I. ·Curtains The leading tlleatres where the Kabld{i plays are

staged are also used for performances of the modern school. Ill. view of this circumstance, the managements of most of such theatres fil1d it convenient to use the Ellropeali curtain. Bllt if possible, the Europeall curtaill which wor]{s IIp and down is avoided. Instead, a makzt (curtain) of sitnple-patterlled cotton is regularly used. ~This curtain is llot of the lift type, but is pulled aside. 111 Tokyo theatres, when the 11zakll is used, it is usually striped witll thick lilles of green, red-brown, alld black, while ill the ,Kallsai, there is more variety alld colour ill the desigll of the traditional Kabll]{i stage curtaill. The sitnple-patterl1ed Cllrtaill of the I{abu]{i stage is termed zyohiki-11zakzl (" proper curtaill "), and it is considered by COlnpetellt critics to be ill IJerfect ]{ce!)ing with tI1e slJirit of the I<abul{i.