The Ca ta lan alphabet is basically the same as the Eng l i sh one, wi th the fo l lowing add i t iona l letters: c (ce trencada) wh i ch represents the sound [s] in certain words, such as felic 'happy' , raca 'race', and the digraph 1-1 (ela geminada) a symbol unique to Ca ta lan , which represents a double 1 [11]. Ce trencada (c) has no special place i n alphabetical order; words wi th c are found among words w i t h c, though when everything else is the same c precedes c, so coca 'cake ' comes before coca ' k i c k ' . L ikewise ela geminada has no special place, though, w i t h words otherwise ident ical in spelling, 11 precedes 1*1: cella ' eyebrow' comes before cella ' ce l l ' . The letters k and w are found only i n certain foreign words and their derivatives, such as: karate, wagneria. Except i n certain proper names (e.g. Ruyra, Nova York) the letter y is found only i n the combina t ion ny: Catalunya 'Ca t a lon ia ' , Espanya ' Spa in ' , any 'year'. The vowels have variants wi th wri t ten accents (see 37.5) which also have no serious effect on alphabetical order.