The Arabs of the coast and Eastern Africa—The Hamiaritic Kings, Solomon and the Phoenicians—Solomon, theQueen of Sheba, and the Phoenician king, Hiram—The East-African coast, the Ophir of the Bible—Proofs philological and Scriptural—Notices of Eastern Africa in ancient writers—The Periplus of Arrian—Ptolemy— Cosmas—New era in the history of Eastern Africa :—the Mohammedan Arabs—Arab settlements on the coast—Portuguese conquest of Eastern Africa—Decline of the Portuguese power and its causes—The princes of Oman and Eastern Africa—Said-Said and the Msara of Mombaz—Long struggle for supremacy over Mombaz and the East-African coast—Mombaz adopts the Protectorate of England—Refusal of Government to sanction the arrangement—Said-Said’s career, character, and death—Europe and Eastern Africa.