Samenawit, I the wife of his father DAVID whose name was 'ABIS (ABISHAG). And as concerning the error of SOLOMON which is written down I will reveal it to you, even as God hath revealed it to me.

66. Concerning the prophecy of CHRIST Now, according to the interpretation of prophecy,

the name SOLOMON signifieth in the secret speech "CHRIST". And as SOLOMON built the house of God, so CHRIST raised up His Body and made it into the Church. And when He said unto the JEWS, "Throw down this house, and in three days I will build it up [again],"> He spake to them of the house of His Body. And as SOLOMON multiplied wives from alien peoples because of their beauty and winsomeness, and desires [arose] in him in his feigning love [for them], so Christ gathered together from alien peoples those who had not the Law, but who believed on Him. And there was no uncircumcised man to Him, and no pagan; and there was no slave, and no JEW, and no servant and no free man;! but He gathered them all into His heavenly kingdom by His Flesh and Blood. And in the Song of Songs SOLOMON himself sang and said, "There are sixty mighty men round about the bed of SOLOMON, all of them trained in war and holding swords, each man with his sword upon his thigh."! The number sixty indicateth the number of the righteous Patriarchs, and the Prophets, and the Apostles, and the Martyrs, and the Believers, and the Saints, and the Monks who have resisted the evil thought and the war of Satan. And the word "sword" is, being interpreted, the word of the Scriptures. The word of the Lord cutteth like a straight sharp razor, and in like manner the Scriptures cut from men's hearts the danger caused by lying dreams by

night. And the words "bed of SOLOMON" are, being interpreted, the Church of CHRIST.