The mu-tang is universally prevalent, and her services are constantly and everywhere sought. She enters upon an office regarded as of high importance with very little ceremonial, requiring only a little instruction from some one who has practised magic, and the II supernatural call." This call, of which much is made, consists in the assurance of dremoniacal possession, the dremon being supposed to seize upon the woman, and to become in fact her doppel ganger, so completely is his personality superimposed on hers. The dremon is almost invariably a member of the Korean "Dcemoneon." Mr. Jones mentions a woman who claims that her indwelling dremon is known as the spirit Chil-song Shin, supposed to come from the constellation of Ursa Major, and he brought with him a legion of other dremons, from which the mu-tang derive their honorific title, Man-shin, a Legion of Spirits. This woman in her early married life was ill for three years, and had frequent visions of the spirit, and heard but resisted the "call." When at last she yielded she was immediately cured, and was received into favor with the spirit!