The author visited New York in late September 2013 to explore the manner in which these very different crimes a celebrity murder and a mass murder characterised by unprecedented physical destruction are memorialised in New York City. The television revealed the grainy CNN images of the North Tower on fire, with smoking billowing from the gaping hole. People on the street, at their windows and in front of television screens saw those planes where they saw them disappear into the towers, saw the smoke and flame, and watched in horror as the bodies began to fall. Then came the catastropheI sat transfixed by the unfolding horrors of the second plane hitting the South Tower, the South Tower collapsing first, and finally the North Tower disintegrating. The names of 2,983 men, women and children killed in the attacks of September 11, 2001, and February 26, 1993, are inscribed into bronze parapets surrounding the twin memorial pools.