IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND some of the questions I have been discussing, it is necessary to understand the nature of the relation of God to creation. We may understand this relation to a certain degree with the help of proofs we have learned to recite parrot like (since what lies beyond proof is inaccessible to us). The relation of God to creation is not like that linking one creature to another; for example, father to son or son to father, where it is a question of two independent beings standing in relation to each other. The relationship of the rays of the sun and the sun itself is of a higher order, but again it concerns two beings linked to each other. Of a higher order still is the relation linking the faculties of the soul to the soul, but this relationship of the auditory, visual, and other faculties and the soul is still marked by a certain separation and multiplicity. The relation that links all beings to their principle, God Almighty, cannot be regarded as similar to any of the foregoing.