-controlled switch; - d'ecran m INFORMAT, ORDINAT display controller; - d'entree/sortie m COMMANDE input/output controller; - de flammes m COMMANDE automatic flame guard; - de fl'6quence m COMMANDE frequency monitor; - de gonflage m COMMANDE pressure gage (ArnE), pressure gauge (BrE); - de grappe m INFORMAT, ORDINAT de terminaux cluster controller; - d'incendie m CONSTR, SECURITE automatic fire alarm; - d'indicatif

numerique m COMMANDE check digit verifier; - inverseur universe! m COMMANDE universal inverter controller; - d'isolement m COMMANDE insulation tester; - de levage m COMMANDE hoist controller; - logique m ELECTRON logic tester; - de modulation m COMMANDE modulation monitor; - moteur m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel motor controller; - multifonction m ELECTROTEC multifunction tester; - pas a pas m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel stepper controller; - de periph8riques m ORDINAT, TELECOM device controller; - photoelectrique de flammes m COMMANDE photoelectric flame-failure detector; - de piste m COMMANDE runway controller; - de pression d'huile m COMMANDE oil pressure controller, oil pressure gage (ArnE), oil pressure gauge (BrE); - de pression des pneus m COMMANDE tire pressure gage (ArnE), tyre pressure gauge (BrE); - de projet m ESPACE project controller; - radar m AERONAUT radar controller; - de reseau m INFORMAT, ORDINAT network controller; - de ronde m PRODUCTION time recorder, watchman's clock; - de sequence m INFORMAT sequencer; - de station de base m TELECOM base station controller; - de surveillance m PRODUCTION monitoring controller; - a tambour m COMMANDE drum-type controller; - de temperature m COMMANDE temperature controller; - de tension m COMMANDE tension control; - du traflc aerlen m COMMANDE air traffic controller; universel m COMMANDE multimeter; - de vltesse m CONS MECA speed controller, speed reducer; - de vol m AERONAUT flight controller, COMMANDE flight instrument system

contr61ographe m COMMANDE tachograph convecteur m THERMODYN convector, convector heater;

- a ailettes m TIlERMODYN finned heater; - electrlque m TIlERMODYN electric convector

convectlf adj MAT CHAUFF, THERMODYN convective convection: 1 par - adj MAT CHAUFF, TIlERMODYN con-

vective convectlon2/CONSTR, MAT CHAUFF, PETROLE liquides et

gaz, PHYS FLUID, PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN convection; - dans un anneau toumant / PHYS FLUID rotating annulus convection; - forcee / CHAUFF AGE, GAZ, PHYS FLUID, PHYSIQUE forced convection; - naturelle / CHAUFFAGE, GAZ, PHYS FLUID, PHYSIQUE natural convection

convention: - de donnees/AERONAUT data convention; - typographlque/IMPRIM, PRODUCTION notation convention

convergence/TRANsPORT merging; - dynamique/Tv dynamic convergence; - dynamique horlzontale/Tv horizontal dynamic convergence; - par courant sinusoidal / TV sine wave convergence; - radiale / ELECTRON vertical convergence; - de trame /TV field convergence; - de transmission / TELECOM transmission convergence

convergent I adj GEOMETRIE, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE convergent

convergent2 m CONS MECA d'un injecteur combining cone, combining nozzle, combining tube

convergent-divergent m MECANIQUE venturi nozzle conversation: - en clair /TELECOM clear speech; - im-

pOSSible/TELECOM CI, conversation impossible; - a trois/TELECOM three-way conversation

conversationnel adj INFORMAT conversational, interactive, ORDINAT conversational

conversion/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT conversion; - additive


/ELECTRON additive mixing; - d'adresses/ORDINAT address mapping; - alternatif-continu / ELECTROTEC AC-to-DC conversion; - d'altematif en contlnu / ELECTROTEC AC-to-DC conversion; - analoglque-numerique / ELECTR, ENREGlSTR analog-to-digital conversion (ArnE), analogue-to-digital conversion (BrE), ORDINAT analog-to-digital conversion; - automatique de donnees/INFoRMAT, ORDINAT automatic data conversion; - a bas coOt/PHYS RAYON low cost conversion; - ca-cc/ELECTROTEC AC-to-DC conversion; - cc-ca/ELECTROTEC DC-to-AC conversion; - de code /INFORMAT, ORDINAT code conversion; - continu-alternatif / ELECTROTEC DC-to-AC conversion; - continu-continu / ELECTROTEC DC-to-DC conversion; - de contlnu en alternatif /ELECTROTEC DC-to-AC conversion; - decimale-binaire / ELECTRON decimal-to-binary conversion; - directe / EN RENOUV direct conversion; - directe d'energie/ELECTROTEC direct energy conversion; - de donnees / ELECTRON data conversion; - d'energle/ELEcTROTEC, THERMODYN energy conversion; - d'energle electrlque/ELEcTR reseau conversion of electricity; - de I'energie solaire / ELECTROTEC solar energy conversion; - detrequence/ELECTRON, TELECOM frequency conversion; - d'images/ELECTRON, TELECOM image conversion; - d'impedance/ELECTROTEC impedance conversion; - d'lnformatlon/ELEcTRON data conversion; -Interne/PHYSIQUE internal conversion; - de la lumiere artiflcielle en lumiere du jour /CINEMAT tungsten-to-daylight; magnetohydrodynamique / (conversion MHD) ELECTROTEC, GEOPHYS magnetohydrodynamic conversion; - MHO / (conversion magnetohydrodynamique) ELECTROTEC, GEOPHYS MHD conversion; - numerlque-analogique / ELECTRON, ENREGlSTR digital-to-analog conversion (ArnE), digital-to-analogue conversion (BrE), ORDINAT digital-to-analog conversion, TELECOM digital-analog conversion (ArnE), digital-analogue conversion (BrE); - parallele /ELECTRON flash conversion, parallel conversion; - de parallele en serie / ELECTROTEC parallel-to-serial conversion; - paralleleserie/ELEcTROTEC parallel-to-serial conversion; - de rayons gamma/PHYS RAYON gamma ray conversion; - serie f, ELECTRON serial analog-to-digital conver-

sion (ArnE), serial analogue-to-digital conversion (BrE); - de serie en paraliele/ELEcTROTEC serial-toparallel conversion; - serie-parallele / ELECTROTEC serial-to-parallel conversion; - de signaUX/ELECTRON data conversion, TELECOM signal conversion; - des signaux optiques/ELEcTROTEC optical signal conversion; tension-frequence / ELECTROTEC voltage-to-frequency conversion; thermodynamlque de I'energle solaire / EN RENOUV solar thermal conversion; - thermodynamique de I'ocean/ EN RENOUV ocean thermal conversion; - thermodynamique du rayonnement solaire/EN RENOUV solar thermal conversion; - thermoelectrique / ELECTROTEC thermoelectric conversion; - thermoionlque / ELECTROTEC, NUCLEAIRE thermionic conversion

convertlr vt ELECTROTEC, INFORMAT, ORDINAT convert; - en circuit Integre monolithlque vt ELECTRON commit to silicon; - en numerique vt ELECTRON, TV digitize; - de parallele en serle vt ELECTROTEC serialize

convertisseur m AGRO ALiM converter, CINEMA T converter, inverter, ELECTR courant alternatif-continu, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, MAT CHAUFF, TELECOM con-


verter; - d'alimentation m ESPACE VI!hicules power converter; - altematlf-continu m ELECTROTEC AC-toDC converter; - analogique-numerlque m (CAN) ELECTRON analog-to-digital converter (ArnE), analogue-to-digital converter (BrE) (analog-to-digital converter), ORDINAT analog-to-digital converter (ADC), PHYSIQUE, TELECOM analog-to-digital converter (ArnE), analogue-to-digital converter (BrE) (analog-to-digital converter); - a arc de mercure m ELECTR courant alternatif mercury arc converter; - de balayage m ELECTRON scan converter; - Bessemer m CONS MECA, PRODUCTION Bessemer converter; - cAble-ruban m TEXTILE tow-to-top converter; - ca-cc m ELECTROTEC AC-to-DC converter; - a cascade m ELECTROTEC motor converter; - catalytique m POLLUTION catalytic converter (BrE) , TRANSPORT, VEHiCULES catalytic converter (BrE), catalytic muffier (ArnE); - cc-ac m ELECTROTEC DC-to-AC converter; - a champ magnetique rotatif m ELECTR rotary field converter; - de code m ELECTROTEC code converter; - a commutation automatlque m ELECTR self-commutated converter; - a commutation par la charge m ELECTR load commutated converter; - contlnu-alternatif m ELECTROTEC DC-to-AC converter; continu-contlnu m ELECTROTEC DC-to-DC converter, ESPACE vehicules DCIDC converter; - de continu en alternatlf m ELECTROTEC DC-to-AC converter; - de couple m AUTO torque converter, VEHiCULES torque converter; - de courant m ELECTROTEC power converter; - de courant alternatlf en courant continu m ELECTROTEC AC-to-DC converter; - courant continu m TELECOM direct current converter; - a courant continu m TELECOM direct current converter; - de courant contlnu en courant alternatlf m ELECTR inverted converter; decimal-binaire m ELECTRON decimal-to-binary converter; - direct de courant alternatif m ELECTR direct AC converter; - direct de courant contlnu m ELECTR direct DC converter; - de donnees m ELECTRON data converter; - en courant continu m ELECTR DC converter; - d'energie m ELECTROTEC, TELECOM, THERMODYN energy converter; - d'etalonnage m NUCLEAIRE calibrating transformer; - defrequence m ELECTR frequency changer, frequency converter, ELECTRON frequency converter; - de frequence a collecteur m ELECTR commutator-type frequency converter; - frequence-courant m ELECTR frequency current converter; - de frequence a Induction m ELECTR induction frequency converter; - de trequence rotatif m ELECTR rotary frequency converter; - de frequence UHF m TV UHF converter; - de gestlon m (CG) TELECOM charge-metering converter; - hydraullque de couple m CONS MECA torque converter; - d'images m CINEMAT, ELECTRON, INSTRUMENT image converter; - d'impedance m PHYSIQUE impedance transformer; - d'impedance negative m ELECTROTEC negative impedance converter; - a inductance serie m ELECTROTEC series converter; - d'informatlon m ELECTRON data converter; - magnetohydrodynamique m (convertisseur MHD) ELECTROTEC, ESPACE, NUCLEAIRE magnetohydrodynamic converter; MHO m ( convertisseur magnetohydrodynamique) ELECTROTEC, ESPACE, NUCLEAIRE MHD converter; - de mode a reseau m ELECTROTEC grating converter; - de neutrons m NUCLEArRE neutron converter doughnut; - numerique m ELECTRON digital converter; - numerlque-analogique

m ELECTRON (CNA), ORDINAT (CNA) digital-toanalog converter, TELECOM, TV (CNA) digital-to-analog converter (ArnE), digital-to-analogue converter (Br E) ( DA C); - parallele m ELECTRON flash converter, parallel converter; - parallele-serie m ELECTROTEC parallel-to-serial converter; - de phasem ELECTR courant alternatif, ELECTRON phase converter; - de protocole m INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM protocol converter; - a resistances ponderees m ELECTRON ladder adder; - rotatlf m ELECTR courant alternatif rotary converter; - rotatif a Induit unique m ELECTROTBC rotary converter; - serie m CONSTR serial converter, ELBCTRON serial analog-to-digital converter (ArnE), serial analogue-to-digital converter (BrE); - serie-parallelem BLBCTROTEC serial-to-parallei converter; - de signal m TELECOM signal converter; - de signaux m ELECTRON data converter; - souffl8 a I'oxygene au sol m MATERIAUX metal/urgie bottomblown oxygen converter; - statlque m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, ESPACE vehicules static converter; - synchrone m ELECTROTEC synchronous converter; - tension-frequence m ELECTROTEC voltage-to-frequency converter; - thermlque m ELECTROTEC thermal converter; - a thermocouples m ELECTROTEC thermocouple converter; - thermoionique m ELECTROTEC thermionic converter; - a thyristor m ELECTROTEC SCR converter

convexitejPETR overbend convivial my INFORMAT, ORDINAT user friendly convoi m NAUT convoy; - a marchandises m CH DE FER

vehicules freight train; - pousse m TRANSPORT multiple barge convoy set, tow train; - remorque m TRANSPORT tow train; - tracte m TRANSPORT towed convoy; - de wagons m MINES rake of hutches

convoluteur m ELECTRON convolver convolutionjELECTRON, PETR convolution convolwline j CHIMIE convolvulin convoyage m AERONAUT ferry flight convoyervtNAuTconvoy convoyeur m CONS MECA transporter, CONSTR, MINES,

PRODUCTION automatisme industriel conveyor; - accumulateur m MINES bunker conveyor; - actionne par moteur m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel motordriven conveyor; - d'argenture m CERAM VER conveyor for silvering; - blinde de taille m MINES armored face conveyor (ArnE), armoured face conveyor (BrE); - a cable m PAPIER cable conveyor; - a courrolem PAPIER belt conveyor; - a godets m CONSTR bucket conveyor; - de grumes m PRODUCTION log conveyor; - monorail m MINES monorail conveyor; - a palettes m PRODUCTION flight conveyor, push-plate conveyor, scraper conveyor, trough conveyor;- pneumatique m TRANSPORT pneumatic pipe conveyor; - de quai m TRANSPORT quayside conveyor, quayside railway, quayside roadway; - a raclette m MINES scraper chain conveyor; - vibrant m SECURITE oscillating conveyor; - a vis sans fin m PRODUCTION screw conveyor, spiral conveyor

coo abrev (conception orientee objet) INFORMAT, ORDINAT OOD (object-oriented design)

cooperant adj TELECOM networked coordlnat m CHiMIE ligand coordination: - inductivejELECTRoTEC inductive coor-

dination; - du travailjPRoDUCTION work assembly coordinence jCRIST ALL coordination number coordonneejINFORMAT, MATH, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE co-

coordonnees / pI CONSTR coordinates; - atomlques / pI CRIST ALL atomic coordinates; - de chromaticite / pI PHYSIQUE chromaticity coordinates; - chromatiques / pI PHYSIQUE chromatic coordinates; - colorimBtrlques / pI PHYS RAYON color coordinates (ArnE), colour coordinates (BrE); - cyllndrlques / pI PHYSIQUE cylindrical coordinates; - generallsees / pI PHYSIQUE generalized coordinates; - normales / pI PHYSIQUE normal coordinates; - parametriques/pl GEOMETRIE parametric coordinates; - polalres / pI ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE polar coordinates; - redultes / pI PHYSIQUE reduced coordinates; - sphBriques / pI PHYSIQUE spherical coordinates

copeaux: - de bois m pI CONSTR wood shavings; - de forage m pI CHARBON borings, drillings; - de fraisage m pI CHARBON turnings; - de metal m pI PRODUCTION swarf

copiapite /MINERAUX copiapite copie / CINEMAT print, IMPRIM copy, manuscript, mat-


copier vt CINEMAT, ENREGISTR dub, IMPRIM, INFORMAT, ORDINAT copy, TV dub, duplicate

agent coque/DISTRI EAU de la drague hull, ESPACE VI!hicules

de coul8e /PRODUCTION pour moulage en mottes slip jacket

cordage m MECANIQUE cable, NAUT cordage, line, rope, PAPIER, SECURITE, TEXTILE rope; - de chanvrem EMBALLAGE hemp rope; - en nylon m NAUT nylon line; - goudronne m NAUT tarred rope; - a quatre torons m NAUT three-stranded line; - qui ne fait pas de coque m NAUT nonkinking rope

corde / CERAM VER cord, CONSTR line, EN RENOUV, GEOMETRIE d'une courbe chord, NAUT line, rope, TEXTILE twine; - aerodynamique moyenne / (CAM)


AERONAUT mean aerodynamic chord (MAC); ~ d'amiante / CONSTR asbestos-plaited packing; d'asbeste / CONSTR asbestos-plaited packing; ~ en foln/PRoDuCTION hay band, hay rope; ~ en sisal/ CONS MECA sisal rope; ~ entre appuls/ RF!lSORTS length inside supports; ~ d"vacuation / AERONAUT escape rope; ~ de fibre / CONS MECA fiber rope (ArnE), fibre rope (BrE); ~ g60metrique moyenne / GEOMETRIE mean geometric chord; ~ de levage / PRODUCTION hoisting rope; ~ de manoeuvre / PRODUCTION hand rope; ~ mobile/ CERAM VER seam line; ~ moyenne de la gouverne / AERONAUT mean chord of the control surface; ~ nylon/CONS MECA nylon rope; ~ de la pale/ AERONAUT blade chord; ~ de piano / CONS MECA piano wire; ~ da profll / AERONAUT aero foil chord (BrE) , airfoil chord (ArnE); ~ de tension/CONS MECA tightening cord; ~ vlbrante /PHYSIQUE vibrating string

cordeau m CONSTR line, MINES fuse; ~ Bickford m MINES Bickford fuse, common fuse, safety fuse; ~ detonant m MINES Primacord, detonating fuse, detonating cord; ~ d'tonant de mineur m MINES detonating cord, detonating fuse; ~ fusant m ESPACE vehicules fuse cord, Primacord fuse; ~ ordinaire m MINES ordinary fuse; ~ de transmission m ESPACE vehicules detonating cord

cordeau-maitre m MINES master fuse cordee / MINES hoist, lift, SECURITE hoist; ~ de bois /

METROLOGIE cord of wood cordellne/ voir piqure cordlerite / CERAM VER, MINERAUX cordierite cordon m CONS MECA, ELECTR clible cord, MINES stringer,

PAPIER piping, ribbing, TELECOM handset cord, TEXTILE cord, lease band ~ de bavure m PLAST CAOU moulage flash; ~ de connexlon m INFORMAT, ORDINAT patch cord; ~ de cylindre m IMPRIM mecanique, machines bearer; ~ detecteur d'incendie m AERONAUT fire wire; ~ d'engagement de la bande m IMPRIM rotatives leading-in tape; ~ d'essal m ELECTROTEC test lead; ~ flexible m TELECOM instrument cord; ~ de jonction anfichable m INFORMAT patch cord; ~ littoral m GEOLOGIE barrier beach, offshore bar, OCEANO beach ridge, offshore bar; ~ littoral sableux m GEOLOGIE sand bar, dans la zone intertidale longshore bar; ~ oleophile m POLLU MER oil mop; ~ prolongateur m ELECTROTEC extension cable; ~ de sillce m CERAM VER batch melting line (ArnE), batch meltout line, silica scum line (BrE); ~ de soudabillte m NUCLEAIRE welding seam; ~ de soudure m MECANIQUE bead

cordon-sur-cordon m IMPRIM rotatives bearer-to-bearer corindon m CERAM VER, MINERAUX corundum; ~ ada-

mantln m MINERAUX adamantine spar corne/ ASTRONOMIE cusp, NAUT gaff; ~ de charge/NAUT

cargo boom; ~ de chargement/NAuT loading boom; ~ de compensation / AERONAUT horn balance; ~ de gouverne / AERONAUT horn; ~ de salabarde / NAUT brailerboom

corneenne / GEOLOGIE hornfels; ~ calco-sillcatee / GEOLOGIE calco-silicate hornfels

cornet m ESPACE communications horn cornlche/coNsTR cornice, ledge cornlere / CONS MECA perfage angle, CONSTR L-iron,

angle, angle iron, MECANIQUE angle section, NAUT angle; ~ d'acier / MECANIQUE materiaux angle steel; ~ de gouttiere/NAUT stringer angle; ~ de membrure/ NAUT frame angle; ~ perforee/MECANIQUEmateriaux perforated angle; ~ de renforcement / MECANIQUE

angle bracket; ~ de reprise/CONS MECA pick-up angle cornieres: ~ a alles egales / pI CONSTR equal-sided

angles, PRODUCTION even-sided angles; ~ a angles vifs / pI METROLOGIE square root and edge angles; ~ it branches egales/pl CONSTR equal-sided angles, PRODUCTION even-sided angles

cornue / CmMIE, EQUIP LAB verrerie, MAT CHAUFF, PETROLE retort; ~ Bessemer / MAT CHAUFF siderurgie Bessemer converter; ~ a gaz/PRODUCTION gas retort;

~ a refroidissement al'eau/MAT cHAuFFwater-cooled retort

corollalre m MATH corollary corolle: ~ deflammes/GAZ ring of flame coronene m CmMIE coronene coronographe m ASTRONOMIE coronagraph corps m CHIMIE substance, CONS MECA d'un piston

crown, head, d'un palier pillow, d'une manivelle web, de pompe barrel, HYDROLOGIE de minerai body, IMPRIM type size, d'un caractere body, INST HYDR de cylindre, de cylindre II vapeur, de verin hydraulique barrel, INSTRUMENT body, PRODUCTION drag, nowel, d'une pompe cylinder, d'un marteau head, de chassis bottom part, TELECOM body; ~ d'apparell de prise de vue m CINEMAT camera body; ~ d'arrlere m PHOTO back; ~ avantm PHOTO camera front, front frame; ~ de blelle m AUTO connecting rod shank; ~ broyant m CHARBON grinding media; ~ du broyeur m GENIE CHIM crushing bowl; ~ de caractere m IMPRIM type size, composition body size; ~ de carburateur m AUTO carburetor barrel (AmE), carburettor barrel (BrE); ~ c6leste m ASTRONOMIE celestial body, heavenly body, ESPACE celestial body, heavenly body; ~ de chaudlere m INST HYDR boiler shell; ~ de chauffe m MAT CHAUFF chauffe-eau heating body; ~ colorant m COULEURS coloring body (AmE), colouring body (BrE); ~ de coronographe m ASTRONOMIE coronagraph body; ~ de cylindre m PRODUCTION, VEmCULES moteur cylinder barrel; ~ de cylindre a vapeur m INST HYDR steam cylinder casing; ~ cyllndrlque m CONS MECA d'une chaudiere barrel, PRODUCTION d'une chaudiere shell; ~ dl8lactrlque m ELECTROTEC dielectric material; ~ en metal moule m PRODUCTION die cast body; ~ en mouvement m MECANIQUE body in motion; ~ en rotation rapide m PHYS FLUID spinning bodies; ~ ferromagnetlque m ELECTROTEC ferromagnetic material; ~ de filtre m GENIE cmM filter frame; ~ gris m TV gray body (AmE), grey body (BrE); ~ d'interrupteur m PRODUCTION switch body; ~ intrusif ign' m GEOLOGIE pluton; ~ isolant m ELECTROTEC insulating material; ~ magnetlque m ELECTROTEC magnetic material; magnetostrlctif m ELECTROTEC magnetostrictive material; ~ de manivelle m CONS MECA crank arm, crank cheek, crankweb; ~ mort m NAUT mooring buoy; ~ de moteur m NAUT engine body; ~ de moule m CERAM VER body mold (AmE), body mould (BrE); ~ de moyeu m AERONAUT hub; ~ noir m CINEMAT, ESPACE communications, IMPRIM optique, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE, TV black body; ~ octavalent m CHIMIE octad; ~ pentavalent m CmMIE pentad; ~ de piston m AUTO piston body, CONS MECA piston, piston head; ~ de poignee m CONS MECA handgrip; ~ de pompe m DISTRI EAU pump barrel, pump cylinder; ~ de pompe centrifuge m INST HYDR centrifuge pump casing; ~ de pompe a eau m VEHICULES re/roidissement water pump housing; ~ primalre m AUTO primary barrel; ~ de programme m ORDINAT

program body; - de propulseur m ESPACE engine body ,jet body, motor case; - radioactif m PHYS RAYON radioactive body; - au repos m MECANIQUE body at rest; - de roue ill rayons m VEHICULES spoke wheel center (ArnE), spoke wheel centre (BrE); - semi-conducteur m ELECTRON semiconductor material; - de siphon m EN RENOUV barrages siphon barrel; - solide m PRODUCTION solid object; - de sonde m MINES rods; - de soupapes m AUTO valve body; - tournant rapidement m PHYS FLUID spinning bodies; - de turbine m INST HYDR casing; - de vanne m CONS MECA valve body; - volatil m CHARBON volatile body; - X desintegrant en deux jets m PHYS RAYON X-body decaying into two jets

correcteur m IMPRIM reader, TELECOM equalizer; - adaptatif de phase m COMMANDE adaptive delay equalizer; - adaptatif de temps de propagation m COMMANDE adaptive delay equalizer; - altlm8trlque m AUTO altitude corrector; - d'amplltude m TV amplitude corrector; - d'assiette m AUTO automatic level control; - automatlque de base de temps couleur m TV color automatic time-base corrector (ArnE), colour automatic time base corrector (BrE); - de base de temps m TV TBC, time-base corrector; - de d8talls m TV image enhancer; - dloptrlque m CINEMAT dioptric adjuster; - d'effortm AERONAUT pitch-correcting unit; - de gamma m TV gamma corrector; - de Mach m AERONAUT Mach compensator; - de pailles m TV drop-out compensator; - de phases m ELECTR courant alternatif phase equalizer

correction / ACOUSTIQUE correction, equalization, BREVETS, ORDINAT correction; - d'absorption / CRISTALL absorption correction; - ill I'alr libre / GEOPHYS free air correction; - d'altitude / GEOPHYS height correction; - apochromatique / PHOTO apochromatic correction; - auditive / ACOUSTIQUE hearing correction; - automatlque des erreurs/ AERONAUT, TELECOM automatic error correction; - des basses frequences/ ELECTRON low-frequency compensation; - de Bouguer / GEOPHYS Bouguer correction; - colorlmetrique /TV color correction (ArnE), colour correction (BrE); - dela configuration du Spot/TV spot-shape corrector; - de contour /TV edge correction; - de copie/ IMPRIM contrtJle qualite proofreading; - de dlametre/ ACOUSTIQUE diameter equalization; - de dlstorslon / TELECOM error correction; - dynamlque / GEOLOGIE move-out correction, PETR dynamic correction, PETRoLE/orage, prospection move-out correction; - en premiere / IMPRIM house correction; - d'erreur de base de temps / TV time-base error correction; - d'erreur de chrominance/Tv color correction (ArnE), colour correction (BrE); - d'erreurs / COMMANDE, ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, TELECOM error correction; - d'erreurs sans voie de retour /ORDINAT FEC, forward error correction, TELECOM satellite maritime forward error correction; - du facteur de puissance / ELECTROTEC power factor correction; - des frequences elevees / ELECTRON peaking; - du gamma / CINEMAT gamma correction; - minime / IMPRIM composition minus correction; - d'orbite / ESPACE orbit trimming, mecanique celeste orbit correction; - de paraliaxe/cINEMAT parallax correction; - pour eau douce /NAUT freshwater allowance; - pour la retrodiffusion saturee/NuCLEAIRE saturation backscattering correction; - statique / PETR static correction; - de trajet / MILITAIRE d'une fusee path


correction corrections: - d'auteur / pi IMPRIM author's alterations;

- de franc-bord / pi NAUT etude du navire freeboard allowances; - de maree/ pi OCEANO tidal corrections

correlateur m ELECTRON, TELECOM correlator; - optique m ELECTRON optical correlator

correlation/ELEcTRON, INFORMAT, MATH, PHYS FLUID, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM correlation; - spatio-temporelle/ TELECOM space-time correlation; - temporelle/TELECOM time correlation

correle adj ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE correlated correspondance / ACOUSTIQUE correspondence, CH DE

FER interchange, train connection, INFORMAT complementarity, correlation, hit, register, ORDINAT complementarity, correlation, hit; - des couleurs / IMPRIM color matching (ArnE), colour matching (BrE); - des reSeaUX/METALL lattice correspondence

correspondant m TELECOM called party corriger vt ESPACE vehicules trim, ORDINAT un pro-

gramme patch, PAPIER teint adjust corrodable adj CIDMIE corrodible corrodant m CIDMIE corrodent corrompre vt INFORMAT corrupt corroslfi adj SECURITE corrosive corroslf m CIDMIE corrodent corrosion / CHARBON, CIDMIE, PETROLE, QUALITE, VE-

HICULES carrosserie corrosion; - de bord/EssAIS edge corrosion; - due ill I'usure par frottement/MECANIQUE abrasion fretting corrosion; - noduleuse/NuCLEAIRE nodular corrosion; - par courants vagabonds/ELECTROTEC stray current corrosion; - par friction / RESSORTS fretting corrosion; - de surface / ESSAIS surface corrosion; - uniforme/METALL uniform corrosion

corroyer vt CONSTR trim corruption/INFORMAT corruption corsage m TEXTILE shirting corset m CONS MECA collar corsite/PETR corsite cortege: - electronique m CHIMIE, NUCLEAIRE electron

cloud; - ophlolitique m GEOLOGIE ophiolite suite; - de roches ignees m GEOLOGIE igneous suite

corticoide m CHIMIE corticoid corticosteroide m CIDMIE corticosteroid corticosterone /CIDMIE corticosterone corticotrope adj CHIMIE corti co trophic, corti co tropic corticotrophlne/ CHIMIE corticotrophin, corticotropin corticotropine / CIDMIE corticotrophin, corticotropin cortisol m CIDMIE hydrocortisone cortisone /CHIMIE cortisone corundellite /MINERAUX corundellite corundophilite /MINERAUX corundophilite corundophyllite/MINERAUX corundophilite corynite/MINERAuX corynite cos m (cosinus) GEOMETRIE cos (cosine), PHYSIQUE

power factor; - phi m PHYSIQUE power factor cosalite/MINERAUX cosalite cosec/ ( cosecante) GEOMETRIE cosec (cosecant) cosecante/(cosec) GEOMETRIECosecant (cosec) cosinus m (cos) CONSTR, GEOMETRIE, MATH, ORDINAT

cosine (cos), PHYSIQUE power factor cosmique adj ASTRONOMIE cosmic cosmochlmie / ASTRONOMIE cosmochemistry cosmodrome m ESPACE cosmodrome cosmogonle/ ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE cosmogony cosmographie / ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE cosmography


cosmologle/ ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE cosmology cosmonaute m ESPACE cosmonaut Cosmos m ASTRONOMIE Cosmos cosse/NAUT cringle, thimble, PRODUCTION lug, spade

lug, thimble; - de cAble/ELEcTROTEC cable lug; - a fiches/PRoDUCTION stab terminal; - de mise ilia terre / ELECTR, PRODUCTION earth lug (BrE), ground lug (AmE); - ovale/PRoDUCTION egg-shaped thimble; - a sertir /ELECTROTEC crimp terminal lug; - a souder / PRODUCTION solder tag; - a viS/PRODUCTION screw lug

cosse-dble: - de serrage / VEHICULES systeme electrique, commande cable clip

cossyrite /MINERAUX cossyrite costillre / MINES drift, level, strike drive, drifting level,

driving level, level running along the strike costresse / MINES counter, counter gangway, counter

level, subdrift cot/ ( cotangente) CONSTR, GEOMETRIE cot (cotangent) cotangente/ (cot) CONSTR, GEOMETRIE d'un angle co-

tangent (cot) cotatlon / CONS MECA dessins techniques, PRODUCTION

dimensioning cote / CONSTR, ESSAIS reading, PHYSIQUE height; -

d'alerte/sECURITE danger point; -limite/MECANIQuE limit size; - lue sur la mire / CONSTR staff reading; - d'un navire/NAuT classification of ship; - nominale/ CONS MECA nominal size; - de trusqulnage / CONS MECA edge distance; - Z/PHYSIQUE Z-coordinate

cote / CONSTR slope, GEOLOGIE coast, shore, HYDROLOGIE, NAUT coast, shore, POLLU MER shoreline, TEXTILE rib; - abordable / NAUT accessible coast; - creuse /CERAM VER flute; - plate/ CERAM VER flat facet

cOte m GEOMETRIE d'un triangle, cube side; - adhesif m EMBALLAGE adhesive side; - d'admission m NUCLEAIRE inlet end; - chair m PRODUCTION d'une courroie flesh side; - commande m IMPRIM rotatives DS, drive side; - composant m TELECOM component side; - conducteur m PAPIER front side, operating side, tending side; - cuir m PRODUCTION d'une courroie grain side; - emUlsion m CINEMAT emulsion side; - enregistrement m CINEMAT, TV d'une bande magnetique oxide side; - entrainement m ELECTROTEC drive end; - envers d'un papier m PAPIER wire side; - feutrem PAPIER felt side; - fonctlon m IMPRIM rotatives operator's side; - four m CERAM VER d'une /euille etire back surface; - de la generatrlce m NUCLEAIRE generation end; - grain du papler m PAPIER top side; - in"rieur m IMPRIM impression lower side; - oxyde m TV d'une bande magnetique oxide side; - plat m IMPRIM broadside; - de premillre m IMPRIM imposition outer side; - du refoulement m INST HYDR pressure side, NUCLEAIRE delivery side, outlet side; - secondaire m NUCLEAIRE secondary side; - de soudure m TELECOM soldered side; - sous Ie vent m METED leeward side, NAUT lee; - superieur m IMPRIM impression upper side; - support m CINEMAT cell side; - toile m IMPRIM wire side; - transmission m PAPIER drive side, arriere d'une machine papier backside; - du vent m CONSTR windward side

cOte: a - de prep NAUT alongside cOtelS adj TEXTILE ribbed coter vt PRODUCTION number, un plan dimension cotes: - d'encombrement/pl CONS MECA overall dimen-

sions; - horizontales at verticales / pi PRODUCTION horizontal and vertical dimensioning

cOtes: - epaisses/pl CERAM VER heavy panels; - minces / pi CERAM VER light panels; - sans trame/pi TEXTILE crosswise ribs

cOtes: - adjacents m pi GEOMETRIE adjacent sides; - opposes m pi GEOMETRIE d'un carre opposite sides; - pUants m pi EMBALLAGE folding sides

cotidal adj GEOPHYS cotidal cotler adj GEOWGIE coastal, nearshore, HYDROLOGIE

coastal, NAUT coastal, navigation, piche inshore, PETROLE onshore

coton m TEXTILE cotton; - mineral m CHAUFFAGE mineral wool, PRODUCTION cinder wool

coton-poudre m MINES guncotton cotre m NAUT cutter cotret m CERAM VER lens holder cotunnite /MINERAUX cotunnite couchage m CINEMAT d'une emulSion, PAPIER, PLAST

CAOU, PRODUCTION coating; - iI I'argile m IMPRIM papier clay coating; - a la barre filetee m PAPIER rod coating kiss applicator; - a la brosse m PAPIER brush coating; - a froid m IMPRIM trans/ormation, finition coldseal coating; - au glacis m IMPRIM papier, PAPIER cast coating; - hors machine m PAPIER off-machine coating; - au hot-melt m IMPRIM brochure, emballage hot-melt coating; - a la lame m IMPRIM, PAPIER blade coating; - a lame trainante m PAPIER trailing-blade coating; - par brosses m PAPIER brush coating; - par coulage a chaud m PAPIER hot-melt coating; - par effleurage m IMPRIM papiers, films, vernissage kiss coating; - par extrusion m IMPRIM, PAPIER extrusion coating; - par fusion m PAPIER hot-melt coating; - par grewre m PAPIER gravure coating; - par grawre offset m IMPRIM offset gravure coating; - par gravure transfert m IMPRIM offset gravure coating; - par Immersion m PAPIER dip coating; - par lame d'alr m PAPIER air knife coating; - par presse encolleuse m PAPIER size-press coating; - par rouleaux m PAPIER roller coating; - par rouleaux lisseurs m PAPIER smoothing roll coating; - par thermocollage m REVETEMENT heat seal laminating; - par thermosoudage m REVETEMENT heat seal laminating; - par vaporisation m IMPRIMfinition spray coating; - de protection m PAPIER protective coating; - ala racle m IMPRIMpapiers blade coating; - sur bande m PLAST CAOU coil coating; - de surface m IMPRIM top sizing; - sur machine m PAPIER on-machine coating

couche:l iI-unique adjREVETEMENT single-layer couche2 / CHARBON bed, layer, seam, CONSTR coat,

course, layer, sole piece, D1STRI EAU, ELECTRON layer, ESPACE ply, vehicules coat, layer, GAZ layer, GEOWGIE bed, layer, IMPRIM coat, INFORMAT, METALL, NAUT layer, PAPIER coat, PLAST CAOU peinture, adhesif, plastique coat, layer, PRODUCTION coat, coating, TEXTILE layer; 1:IiI-absolument stable/METEo completely stable layer; - absolument stable non saturee/METEO unsaturated completely stable layer; - d'accrochage / PRODUCTION priming coat; - d'accrochage prlmaire / PLAST CAOU wash primer; - active/ELEcTRON active layer; - d'adaptatlon AAL / TELECOM AAL, A TM adaptation layer; - edhesive/IMPRIM adhesive coating, REVETEMENT adhesive coating, tie coat, bonding layer; - alluvionnaire /D1STRI EAU aggradational deposit; - amorphe / ELECTRON amorphous layer; - anodique/REVETEMENT anodic coat; - anti-abrasive/ CINEMAT anti-abrasion coating, REVETEMENT anti-ab-

rasion layer; - antiacide/REVETEMENT anti-acid film; - anticapiliaire/cHARBON capillarity breaking layer, CONSTR anticapillary course; - antlcorroslve/REvETEMENT protective coat of paint, protective coating of paint; - antlderapante/REVETEMENT nonskid coating; - antihalo/cINEMAT antihalation layer, rem jet backing, IMPRIM chimie plaques et films antihalation backing, PHOTO antihalation backing, antihalo layer, REVETEMENT antihalation backing; - antireflechlssante / CERAM VER, REVETEMENT antireflection coating; - antireflet/cINEMAT, OPTIQUE, PHOTO, REVETEMENT, TELECOM antireflection coating; antirouille/REVETEMENT antirust coating; - antiusure /CONSTR soudure hardfacing, REVETEMENT wear-resistant coating; - d'Appleton / GEOPHYS, PHYSIQUE Appleton layer, F-Iayer; - d'applicatlon/INFORMAT, TELECOM interconnexion de systemes ouverts application layer; - d'appriit / PRODUCTION priming coat, REVETEMENT subcoating; - aquifere / DISTRI EAU aquifer, water-bearing stratum; - arable / CHARBON topsoil; - d'arglle / CONSI'R bed of clay; - d'arriit / ELECTRON barrier layer, PHYSIQUE depletion layer, TELECOM barrier layer; - autocopiante / IMPRIM papiers et enductions compiementaires microencapsulated coating; D - barriere /OPTIQUE barrier layer; - de base / CONSI'R base course, REVETEMENT ground coat, undercoating; .. - cachee / PETR hidden layer; - de carbone / ELECTROTEC carbon film; - de chainage de donnees/ TELECOM data link layer; - de charbon/CHARBON coal bed; - chaude / METEO warm layer; - de chrome / REVETEMENT chromium deposit; - de la cible / TV target layer; - de colle / REVETEMENT glue layer; - commutee/TELECOM switched network layer; - conditionnellement instable non saturee / METEO conditionally unstable unsaturated layer; - de conversion / COULEURS conversion layer, REVETEMENT conversion coating; - coupe-feu / REVETEMENT fireresistant coating; - de craie/ CONSI'R chalk strata; a-D/GEOPHYS, PHYSIQUE D-Iayer; - de deml-attenuation / (CDA) NUCLEAIRE half value layer (HVL) , PHYSIQUE half thickness, half value layer, half value thickness (HVL); - deposee / ELECTRON deposited layer; - deposee sous vide / ELECTRON vacuum-deposited film; - II deux 81ectrons / NUCLEAIRE K-shell, two-electron innermost shell; - dlazoique /IMPRIM chimie diazo coating; - diffusante profonde / OCEANO DSL, deep scattering layer; - diffus8e/ELECTRoN diffused layer; - de discontinuite/ OCEANO discontinuity layer; - de doublage / CERAM VER flash; - double / REVETEMENT double-layer; - double 81ectrique / CHiMIE sur/ace electrical double layer; - durcie / CHARBON dry crust; B-E/GEOPHYS E-Iayer, PHYSIQUE E-Iayer, Kennelly-Heaviside layer; - d'eau /INST HYDR d'une chaudiere film; - d'eau superficielle / CHARBON surface water layer; - Ekman / HYDROLOGIE, OCEANO Ekman layer; - 81ectronique / CHIMlE, NUCLEAIRE, PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE electron shell; - d'endult/REVETEMENT coating film; - epalsse / ELECTRON thick film; - epalsse en multicouche/ELEcTRON multilayer thick film; - epitaxiaie/CRISTALL, ELECTRON, MATERIAUX, TELECOM epitaxial layer; - epitaxlale en phase vapeur/ELECTRON vapor phase grown epitaxial layer (ArnE), vapour phase grown epitaxial layer (BrE); -


epltaxlale magn8tlque /ELECTRON magnetic epitaxial layer; - epitaxiale de siliclum/ELEcTRON silicon epitaxiallayer; - epitaxiale de type N/ELECTRON n-type epitaxial layer; - epitaxlale de type P / ELECTRON p-type epitaxial layer; - d'equlpement / TELECOM equipment layer; - evaporee/ELECTRON evaporated layer; .. - F / GEOPHYS Appleton layer, F -layer, PHYSIQUE Appleton layer, F-Iayer; - fertile sous-moderee/NUCLEAIRE undermoderated blanket; - fibreuse/PAPIER fibrous layer, furnish layer, REVETEMENT furnish layer; - filtrante / GENIE CHiM filter bed, filter layer; - filtrante jaune / IMPRIM photogravure yellow filter layer; - flitre/clNEMAT d'une emulsion filter layer; - de flnltlon / COULEURS final coat, top coat; - fluldlfl8e / GENIE CHIM fluid bed, fluidized bed; - de fond / CONSTR prime coat, PLAST CAOU base coat; - de fond au phosphate / REVETEMENT reaction primer, selfetching primer, wash primer; - de forme / CONSTR selected fill; - de fort pendage /M1NES highly-inclined seam; - de frottement/coNsTR friction course; R-galvanique/REvETEMENT electrodeposit, electroplating; galvanoplastique / REVETEMENT electrodeposit, electroplating; - de gel/PLAsT CAOU polyesters, REVETEMENT gel coat; - geologique/GAZ geological layer; - de gravier/DISTRI EAU channel bed, GEOLOGIE dans Ie lit d'un cours d' eau channel lag; l1li-de houille / CHARBON coal bed, coal seam; - hydratee/ CERAM VER hydrated layer; .. - ignifuge / REVETEMENT fire-resistant layer; - impermeable / CONSTR clamp course, DISTRI EAU aquifuge; - implantee de type P /ELECTRON p-type implanted layer; - d'impression/PRoDUCTION priming coat; - d'impression II I'atelier /REVETEMENT shop priming; - d'impression pour bois / REVETEMENT wood primer; - inf8rieure / PRODUCTION base coat, REVETEMENT lower ply; - infiniment epaisse / PHYS RAYON infinitely thick layer; - d'interconnexions / ELECTRON interconnection layer; - interieure/EMBALLAGE interior coating; - intermediaire / GEOPHYS sima, REVETEMENT intermediate coat, intermediate layer; - d'inversion / ELECTRON, POLLUTION, TELECOM inversion layer; - lonlsante /ELECTR charge ionizing layer; - lonospherlque / GEOPHYS ionosphere layer; - isolante / ELECTROTEC, EMBALLAGE, REVETEMENT insulating layer; - isolante impermeable / CONSI'R damp-proof course; - d'isolement / CONSTR dampproof course; - isotherme/METEo isothermal layer; _ - K/NUCLEAIRE K-shell, two-electron innermost shell, PHYSIQUE K-shell; - de Kennelly-Heaviside / PHYSIQUE Kennelly-Heaviside layer; l1li-L/PHYSIQUE L-shell; - de laque/REvETEMENT coat of varnish; - de liage / REVETEMENT bonding layer; - de liaison/coNsTR binder course; - de liaison de donnees/INFORMAT, TELECOM data link layer; - de Iimlte/REvETEMENT boundary film, boundary layer;- limite/ AERONAUT, EN RENOUV, IMPRIMpapiers, film, MECANIQUE hydraulique, OCEANO, PHYS FLUID, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG boundary layer; - limite atmospherique / METEO surface boundary level; - limite planetaire/METEO planetary boundary layer; -limite de surface / METEO ground layer, surface boundary layer; - limite turbulente / PHYS FLUID turbulent boundary layer; 1IiiI-M/PHYSIQUE M-shell; - metallique/ELECTRON metal film; - de metallisation/ELECTRON metalization

layer (ArnE), metallization layer (BrE); - de metal lustre I REVETEMENT metal glaze film; - iI microcapsules IIMPRIM papiers et productions complementaires microencapsulated coating; - mince IELECTRON thin film, MECANIQUE, REVETEMENT film; - mince de colle I EMBALLAGE adhesive film, glue film, REVETEMENT adhesive film; - mince depos8e sous vide/REVETEMENT vacuum-coated film; - mince en multlcouche/ELECTRON multilayer thin film; - mince magnetlque I ELECTRON magnetic thin film; - mince resistive IELECTRON resistive thin film; - mince de rouille I REVETEMENT rust film; - mitoyenne I REVETEMENT boundary film, boundary layer; - monomoleculairel CHIMm monomolecular layer; - de mortier I CONSTR bedding mortar; - de moUSSe/TEXTILE foam layer; D-N/TELECOM N-Iayer; - nepheloTde/ocEANo turbidity layer; - nuageuse/ESPAcE cloud layer; a-obtenue par condensation de vapeur I GENIE CIDM vapor deposited layer (ArnE), vapour deposited layer (BrE); - d'oxyde de bande/Tv tape oxide layer; - d'oxyde/oRDINAT oxide layer, REVETEMENT oxide film; - d'oxyde protectrice I REVETEMENT protective oxide coat; - d'oxyde de silicium/ELECTRON silicon dioxide layer; - d'ozone/EsPAcE ozonosphere, POLLUTION ozone layer; _ - passivante a phosphate/REVETEMENT reaction primer, self-etching primer, wash primer; - de passivation I ELECTRON passivation layer; - de peinture I REVETEMENT coat of paint; - permeable I GAZ permeable layer, porous layer, HYOROLOGIE aquifer, water-bearing stratum; - de phosphate Insoluble I REVETEMENT phosphate coating; - photoconductrice I OPTIQUE photoconducting layer; - photoelectrique I REVETEMENT photoelectric layer; - photoemisslve I ELECTRON photoemissive layer; - photographlque I REVETEMENT emulsion layer; - photopolymere I IMPRIM photo polymer coating; - de photoresist I ELECTRON photoresist coating; - de photosynthese I OCEANO photosynthetic layer; - physique/lNFORMAT, TELECOM physical layer; - de polysllicium/ELEcTRON polysilicon layer; - poreuse I GAZ permeable layer, porous layer; - posterieure semi-transparente/ELEcTRON transflective back coating; - de presentation I INFORMAT presentation layer; - primaire/lMPRIM surlaces sensibles, PLAST CAOU caoutchouc, adhesifs primer; - productrice I PETROLE production layer; - de protection I CINEMAT anti-abrasion coating, EMBALLAGE protective coating, protective layer, IMPRIM reliure, emballage protective lining, REVETEMENT protective coating, protective finish, protective layer; - protectrice/REvETEMENT protective coating, protective layer; - protectrice anti-feu I REVETEMENT flameproof protective coating; - protectrlce galvanisee I REVETEMENT galvanized protective coating; - protectrlce de peinture/REVETEMENT protective coat of paint, protective coating of paint; _ - Q/NUCLEAIRE Q-shell; _ - de radiation I PHYS RAYON radiation belt; - remplle I PHYSIQUE closed shell; - repere I GEOLOGIE key bed; - de reSeaU/INFORMAT, ORDINAT network layer; - reseau de transmission I TELECOM transmission layer; - resistante a l'abraslon/REvETEMENT abrasion-resistant coating; - reslstante aux attaques chimiques/REvETEMENT chemical-resistant coating; - resistante a la chaleur IREVETEMENT heat-resistant coating; - reslstante au feu IREVETEMENT fire-resis-

tant coating; - resistante a I'usure I REVETEMENT wear-resistant coating; - resistive vltrlfiee/ELECTRON metal glaze; - de roche I CHARBON stone bed; - rocheuse I D1STRI EAU rock layer; - de roulement I CONSTR carpet, wearing course; B-saturee/METEO saturated layer; - de sautl OCEANO discontinuity layer; - de scellage I EMBALLAGE heat seal coating; - de scellementl CONSTR seal coat; - de sedimentl GAZ sediment layer; - de semlconducteur I ELECTRON semiconductor layer; - semi-conductrice/ELECTRON semiconductor layer; - semi-Impermeable I D1STRI EAU semi-impermeable layer; - de separatlon/GENIE CHIM separation layer, REVETEMENT boundary film; - de services lTELECOM service layer; - de session IINFORMAT, ORDINAT session layer; - de silicium/ELECTRON silicon layer; - superficielie/POLLu MER surface layer; - superficielle d'eau chaude IOCEANO surface layer, warm-water sphere; - superleure IIMPRIM papiers, film boundary layer; D-de transport/lNFORMAT transport layer; - de turbidite IOCEANO turbidity layer; - turbulente I GENIE CHIM fluid bed, fluidized bed, METEO turbulent layer; D-d'usage/REVETEMENTuse-surface; .. - de vernis I REVETEMENT coat of varnish; - visqueuse/REFRIG slime; .. - de zinc/REVETEMENT zinc coating

couche: - a I'emulsion adj EMBALLAGE emulsion-coated; -ill haut brillant adj PAPIERpapier, carton cast-coated; - leger adj IMPRIM papiers lightweight-coated; - machine adj EMBALLAGE machine-coated

couche-barrage I POLLUTION barrier layer couche-image IPHOTO emulsion couche-piege/ELEcTROTEC wave duct coucher: 1 - heliaque m ASTRONOMIE heliacal setting; -

de lune m ASTRONOMIE moonset coucherl vt PAPIERleuillecouch, REVETEMENT coat coucher:3 - les sons sur des pistes vi ENREGISTR lay

tracks coucher:4 se - v refl NAUT navire careen couches: - a chaillesl pi GEOLOGIE cherty beds; - a chert I pi GEOLOGIE cherty beds; - cisaillees I pi PHYS FLUID dans lesfluides tournants shear layers; - deformees I pi GEOLOGIE contorted beds; - deltaiques de fond I pi GEOLOGIE bottomset beds; - deltaiques peu profondes I pi GEOLOGIE topset beds; - de fond I pi GEOLOGIE bottomset beds; - ionisees de la zone aurorale I pi ASTRONOMIE auroral zone ionized layers; - OSI I pi TELECOM OSI layers, open systems interconnection layers; - pllss8eslpl GEOLOGIE contorted beds; - de transltionl pi GEOLOGIE passage beds

couchette I NAUT bunk, passagers berth; - de quart I NAUT quarter berth

coucheuse/pAPIER, REVETEMENT coater, coating machine; - a brosses I PAPIER brush coater; - hors machine I PAPIER off machine coater; - il lame I PAPIER blade coater; - a lame d'air I PAPIER air jet coater, airbrush coater, air knife coater; - par pulverisation I PAPIER spray coater; - par rideau liqulde I PLAST CAOU revetement curtain coater; - a racles I PAPIER knife coater; - a rouleau essoreur I PAPIER squeeze roll coater; - a rouleau grave/pAPIER offset coater; - a rouleaux toumant en sens inverse/pAPIER reverse roll coater

couchis m CONSTR footing block, sole piece, wall piece coude m CONS MECA bend, crank, CONSTR, ELECTROTEC

bend, EQUIP LAB verrerie elbow, MECANIQUE bend, elbow, NAUT d'une riviere, d'un tuyau bend, NUCLEAIRE elbow; - circulalre m CONS MECA wheel crank, PRODUCTION disc crank (BrE), disk crank (ArnE); - conique m CONS MECA taper bend; - en coquille m CONS MECA shell-type elbow; - en E m ELECTROTEC E-bend; - en fonte m CONSTR cast-iron elbow; - en H m ELECTROTEC H-plane bend, edgewise bend; - d'6querre m CONS MECA right-angled bend; - d'essieu m CONS MECA axle crank; - de piquage m CONS MECA bleed elbow; - plan E m ELECTROTEC E-plane bend; - du porte-vent m PRODUCTION gooseneck; - de raccord m CONSTR union elbow; - de tube m CONS MECA tube bend; - vertical sup6rieur m PETR sag bend

coud6 adj PRODUCTION angled couderl vt PRODUCTION barre de fer bend couder:2se - v rejl CONSTR, PRODUCTION bend coudeuse: - de plaques/IMPRIMpreimpression bender coudrel vt TEXTILE sew, stitch; - II points de surjet vt

TEXTILE overlock coudre2 vi CERAM VER chatter couffe: - II charbon/CHARBoN coal basket couffl6e /MINES leap coulage m CERAM VER casting, CONSTR leak, leakage,

DISTR! EAU d' eau leakage, IMPRIM du texte dans Ie blanc du papier sinkage, PRODUCTION break-out, casting, pouring, runout, teeming; - dans les moules m PRODUCTION casting in molds (ArnE), casting in moulds (BrE); - en barbotine m CERAM VER slip casting; - de feuille m PLAST CAOU procede film casting; - des nappes m POLLUTION oil slick sinking; - II noyaux m PRODUCTION core casting; - par fusion m CERAM VER fusion casting; - plein m PRODUCTION solid casting

coulantl adj DISTRI EAU eau, HYDROLOGIE flowing, running

coulant2 m CONS MECA slider, MINES guide coulantage m MINES cage guides, cage slides, guides, pit

guides coulants m pi MINES cage guides, cage slides, pit guides coul6l adj PRODUCTION cast; - sous pression adj ME-

CANIQUE materiaux die-cast coule2 m PRODUCTION casting couln / CERAM VER casting, pot cast, pouring, CHAR-

BON, ESPACE vehicules heat, MATERIAUX au four tapping, PLAST CAOU procede de moulage casting, PRODUCTION cast, cast gate, down runner, pouring hole, runner stick, sprue hole, drawhole, gate stick, flow, funnel, gate pin, gate, header,jet, mouth, pouring gate, pouring, runner pin, runner, running gate, sprue, tap, tap hole, teeming, d'un lingot casting, d'un creuset lip, SECURITE pouring, THERMODYN fusing, melting; - de boue / GEOLOGIE dans debris volcaniques lahar; - boueuse/GEOLOGIE debris flow, mud flow; - II la cire perdue / PRODUCTION lost wax casting; - continue / CERAM VER, MATERIAUX metallurgie, MECANIQUE materiaux continuous casting; - II la descente / PRODUCTION top pouring; - en chute directe / PRODUCTION top pouring; - en matrice / PRODUCTION die casting, die cast; - en premiere fusion /PRODUCTION direct casting; - en source/PRoDuCTION bottom pouring; - en source directe / PRODUCTION bottom pouring; - de fonte/PRoDuCTION tapping the metal; - au four/ CERAM VER leak; - du four / CERAM VER tapping; - de lave / GEOLOGIE, PETR lava flow, lava stream; - du metal en fusion/ SECURITE pouring of molten metal; - des moules /


PRODUCTION running molds (ArnE), running moulds (BrE); - par injection/MATERIAuX die casting; - ratee / THERMODYN /onderie off heat; - semi-continue / CERAM VER semicontinuous casting; - sous preSSion/ PRODUCTION die casting; - sous vide / NUCLEAlRE vacuum casting; - sur metal/PRoDUCTION burning, casting on; - sur table / CERAM VER table casting; - II talon/PRoDUCTION side casting; - de terres/MINES run of ground

coul6e-arJiere /OCEANO run coul6es: - de blancs/plTV bleeding whites coulerl vt CERAM VER tap, teem, glaces cast, CINEMAT

emulsion apply, CONS MECA cast, CONSTR grout, heton pour, DISTRI EAU /'eau d'une bache run off, ELECTR soudure run, PRODUCTION run, tap, teem, metal d'un four run off, un !ingot cast;- II decouvert vt PRODUCTION cast in open sand; - II travers vt HYDROLOGIE run through

coulerZ vi CHIMIE run, CONSTR leak, HYDROLOGIE dans la mer run, riviere flow, MINES run, NAUT founder, go down, sink, PHYS FLUID flow, PRODUCTION break out, run

steel-coloured (BrE); de - cuivre adj COULEURS copper-colored (ArnE), copper-coloured (BrE); de - eclatante adj COULEURS colorful (ArnE), colourful (BrE); de - vive adj COULEURS colorful (ArnE), colourful (BrE)

couleurZ m PRODUCTION caster, pourer couleu,J / CHIMIE color (ArnE), colour (BrE), IMPRIM

color (ArnE), colour (BrE), photogravure chroma, MINES color (ArnE), colour (BrE), PAPIER color (ArnE), colour (BrE), dye, TELECOM, TEXTILE color (ArnE), colour (BrE); - d'accompagnement/IMPRIM spot color (ArnE), spot colour (BrE); - achromatique /IMPRIM achromatic color (ArnE), achromatic colour (BrE); - d'addition/couLEURS additive color (ArnE), additive colour (BrE); - additive/couLEURS additive color (ArnE), additive colour (BrE); - argentee / COULEURS argentine, silver color (ArnE), silver colour (BrE); - de base / COULEURS primary color (ArnE), primary colour (BrE); - II base d'anillne / PHOTO aniline dye; - broy6e / COULEURS ground color (ArnE), ground colour (BrE); - du caractere/IMPRIM type color (ArnE), type colour (BrE); - chromatique/ COULEURS chromatic color (ArnE), chromatic colour (BrE); - de chrome/couLEuRS chrome color (ArnE), chrome colour (BrE); - citron / COULEURS citrine color (ArnE), citrine colour (BrE), lemon chrome, lemon color (ArnE), lemon colour (BrE); - au cobalt/ COULEURS cobalt color (ArnE), cobalt colour (BrE); - compl6mentaire / PHOTO complementary color (ArnE), complementary colour (BrE); - desatur6e / TV desaturated color (ArnE), desaturated colour (BrE); - d6tectrice/couLEURS sighting color (ArnE), sighting colour (BrE); - II detrempe / COULEURS distemper; - II detrempe II base d'huile / COULEURS oil-bound distemper; - eclatante/MATERIAUX bright color (ArnE), bright colour (BrE); - 61ementaire / COULEURS principal color (ArnE), principal colour (BrE); - 6mail / CERAM VER enamel color (ArnE), enamel colour (BrE); - en poudre / COULEURS dry color (ArnE), dry colour (BrE), powdered color (ArnE), powdered colour (BrE); - en tube/couLEURS tube paint; - de fond / CERAM VER ground color


(ArnE), ground colour (BrE); ~ de gluonfpHYS PART gluon color (ArnE), gluon colour (BrE); ~ degoudron f COULEURS coal tar dye, tar dye; ~ irlsae f COULEURS interference color (AmE), interference colour (BrE);

~ jaunefTEXTILE yellowness; ~ IIthographiquefcouLEURS lithographic color (ArnE), lithographic colour (BrE); ~ marengo f COULEURS Oxford grey (BrE), Oxford gray (ArnE); ~ de marquage f COULEURS indicator color (ArnE), indicator colour (BrE); ~ minerale f COULEURS mineral color (AmE), mineral colour (BrE); ~naturellefcouLEuRS inherent color (ArnE), inherent colour (BrE), natural color (ArnE), natural colour (BrE); ~ non transparentefcouLEuRS opaque color (ArnE), opaque colour (BrE); ~ opaquefcouLEURS opaque color (AmE), opaque colour (BrE); ~ pour ceramique f COULEURS ceramic color (ArnE), ceramic colour (BrE); ~ pour cimentfcouLEURS cement paint; ~ pour porcelainefcERAM VER porcelain color (ArnE), porcelain colour (BrE); ~ prlmalre f COULEURS, CINEMAT, PHYS RAYON, PHYSIQUE primary color (ArnE), primary colour (BrE); ~ primaire rouge fTV red primary; ~ propre f COULEURS perceived color (ArnE), perceived colour (BrE), surface color (ArnE), surface colour (BrE); ~ des quarksfpHYS PART quark color (ArnE), quark colour (BrE); ~ resistantefcouLEURS nonfading color (ArnE), nonfading colour (BrE); ~ resistant au feufcouLEURS fireproof color (ArnE), fireproof colour (BrE); ~ resistant ilia lumiere fIMPRIM fast color (ArnE), fast colour (BrE); ~ secondaire f IMPRIM photogravure secondary color (ArnE), secondary colour (BrE); ~ semi-transparente f CERAM VER semitransparent color (ArnE), semitransparent colour (BrE); ~ de signallsation f COULEURS warning color (ArnE), warning colour (BrE); ~ sollde f COULEURS permanent color (ArnE), permanent colour (BrE); ~ sollde ilia lumlerefcouLEURS nonfading color (ArnE), nonfading colour (BrE); ~ stablefcouLEURS permanent color (ArnE), permanent colour (BrE); ~ tranchante f COULEURS warning color (ArnE), warning colour (BrE); ~ trop epaisse f CERAM VER false body; ~ au verre soluble f REVETEMENT silicate paint, waterglass color (ArnE), waterglass colour (BrE); ~ vltrlflablef CERAM VER glass color (ArnE), glass colour (BrE); ~ vitrifiable mate f CERAM VER matt vitrifiable color (ArnE), matt vitrifiable colour (BrE); ~ vitrifiablesimplefcERAM VER flat color (ArnE), flat colour (BrE)

couleurs: 1 de ~ differentes a4j COULEURS varicolored (ArnE), varicoloured (BrE); de ~ diverses a4j COULEURS multicolored (ArnE), multicoloured (BrE)

couleurs2 f pi NAUT colors (ArnE), colours (BrE); ~ acides f pi IMPRIM acid colors (ArnE), acid colours (BrE); ~ compl8mentaires f pi PHYSIQUE complementary colors (ArnE), complementary colours (BrE); ~ iIIisibles f pi IMPRIM impression drop-out; ~ imprlmaes en compl8ment sur les autres f pi IMPRIM overprint colors (ArnE), overprint colours (BrE); ~ metameriques f pi IMPRIM metameric colors (ArnE), metameric colours (BrE); ~ pour maJollquefpl CERAM VER majolica colors (ArnE), majolica colours (BrE); ~ prlmalres additivesfpl CINEMAT additive primaries; ~ prlmaires dans la synthese additive f pi IMPRIM additive primaries; ~ primaires de la quadrichromie f pi IMPRIM process colors (ArnE), process colours (BrE);

~ primaires soustractivesfpl CINEMAT, TV subtractive primaries; ~ de reference f pi IMPRIM photogravure

memory colors (ArnE), memory colours (BrE); ~ des riglements de s8curite f pi SECURITE safety colors (ArnE), safety colours (BrE); ~ spectrales f pi PHYS RAYON spectral colors (ArnE), spectral colours (BrE);

~ vltrlflablesfpl CERAM VER vitrifiable colors (ArnE), vitrifiable colours (BrE)

couleurs-memolre f pi IMPRIM photogravure, composition memory colors (AmE), memory colours (BrE)

coulis: I ~ basaltique m GEOLOGIE flood basalt coulls2 m CONSTR grouting; ~ de clment m CONSTR

cement slurry; ~ hydraulique d'injection m CONSTR grout

coullssage: ~ de plaques m GEOLOGIE strike-slip movements

coullssant a4j MECANIQUE telescopic coullssefcoNs MECA link gear, link motion, link valve

motion, slide, slider, de distribution a coulisse link, MINES drill jar, drilling jar, jar, OCEANO purse line; ~ iI barres croiseesfcoNs MECA link motion with crossed rods; ~ iI barres droitesfcoNs MECA link motion with open rods; ~ iII barres fermees f CONS MECA link motion with crossed rods; ~ iI barres ouvertesfcoNs MECA link motion with open rods; ~ de changement de marche f CONS MECA reversing link; ~ fixe f CONS MECA stationary link; ~ iI flasques f CONS MECA plate link; ~ mObilef CONS MECA shifting link

coulisseau m CONS MECA die, link block, slide block, slide, slider, slipper block; ~ de crosse m CONS MECA crosshead block, crosshead body; ~ du dlaphragme d'ouverture m INSTRUMENT aperture top slide; ~ incline m CONS MECA moule d'injection angled core slide;

~ porte-outll m CONS MECA tool ram, tool slide; ~ porte-outlls m CONS MECA tool-holding slide

coullsser vi CONS MECA slide coulisseur m CONSTR tonguing-and-grooving planes couloir m CONSTR chute, TRANSPORT lane; ~ aerien m

AERONAUT air corridor; ~ central m TRANSPORT central gangway; ~ iI charbon m CHARBON coal chute; ~ de chargement m MINES loading chute; ~ du film m CINEMAT film gate; ~ maritime m NAUT sea lane; ~ de montee m AERONAUT climb corridor; ~ de navigation m OCEANO sea lane, shipping corridor, traffic lane; ~ optimal de rentree m ESPACE optimum re-entry corridor; ~ oscillant m CONSTR swinging chute; ~ presseur m CINEMAT film channel; ~ reserve aux bus m TRANSPORT bus lane

coulomb m (C) ELECTR unite, ELECTROTEC, METROLOGIE, PHYSIQUE coulomb (C)

coulombmetre m ELECTR coulombmeter, ELECTROTEC coulometer

coulometre m ELECTR coulombmeter, ELECTROTEC coulometer

coulure f PLAST CAOU defaut de peinture sagging, PRODUCTION break-out, runout; ~ de peinture f REVETEMENT varnish run, varnish tear, varnish tit; ~ de vernis f REVETEMENT varnish run, varnish tear, varnish tit

coumalinefcHIMIE coumalin, coumaline coumalique adj CHIMIE coumalic coumaranne m CHIMIE coumaran, coumarane coumarine f CHIMIE coumarin, coumarine coumarique a4j CHIMIE coumaric coup m CERAM VER bruise, CONS MECA de piston, anal-

ogue stroke, CONSTR observation, sight, MILITAIRE round, MINES shot; ~ d'air m MINES rush of air; ~ arriere m CONSTR back observation, backsight, MINES back-

sight; - avant m CONSTR fore observation, foresight, MINES foresight; - de beller m INST HYDR pressure surge, PETROLE, PHYS FLUID water hammer, REFRIG hammering; - bref m NAUT short blast; - de ciseaux m CERAM VER shear cut; - complet m MILIT AIRE round of ammunition; - d'eau m DISTRI EAU water inflow, HYDROWGIE flood of water; - de feu m IMPRIM rush order, MILIT AIRE shot; - de foudre m ELECTR lightning discharge, lightning stroke, METEO lightning strike, thunderbolt; - de gouge m GEOWGIE chatter mark; - de grlsou m CHARBON gas explosion; - du lapin m TRANSPORT whiplash effect; - de liquide m REFRIG slugging; - long m NAUT long blast; - de lunette m CONSTR observation, sight; - de mer m OCEANO breaker, breaking wave, waterwall; - de minem MINES shot; - de piston m CONS MECA piston stroke; - de pointeau m CONS MECA punch mark, PRODUCTION center pop (ArnE), center punch mark (ArnE), centre pop (BrE), centre punch mark (BrE); - de poussiere m CHARBON dust explosion; - de relevage m MINES bottom shot; - de rouleau m CERAM VER in-line variation; - de roulls m NAUT lurch; - de sabre m CERAM VER flux line attack; - de sonde m CONSTR borehole; - de souffle m CERAM VER puff; - de tonnerre m METEO thunderclap

coupage m PRODUCTION blending, des jets de /onderie cutting-off; - a I'acetylene m MECANIQUE procede acetylene cutting; - a I'arc m CONSTR, PRODUCTION arc cutting; - a I'arc avec oxygene m CONSTR oxygen arc cutting; - a I'arc electrique m THERMODYN electric arc cutting; - a gaz m CONSTR flame cutting; - laser m CONSTR laser cutting; - plasma m CONSTR plasma arc cutting, plasma cutting

coupant m CONS MECA edge, CONSTR d'un outil cutting edge

coupe / CHARBON cut, CONS MECA cross section, cut, gap, sectional drawing, GEOLOGIE cross section, section, IMPRIM rotatives cutoff, MINES cutting, cut, PAPIER cutting, PETROLE raffinage, distillation fraction, PHYSIQUE cross section, PRODUCTION des metaux par un jet d' oxygene cutting; - confection / TEXTILE cutting; - consistometrique/EQUIP LAB viscosite des liquides flow cup; - delib6ree/IMPRIM dans une bande split; - de desserrage / CERAM VER auxiliary cut; - diagonale/PAPIER angle cut; - du diamant/cERAM VER diamond cutting edge; - en travers / CONS MECA cross section, PRODUCTION cross cut; - franche / CERAM VER clean cut; - geologique / GEOWGIE geological section; - longitudinale / NAUT profile; - losange / PAPIER angle cutting; - au maitre / NAUT midship section; - ami-bois / CONSTR halved joint, halving, lap joint, overleap joint, step joint; - negative/coNs MECA negative rake; - a ras/PRoDUCTION flush cut; - de segment/AUTO ring gap; - transversale / CONS MECA, NAUT, PAPIER, PRODUCTION cross section; - transversale d'absorption/PHYS RAYON d'un atome absorption cross section; - tres douce/PRODUCTION dead-smooth cut

Coupe/ ASTRONOMIE Crater coupe adj ELECTROTEC off; - court adj TEXTILE cropped;

- dans Ie biais adj TEXTILE cut on the bias; - a la longueur adj PRODUCTION cut-to-length

coupe-beton m CONSTR concrete saw coupe-bordure m CONS MECA edge trimmer, PAPIER edge

cutter coupe-boulons m CONS MECA bolt cropper, bolt cutter,


MECANIQUE bolt cutter, NAUT bolt cropper coupe-cAble m ESPACE vehicules cable cutter; - acier m

CONS MECA steel cable cutter coupe-cercle m CONS MECA washer cutter coupe-circuit m COMMANDE, CONSTR circuit breaker,

ELECTROTEC cutout, TV fuse; - a expulsion dirigee m ELECTROTEC expulsion fuse; - a lame m ELECTR/usible link fuse; - protecteur de ligne m GEOPHYS line protector cutout; - sectlonneur m ELECTROTEC switch fuse; - de surtension m ELECTROTEC overvoltage protection

coupe-coulees m CONS MECA gate cutter, PRODUCTION gate cutter, sprue cutter

coupee /NAUT accommodation ladder coupe-epreuves m PHOTO trimmer coupe-feu adj MECANIQUE fireproof coupe-feuilles: - hydrauliquem PAPIER edge cutter, edge

spray, edge squirt, hydraulic sheet cutter, spray cutter coupe-flamme m PETROLE securite flame arrester coupe-flux: - cylindrlque m CINEMAT snoot coupe-gazon m CONSTR edging iron coupelie/cERAM VER edge bowl, CHIMIE cupel, EMBAL-

LAGE base cup, EQUIP LAB dish, analyse boat, INST HYDR valve spring washer, THERMODYN melting crucible, melting pot; - d'appui du ressort/ AUTO spring retainer; - creuse/NUCLEAIRE well-type planchet; - d'etancheite / AUTO secondary cup; - de peses /EQUIP LAB weighing dish; - principale / AUTO primary cup; - de protection/CONS MECA protective cap; - de rotule/ CONS MECA ball cup; - serre-gaine/coNs MECA ferrule

coupe-odeur / CONSTR stench trap, stink trap, trap couper vt CINEMAT cut, kill, turn off, DISTRI EAU l'eau

turn off, ELECTROTEC circuit break, turn off, ESPACE moteur shut down, IMPRIM une photo sans reduire crop, INST HYDR l' arrivee de vapeur cut off, MECANIQUE outillage, PLAST CAOU viscosite cut, PRODUCTION cut off; - Ie contact vt AERONAUT reacteur shut down; -Ie courant d'excitation de vt ELECTROTEC de-energize; - en des vt AGRO ALIM dice; - en deux parties egales vt GEOMETRIE bisect; - en travers vt PRODUCTION crosscut; - a la longueur voulue vt PRODUCTION tube cut to the required length; - la route vt NAUT d'un navire cross the bows

couper-coller vt IMPRIM composition, montage electronique cut and paste

coupe-rebrOie m CERAM VER burning-off coupe-rondelle m CONS MECA washer cutter couperose / CHIMIE copperas; - bleue / CHIMIE blue

vitriol, bluestone, copper sulfate (ArnE), copper sulphate(BrE)

coupe-tubage m CONSTR casing cutter coupe-tubes m CONS MECA tube cutter, CONSTR pipe

cutter, EQUIP LAB tube cutter; - a trois molettes m CONS MECA three-wheel tube cutter

coupe-tulles m CONSTR tile cutter coupe-tuyaux m CONSTR pipe cutter coupeur: - de verre m CERAM VER glass cutter coupeuse/MINEs heading machine; - a bOis/PAPIER

chipper, chopper; - de copeaux/PAPIER chipper; - a deux couteaux / PAPIER double blade cutter, dualknife cutter; - en feuilles/IMPRIM rotatives sheeter; - en long/PAPIER slitter; - de rails/CH DE FER rail-cutting machine; - rotative / CHARBON rotary heading machine, IMPRIM/a(:onnage rotary cutter

coupeuse-rebrOleuse / CERAM VER burning-off and edge-melting machine (BrE), remelting machine (ArnE)


coupe-verre: - ill molette m CERAM VER wheeled glass cutter

couplage: 1 ill - direct adj INFORMAT, ORDINAT directcoupled

couplage2 m CHiMIE coupling, CINEMAT interlock, ELECTR circuits Ii courant alternatif direct coupling, raccordement, induction coupling, ELECTROTEC, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM coupling; - acoustique m ELECTRON, TELECOM acoustic coupling; - de cibles m ELECTROTEC cable coupling; - came-polnc;on m CERAM VER plunger assist mechanism; - capacitif m ELECTR capacitive coupling, ELECTROTEC capacitance coupling, TELECOM capacitive coupling; - directlf m ELECTROTEC directional coupling; - B1ectromagnetique m ELECTROTEC electromagnetic coupling; - electronlque m ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC electron coupling; - en cascade m ELECTROTEC cascade connection; - en parallele m ELECTROTEC, MINES parallel connection; - en serie m ELECTROTEC series connection, tandem connection; - en triangle m ELECTR raccordement delta connection; - en zigzag double m ELECTR raccordement forked connection; - falble m NUCLEAIRE normal coupling, weak coupling; - de flux magnetique m EN RENOUV magnetic flux linkage; - inductif m ELECTR bobine, ELECTROTEC inductive coupling; - j-j m NUCLEAIRE, PHYSIQUE j-j coupling; - lache m ELECTROTEC, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE loose coupling; - de Iigne m ELECTROTEC line coupling; - magnetique m ELECTR transformateur magnetic coupling; - des modes m OPTIQUE, TELECOM mode coupling; - mutuel m TELECOM mutual coupling; - normal m NUCLEAIRE normal coupling, weak coupling; - d'ondes m TELECOM wave coupling; - optique m ELECTROTEC optical coupling; - oxydant m GAZ oxidative coupling; - parallele m MINES parallel connection; - parasite m ELECTROTEC cross coupling, parasitic coupling, stray coupling, TELECOM parasitic coupling; - par boucle m ELECTROTEC loop coupling; - par inductance mutuelle m ELECTROTEC mutual inductance coupling; - par Induction m ELECTROTEC inductive coupling; - par resistance m ELECTROTEC resistive coupling; - par transformateur m ELECTR transformer coupling; - de Racah m NUCLEAIRE Racah coupling; - RC m ELECTRON RC coupling; - de reference m ELECTROTEC reference coupling; - R-S m PHYSIQUE R-S coupling, Russell-Saunders coupling;

- Russell-Saunders m PHYSIQUE R-S coupling, Russell-Saunders coupling; - serre m ELECTR inductance close coupling, ELECTROTEC tight coupling, ORDINAT close coupling, PHYSIQUE tight coupling; - spin-orbite m PHYSIQUE spin orbit coupling; - transversal m ELECTROTEC cross coupling; - vectoriel m PHYS RAYON orbites d'e!ectron vector coupling; - des voisins les plus proches m NUCLEAIRE nearest neighbor coupling (ArnE), nearest neighbour coupling (BrE)

MECA couple, frame, torque, ELECTROTEC couple, torque, MATH ordered pair, MECANIQUE mecanique, physique, PETROLE torque, PHYSIQUE couple, torque, PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique, VEHICULES moteur torque; - antagoniste m AERONAUT antagonistic torque; - conique m AUTO bevel gearing, ring and pinion, VEHiCULES pont arriere bevel gear set, crown

and pinion, crown wheel and pinion; - conlque ill denture hypoTde m AUTO hypoid gearing, VEHICULES differentiel hypoid gearing; - conique ill denture spirale m AUTO spiral bevel gearing; - de construction m NAUT bulkhead; - de demarrage m CONS MECA, PRODUCTION starting torque; - ill deux rapports m AUTO two-speed final drive; - en autorotation m AERONAUT windmill torque; - etanche m CONS MECA pressure bulkhead; - final m AUTO final drive; - f1echissant m PHYSIQUE bending moment; - de flexion m PHYSIQUE, RESSORTS bending moment; - de freinage m AERONAUT brake torque; - de frottement m ESP ACE vehicules frictional torque; - fuselage m AERONAUT ring fuselage; - galvanique m ELECTROTEC galvanic couple; - gyroscopique m AERONAUT gyroscopic torque; - d'hellce m AERONAUT propeller torque; - moteur m AERONAUT, AUTO engine torque, CONS MECA engine couple, engine torque; - perturbateur dO a I'environnement m ESPACE environmental torque; - de rappel m MECANIQUE restoring torque, NAUT righting moment; - de reaction m AUTO rear end torque; - resistant m AUTO resisting torque; - rotor m AERONAUT helicoptere rotor torque; - de serrage avec lubrifiant m CONS MECA lubricated thread torque; - de service m PRODUCTION running torque; - stereoscopique m PHOTO stereoscopic pair; thermoelectrique m METALL, PHYSIQUE thermocouple; - thermoelectrique differentlel m THERMODYN differential thermocouple; - de torsion m RESSORTS torque; - de trace m NAUT body section; - ill vis sans fin m AUTO worm gear final drive

couple:4i11-de prep NAUT alongside couple adj ELECTROTEC coupled, MECANIQUE linked; -

par Ie petit c6te adj ELECTROTEC sidewall-coupled coupler vt CONS MECA gang, ELECTROTEC couple couples: - de trace m pi NAUT ordinates couplet m CONSTR strap hinge coupJeur m ACOUSTIQUE, CINEMAT en reaction chimique,

CONS MECA, ELECTROTEC, ORDINAT, TELECOM coupler; - acoustlque m ELECTRON, ORDINAT acoustic coupler; - alternatif m TELECOM alternating current coupler; - de batteries m AUTO battery changeover relay; - bldirectionnel m ELECTROTEC bidirectional coupler; - directif m ELECTROTEC directional coupler, OPTIQUE directional coupler, TELECOM direct current coupler, directional coupler; - directionnel m PHYSIQUE directional coupler; - en etoile m OPTIQUE, TELECOM star coupler; - en te m OPTIQUE, TELECOM tee coupler; - en Y m OPTIQUE, TELECOM y-coupler; - etoile-triangle m ELECTROTEC star-delta switch; - de faisceau lateral m AERONAUT lateral beam coupler; - de faisceau longitudinal m AERONAUT longitudinal beam coupler; - hydraullque m PRODUCTION fluid coupling; - MachZehnder m TELECOM balanced bridge interferometer switch; - optique m ELECTROTEC optical coupler, optocoupler, OPTIQUE, TELECOM optical coupler, optical fiber coupler (ArnE), optical fibre coupler (BrE); - optique directif m OPTIQUE directional optical coupler; - sBlectlf m TV separation filter; - serie-parallele m ELECTROTEC series parallel switch; - t8Jephonique m ELECTRON dataphone (TM), modem; - de vol stationnalre m AERONAUT hover flight coupler

coupolef AERONAUT structural blister, GEOLOGIE corps intrusif cupola

coupon m CONS MECA section, test bar coupurefcoNsTR cutting, ELECTR disconnection, ELEC-

TROTEC cutoff, GEOLOGIE division, IMPRIM break, INST HYDR de I'arrivee de vapeur cutting-off, MINES cut, cutting, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM breakdown, TV cutoff; - d'alimentatlon f INFORMAT, ORDINAT power supply interrupt, PRODUCTION power down; - d'antennefTv dead air; - automatlquefIMPRIM enfin de colonne ou de page automatic jump; - automatlque du laser f TELECOM ALS, automatic laser shutdown; - des bassesfENREGISTR bass cut; - de circuitfELEcTROTEC turn-off; - de courantfcINEMAT, ELECTROTEC power failure; - du courant d'excltationfELECTROTEC de-energization; - en basse frequence f ENREGISTR low-frequency cut-off; - du faisceaufTv beam cutoff; - de ligne fELECTR reseau d' alimentation line break; - de meandrefDisTRI EAU cutoff; - d'un moteur en volf AERONAUT engine shutdown in flight; - non-sensible f TV match cut

courant m CONSTR dans une cheminee draft (ArnE), draught (BrE), ELECTR, ELECTROTEC current, HYDROLOGIE current, flow, NAUT current, PHYS FLUID stream, PHYSIQUE current; 111-absorbe m ELECTROTEC current input; - d'absorption m ELECTR absorption current; d'accrochage m ELECTROTEC latching current; - actif m ELECTR courant alternatif active current, actual current, PHYSIQUE active current; - admissible m ELECTROTEC contact rating; - admissible de coupure m ELECTR disjoncteur admissible interrupting current; - d'alr m CONS MECA, CONSTR airflow, draft (ArnE), draught (BrE), PHYS FLUID airflow, PRODUCTION blast; - d'air chaud m METEO warm air stream; - d'alr descendant m AERONAUT, CONS MECA downdraft (ArnE), downdraught (BrE), MINES downcast; - d'air entrant m MINES ingoing air current; - d'air force m CONS MECA forced draft (ArnE), forced draught (BrE); - d'alr rabattant m AERONAUT downdraft (ArnE), downdraught (Br E); - d'air sortant m MINES outgoing air current; - d'alimentation m ELECTROTEC supply current; - altern ant m OCEANO reversing current; - alternatif m (CA) ELECTR, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM, TV alternating current (AC); - alternatif brut mELECTR unrectified AC; - alternatif redresse m ELECTROTEC rectified alternating current; - amperien m PHYSIQUE Amperian current; - anodique m ELECTROTEC anode current; - d'appel m TELECOM ringing current; - d'arc m ELECTR arc current; - d'arrachement m OCEANO rip current; - assigne m ELECTR rated current; - d'auto-Induction m ELECTROTEC self-induction current; U-de bruit induit m PRODUCTION electricite induced noise current; D-de charge m ELECTR accumulateur charging current; - de chauffage m ELECTR tube, ELECTROTEC filament current, THERMODYN heating current; - de choc m ELECTR impulse current, PRODUCTION surge current; - de circulation m TRANSPORT traffic stream; - a clapotage m OCEANO rip current; - commute m ELECTR commutateur switched current; - compensateur m ELECTR compensating current; de compensation m OCEANO compensation current; - de conduction m ELECTR, PHYSIQUE conduction current; - constant m ELECTROTEC constant current; - continu m (CC) CH DE FER, ELECTR, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC, ENREGISTR, PHYSIQUE, PRODUCTION, TELECOM, TV direct current (DC); - contlnu pulse m ELECTROTEC pulsating current; - de convection m CERAM VER,


ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN convection current; - de coupure m ELECTR interrupteur cutoff current; - de courte dUr8e assigne m ELECTR rated short-time current; - de courte duree nominal m ELECTR rated short-time current; - de crete m ELECTR reseau, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE peak current; II!I-dans Ie filament m ELECTROTEC filament current; - deblte m ELECTROTEC current output; - de dkharge m ELECTR condensateur, ELECTROTEC discharge current; - de declenchement reglable m PRODUCTION adjustable trip setting; - de defaut de mise a la terre m PRODUCTION electricite earth fault current (BrE), ground fault current (ArnE); - de densite m HYDROLOGIE density current; - de deplacement m ELECTR die!ectrique, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE displacement current; - de derive m OCEANO drift current; - derive m DISTRI EAU undercurrent, underflow, ELECTR branchement derived current, ELECTROTEC shunt current; - descendant m AERONAUT downdraft (ArnE), downdraught (BrE); - dewatte m ELECTR courant alternatifidle current, reactive current, wattless current, ELECTROTEC wattless current; - di8lectrlque m ELECTROTEC dielectric current, displacement current; - de diffusion m ELECTR e!ectrolyse diffusion current; - dlphase m ELECTR biphase current, ELECTROTEC two-phase current; - direct m ELECTR semi-conducteur, ELECTROTEC forward current, TRANSPORT straight-through traffic; - de drain m ELECTROTEC drain current; .. - d'eau souterraine m HYDROLOGIE underground flow; - d'effacement m ENREGISTR, TV erasing current; - electrlque m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM electric current; - 81ectronique m ELECTROTEC electron current; - d'81ectrons m ELECTROTEC electron current; - d'emission a champ nul m NUCLEAIRE field free emission current; - d'emploi m PRODUCTION operational current; - en charge m ELECTROTEC onload current; - en dents de scie m TV sawtooth current; - en phase avec la tension m ELECTR in-phase current; - d'enregistrement m TV record current; - d'enreglstrement audiofr8quence m ENREGISTR recording audio-frequency current; - d'enregistrement video m TV video record current; - d'entrainement m OCEANO entrainment current, inshore current; - d'entree m ELECTR input current; - entre les phases m ELECTROTEC mesh current; - equilibre m ELECTROTEC balanced current; - etabli m OCEANO permanent current, stable current; - a I'etat passant m ELECTROTEC on-state current; - d'etoiles m ASTRONOMIE stellar stream; - d'excitation m ELECTR machine field current, e!ectro-aimant excitation current, ELECTROTEC energizing current, field current; D-ala fermeture m ELECTROTEC make current; - de flamme m PRODUCTION d'une chaudiere path of a flame; - de flot m NAUT, OCEANO flood stream; - de fonctionnement m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC operating current; - de fond m DISTRI EAU bottom current, bottom flow, OCEANO bottom current, underflow; - de Foucault m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, ESSAIS, PHYSIQUE, TV eddy current; - de foudre m ELECTROTEC lightning current; - de tuite m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC, TELECOM leakage current; - de fuite d'un condensateur m ELECTROTEC capacitor leakage current; - de fuite dans la jonction m ELECTROTEC junction leakage current; - de tuite de la grille m ELECTROTEC gate leakage current; - de tulte a la terre m ELECTR earth leakage current


(BrE), ground leakage current (ArnE); .. - galvanique m ELECTROTEC galvanic current; - geostrophique m OCEANO geostrophic current, geostrophic flow; - giratoire m OCEANO rotary current, rotary tidal current; - global du falsceau m TV electron gun current; - de grille m ELECTROTEC grid current; _ - a haute frequence m ELECTR courant alternatif high-frequency current, ELECTROTEC RF current; - hexaphase m ELECTROTEC six-phase current; - HF m ELECTROTEC RF current; l1li-d'impuision m ELECTR impulse current; - d'lnduction m ELECTROTEC induction current; - d'induit m ELECTR machine, ELECTROTEC armature current; - induit m ELECTR electromagnetisme induced current, ELECTROTEC induction current, TELECOM induced current; - d'inertie m OCEANO inertial current; - initial m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC initial current; - initial de charge m AUTO initial forming charge; - Initial de demarrage m ELECTR breakaway starting current; - instantane m ELECTR instantaneous current; - inverse m ELECTROTEC reverse current; - ionique m PHYS RAYON ion current; - d'ionlsatlon m ELECTRON ionization current; .. - de jusant m NAUT, OCEANO ebb stream; D-limite m ELECTR limiting current, transformateur limiting overload current; limite de fonctlonnement m PRODUCTION run current limit; - longitudinal m CERAM VER longitudinal current; a-magellanique m ASTRONOMIE Magellanic stream; - magnetisant m ELECTROTEC magnetizing current; - de maintien m ELECTR maintenance current, relais, thyristor hold current, ELECTROTEC holding current; - de maree m EN RENOUV tidal current, NAUT tidal current, tidal stream, OCEANO tidal current; - de masse m PRODUCTION electricite ground current; - maximal m ELECTR maximum current; - a mesurer m ELECTR measured current; - monophase m CINEMAT single-phase current, CONSTR single-phase electric current, ELECTROTEC alternatifsingle-phasecurrent; - montant m NUCLEArRE ecoulement upflow, upward flow; _ - neutre m PHYSIQUE neutral current; - de noeud m ELECTR circuit nodal current; - nominal m ELECTR rated current, PRODUCTION current rating; - nominal d'emplol m PRODUCTION rated operational current; - non pulse m ELECTROTEC continuous current; - nul m ELECTROTEC zero current; _ - d'obscurite m ELECTROTEC, OPTIQUE, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM dark current; - oceanique m METEO oceanic current, NAUT ocean current; - oppose m ELECTROTEC countercurrent, return current; 1IlI-de palan m CONS MECA purchase fall, PRODUCTION tackle fall; - parasite m ELECTROTEC parasitic current, PHYSIQUE eddy current; - partiel m MINES split; - de pate m PAPIER en avant de la machine approach flow; - de pente m OCEANO gradient current, slope current; - de phase m ELECTR reseau, ELECTROTEC phase current; - de phase moteur m PRODUCTION motor phase current; - photo8lectrique "' ELECTR, OPTIQUE photoelectric current, TELECOM light current, photoelectric current; - photovoltaique m ELECTROTEC photovoltaic current; - pleine charge m PRODUCTION full-load current; - de polarisation m PHYSIQUE polarization current; - polyphase m ELECTR courant alternatif polyphase current; - porteur m

ELECTRON carrier; - de premagnetlsation m TV biasing current; - primalre m ELECTR transformateur, ELECTROTEC primary current; - de prise m ELECTR d'un enroulement tapping current; - profond m OCEANO underflow; - pulsatoire m ELECTROTEC pulsatory current; - pulse m ELECTR pulsating current, pulsed current, ELECTROTEC pulsating current; D-reactif m ELECTR courant alternatif wattless current, ELECTROTEC reactive current, wattless current; - de recombinaison dans la base m ELECTRON recombination base current; - redresse m ELECTROTEC rectified current; - reflechi m ELECTRON feedback current; - de relachement m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC drop-out current; - residuel m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC residual current; - de retombee m ELECTR, ELECTROTEC drop-out current; - de retour m ELECTRON feedback current, ELECTROTEC return current, HYDROLOGIE back eddy, return current, NAUT rip tide, OCEANO eddying current, rip current; - retrograde m HYDROLOGIE back eddy, return current; - a rotor bloque m ELECTR machine asynchrone locked rotor current; - de rupture m ELECTR relais breaking current; B-sagittal m OCEANO rip current; - de saturation m ELECTRON, PHYSIQUE saturation current; - secondaire m ELECTR transformateur, ELECTROTEC secondary current; - de secteur m ELECTROTEC line current; - secteur m ELECTROTEC current (ArnE), mains current (BrE), supply current; - de service m ELECTR operating current; - de seull m ELECTROTEC, OPTIQUE d'un laser semiconducteur, PHYS RAYON, TELECOM threshold current; - sinusoidal m ELECTROTEC alternatij, PHYSIQUE sinusoidal current; - de sortie m ELECTR output current; - de sortie regul8 m ELECTROTEC regulated output current; - de soudage maximal m CONSTR maximum welding current; - de soudage minimal m CONSTR minimum welding current; - de soudage nominal m CONSTR rated welding current; - sous-marin m EN RENOUV undercurrent; - stationnaire m PHYSIQUE steady current; - superficiel m TELECOM surface current; - de surcharge m ELECTR reseau, appareil, ELECTROTEC overload current; - de surface m NAUT drift current, surface current; U-tellurique m GEOPHYS earth current (BrE), ground current (ArnE); - temporaire admissible m PRODUCTION withstand current; - a la terre m ELECTR earth current (BrE), ground current (ArnE); - thermique m METEO thermal current; - thermique nominal m PRODUCTION rated thermal current; - thermo8lectrique m NUCLEAIRE thermocurrent; - de tiree m CERAM VER pull current (BrE), withdrawal current (ArnE); - tournant m TRANSPORT turning traffic; - tourne-a-droite m TRANSPORT right turning traffic; - tourne-a-gauche m TRANSPORT left turning traffic; - transltoire m TRANSPORT circulation transient current; - transitolre en arc etincelant m PRODUCTION showering arc transient; - transversal m CERAM VER transverse current; - traversant assigne m ELECTR changeur de prises rated through-current; - traversant assigne maximal m ELECTR contacts maximum rated through-current; - traversant nominale m ELECTR changeur de prises rated through-current; - triphase m ELECTROTEC three-phase current; - de turbidite m GEOLOGIE, OCEANO turbidity current; _ - vagabond m ELECTROTEC stray current; - a vide m ELECTR no-load current, open circuit current, mo-

courant-jet m METEO jet stream courantometre m mSTRI EAU, EN RENOUV, NAUT current



Couronne: - australe / ASTRONOMIE Corona Australis; - boreale / ASTRONOMIE Corona Borealis

articul8 / pi PLAST CAOU machine link belting, PRODUCTION leather-link belting; - en huit epaisseurs / pi PRODUCTION eight-ply belting; - en six epaisseurs/ pi PRODUCTION six-ply belting; - II huit plis/pl PRODUCTION eight-ply belting; - II six plis / pi PRODUCTION six-ply belting; - de transmission / pi PRODUCTION belting; - de transmission en caoutchouc / pi CONS MECA rubber belting; - de transmission en cuir / pi PRODUCTION leather belting

run of sluices; - superieur m HYDROLOGIE d'une riviere upper part

course / AERONAUT takeoff run, CONS MECA length of stroke, stroke, du chariot, du tiroir travel, CONSTR d'un piston stroke, des pilons lift, INST HYDR d'un tiroir stroke, NUCLEAIRE length of stroke, lift, stroke, travel, TEXTILE traverse; - d'admlsslon / VEHICULES moteur induction stroke; - aller / INST HYDR outstroke; - arriare / CONS MECA return stroke; - ascendante / AUTO, CONS MECA, VEHICULES moteur, piston upstroke; - iIIl'atterrlssage/ AERONAUT landing run; - avant/ INST HYDR outstroke; - de la balade/IMPRIM d'une table d'encrage ou de mouillage stroke; - ill blanc / CONS MECA noncutting stroke, outil idle stroke; - du clapet /INST HYDR valve travel; - de combustion / AUTO power stroke; - de compression/ AUTO, THERMODYN, VEHICULES moteur compression stroke; - descendante / AUTO downstroke, CONS MECA, MECANIQUE downstroke, downward stroke, VEHICULES moteur downstroke; - de detente/CONS MECA, THERMODYN expansion stroke; - dlrecte / INST HYDR outstroke; - d'echappement / AUTO, VEHICULES moteur exhaust stroke; - d'essai / NUCLEAIRE precommissioning checks, proving run, trial run; - de gouverne de direction / AERONAUT rudder travel; - morte / AUTO free travel, ELECTROTEC pretravel; - motrice/THERMODYN expansion stroke; - de I'outil/ CONS MECA length of stroke; - d'ouverture /PRODUCTION opening travel; - du piston/coNs MECA piston stroke, stroke of ram, CONSTR length of piston stroke; - piston / PHYSIQUE stroke; - de recul / CONS MECA backward stroke; - de retour / CONS MECA return stroke, INST HYDR du piston instroke; - de ratour du piston/INST HYDR piston back stroke; - retrograde/ CONS MECA return stroke; - du tirolr /INST HYDR valve travel; - utile/CONS MECA cutting stroke; - verticale/ CONS MECA de l' arbre porte-foret traverse, PRODUCTION d'un porte-foret, d'un porte-outil fall; - ill vide / CONS MECA noncutting stroke, outil idle stroke

courslve/NAUT alleyway, gangway courtl adj CERAM VER steep; ill - de personnel adj PRO-

DUCTION, TRANSPORT undermanned court:2 - courrler m TRANSPORT short-haul airliner; -

metrage m CINEMAT short; - terme m PRODUCTION short term

court-circuit l adj PHYSIQUE short-circuit, short-circuited, TELECOM short-circuit

court-circuit2 m ELECTR short circuit, ELECTROTEC short, short circuit, INFORMAT, ORDINAT, PHYSIQUE, TELECOM short circuit; - entre phases m ELECTR interphase short circuit; - entre phases en sortie m ELECTR, PRODUCTION output phase-to-phase short circuit; - franc m ELECTROTEC dead short circuit; - magnetlque m ELECTR aimant keeper; - reglable m ELECTROTEC adjustable short circuit

court-circuitage m ELECTROTEC shorting court-circuiter vt ELECTROTEC short court-circuiteur: - de mise ill la terre m GEOPHYS earth

arrester (BrE), ground arrester (ArnE) courtier: - d'affrMement m NAUT chartering broker; -

maritime m NAUT ship broker co-usager m TELECOM joint user coussln m AUTO pad; - d'air m AERONAUT, CONS MECA

engin de manutention, NAUT, TRANSPORT air cushion; - d'air ill cloche m TRANSPORT plenum chamber air cushion system; - d'alr ill gonflage instantane m


TRANSPORT air cushion restraint system; - d'alr ill Jet perlpherique m TRANSPORT peripheral jet air cushion; - d'alr ill Jupes rigldes m TRANSPORT rigid sidewall air cushion; - d'alr multiple iIIjupes souples m TRANSPORT multiple-skirted plenum chamber; - d'air n6gatif m TRANSPORT negative air cushion; - d'air statlque m TRANSPORT static air cushion; - antlcoulissant m PRODUCTION antislide pad; - antiderapant m PRODUCTION antislide pad; - ill bulles d'alr captives m TRANSPORT sidewall air cushion; - electrlque m THERMODYN electric heating pad; - de guidage m TRANSPORT guidance cushion; - magnetique m TRANSPORT magnetic cushion, magnetic cushion train; - de siege m VEHICULES seat cushion

coussinet m CH DE FER bearing, CONS MECA bearing bush, bearing, bottom brass, pillow, screwing die, CONSTR springer, springer stone, springing, IMPRIM bearing, MECANIQUE bearing, bushing, PRODUCTION die head, TEXTILE pad, VEHICULES bearing; - ill autoalignement m CONS MECA self-aligning bearing; - autolubrlfiant m CONS MECA oilless bearing; - d'axe m VEHICULES transmission axle bush, axle bushing; - d'axe de piston m AUTO piston pin bushing; - de balancler de renvoi m CONS MECA rocker bearing; - de bielle m AUTO connecting rod bearing; - en deux pieces m CONS MECA die in two halves; - en une place m CONS MECA one-part die; - fendu m CONS MECA split die; - de flllare m RESSORTS adjustable screw die; - de filiare radial m CONS MECA radial threading die; - de fillare tangentiel m CONS MECA tangential threading die; - gazeux m NUCLEAIRE gas lubricated bearing; - ill gralssage automatlque m CONS MECA self-lubricating bearing; - inferieur m CONS MECA bottom brass; - lisse m VEHICULES plain bearing; - non fandu m CONS MECA unsplit bush; - de palier m AUTO crankshaft bearing, main bearing bushing; - ill rapprochement concentrique m CONS MECA self-centering die (ArnE), self-centring die (BrE); - d'une seule piace m CONS MECA one-part die; - superieur m CONS MECA top brass; - de tOte de bielle m AUTO, VEHICULES big end bearing

cousslnet-Iunette m PRODUCTION die coussinets: - ill coude m pI SECURITE elbow pads; - en

bronze m pI CONS MECA d'un mandrin gunmetal bearings; - en fonte garnls d'un alliage antifriction m pI CONS MECA babbitted cast-iron bearings; - pour coudes m pi SECURITE elbow pads; - pour genoux m pI SECURITE knee pads

coot: - assurance frat m PRODUCTION elF, cost insurance freight; - d'evaluatlon m QUALITE appraisal cost; - de fonctlonnement m QUALITE operating cost; - d'homologation m QUALITE approval cost; - d'investlssement m QUALITE capital cost; - main-d'oeuvre m PRODUCTION labor cost (ArnE), labour cost (BrE); - de maintenance m QUALITE maintenance cost; - de prevention m QUALITE prevention cost; - de production m PRODUCTION labor cost (ArnE), labour cost (BrE); - de la qualite m QUALITE quality cost; - de stockage m PRODUCTION warehousing charge; - suppl8mentaire m IMPRIM additional charge; - travail m PRODUCTION labor cost (ArnE), labour cost (BrE); - de I'unite d'oeuvre m CONSTR accounting ratio

couteau m CERAM VER cutter blade, CHARBON scraper, CONS MECA cutter, d'une meche II trois pointes router, MECANIQUE outillage knife, PRODUCTION d'une balance knife edge, TEXTILE knife; - d'air m IMPRIM air knife; -


central m CONS MEGA middle knife-edge, METROWGIE center knife edge (ArnE), centre knife edge (BrE); - de coupeuse m PAPIER chipper knife; - de coupure m ELECTR relais contact blade; - de declenche m CONS MECA trip catch; - II dalisser m PAPIER rag cutter; - II damastlquer m CONSTR hacking knife, putty knife; - d'encrier m IMPRIM ink knife; - II fendre m SECURITE riving knife; - du fleau m CONS MECA middle knifeedge, METROLOGIE center knife edge (ArnE), centre knife edge (BrE); - genarateur m CONS MECA generating cutter; - II lame retractable m CONS MECA retractable blade knife; - II mastiquer m CONSTR putty knife, stopping knife; - nettoyeur m EMBALLAGE doctor blade; - II palette m EQUIP LAB peinture palette knife (BrE), pallet knife (ArnE); - II parer m CONSTR putty knife; - de pelntre II enduire m CONS MECA palette knife (BrE), pallet knife (ArnE); - pour sacs m EMBALLAGE sack knife; - universel m CONS MECA utility knife

couteaux: - du fleau m pI METROLOGIE d'une balance knife edges

coutellerie / AGRO ALIM silverware coOteux: - en combustible adj ESPACE vehicules fuel-

costly coOts: - d'exploltatlon m pI TEXTILE running costs couture / CERAM VER mold mark (ArnE), mould mark

(BrE), seam, CONS MECA seam, IMPRIM sewing, PAPIER de la toile de machine, TEXTILE seam; - II cheval/ IMPRIM pamphlet stitching; - ebaucheur /CERAM VER blank mold seam (ArnE), blank mould seam (BrE), blank seam; - en saillie / CERAM VER prominent joint; - au til textile /IMPRIM pamphlet stitching; - de fond abaucheur / CERAM VER baffle mark; - longue /IMPRIM seam; - rivetee/EMBALLAGE riveted seam; - soudee/ PAPIER welded seam

coutures: - Inagales / pI TEXTILE mismatched seams couver vi PRODUCTION breed, THERMODYN smolder

(ArnE), smoulder (BrE) couvercle m CERAM VER stopper, CONS MECA cover,

EMBALLAGE lid, EN RENOUV d'un recepteur cover plate, EQUIP LAB recipient lid, IMPRIM emballage, metal cap, INSf HYDR cover, de bofte a vapeur cap, MECANIQUE cap, coupling sleeve, cover,lid, NAUT bonnet, POLLUTION lid, SECURITE chaincase; articul8 m PRODUCTION hinge cover; - d'asplration m REFRIG suction cover; - avant de cyllndre m INST HYDR locomotive ou machine a vapeur fixe front cylinder cover, front cylinder head; - avec ouverture par cia m EMBALLAGE key-opening lid; - avec patte d'arrachage m EMBALLAGE tear tab lid; - de bornes m PRODUCTION terminal coverplate; - II charnieres m EMBALLAGE hinged lid; - II crochet m EMBALLAGE hooked lid; - de distribution m AUTO timing cover; - du dome m PRODUCTION dome cap, dome head; - a enclenchement m EMBALLAGE snap-on lid; - du logement de la pile m PHOTO battery chamber cover, battery compartment cover; - mobile m EMBALLAGE sliding lid; - de palier m CONS MECA bearing cap; - du piston m CONS MECA follower, PRODUCTION junk ring; - plat m PRODUCTION straight hood; - porte-glcleur m AERONAUT fuel jet support cover; - rentrant m EMBALLAGE lever lid; - II vis m EMBALLAGE screw lid, screw top

couvert adj METEO overcast couverte/PAPIER deckle couverture: I II - souple adj IMPRIM reliure limpbound couverture2 / CONSTR application rate, coating, roof,

roofing, ESPACE vehicules blanket, GEOLOGIE cover, IMPRIM cover, d'un livre case, PETROLE cap rock, SECURITE cover, TELECOM coverage, TEXTILE blanket, cover; - d'argon / NUCLEAIRE argon gas blanket; - avec gaz inerte / NUCLEAIRE inert gas blanketing, inerting system; - d'azote/NUCLEAIRE nitrogen cover gas; - de la boite II etoupe/NUcLEAIRE gland, stuffing box lid; - du carton / PAPIER liner; - &lectrique / CHAUFFAGE electric blanket; - d'un ametteur / TV station coverage; - en caoutchouC/REVETEMENT rubber coating; - en encre / IMPRIM impression ink lay-down, processus ink coverage; - en zinc/REVETEMENT hot covering; - etanche / GAZ impermeable layer; - globale/TELECOM, TRANSPORT global coverage; - hemlspherlque / TELECOM hemispherical coverage; -Impermaable/GAZ impermeable layer; - d'incendie / SECURITE fire blanket; - insonorisante pour camara/clNEMAT barney; - kraft/PAPIER kraft liner; - neigeuse/METEO snow cover; - nuageuse/ AERONAUT cloud cover, METEO cloud amount, cloud cover; - de I'orifice d'echappement/INsT HYDR d'un distributeur a tiroir exhaust cover, exhaust lap; - par faisceaux ponctuels/TELECOM spot beam coverage; - par radar/TRANSPORT radar range; - pi quae/TEXTILE quilt; - rafrlgerante/REFRIG hypothermic blanket; - d'un reseau/TV network coverage; - de sauvetage/ SECURlTE rescue blanket; - speciale pour cartonnage / EMBALLAGE test liner board; - de survie / SECURITE rescue blanket

couvinien adj GEOWGIE Couvinian couvre-culasse m MILIT AIRE breech cover couvre-engrenages m CONS MECA case, casing, cover,

guard, wheel guard couvre-loint m CONS MECA .cover strip, CONSTR cover,

MECANIQUE butt plate, butt strap, PRODUCTION butt strap, butt strip, covering plate

couvre-meule m PRODUCTION hood for emery wheel couvre-objet m CERAM VER cover glass, cover slip couvre-roue m CONS MECA guard, wheel guard, SE-

CURITE guard, machine guard couvreur m CONSTR roofer couvrlrl vt CINEMAT objectif cap up, PHYSIQUE cover; -

de fondant vt MATERIAUX soudure flux couvrlr:2 se - de nuages v refl METEO cloud over covalence/ CHIMIE, NUCLEAlRE covalence, covalency covalent adj CHIMIE covalent covariance/oRDINAT covariance covellite/MINERAUX covelline, covellite covolturage m TRANSPORT car pool, car pooling coyau m CONSTR furring, furring piece CPG abrev (chromatographie en phase gazeuse) AGRO

ALIM, CHiMIE, MA TERIAUX gas chromatography CPP abrev (concentre de proteines de poisson) OCEANO

FPC (fish protein concentrate) CPS abrev (caracteres par seconde) IMPRIM, ORDINAT

CPS (characterspersecond) CPUE abrev (prise par unite d'effort) OCEANO CUE

(catch per unit effort) Cr (chrome) CHIMIECr (chromium) crabot m AUTO clutch sleeve, sliding sleeve, CONS MECA

dog crabotage m AUTO jaw clutching, CONS MECA dog clutch crachat m CERAM VER dirt, feather crachement: - aux balals m ELECTR commutator spark-

ing, machine brush sparking cracher vi ELECTROTEC arc, THERMODYN flash over

crachin m METEO drizzle cradle m MINES cradle, cradle rocker, mining cradle,

rocker craie/GEOLOGIE chalk; - bleue/coNsTR chalk marl;-

fracturee et faillee / CONSTR fractured and faulted chalk; - mameuse/CONSTR, GEOLOGIE chalk marl; - sableuse/ GEOLOGIE sandy chalk

crain m MINES leap craint: - I'humidite loc EMBALLAGE keep dry crampon m CH DE FER voie dog spike, CONS MECA clamp,

holdfast, CONSTR cramp, cramp iron, hook, spike, staple, timber dogs, PRODUCTION dog iron; - a deux pointes m CONSTR staple; - de fermeture m CONSTR sash fastener, window catch, window fastener; - a scellement m CONSTR cramp iron with stone hook

cramponner vt CONS MECA cramp cran m CONS MECA notch, CRISTALL jog, leap, METALL

jog, MINES leap, PRODUCTION fault, notch; - absorbeur de lacunes m METALL vacancy absorbing jog; - d'arret m CONS MECA catch; - de detente d'un secteur dente m INST HYDR expansion notch; - emetteur de lacunes m MET ALL vacancy emitting jog; - d'immobillsatlon m PHOTO click stop; - de point mort m CONS MECA secteur dente dead-center notch (ArnE), deadcentre notch (BrE); - de repos m CONS MECA safety catch; - de siirete m CONS MECA, MILITAIRE safety catch

crante adj CONS MECA notched cranter vt CONS MECA notch crapaud m CH DE FER rail clip, voie rail clip; - de

patinagem CH DE FER voiewheelslidemark, wheel slip mark on rails

crapaudine / CH DE FER center casting (ArnE), centre casting (BrE), center plate (ArnE), centre plate (BrE), pivot bearing, CONS MECA footstep, footstep bearing, shaft step, step, step bearing, step box, PRODUCTION main casting, plug

craquage m PETROLE cracking; - avec fixation du coke m CHARBON coking cracking; - catalytique m CHIMIE, PETROLE catalytic cracking; - catalytique fluide m GENIE CHIM fluid cracking; - catalytique a lit fluide m GENIE CHIM fluid-catalyst process; - thermique m PETROLE thermal cracking; - a la vapeur d'eau m PETROLE steam cracking

craquelage m MATERIAUX, PLAST CAOU de/aut cracking craquel8 m CONSTR crazing craquelure / CERAM VER crizzle, CONSTR, PLAST CAOU

crazing craquelures / pi CONS MECA fine cracks craquer vi CRIST ALL crack crasse/PRoDUCTION cinder; - de fonte/PRoDUCTION

clinker crasses / pi PRODUCTION dans poches ou moules sullage;

- des chaudieres/pl PRODUCTION fur, scale crassier m MINES dump, slack heap, spoil heap, tip

heap, PRODUCTION cinder bank, slag dump, slag heap, slag tip

cratere m ASTRONOMIE, ESPACE geophysique, GEOLOGIE, MINES, PLAST CAOU de/aut de peinture crater; - adventif m GEOLOGIE volcanique lateral crater, parasitic crater; - d'effondrement m GEOLOGIE sinkhole, swallow hole; - d'impact m ESPACE geophysique impact crater; - mateorique m ASTRONOMIE meteor crater; - d'un volcan eteint m GEOLOGIE maar

crateres: - de la lune m pi ASTRONOMIE lunar craters craton m GEOLOGIE craton

crayeuse /IMPRIM impression chalking crayeux adj GEOLOGIE chalky


crayon m IMPRIM wand; - absorbant m NUCLEAIRE absorber rod; - absorbant noir m NUCLEAIRE black absorber rod; - d'angle m NUCLEAIRE bundle corner rod, corner rod, fuel assembly corner rod; - de code a barres m INFORMAT bar code pen; - combustible defectueux m NUCLEAIRE defective fuel rod; - combustible en forme de javelot m NUCLEAIRE javelinshaped fuel rod; - combustible ventile m NUCLEAIRE vented fuel rod; - gras m CINEMAT chinagraph, grease pencil; - lumineux m PHYSIQUE light pen; - optique m INFORMAT, ORDINAT light gun, TV light pen; - segmente m NUCLEAIRE de combustible segmented fuel rod

crayon-Iecteur m INFORMA T, ORDINAT wand scanner CRC abrev (contr6le de redondance cyclique) COM-

MANDE, ELECTRON, ORDINAT CRC (cyclical redundancy check)

creation: - de donnees/INFORMAT, ORDINAT data origination; - d'enreglstrement / INFORMAT, ORDINAT record creation; - defichier /INFORMAT, ORDINAT file creation; - d'unetonalite parasite/IMPRIM tinting

creep m PLAST CAOU creep creer vt INFORMAT, ORDINAT create, TEXTILE style cremage m PLAST CAOU operation creaming cremaillere: i a - adjMEcANIQuErack-and-pinion cremaillere2 / CH DE FER rack rail, rail, CINEMAT rac-

kover, CONS MECA cog rail, rack, rack, slip joint, CONSTR cut string, open string, INSTRUMENT rackand-pinion, MECANIQUE rack, rack-and-pinion, PAPIER rack, PRODUCTION rack-and-pinion, systeme hydraulique rack, TRANSPORT rack, rack rail, rack track, VEHICULES direction rack; - d'avance / CONS MECA feed rack; - et plgnon/ CONS MECA rack-and-pinion; - de fixation/INSTRuMENT focus knob, focusing knob; - qui engrene avec un pignon/coNs MECA rack which engages with a pinion; - de reference / CONS MECA engrenages basic rack; - a vis sans fin / CONS MECA worm rack

creme/ AGRO ALIM slurry; - de noix de coco/ AGRO ALIM coconut cream; - de protection pour Ie travail / SECURITE occupational safety cream; - protectrice / SECURrrE protective cream, skin cream; - de tartre / AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE cream of tartar

cremone / CONSTR lock bolt; - de siirete / SECURITE panic bolt

crenage m IMPRIM typographie kern creneau m CINEMAT position, ESPACE vehicules slot,

TRANSPORT gap, TV slot; - de depassement m TRANSPORT divided highway (ArnE), dual carriageway (BrE); - horaire m TV airtime; - de pointe m TV prime time slot; - publlcitaire m TV advertising slot; - de sensibilisation m ELECTRON indicator gate; - temporel m TELECOM, TV time slot; - de temps m ESPACE communications time slot; - de voie m CH DE FER distance between sleepers

crenelage m CONS MECA too thing, ORDINAT aliasing creneler vt CONS MECA ratch crenulation/ GEOLOGIE crenulation, microfold creosote/ CHIMIE creosote crepage m PAPIER creping; - hors machine m PAPIER

off-machine creping; - humide m PAPIER wet creping; - a sec m PAPIER dry creping; - sur machine m PAPIER on-machine creping

crepei m CHIMIE, TEXTILE crepe; -Iourd m PAPIER heavy

crepe crepe:2 - de glace/OCEANO pancake ice crepe ad) PAPIER, TEXTILE creped crepi m CONSTR roughcast crepine / AUTO oil strainer, strainer, CH DE FER vehicules

water strainer, DISTRI EAU rose, strainer, tailpiece, wind bore, GAZ strainer; - d'aspiration/DisTRI EAU rose, strainer, tailpiece, wind bore, PRODUCTION suction strainer, systeme hydraulique inlet strainer

crepitement m ENREGISTR crackle cresol m CHIMIE o-cresol cretace m GEOLOGIE, PETROLE Cretaceous Period crete:! - it crete adv TV peak-to-peak crete2 / CONSTR crest, ridge, DISTRI EAU d'un barrage,

d'un deversoir, GEOLOGIE d'un p/i anticlinal, HYDROLOGIE crest, NAUT ridge; - du blanc/Tv peak white, white peak; - de courant / ELECTR current peak; - monoclinale symetrique / GEOLOGIE hogback; - de niveau/TVpeak; - du noir/TV black peak; - deplage/ OCEANO beach ridge; - de pression/OCEANO pressure ridge; - d'une vague/EN RENOUV, OCEANO wave crest

cretemetre m TV peak meter creusage m CONSTR digging, MINES sinking creuse ad) MILITAIRE dug-out creusement m' CHARBON digging, redriving, CONSTR

digging, excavating, excavation, hollowing, hollowing out, MINES sinking; - controle m CHARBON control driving; - en tranchees m CONSTR cut and cover; - de fosses m CONSTR trenching; - de tranchees m CONSTR trenching

creuser vt GEOLOGIE channel, PRODUCTION hollow, hollow out

creuset m CHIMIE crucible, melting pot, EQUIP LAB recipientcrucible, GAZ hearth, IMPRIM composition chaude pot, MAT CHAUFF crucible,/our hearth, PRODUCTION hearth, melter, melting pot, d'un haut/ourneau crucible, THERMODYN crucible, melting crucible, melting pot; - en graphite m PRODUCTION blue pot, plumbago crucible; - en mine de plomb m PRODUCTION black lead crucible, blue pot, plumbago crucible; - en platine m EQUIP LAB recipient platinum crucible; - en plombagine m PRODUCTION blue pot, plumbago crucible; - en porcelaine m CERAM VER, EQUIP LAB recipient porcelain crucible; - en terre refractaire m CERAM VER clay crucible, fireclay crucible; - filtrant it plaque de verre fritte m EQUIP LAB verrerie, filtration sintered glass filter crucible; - it filtration Gooch m EQUIP LAB Gooch crucible; - de plombagine m PRODUCTION black lead crucible, blue pot; - reducteur m PRODUCTION reduction crucible

creux m CERAM VER undercut, CHIMIE d'un reservoir ullage, CONS MECA dent, hole, space, CONSTR hollow, hollowness, MECANIQUE engrenages dedendum, MINES cavity, NAUT architecture depth, houle trough, voile belly, OCEANO ondes hollow, trough, PETROLE d'un reservoir ullage, PRODUCTION mold (ArnE), mould (BrE), pass, d'une vis groove, tooth; - du bandage m CH DE FER vehicules hollow tread; - barometrique m METEO barometric trough, trough; - de cale m NAUT registered depth; - central d'indice m OPTIQUE, TELECOM index dip; - du cylindre m IMPRIM hauteur des cordons bearer height, rotatives undercut; - depressionnaire m METEO trough; - de franc-bord m NAUT depth for freeboard; - sur quille m NAUT molded depth (ArnE), moulded depth (BrE); - de tension m ELECTROTEC brownout, drop-out

crevaison/CONSTR bursting crevasse/ CERAM VER tearing, GEOPHYS fissure, MA TERI-

AUX split, OCEANO cleft, fissure crevasse ad) MA TERIAUX cracked, fractured crevasser! vi CH DE FER, CONS MECA split crevasser:2 se - v refl CH DE FER, CONS MECA split crever vt CONSTR les tuyaux burst crevettier m NAUT shrimp boat, OCEANO shrimp boat,

shrimper criblage m CERAM VER pitting, CONSTR filtering, screen-

ing, sieving, sifting, MINES jigging, POLLU MER screening, sieving, PRODUCTION griddling, riddling, screening, sifting; - du ballast m CH DE FER ballast screening; - it I'eau m CHARBON wet screening

crible m CHARBON screen, CONSTR screen, sieve, HYDROLOGIE screen, MINES jigger screen, PRODUCTION cribble, griddle, riddle, screen; - it barreaux m CHARBON grizzly; - it bascule m CHARBON swing sieve; - it chocs m CHARBON impact screen; - classeur m PRODUCTION sizing screen; - deschlammeur m CHARBON desliming screen; - d'egouttage m CHARBON draining screen; - en toile metallique m PRODUCTION wire cloth screen, wire sieve, wire screen, wire-wove screen; - en tole perforee m CONSTR punched plate screen; - de fil de fer m PRODUCTION wire screen, wire sieve; - it grille filtrante m PRODUCTION filter screen; - a grille fixe m MINES jig, PRODUCTION fixed sieve jig; - a grille mobile m MINES jig; - a grosses mailles m CHARBON coarse mesh screen, cribble, coarse screen, riddle; - hydraulique m CHARBON, MINES jig; - hydraulique it piston m MINES jig, PRODUCTION fixed sieve jig, plunger jig; - a manivelle m CHARBON swing sieve; - oscillant m NUCLEAIRE vibration jig table, PRODUCTION swinging screen; - a percussion m PRODUCTION impact screen, percussion sieve; - a piston m MINES jig, PRODUCTION fixed sieve jig, plunger jig; - de reclassement m CHARBON nut sizing screen; - a resonance m CHARBON resonance screen; - de rinlfage m CHARBON spraying screen; - rotatif m PRODUCTION rotary screen; - it rouleaux m CHARBON roll screen; - scalpeur m CHARBON scalping screen; - a secousse m PRODUCTION bumping screen, push screen, shaking screen; - a tambour m GENIE CHIM sieve drum; - it tout-venant m CHARBON raw coal screen; - vibrant m CHARBON vibrating screen; - a vibrations circulaires m CHARBON circular vibrating screen

cribler vt CHARBON screen, CONSTR honeycomb, screen, sift, GENIE CHIM separate, sieve, HYDROLOGIE sieve, POLLU MER screen, sift

cribles: - 80 m CHARBON lump coal cribleuse/PRoDUCTION riddler, sand riddler, sand sif-

ter, sifter cric m CONS MECA jack, lifting jack, MECANIQUE jack,

PRODUCTION hoisting jack, VEHICULES outil jack; - de charpentier m CONSTR timber jack; - it cremaillere m CONS MECA rack-and-pinion jack; - hydraulique m INST HYDR hydraulic jack; - it levier m CONS MECA lifting jack, PRODUCTION lever jack

crichtonite / MINERAUX crich tonite cric-tenseur m CONS MECA strainer, CONSTR turnbuckle,

wire strainer, wire stretcher crin m MINES stringer crique / CONSTR crazing, CRIST ALL crack, HYDROLOGIE

inlet, MECANIQUE materiaux crack, NAUT creek; - initlale!NuCLEAIRE fatigue precrack

crise: - d'ebullition/NUCLEAIRE critical heat flow, de-

parture from nuclear boiling; - energetique j THERMODYN energy crisis; - d'energiejTHERMODYN energy CrISIS

crispage m PAPIER cockle finish cristal m CERAM VER, CHIMIE, CRISTALL, ELECTRON crys-

tal, PAPIER glassine; - aciculaire m MATERIAUX acicular crystal; - allonge et mince m GEOLOGIE lath; - blanc m CHIMIE alban; - de Boheme m CERAM VER Bohemian crystal; - de Bragg m CRISTALL Bragg cell; - colonnaire m METALL columnar crystal; - en forme de lattes m GEOLOGIE lath; - ferroelectrique m ELECTROTEC ferroelectric crystal; - germe m CRISTALL seed crystal; - idiomorphe m METALL idiomorphic crystal; - liquide m CRISTALL, NUCLEAIRE, TELECOM liquid crystal; - parfait m METALL perfect crystal; - piezoelectrique m ELECTROTEC, MATERIAUX, TELECOM piezoelectric crystal; - au plomb m CERAM VER lead crystal glass; - presque parfait m METALL nearly perfect crystal; - de quartz m ELECTR horloge electrique, ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT quartz crystal; - semiconducteur m ELECTRON semiconductor crystal; - de silicium m ELECTRON silicon crystal; - de sucre m AGRO ALIM sugar nucleus; - superieur m CERAM VER full-lead crystal glass

cristallin ad) CERAM VER crystallin, CHIMIE, CRISTALL, MATERIAUX crystalline

cristallisation j CRIST ALL, PLAST CAOU procede crystallization; - fractionnee j GEOLOGIE processus magmatique fractional crystallization; - isotherme j MATERIAUX isothermal crystallization; - partielle j MATERIAUX partial crystallization

cristallise: - en phase vapeur ad) GENIE CHIM vaporgrown (ArnE), vapour-grown (BrE)

cristalliser vi GENIE CHIM crystallize out cristallisoir m CERAM VER glass dish, EQUIP LAB dish,

crystallizing dish, GENIE CHIM crystallization basin, crystallizer, MATERIAUX processus crystallizer

cristallite j CRIST ALL crystallite cristallochimiejMATERIAUX crystal chemistry cristallographie j MET ALL crystallography cristallographique ad) MATERIAUX crystallographic cristaux: - de chambre m pi GENIE CHIM chamber crys-

tals; - liquides m pi ELECTRON, PETROLE liquid crystals; - liquides dichroiques m pi ELECTRON dichroic liquid crystals; - liquides nematiques m pi ELECTRON nematic liquid crystals; - liquides smectiques m pi ELECTRON smectic liquid crystals; - de soude m pi LESSIVES soda ash

cristobalitejMINERAUX cristobalite critere m INFORMAT, ORDINAT criterion; - d'acceptation

m ESPACE vehicules acceptance criterion, PRODUCTION allowance; - de conception m NUCLEAIRE, PRODUCTION design criterion; - de Griffith m NUCLEAIRE Griffith's fracture criterion; - de Rayleigh m PHYSIQUE Rayleigh criterion; - de ruine m MECANIQUE criterion of failure; - de rupture m METALL fracture criterion

criteres: - de conception et d'essais m pi PRODUCTION design specification and requirements; - d'implantation m pi POLLUTION site criteria; - de qualite m pi CONS MECA quality acceptance criteria; - de risque m pi QUALITE risk criteria

criticite: - initiale j NUCLEAIRE first criticality, initial criticality

critique ad} CHIMIE, PHYSIQUE, QUALITE critical croc m CONS MECA hook, hook with eye, PRODUCTION


eyehook; - de boucherie m AGRO ALIM meat hook; - iI ciseaux m CONS MECA clip hook, CONSTR match hooks; - iI cosse m PRODUCTION eyehook and thimble; - iI emerillon m NAUT swivel hook

croc8ine j CHIMIE crocein crochet m CH DE FER turnaround time, CONS MECA

cranked tool, hook, CONSTR hook, lifting hook, d'une grue jib, MECANIQUE materiel de levage hook, MET ALL yield point, sur une dislocation cusp, NAUT grappling hook, PETR hook, PRODUCTION hanging tool, staff, RESSORTS, TEXTILE d'une aiguille hook; - iI ancre m CONS MECA change hook; - d'assemblage m CONSTR cramp, cramp iron, joint cramp, PRODUCTION dog iron; - d'attelage m CONS MECA coupling hook, MECANIQUE, VEHICULES hitch; - de balancier m PRODUCTION beam hook; - d8lesteur de fret m AERONAUT cargo release hook; - double m CONS MECA change hook; - en queue de cochon m PRODUCTION pigtail hook; - en S m CONS MECA S-hook, S-shaped hook; - iI feu m PRODUCTION rake; - de fonderie m PRODUCTION gagger, lifter; - de gouttiere m CONSTR gutter bracket;- de gouttiere iI queue en pOinte m CONSTR gutter bracket; - de grue m CONSTR crane hook; - de levage m CONS MECA lifting hook, CONSTR crane hook, NAUT cargo hook; - de levage en acier forgem CONS MECA forged steel lifting hook; - mural m CONSTR wall hold fast; - de palan m CONS MECA pulley block hook, PRODUCTION tackle hook; - pour etablis de menuisiers m CONSTR bench stop; - pour la pose des courroies m PRODUCTION belt mounter, belt shifter, belt shipper; - pour tenir la fenetre ouvert m CONSTR casement fastener; - pour tiges m PETROLE pipe hook; - pour tuyaux m CONSTR pipe hook; - iI ramasser m PRODUCTION lifter; - de remorquage m VEHICULES tow hook; - iI ressort m CONS MECA clevis, clip hook; - de securite m AUTO, VEHICULES capot safety catch; - de sOrete m CONS MECA clevis, clip hook, safety hook, spring hook, MINES detaching hook, humble hook; - de suspension m CONS MECA hook, suspension hook, PRODUCTION hanger; - de suspension des boyaux m PRODUCTION hose hanger; - iI talon m PRODUCTION pour Iisser cleaner; - iI tete de belier m CONS MECA change hook; - tournant m CONS MECA swivel hook; - de traction m CH DE FER vehicules coupling hook, draw hook, NUCLEAIRE grip hook; - de traction aigu m MET ALL sharp yield point; de traction repete m METALL repeated yield point; - iI trempe m CERAM VER straight pincers; - iI tuiles m CERAM VER tile cramp; - de verrouillage m CONS MECA catch; - iI vis m CONSTR screw hook; - visse dans les spires m RESSORTS screwed hook

crocheter vt AERONAUT jaisceau capture, CONSTR serrurepick

crochets m pi IMPRIM composition brackets crochon: - de faille m GEOLOGIE drag fold crocidolitejMINERAuX crocidolite crocine j CHIMIE crocin crocodile m CH DE FER contact ramp, crocodile, MINES

crocodile crocoilejMINERAUX crocoisite, crocoite croconique ad) CHIMIE acide croconic croisee j CONSTR window; - de fils jINSTRUMENT gra-

ticule croisement: - 11 coeur mobile m TRANSPORT swing nose

crossing croiserl vt CONSTR bridge, GEOLOGIE cross


croise~ vi NAUT cruise croiser:3 se - v refl CONSTR cross croisette / GEOLOGIE, MINES cross stone croiseur m MINES contralode, crosslode, counterlode,

counter, cross vein; - de bataille m NAUT battle cruiser, marine cruiser

croisierel / AERONAUT, NAUT cruise; - ascendante / AERONAUT climb cruise, cruise climb, cruise climb drift up; - descendante / AERONAUT cruise descent; - en palier / AERONAUT level cruise

croisiere:2 etre en - vi NAUT cruise croisillon m AERONAUT brace, CERAM VER spider, CONS

MECA starwheel, CONSTR brace, PETR, vEHIcuLEsjoint de cardan spider; - de cardan m MECANIQUE journal cross; - de changement de pas m AERONAUT pitch change spider; - de differentiel m VEHICULES transmission differential spider; - d'induit m ELECTR machine field spider, ELECTROTEC armature spider; - a poignees m CONS MECA starwheel; - a treillis en fer m CONSTR window bar

croissance/NuCLEAIRE, PHYS FLUID d'une perturbation growth; - des cavites/METALL void growth; - concourante / METALL competition growth; - d'une couche epitaxiale /ELECTRON epitaxial growth; - cristalline/cRIsTALL, METALL crystal growth; - epitaxiale /ELECTRON, MATERIAUX epitaxial growth; - a facettes / METALL faceted growth (ArnE), facetted growth (Br E); - initiale d'une fissure /NUCLEAIRE initial crack growth, pop-in; - orientee/METALL oriented growth

croissant: I en - ad} GEOMETRIE crescent-shaped croissant2 m NAUT crutch; - de lune m ASTRONOMIE

crescent moon; - de plage m OCEANO beach cusp croisure: - du fil sur Ie support/TEXTILE wind croix/ CONSTR d' un tuyau cross; - de centrage / CINEMA T

cross hair; - de Malte / CONS MECA Geneva wheel, MECANIQUE Maltese cross; - du Nord / ASTRONOMIE Northern Cross; - du Sud/ ASTRONOMIE Crux

cronstedtite/MINERAUX cronstedtite croquage m CERAM VER crimp, snap; - par cisaillement

m CERAM VER snapping; - a pedale m CERAM VER cracking, foot-operated score

croquer vtCERAM VER break off(BrE), cap (ArnE), CONS MECA pink, CONSTR sketch

croqueur m CERAM VER capper (ArnE), cutoff man (BrE)

croquis m CONSTR sketch; - cote m PRODUCTION dimensioned sketch; - quadrangulaire m EMBALLAGE four-sided sketch

crosse/cINEMAT rifle grip; - d'epaule/cINEMAT gunpod, shoulder brace; - de piston/CONS MECA slipper block, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION piston crosshead

crossette: - de piston / CONS MECA slipper block, MECANlQUE, PRODUCTION piston crosshead

crossite / MINERAUX crossite crotonique ad} CHIMIE crotonique crotylique adj CHIMIE crotylic croupe / CONSTR hip crome / PRODUCTION coating; - de composition/ CERAM

VER batch crust; - oceanique / GEOLOGIE, OCEANO ocean crust, oceanic crust; - terrestre / EN RENOUV Earth's crust, ESP ACE terrestrial crust, PETR Earth's crust

croOtes: - de coke/pi MINES coked coal dust crowd ion m MET ALL crowdion crown: - dense m CERAM VER dense crown; - I8ger m

CERAM VER light crown

cru ad} CHARBON charbon unwashed, MATERIAUX raw, THERMODYN unbaked

ing flow; - annuelle / DISTRI EAU annual flood; - nominale / HYDROLOGIE design flood; - de plage / OCEANO beach growth; - subite / HYDROLOGIE flash flood

crues / pi HYDROLOGIE floods cryobiologie/REFRIG cryobiology cryochirurgie/REFRIG cryosurgery cryodecapage m REFRIG cryoetching cryodessiccation / AGRO ALIM freeze-drying cryogenie / ESPACE, PHYSIQUE, REFRIG, THERMODYN

cryogenics cryogenique adj ESPACE, PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN

cryogenic cryolite/ CHIMIE cryolite cryolithe/ CERAM VER, CHIMIE, MINERAUX cryolite cryologie/REFRIG cryology cryomagnetisme m REFRIG cryomagnetism cryomarquage m REFRIG cryo branding cryomedicine/REFRIG cryomedicine cryometre/THERMODYN low-temperature thermometer cryophysique / PHYSIQUE, REFRIG cryophysics cryorefrigerateur m REFRIG cryogenic refrigerator cryorefroidissement m REFRIG cryocooling cryoscopie /REFRIG cryoscopy cryostat m COMMANDE cryostat, cryostatic temperature

control, ESPACE, MATERIAUX, PHYSIQUE cryostat cryotechnique / ESPACE, PHYSIQUE cryogenics cryothermostat m EQUIP LAB contr61e de re/roidisse-

ment, temperature cryostat cryotron m ELECTROTEC cryotron cryptage m ELECTRON, TV encryption; - de donnees m

INFORMAT data encryption cryptanalyse /INFORMAT, ORDINAT cryptanalysis crypter vt ELECTRON encrypt, TV scramble cryptogramme m TELECOM ciphertext cryptographie/EsPAcE communications, INFORMAT, OR-

DINAT, TELECOM cryptography cryptographique adj ESPACE communications crypto-

TELECOM CSMA (carrier sense multiple access) CSMA-CD abrev (acces multiple par detection de por-

CT abrev (centre de transit) TELECOM trunk transit exchange

CTV abrev (conteneur virtue!) TELECOM virtual container

gaging (ArnE), gauging (BrE), measurement, measuring, yardage, NAUT volume, PETROLE gaging (ArnE), gauging (BrE)

cubanite / MINERAUX cubanite cubature / CONSTR earthworks cubature, earthworks

cubing cube m GEOMETRIE, MATH cube; - d'essai m CONSTR test

cube; - de la vitesse du vent m EN RENOUV wind

velocity cubed cubeblne/ CHIMIE cubebin cube-flash m PHOTO flash cube cuber vt MATH cube, METROLOGIE measure, PRODUCTION

gage (ArnE), gauge (BrE) cubilot m CERAM VER cupola furnace, CHARBON cupola,

PRODUCTION cupola, cupola furnace; - a avantcreuset m PRODUCTION cupola with receiver

cubique adj CRISTALL cubic, isometric; - centre adj CHIMIE body-centered cubic (ArnE), body-centred cubic (BrE); - a faces centrees adj (CFC) CHIMIE, CRISTALL face-centered cubic (ArnE), face-centred cubic (BrE) (FCC)

cubizite/MINERAUX cubicite cuboctaadre m GEOMETRIE cubic octahedron cuboide m GEOMETRIE cuboid cuelllage m CERAM VER, PRODUCTION gathering cueilleur: - de Jambe m CERAM VER stem carrier; - de

paralson m CERAM VER parison gatherer cueillir vt CERAM VER, PRODUCTION gather cuffat m MINES bucket, kibble, tub, PRODUCTION hoist-

ing bucket; - d'epuisement m D1STRI EAU bailing tank; - a vidange automatlque m D1STRI EAU self-discharging water bucket

cuiller / CHARBON earth grab, earthdrill, overburden drill, CONSTR ladle, MINES earth auger, earth borer, mud bit, shell and auger, shell auger, surface auger; - ecumoire/PRoDUCTION skimmer, skimming ladle; - rotative/cERAM VER gob distributor

cuiliare/coNsTR ladle, MINES earth auger, earth borer, shell and auger, shell auger

cuir: - emboutl m PRODUCTION cup leather; - de montagne m MINERAUX mountain leather

cuirasse / CERAM VER packing piece, CONS MECA saddle, ELECTROTEC armor (ArnE), armour (BrE), shield

cuirasse adj MECANIQUE metal-clad cuire vt CERAM VER bake, fire, PRODUCTION burn, kiln,

TEXTILE bake, THERMODYN bake, cook; - a la vapeur vt AGRO ALIM steam

culsine/NAuT galley cuisson/cERAM VER baking, firing, burning, firing on,

kilning, ELECTRON, ELECTROTEC firing, IMPRIM burning in, PAPIER cooking, PLAST CAOU cure, curing, peinture baking, peintures, plastiques, caoutchouc hardening, PRODUCTION burning, des briques baking, TEXTILE baking, THERMODYN burning, cooking; - de la chaUX/PRODUCTION lime burning; - en couverte/ CERAM VER hardening on the glazing

cult: - a I'avance adj AGRO ALIM precooked; - a mort adj THERMODYN dead-burned

culte / CERAM VER batch, PRODUCTION burning, des briques baking

cuit-vite adj PLAST CAOU plastiques, caoutchouc fastcuring

cuivrage m CERAM VER coppering culvre m CHIMIE (Cu) copper (Cu), PRODUCTION d'un

fer a souder copper bit; - gris m MINERAUX gray copper ore (ArnE), grey copper ore (BrE); - jaune m CONS MECA brass, IMPRIM bookbinder's brass; - vitreux rouge m CHIMIE red copper ore

cuivre adj ELECTR copper-clad cuivrerie/coNsTR brass foundry, brassworks, PRODUC-

TION copper works cuivreux adj CHIMIE cupreous, cuprous cul: 1 sur - adj NAUT down by the stern, trimmed by the



cul:2 - de poche m PRODUCTION scull, skull; - de porc m NAUT back splice

culasse/ AUTO cylinder head, MILITAIRE breech, NAUT cylinder head, NUCLEAIRE d'un aimant, PHYSIQUE d'un aimant yoke, REFRIG, VEHICULES moteur cylinder head; - de balayage/TV scanning yoke

culbutage m CONSTR dumping (ArnE), tipping (BrE), PRODUCTION tilting

culbutement m CONSTR dumping (AmE), tipping (BrE) culbuterl vt CONSTR shoot, tip, tip up, MINES dump

culbute~ vi CONSTR tip, tip up culbuter:3 se - v rejI CONSTR tip culbuteur m AUTO rocker arm, CONSTR dump, tip (BrE),

dump truck (ArnE), tipper (BrE), tipping device, MECANIQUE rocker, PRODUCTION tiiter, TRANSPORT dump truck (ArnE), tipper (BrE), VEHICULES moteur, soupape rocker arm; - des wagons m CONSTR dump site

cul-de-sac m CONSTR blind alley culee / CONSTR abutment culicide m CHIMIE mosquitocide culmination: - in"rleure/ ASTRONOMIE lower culmina-

tion; - d'un pli/GEOLOGIE axial culmination, high; - superieure / ASTRONOMIE upper culmination

culot: I _ en bas adj CINEMAT base down culot2 m CONS MECA center bearing plate (ArnE), centre

bearing plate (BrE), CONSTR baffle brick, ELECTRON base, ELECTROTEC cap, de lampe lamp cap, MINES d'un trou de mine socket; - a baionnette m ELECTR ampoule e/ectrique bayonet cap, ELECTROTEC, PHOTO bayonet base; - de bougie m AUTO spark plug body, spark plug shell; - de fusible m ELECTROTEC fuse base; - de lampe m CINEMAT lamp base; - loctal m ELECTRON loctal base; - octal m CONS MECA octal base; - de plomb m CHIMIE lead button; - de poche m CERAM VER scull; - de tube electronique m ELECTRON electron tube base, electron tube holder; - a vis m CINEMAT screw base, ELECTROTEC screw cap

culotte / CONS MECA breeches pipe, CONSTR y-branch, MECANIQUE, PRODUCTION breeches pipe; - de tuyere de reacteur / AERONAUT exhaust nozzle breech

CUlottes: - de la cheminee /pl PRODUCTION breeching cumarine/ CHIMIE cumarin cumene m CHIMIE cumene cumeng6ite/MlNERAuX cumengeite, cumengite cuminique adj CHIMIE cumic cummlngtonite /MINERAUX cummingtonite cumulande m ORDINAT augend cumulateur m ORDINAT addend cumulo-dome m GEOLOGIE cumulo-dome, tholoid

dome cumulo-volcan m GEOLOGIE cumulo-volcano cumulus m (Cu) METEO cumulus (Cu); - congestus m

METEO cumulus congestus; - humilis m METEO cumulus humilis

cumyle m CHIMIE cumyl cunette / CONSTR gutter cup m PRODUCTION hopper; - et cone m PRODUCTION

cup-and-cone CUP abrev (coe/ficient d'utilisation pratique) MINES WS

(weight strength) cuprammonium m CHIMIE, TEXTILE cuprammonium cuprate m CHIMIE cuprate cupride m CHIMIE cupride cuprlfare adj MINES copper-bearing cuprique adj CHIMIE cupric


cuprite/MINERAUX cuprite, red copper ore cuproapatite /MINERAUX cuproapatite cuprodescloizite/MINERAUX cuprodescloizite cupromagn6slte /MINERAUX cupromagnesite cupromanganese m CHIMIE cupromanganese cuproplumbite/MINERAUX cuproplumbite cuproscheelite/MINERAUX cuproscheelite cuprotungstite/MINERAUX cuprotungstite cupule/METALLdimple curage m DISTRI BAU cleaning out, cleansing, flushing,

PETROLE sand-washing, sous pression snubbing, PRODUCTION scraping; - des egouts m DISTRI BAU, HYDROLOGIE sewer cleaning

curbature/coNSTRd'un toitbreak curcuma m AGRO ALIM, CHIMIE turmeric curcumine/cHIMIE curcumine cure: - parfaisceau d'61ectrons/NUCLEAIRE heton elec-

tron beam curing cure-feu m PRODUCTION poker, prick bar, pricker curerl vt DISTRI BAU cleanse, une riviere cleanse, NAUT

dredge, PRODUCTION clean out curer vi DISTRI BAU flush curette/CONS MECA clearer, scraper, DISTRI BAU cleaner,

MINES cleaner, scraper, drag, hole scraper, POLLU MER scraper

curlem PHYSRAYON, PHYSIQUE curie curlumm (Cm) cHIMIEcurium (Cm) curl m PHYSIQUE curl curseur m AUTO rheostat sliding contact, CONS MECA

slider, traveler (ArnE), traveller (BrE), IMPRIM cursor, hairline, pointer, INFORMAT, ORDINAT cursor, PHYSIQUE sliding contact, PRODUCTION d'une cuve d'amalgamation spider; - du dlaphragme d'ouverture m INSTRUMENT aperture top slide; - en croix m IMPRIM cross hair; - de potentlomMre m ELECTR resistance potentiometer slider; - da rheostat m ELECTR resistance rheostat slider; - virtual m PRODUCTION automatisme industriel invisible cursor

curviligne atY GEOMETRIE curvilinear custoda/VEHIcuLES carrosserie rear end, tail cuva / AGRO ALIM vat, CHARBON bowl, CHIMIE vat,

CONSTR tank, EQUIP LAB analyse cell, verrerie trough, ESPACE, MECANIQUE tank, MINES keeve, kieve, PAPIER pond, tank, vat, POLLU MER bucket, PRODUCTION fire room, tank, tub, vat, d'une plaque tournante basin, d'un haut/ourneau tunnel, TEXTILE vat; - d'accumulateur /PAPIER accumulator box, battery box; - d'aclde / PAPIER acid vat; - d'agglomeratlon / GENIE CHIM sintering furnace; - d'amalgamatlon / PRODUCTION grinding pan, pan mill, pan; - de broyage/PRODuCTION grinding pan, pan mill, pan; - ill chargement en plain Jour/PHOTO daylight loading tank; - collectrica / MINES collecting vat; - da decantation / MINES dewaterer; - ill defecation/ GENIE CHIM settling vat; - da devaloppament / CINEMAT, PHOTO developing tank, development tank; - ill developpement multiple / PHOTO multiunit developing tank; - d'effondremant/ GEOLOGIE sink; - d'61actrophorese/EQUIP LAB analyse electrophoresis cell; - en gr8s / CERAM VER earthenware tank; - an matiera plastlqua / PHOTO plastic developing tank; - en porcelalnejcERAM VER porcelain cell; - an verra/EQUIP LAB glass tank; - axterieura /REFRIG cabinet shell; - da fermentation/ AGRO ALIM fermenter, mash tun; - flltranta/DISTRI EAU filtration vat; - dafiltration/DisTRI EAU filtration vat; - daflltra /CHARBON, GENIE CHIM filter feed trough; -8 hulla/

ELECTROTEC oil tank; -lnt6gree/TRANsPORT de methanier integrated tank; - Inteme/REFRIG liner; - de lavage/PHoTO wash tank; -8 nlveau constant/AUTO float chamber; - ill nlvaau constant da carburateur / VEHICULES carburetor float chamber (ArnE), carburettor float chamber (BrE); - pour chromatographia / EQUIP LAB analyse chromatography tank; - pour chromatographia sur papier / EQUIP LAB analyse paper chromatography tank; - de precipitation / CHIMIE precipitator; - da preparation das bains / CINEMAT mixing tank; - da reacteur /NUCLEAIRE reactor tank, reactor vessel, PHYSIQUE reactor vessel; - de refroidissement/cINEMAT cooling tank, PRODUCTION cooling basin; - ill ridas / PHYS ONDES pour creer des ondes ripple tank; - da securlte / NUCLEAIRE guard vessel, leakage interception vessel; - spherlque/TRANsPORT de methanier spherical container; - da stockage de c:ible / TELECOM cable storage hold; - suspendue / POLLU MER slung bucket; - unlverselle/ PHOTO universal developing tank; - ill vida/EQUip LAB vacuum pan

cuve-cylindra / PRODUCTION pour malaxage, lavage drum

cuvalaga m GAZ casing, MINES tubbing, PETROLE casing; - an mac;onnerle m CHARBON stone tubbing; - en pierre m MINES stone tubbing

cuveler vt CONSTR puits case, line, MINES tub cuvellamant m MINES tubbing cuva-m6langeur / GENIE CHIM mixing tank cuvette/ CONSTR head, hopper head, DISTRI EAU basin,

EQUIP LAB cup, trough, verrerie basin, GEOLOGIE intermount basin, PHOTO dish, tray; - d'avant-corps / CERAM VER feeder nose; - de boussola / PHYSIQUE compass bowl; - de coucheuse/REVETEMENT coater pan, coater trough, coating trough; - coupalla/EQUIP LAB dish; - de devaloppemant ill thermostat/PHOTO thermostatically-controlled developing dish; - ill dissaction / EQUIP LAB biologie dissecting tray; - d'ecoulamant de dlstributaur / CERAM VER orifice ring; - d'8gouttaga/coNsTR drip cup, PRODUCTION drain cup; - an matlera plastlque / PHOTO plastic dish; - d'evaporation/GENIE CHIM evaporating basin, evaporating pan, vaporization dish, evaporating dish; - d'evaporation en porcalalne / CERAM VER porcelain evaporating basin; - da gouttiere/coNSTR rainwater head; - de polgnee / CONS MECA handle plate; - de rafroidissament par I'aau/ CINEMA T water-cooled heat trap; - de retenue / DISTRI EAU reservoir basin; - it temperatura constanta/PHoTo thermostatically-controlled developing dish; - toumante / CERAM VER rotating bowl; - da vaporisation/GENIE CHIM evaporating basin, evaporating dish, evaporating pan, vaporization dish; - davarrou/coNSTR lock cup

cuYler m PAPIER chest; - da blanchimant m PAPIER bleaching chest; - da machlna m PAPIER machine chest; - de m6langa m PAPIER blending chest; - ill pMe m PAPIER stock chest; - da tite m IMPRIM machine chest, PAPIER machine chest, stuff chest

CVCP abrev (concentration volumique critique de pigment) REVETEMENT peinture CPVC (critical pigment volume concentration)

cyamelida m CHIMIE cyamelid, cyamelide cyanacetlque atY CHIMIE cyanacetic cyanamide m CHIMIE cyanamide cyanata m CHIMIE cyanate cyanhydrlque atY CHIMIE hydrocyanic cyanlque atY CHIMIE cyanic

cyanltefMINERAUX cyanite, kyanite cyanofer m CHIMIE ferrocyanogen cyanoferrate m CHIMIE ferrocyanate, ferrocyanide cyanogene m CHIMIE cyanogen cyanotrlchitefMINERAUX cyanotrichite cyanuration f CHARBON cyanidation, CHIMIE des ma-

tieres organiques cyanization cyanure m CHIMIE cyanide; - d'argent m CHIMIE silver

cyanide; - d'or m CHIMIE gold cyanide; - de potassium m CHIMIE potassium cyanide

cybernetlquefESPAcE, ORDINAT cybernetics cyclamate m CHIMIE cyclamate cyclane m PETROLE cycloalkane cycle m ACOUSTIQUE, ELECTR tension, ELECTROTEC, IN-

FORMAT, ORDINAT, PLAST CAOU, REFRIG cycle; - ill 6 el8ments m CHIMIE six-membered ring; - ill air ill turbodetendeur m REFRIG brake turbine air cycle; - d'analyse m TV scanning cycle; - d'approvlslonnement m PRODUCTION procurement lead time, replenishment lead time; - Beau de Rochas m VEHICULES moteur Otto cycle, four-stroke cycle; - biogeochimique m GEOLOGIE biogeochemical cycling; - de BrOckner m METEO Bruckner cycle; - du carbone m AGRO ALIM, ASTRONOMIE carbon cycle; - de Carnot m MAT CHAUFF thermodynamique, PHYSIQUE, THERMODYN Carnot cycle; - de Carnot inverse m THERMODYN vapor compression cycle (ArnE), vapour compression cycle (BrE); - du champ magnetique solaire m ASTRONOMIE sun's magnetic field cycle; - de chargedecharge m TRANSPORT charge discharge cycle; - de Clausius-Rankine m MAT CHAUFF thermodynamique, THERMODYN Rankine cycle; - de combustible m ESPACE fuel cycle; - ill combustible avance m NUCLEAIRE advanced fuel cycle; - du combustible en pile m NUCLEAIRE in-core fuel cycle; - des composes soufres m POLLUTION sulfur cycle (ArnE), sulphur cycle (BrE); - de conduite urbalne m VEHICULES urban cycle; - de deglvrage m REFRIG defrost cycle; - de I'eau m GEOLOGIE hydrologic cycle; - de fabrication m PRODUCTION manufacturing cycle, manufacturing lead time; - ferme m CHIMIE closed ring; - ferme de combustibles m NUCLEAIRE closed fuel cycle; - de fonctlonnement m AUTO working cycle, TRANSPORT operating cycle; - frigorifique ill air m REFRIG air refrigeration cycle; - frigorifique ill compression m REFRIG compression refrigerating cycle; - geochimique m GEOLOGIE geochemical cycle; - d'horloge m ELECTRON, INFORMAT, ORDINAT clock cycle; - hydrologique m DISTRI EAU hydrologic cycle; - d'hysteresls m ELECTROTEC, MET ALL, PHYSIQUE, PLAST CAOU, TV hysteresis loop; - d'hysteresis rectangulaire m ELECTROTEC rectangular hysteresis loop; - d'immerslon-sechage m CONSTR soaking-drying cycle; - d'instructlon m INFORMAT, ORDINAT instruction cycle; - d'intervalles m ACOUSTIQUE cycle of intervals; - machine m INFORMAT, ORDINAT machine cycle; - magnetique m ASTRONOMIE du solei!, GEOPHYS du solei! magnetic cycle; - des marees de forts et faibles coefficients m EN RENOUV spring neap cycle; - de memoire m INFORMAT, ORDINAT memory cycle; - de Meton m ASTRONOMIE Metonic cycle; - de moulage m PLAST CAOU molding cycle (ArnE), moulding cycle (BrE); - operatolre m MECANIQUE duty cycle; - orogenique m GEOLOGIE orogenic cycle, orogenic phase; - ouvert m NUCLEAIRE once-through cycle, open fuel cycle; - place en amont m NUCLEAIRE topping cycle; - de


production m PRODUCTION manufacturing cycle, manufacturing lead time; - ill quatre temps m AUTO Otto cycle, four-stroke cycle, VEHICULES moteur fourstroke cycle; - de rafraichlssement m INFORMAT, ORDINAT refresh cycle, refresh rate; - rectangulalre m ELECTROTEC square loop; - de reterence m REFRIG standard rating cycle; - de refrigeration m REFRIG refrigeration cycle; - de rBfrlgeration ill absorption m REFRIG absorption refrigerating cycle; - de rBfrigeration ill ejection de vapeur m REFRIG vapor jet refrigerating cycle (ArnE), vapour jet refrigerating cycle (BrE); - de service m PRODUCTION systeme hydraulique duty; - solaire m ASTRONOMIE, GEOPHYS solar cycle; - ill sortir aprils passage unique m NUCLEAIRE charge OlTO, once-through-then-out; - de soudage m CONSTR welding cycle; - du soufre m POLLUTION sulfur cycle (ArnE), sulphur cycle (BrE); - surregenerateur m NUCLEAIRE breeding cycle; - des taches solalres m ASTRONOMIE, GEOPHYS sunspot cycle; - de temperature m THERMODYN temperature cycle; - thermique m THERMODYN thermal cycle; - thermodynamique m MAT CHAUFF thermodynamic cycle; - de traltement thermique m THERMODYN heat cycle; - triazlnlque m CHIMIE triazine ring; - d'uranium-plutonium m NUCLEAIRE U-Pu cycle, uranium-plutonium cycle; - de visites m AERONAUT inspection cycle

cyclene m PETROLE cycloalkene cyclique adj CHIMIE, PETROLE cyclic cyclisatlonf CHIMIE cyclization cycloalcane m PETROLE cycloaIkane cyclohexane m PETROLE cyclohexane cycloide f GEOMETRIE cycloid cyclomoteur m TRANSPORT moped, motor-assisted bi-

cycle; - electrique m TRANSPORT electric moped cyclone m AGRO ALIM, CHARBON, METEO, PETROLE separ-

ateur de poussiere, POLLUTION cyclone; - chaud m CHARBON hot cyclone; - filtre m GENIE CHIM filter cyclone; - de separation m GENIE CHIM settling cyclone; - tropical m METED hurricane, tropical cyclone, tropical revolving storm

cyclool8finefpETROLE cycloolefin cycloparaffinefpETROLE cycloparaffin cyclorama m CINEMAT cyclorama cyclotheme m GEOLOGIE cyclothem cyclotron m ELECTROTEC, PHYS PART, PHYSIQUE cyclo-

tron; - ill 81ectrons m PHYS PART electron cyclotron cylindrage m CONS MECA straight turning, CONSTR des

chaussees empierrees, PRODUCTION rolling; - des rouleaux en bois m PRODUCTION rounding wooden rollers

cylindre m AUTO cylinder, CONS MECA de laminoir roll, de pompe barrel, GEOMETRIE cylinder, INFORMAT platen, lecteur de disque cylinder, MECANIQUE, MINES, NAUT cylinder, ORDINAT platen, lecteur de disque cylinder, PLAST CAOU calandre, enduiseuse cylinder, materiel roller, presse cylinder, PRODUCTION drum, roller, d'une pompe cylinder, VEHICULES moteur cylinder, engine capacity; - accumulateur m IMPRIM rotatives collect cylinder; - ill air comprime m CONS MECA compressed air cylinder; - aspirant m PAPIER suction couch roll; - ill bagasse m AGRO ALIM bagasse roller; - blanchet m IMPRIM impression blanket cylinder; - de broyage m AGRO ALIM break roller, GENIE CHIM grinding cylinder; - broyeur m GENIE CHIM crusher roll, grinding cylinder, PRODUCTION crusher roll, crushing roll; - cannel8 m CONS MECA grooved roll, GENIE CHIM

granulating roller, PRODUCTION corrugated roll; - ill cannelures m CONS MECA grooved roll, PRODUCTION corrugated roll; - dela cathode m TV shield; - ill cintrer m CONS MECA bending roll; - circulaire droit m GEOMETRIE right circular cylinder; - collecteur m IMPRIM rotatives gathering cylinder; - compresseur m CONSTR roller; - de contre-presslon m IMPRIM impression cylinder; - cuivre m IMPRIM copper-plated cylinder; - de degrossissement m PRODUCTION roughing roll, roughing-down roll; - degrossisseur m CONS MECA breaking-down roll, PRODUCTION puddle roll, roughing roll, roughing-down roll; - desagregeur m AGRO ALIM break roller; - du dessous m PRODUCTION laminoir bottom roll; - du dessus m CONS MECA top roll, upper roll; - ebaucheur m CONS MECA breaking-down roll, PRODUCTION puddle roll, roughing roll, roughing-down roll; - en fonte trempee m PRODUCTION chilled iron roll; - enregistreur m GEOPHYS rotating drum; - d'entrainement m CONS MECA feed roll, feed roller; - entraineur m CONS MECA feed roll, feed roller; - d'epreuve m CONSTR test cylinder; - d'equerrage m METROLOGIE squareness cylinder; - espatard m CONS MECA planishing roll; - de Faraday m ELECTR eiectrostatique, PHYSIQUE Faraday cylinder; - femelle m CONS MECA laminoir lower roll, PRODUCTION laminoir bottom roll; - forgeur m PRODUCTION forge roll; -deformatm PAPIER size roll; - de frein m AUTO, CONS MECA, VEHICULES brake cylinder; - de friction m CONS MECA friction wheel; - frictionneur m PAPIER glazing cylinder, PRODUCTION industrie du papier yankee cylinder; - ill gaz comprime m THERMODYN gas bottle; - geometrique m CONS MECA transmissions hydrauliques geometric displacement; - de glissement m METALL slip cylinder; - ill gradins m CONS MECA stepped roll; - ill granuler m GENIE CHIM granulating roller; - hello m IMPRIM gravure roller; - hydraulique m CONS MECA hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic jack; - d'impression m PLAST CAOU materiel impression cylinder; - iii imprimer m IMPRIM, PAPIER printing cylinder; - d'imprimerie m PLAST CAOU materiel printing roll; - intermediaire de machine iii vapeur m INST HYDR intermediate pressure cylinder, intermediate steam engine cylinder; - ill lames engageantes m IMPRIM tucking blades cylinder; - lamineur m PRODUCTION roller, rolling mill roll; - de laminoir m PRODUCTION rolling mill roll; - de laminoir ill blooms m CONS MECA blooming roll; -lisse m CONSTR smooth roller, PRODUCTION plain roll; - malaxeur m PRODUCTION mixing cylinder; - mile m CONS MECA laminoir top roll, upper roll; - de mesure d'engrenages m METROLOGIE gear measuring cylinder; - de mesure de

filetages m METROLOGIE screw thread measuring cylinder; - ill moyenne pression m INST HYDR intermediate pressure cylinder, intermediate steam engine cylinder; - ill parois minces m CONS MECA thin-walled cylinder; - de pile raffineuse m PAPIER beater roll; - ill piston effet m CONS MECA doubleended piston rod cylinder; - plieur m IMPRIM machine folding cylinder; - pneumatique m CONS MECA pneumatic cylinder; - polisseur m CONS MECA planishing roll; - de pompe m DISTRI EAU pump barrel, pump cylinder; - porte-couteaux m PAPIER knife cylinder; - de pression m TEXTILE quetch roller, squeezing roller; - de pulverisation m AGRO ALIM break roller; - qui en effIeure un autre pratiquement sans pression m IMPRIM kissing cylinder; - de ralentissement m IMPRIM rotatives slow-down cylinder; - recepteur m AUTO clutch output cylinder, slave cylinder, wheel cylinder, VEHicuLEs/reins, embrayage slave cylinder; - refroidisseur m PAPIER cooling cylinder, sweat roll, PLAST CAOU materiel chill roll; - de revolution m GEOMETRIE cylindrical solid of revolution; - de roue m AUTO brake wheel cylinder; - de sechage m LESSIVES drying cylinder, drying drum; - secheur m PAPIER drying cylinder; - de tallie-douce m IMPRIM intaglio cylinder; - telescoplque m CONS MECA telescopic cylinder; - iii tige de piston traversante m CONS MECA through-rod cylinder; - ill tales m CONS MECA plate roll; - de transmission hydraullque m CONS MECA fluid-power cylinder; - ill vapeur m INST HYDR steam cylinder; - de verre d'humecteur m CERAM VER glass roll dampener; - yankee m PRODUCTION industrie du papier yankee cylinder

cylindree / AUTO cylinder capacity, displacement, MECANIQUE vehicules cubic capacity, VEHICULES moteur capacity; - totale/ AUTO displacement

cylindre-plaque m IMPRIM plate cylinder cyllndrer vt CONS MECA turn, PRODUCTION round cylindres: - d'alimentation m pi AGRO ALIM feed rollers,

feed rolls; - en ligne m pi AUTO in-line cylinders; - en V mpl AUTO V-shaped cylinders; - opposes mpl AUTO opposed cylinders; - places cote ill cote m pi CONS MECA side-by-side cylinders

cyllndreur m CONSTR roller cylindrique ad) GEOLOGIE cylindrical, PRODUCTION tu-

bular cyllndroconique ad) PRODUCTION cylindroconic cymene m CHiMIE cymene cymogime m PETR cymogene cyprine/MINERAUX cyprine cytlsine/cHIMIE cytisine, ulexine