Bobbers—Parley—Attack in earnest—Dispersion of Kivoi’s party— The author’s flight—Subsequent adventures, perils, and sufferings —Rencounter with a Wakamba pair—Arrival at a village—At Kitetu’s—Murderous designs of Kivoi’s kinsmen—The author’s flight from Kitetu’s hut—Wanderings in the wilderness—Arrival at Kivoi’s village—Reception by his kinsfolk—Plundered and silenced—To Yata — Reception — Farewell to Yata — Return homewards—Elephants—Wild beasts as path-makers—Arrival at Rabbai Mpia—Results of the journey—The Ukambani-mission to be deferred, not surrendered—Conditions necessary for its success—The Wakamba—The Wakuafi and Masai tribes.