Like the problem–solution pattern, this is a common feature of academic writing. In every area of your work you will have to show that you understand the contrasting opinions of individuals or schools of thought. As before, there are two passages for you to work on. Here is the first:

Local authorities believe strongly in the involvement of the public sector and the need for public planning. They think it is more important to protect jobs which are already in their area than to attract more from outside. In addition, since they hold that production is the key to economic revival, they think it is more important to sustain manufacturing industry than to switch to alternatives, such as the service industry.

Central government, on the other hand, places more faith in the private sector for its schemes, and it considers that public planning hinders rather than helps redevelopment. It usually dismisses planning as ‘red tape’. Government is also more interested in attracting new jobs than protecting old ones. Above all, it believes that the market decides what sort of jobs should and should not be done.

(New Society, 28 August 1987, p.20)