Pound khadwe, and apply to the head. Or inject tincture of lfa'itre roots into the nostrils of the patient on the side where the throbbing is. Or mix vinegar and honey together, and smear the mixture over the patient's head, and wait a little, and then wash it with water. Or work up ashes and vinegar together into a paste, and smear the mixture on the head. Or roast walnuts and terebinth nuts, pour vinegar on them, and mix them together, and smear the mixture on the head. Or pound one measure of dried grapes, and work up into a paste with aromatic tincture, and smear the head with the mixture. Or steep barley in hot water, and put it in a cloth, and wrap it round the head of the patient whilst hot, and he will find relief. Or roast the dung of an ass and the bones of a crab, and work them up into a paste with oil and a little l;enm'i, and smear it on the head of the patient. Or take the marrow of the right leg of a sheep, unsalted, and warm it a little over the fire, and pour into the nostrils of the patient. Or inject the juice of a beetroot into the nose. Or inject three drops of radish water into the nose.