The birthday of Buddha is celebrated at all temples, but the main feature of the celebration is kanbutsu or the rite to pouring amacha over Buddha's statues. Ashura is the King of Ashura, the land of punishment, where all those who died fostering angry thoughts or enmity against others, descend. The rite of boiling water was solemnly performed. The priest put a branch of bamboo or some other tree, and dipped it into the boiling water. Bonfires are built in shrine or temple compounds on festival days. Dainichi-nyorai is compared to the great shining sun, because he is reputed to bless the world as the sun warms every corner of the earth. When a Buddhist picture or sculpture is completed, a kaigen-kugyo or eye-opening service is held. The custom of placing stones on Jizo statues is one of the most primitive religious customs of the people, and represents the people's love of children and also their sympathy for others' sufferings.