This chapter presents a letter written by the author while sailing. The author left England with independant and unlimited powers, which were restrained immediately on their arrival there. Thus bridled, with the reins in possession of men, who considered commerce only as a secondary view of the company, and who negatived every proposition of the kind Falconbridge made, till a very short time before his appointment was annulled. Two days before his dismission came out, he crawled from his sick bed, and, at the moment it was delivered him, was in the act of arranging and preparing matters for the trading voyage he mentioned in his last. On the 26th, 27th, and 28th of September, there was an assembly of native Chieftains and a Palaver was held for the purpose of ascertaining the limits of the Company's territory. This was attended with considerable more expense than Falconbridges palaver, and the consequence far less productive.