Observing, looking, perceiving, scanning, watching all these words seem to imply very different ways of seeing. We do seem to choose them all quite specifically. Observing implies a planned distance with intent. Looking has always meant for me a perusal, in hopes of finding. Perceiving is more personal and is about bringing something of your own to a situation. Scanning is an overall looking and watching is more about how we explain what we are doing. Clearly these are my own semantics, you may have different ideas. The difference in what we see and say we can see depends on why we are looking and how we record what we are seeing and what we are looking at. We can either be informed about what we are watching or we are looking for information. I may look at a flight of birds. Someone else may see it as a particular flight of particular birds. Someone else may be observing a particular aspect of the flight implying a much deeper understanding of the flight than my looking. Teachers must do more than watch a class of children. Teachers need to see all the children as particular, the way in which the class works together and be able to pick out particular aspects.