As I have pointed out in a recent article!, the Pharaoh had to undergo purification before officiating in a temple. Inscriptions in the temples of Edfu 2 and Philae 3, and two passages in the famous Piankhi Stele inform us that the pilrification took place in a special chamber of the temple called LJ (pr-dw/t). The two last mentioned passages are as

*follows :-"His majesty proceeded to the House of [Pta~], his purification was perj'orrned in the pr-dw~t, there were performed for hirn all the ceremonies that are perf01"med jor a king. (Then) he entered into the temple 4." "(He) carne in p1'ocession to the Ho'Use of ReC, and entered the temple with lOltd acclaim, the chief lector praising the god and repelling those hostile to the king. The (Rite of the) pr-dw~t was performed, the sdb-vestment was fastened on, and he (the king) was purified with 1:ncense and cool water 5." See also the following passage in the so-called Papyrus of the "Hathorienne Sais" :-rD~~~Q0

lJat~or N., thy purification is performed in the .pr-dw~t of the king, and thou livest6.~' Reliefs depicting the purification of the Pharaoh in the pr-dw/t occur in a number of temples 7• They show that he was robed and crowned as well as purified; in fact the pr-dw/t was a ceremonial Toilet-chamber.