PROCESS -If the herb horehound be used, boil it in the water on a slow 'fire for 15 minutes, then strain through a fine sieve; add the sugar to the liquid and boil to a stiff ball, 2550 ; remove the pan from the fire and rub part of the syrup against the side of the pan with spatula until it becomes cloudy and opaque; add the aniseed and the essence horehound, if herb is not employed, and stir the whole together until it ,becomes a uniform dark thick cloudy mass; pour out this boil into tins ·or frames; when cold, it is ready for sale. N.B.-This formula is only a guide to the process. These ingredients will make a very good candy, ,but most makers have a mixture of their own which they use to flavour ,cough candy a~ well as cough drops. The herbs horehound, coltsfoot, ,and marshmallow are often boiled together in more or less equ!11 proportions; add the liquid used with or without the addition of oil of aniseed, clove, cassia, or capsicine. A cough drop essence is also made :for this purpose by W. J. Blish & Co. A volume might be made up of the different recipes for this class of goods alone. However, I will leave the reader to mix his own remedies, as opinion differs as much on .the virtues of drugs as it does on politics.