Although it is remarked in the "Y oshiwara Taizen " (fiN.::k~) "their hair even now is dressed in the "Hyogo" "style after the fashion of the Hyogo-ya brothel at Ohashi, "Yanagi-cho," yet when we find no coiffure of this style in the pictures painted prior to the Tenna era (1681-1683) the correctness of the assertion may be doubted. Judging from ancient pictures of the " Uki-yo-e" school, it would appear that up to the era of Keicho (1594-1614) courtesans wore their hair hanging down the back, and that even in the era of Kwan-ei (1624-1643) they merely gathered it up on the top of the head in a very simple manner. It is mentioned in various books that in the era of Kwam-bun (1661-1672) a tayu named Katsuyama, living in the Y amamoto-ya in the Shin Yoshiwara, devised a method of coiffure, called after her, "Katsuymna-mage." In the " Dobo Go-en " (iiPJJJ} ~111) it say8:-
