A great deal of hope and positive thinking is connected with the federal government health care initiatives for the year 2000 and beyond. The primary intent of the federal government Healthy People 2000 is to promote health and prevent disease through changes in lifestyle and environmental factors. Its secondary intent is to accomplish this main objective through the following goals:

1. Increasing the healthy span of life for all Americans 2. Reducing health disparities among Americans 3. Achieving access to preventive services for all Americans

According to the latest report, Healthy People 2000 demonstrates progress in more than half of its objectives. The priority areas showing the greatest progress toward meeting the objectives are heart disease, stroke, cancer, and unintentional injuries. Meanwhile, body weight has increased one-fourth to one-third for the adult population. Whereas more adults are engaged in moderate or vigorous physical activity, one-fourth of the population do not engage in any physical activity. Objectives concerned with diabetes and other chronic conditions, occupational safety and health, physical activity, mental health and mental disorders, and violence and abusive behavior show the least progress. In fact, there has been movement away from the target objectives in these areas for all populations (DHHS Releases Latest: Progress Report on Prevention).