The year 1955 had been a particularly busy one for Russell. While his main activities had centered upon preparations of the Scientists’ Manifesto and the subsequent implementation of its proposals, he was also heavily involved with various personal matters including moving from Richmond to North Wales. He spoke at several important conferences which flowed from the Scientists’ Manifesto. At one series of meetings, held in London, a delegation of three Soviet scientists made the first formal appearance of a Soviet delegation in the West since the war. Their participation and eventual agreement with the resolutions of the conference made Russell hopeful about the prospects for cooperation between East and West and for a major congress of Eastern and Western scientists which was planned for 1957. The need for such a meeting had become, in Russell’s view, all the more urgent following on the lack of progress at the first round of disarmament talks between the great powers in Geneva. Russell and the consignatories to the Scientists’ Manifesto had attempted to influence the proceedings of the Geneva meetings by putting their views before the heads of state concerned. Dulles, the American Secretary of State had hinted at the probably negative outcome of the talks in a reply to Russell of 10 November 1955.

…I am certain that all of the Western Delegations here are making every effort to turn the good words of the Head of State Conference into good deeds. I confess, however, that after Mr. Molotov’s speech of November 8, I doubt whether the Soviets are equally sincere in their purpose.