Discourse , a s B a k h t i n (1981 ) remind s us , i s 'populate d - overpopulate d -

w i t h th e intention s o f others'. H o w e v e r , a s participant s w i t h i n discourses ,

the potentia l exist s fo r readings , interpretations , challenge s and/o r c o m p l i -

ance. Reading s o f l i fe lon g learnin g texts illustrate bo t h thei r persuasivenes s

and th e contradictor y position s availabl e w i t h in thei r discourses , eg :

'because o f rapidly changing circumstances (particularl y but no t exclusively

to b e lifelon g learners . Th e messag e is clear: the ke y to economi c and socia l

improvement lie s in having a population that is adaptable, flexible, wel l edu -

cated an d attune d t o the nee d fo r lifelon g learning ' ( N B E E T 1996 : 2).