You want to improve your communication – where do you start? We suggest that you do not start by focusing on the specific details of communication itself. To make a significant change as far as your communication is concerned, you need to decide on your overall career and personal goals and then work on the following aspects of your professional development:

Become self-sufficient in terms of your learning and personal development.

Adopt a sceptical and self-critical approach to your own and your organisation’s behaviour. Be proactive in searching for systematic research to analyse human behaviour and communication, and avoid the many myths about our behaviour and organisational life which are propagated by the media. We will try to ‘explode’ as many of these myths as we can in the course of this book.

Self-monitor – i.e. understand and manage the ways you behave and present yourself; these days, you need to pay special attention to identifying and managing your digital identity.

Review and, where necessary, expand the range of communication tools you use on a regular basis.