Each year, during the month of May, we get information about the children who will be joining us for the next academic year. Meanwhile, the current year group are making dramatic progress in all areas. This chapter reflects aspects of both these subjects. In the environment section, I will describe the play dough and cooking area indoors and some aspects of exploration and investigation, both indoors and out. The diary this month reflects the creative themes that were prevalent in the class. May: To Do List

Begin final cycle of parent meetings.

Write reports for focus children each week.

Continue 1—1 ten-minute sessions with each child once per week.

Send out invitations to ‘Stay and Play’ sessions for new intake of children.

Make appointments and visit new children in their preschools.

Arrange dates for nursery children to start coming for play sessions.

Agree particular times when prospective families can visit the class.

Enjoy the warm weather!