Babies and toddlers are usually being 0 to 1 year and 1 to 2.5 years during what is the most rapid years of development where they change from supine babies to crawling babies to newly mobile upright toddlers. This is a vital time when the foundation of competency and resiliency skills needed throughout life are laid down. An outdoor area is ideally suited to providing opportunities for learning-through-play but only if the physical environment is appropriate both in design and in it can assist teaching practice. The layout should be very similar to that of the older children's playground, but on a smaller scale, for example with quiet areas, open areas, active areas and natural areas. Changing landforms with undulating mounds and/or gently inclined embankments or ramped access pathways are the sorts of landforms that prompt children to explore. Hub area is a sandpit; a paved area needs to be visible from every part of the playground.