The plenum of RAPP deems it necessary to propose to its organisations:

1). That they should subject the problems associated with the development of Soviet

cinema to wide discussion in the pages of RAPP's journals: Na literaturnom postu, Oktyabr and Rost. 2). That the RAPP board should discuss the report of the board of the largest cinema organisations of Sovkino with a view to giving concrete form to the participation of proletarian writers in cinema. 3). That local associations, and societies of dramatists, should organise scriptwriting circles. That the Cinema Section of RAPP should coordinate this work under its guidance. 4). That all members of RAPP, both in Moscow and in the provinces, should join ODSK, assisting in every way in strengthening and developing this organisation. S). That the Cinema Section of RAPP should conduct ideological and creative work in close contact with ARRK and make its job the creation of cadres of proletarian cinema.