For those who remain unconvinced that moral responsibility and freedom are compatible with determinism, this chapter will provide a number of alternatives. Recall that incompatibilism is the view that free will and determinism cannot exist together. Thus, some incompatibilist theories claim that because determinism appears to be false, there is room for free will. Libertarianism is a kind of incompatibilism according to which we sometimes have free will. There are three basic varieties of libertarianism (with considerable variation within each category): simple indeterminism, event-causal libertarianism, and agent causation (or agent-causal libertarianism). But recall also that not all incompatibilists endorse free will. Some

think that we do not have free will, either because they believe that determinism is true, or because they believe that both determinism and indeterminism are incompatible with free will. These views are called hard determinism and hard incompatibilism. This chapter will discuss all of these general incompatibilist categories.

Do you ever feel as if you do something spontaneously and intentionally? It often seems to me as if I do. For example, I spontaneously