I AM afraid the reader will have had enough ohamoisstalking, so I shall not return to the subjeot again. The other sport of this distriot, however, was not interesting. Hare or roe shooting with beagles, and a few days after small game in the polie, 'Completed the list. In this latter there were a few partridges, quail, stone-hens, and hares. I do not know that I need refer to any of those days -for the heat and drought spoilt all ohanoe of sport-unless, indeed, to one on which I distinguished myself by killing one partridge and missing three, a hare, and a pigeon right and left. One bird to eleven cartridges was rather too muoh-ol' rather too little-so I went home; and I am glad to be able to say that I found out next day that the fault lay with a fresh lot of cartridges. Here a word of warning may be useful-never buy loaded oartridges in Austria.