THE accession of Faisal marked a step forward in the creation of the new state. The next step was the negotiation of the treaty which, since the Cairo Conference, had become the basis of Anglo-'Iraqi relations. King Faisal himself had welcomed the proposed arrangement since only by representing 'Iraq as an independent nation, in treaty relationship with Great Britain, could he control the Nationalists. He had not been alone in advocating the treaty. Lisiin al-'Arab had made the suggestion in late 1920, while Nuri Pasha had advocated a treaty to govern Anglo-'lraqi relations, in February 1921,1 as had also Naji Pasha as-Suwaidi somewhat later. 2

detested Mandate, the very mention of which aroused bitter antagonism. 1 It signified nationhood and independence, since treaties could only be concluded between independent nations.· It was, moreover, the procedure whereby 'Iraq as an undeveloped and poverty-stricken nation was to receive at will support and assistance from Great Britain, as had the Arab State at Damascus, but not by necessity, as implied in the mandatory system which was held by 'Iraqis to be synonymous with colonization. 8 The treaty, in brief, meant national independence.