Aim of the journey—Junction with a Wakamba caravan—War and peace—The wilderness and its perils—View from the mountain Maungu—View of Kilimanjaro—Theories and facts—No water—Arrival at the Tzawo—Merciful deliverance—Arrival at Kikumbuliu: astonishment of the Wakamba—Commencement of missionary effort—Fall of rain; taken for a magician and rainmaker—The Adi—View in Yata—Wakamba hospitality—Giraffe and elephant’s flesh—bearing Kitui—Strike of the bearers— Further dangers—Onward again—Arrival at Kivol’s village— Interview with the chiefs—The navigation of the Dana— Identity of the Dana and Quilimansi—Reception—Missionary instruction—Farewell-interview with Kivoi—Return journey— The wilderness, a type—Arrival at Rabbai.