SUCH was the state of affairs when Mr. Stern obtained leave to return to the coast. Unfortunately it was impossible for him to avail himself at once of this permission. On Mr. Stern at last taking his departure he had to remain at Gondar a few days, and, but too late, thought of presenting his respects to his Majesty. He also acceptecl during his short stay there the hospitality of the bishop. On the 13th October Mr. Stern, accompanied for a short distance by COllS111 Cameron and Mr. Bardel, started on his homeward journey. On arriving 011 the Waggera Plain he perceived the King's tent. What followed is well known : how that unfortunate gentleman was almost beaten to death; and from that hour, almost without remission, loaded with chains, tortured, and dragged from prison to prison, until the

day of his deliverance from Magdala by the British army.