In this chapter we are interested in the inter-cultural change of religious orientations, more precisely church integration and tradit ional religiosity. We will describe and compare the development of these orientations in five specific European countries via the construct 'church a t tendance ' . O u r main question concerns comparabil i ty or equivalence: does 'church a t t endance ' measure church integration and tradit ional religiosity in every country in the same way? If we can find empirical support that it does, we can interpret church a t tendance as a crude indicator for inter-cultural change of at least one dimension of religious orientations. In this context, we will first discuss the concept of religious orientat ions and the p rob lem of equivalence. Next, we will describe the countries and time points of our analyses. Since this chapter covers the empirical study of cross-national equivalence of church a t tendance, we will end the analysis with a short description of the inter-cultural change of t radit ional religiosity in the last decades, and reflect critically on the p rob lem of equivalence in the analysed context.