Origin o f the 'French Colony.— Some fugitives settle on Tortuga.— Description o f this Island.— Inhumanities of the Spaniards.— Revenge taken by the survivors o f a massacre.— English expelled by the French.— French un­ successfully attacked by the Spaniards.— Settlement f r s t

formed in Hispaniola under the auspices o f D. Ogerton. Progress o f the colony.— Slaves f r s t introduced.— French invade Jamaica, and carry off a number o f slaves.— Co­ lony invaded by Jamaica, and Cape Francois burnt.— Right i f the French acknowledged. Fine o f demarca­ tion, indefinitely drawn.— Projects fo r extending the co­ lony.— Sijfers severe calamities.— Monopoly occasions an insurrection.— State o f the Spanish colony.— Productions and population o f the French colony in 1720-30, 1764? and 1767.— Exports in 1767.— Visited by an earthquake. — Spanish colony partially revives.— Newline o f demar­ cation,, made in 1776, described.— Advantages o f the Spa­ nish division.— Actual condition in 1776.— Estimate of cattle and o f inhabitants in 1780.— Fortif cations o f the

frontier towards the French.— Finally ceded to France in 1795.