In June we start working with the children who will be coming into Reception in September. We also finalise some assessments on the current class and start to think about the provision they will need for Year 1. However, as you will see in the diary section, the current class continue to develop and have a wonderful month. When reading through these events, it is interesting to note the mathematical aspect that is evident in many of them. In the environment section, I will briefly describe water play indoors and art activities outdoors (although much of this has already been covered). June: To Do List

Send out appointment letters for home visits in September.

Arrange times for groups of children from the nursery to come and play.

Accommodate new children at ‘Stay and Play’ sessions and talk to the parents.

Visit new children in their preschools.

Visit the nursery to see the children there.

Finalise assessments.

Update folders.

Continue writing reports for focus children.