Since the end of the Second World War, there has been in many parts of the world an increase of extra-legal violence. The supremacy of the Nazis in this respect was ended by their defeat, which, however, did not end their evil work. The spirit of violence has spread to other countries, more particularly to America. America has painted communism as so great an evil that any methods are thought fair in combatting it. America accuses communism of desiring the Empire of the world, and, under protection of this slogan, is seeking to accomplish exactly that of which she accuses her enemies. The methods employed are little known to the average American, partly owing to deliberate concealment, and partly to the reluctance of peaceable citizens to become aware of the foul actions perpetrated in their name. I will deal with this evil under four heads: first, the war in South Vietnam; second, internal violence in the United States; third, the murder of Kennedy; and fourth, the threat of Goldwater.