A major source of contention between present-day theorists concerns the issue of whether reading disabilities are the result of one, or more than one, type of processing problem. There are those who argue strongly that all developmental reading disabilities are a result of subtle and not-so-subtle verbal/linguistic processing deficits (e.g., Liberman, 1983; Mann, 1991; Swanson, 1984; Vellutino, 1987). Others, however, believe that there may be a variety of factors contributing to reading disabilities (e.g., Doehring, Trites, Patel, & Fiedorowicz, 1981; Malatesha & Dougan, 1982; Satz, Morris, & Fletcher, 1985), with different reading-disabled individuals being more or less affected by linguistic, visual, and other types of processing deficits.