St. Christopher’s.— Discovery and situation-Delightful appearance, and extraordinary fertility o f the island. First settlement under Sir Thomas Warner.— Injured by a hurricane.— Assisted by the Earl o f Carlisle.— The Colonists joined by some Frenchmen under D'Esnambuc. •— Both parties form a compact, encroach on the lands o f the Natives, provoke them to war, and nearly exter­ minate them.— The Charaibees in other islands make a common cause with the unhappy fugitives, who had es­ caped the sword.— Attack the Colonists in great force, and, though defeated, they nearly ruin the Colony.— The Settlement soon afterwards totally destroyed by the Spa­ niards.— Again re-established, on their departure, by the former occupants.— These differ among themselves, and mutually destroy each other.— This leads to an open rupture, which finally terminates in the expulsion o f the French.— The English confirmed in their possession by the peace o f Utrecht.— Captured by the French in 1782, and restored again in 1783.— Character o f the inha­ bitants — Present state and population o f the islandTopography.— View o f the Island in relation to Reli­ gion.— Moravian mission.— Account o f that mission.— Remarks on a violent inundation.—Advantages o f toleration.