Embedding BPM in an organization is a large and complex set of tasks. It is far too large and complex for just one chapter of a book. While this chapter will provide an overview of the topic, it cannot hope to cover all areas. If you wish to explore this topic in more detail, then

please refer to: Management by Process-A Roadmap to Sustainable Business Process Management (Jeston and Nelis, 2008) which contains chapters covering:

• overview of the Management by Process framework

• process leadership

• process governance

• process performance

• strategic alignment

• people capability

• project execution

and six additional case studies. As every organization is different in terms of its business and process maturity; its

capabilities; and successful implementation of business capabilities; it is only possible to provide an overview of the “ideal” state for each of the six aspects of the Management by Process framework and then the individual components that should be present. It is up to the organization to determine how to implement and intertwine these components based upon its individual situation.