WE left Mukalla in June 1939 for Singapore: as I have already told, tuy way to the Hadhramaut had been through the Hadhrami colony ofZallzibar. Now \ve \vere to nleet them in their Far Eastern cOlnlnunities. We had been adll1itted to the freedom of the Hadhranlaut, certainly the first and perhaps the only foreigners to be so treated, and I relnclnber ho\v I felt, on being greeted on the arrival of the ship at Singapore, by Hadhralnis I had never seen, that our honorary citizenship so often expressed in the Hadhranlallt was no enlpty form of words for wherever we went in Singapore or Java the Hadhranlis treated us as if we belonged to them. To theln we \\Jere not visitors but they luadc us feel as Hadhralnis visiting the other COlnnlunitics froln whon1 we received 11luch kindness and hospitality.