The thirteenth day of the second month of the season Pert,1 of the thirty-fifth year under the Majesty of Horus, the Mighty Bull, the crowned one in Nept; Lord of the shrine of Nekhebit and Lord of the shrine of Uatchit, 2. the Advocate of the gods; the Golden Horus, the conqueror unto whom hath been given the country of all lands; the King of the South and North, Sa-Meri-Ȧmen the son of Rā, the Lord of the Two Lands, the Lord of Diadem [s], the 3. Lord the creator of the universe, the son of Rā of [his] body, loving him, Ḥeru-sa-Ȧtef the everliving, beloved of Ȧmen-Rā, the Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, the Dweller in the Holy [Mountain]. To him we2 give 4. life, stability, serenity in everything, health at all [ times joy of heart of all kinds, like Rā for ever.