Without question there is a service component of many of the magazine features produced these days. Breezy, information-packed, high-concept service pieces are also a staple of the front-of-the-book sections of most magazines and are a good way to break into bigger magazines. In this chapter, we will discuss the fundamental writing challenge of identifying a reader problem, concern, or issue that can be resolved by the contributor. This process is a vital point of connection for the readers of many magazines and websites. A glance at the newsstands, websites, and tablet editions of many magazines will demonstrate the wealth of publishing possibilities for emerging writers in the service area. In addition to providing a guide for constructing how-to pieces, we will demonstrate the rich storytelling possibilities available in introducing people to new products, services, lifestyle choices, or simply to new ideas about these things. We will show how important service articles are in providing information that shapes readers’ lives, and how even the writer can be an expert in providing useful advice through this format. Learning Objectives

Examine various types of service stories.

Learn to develop high-concept ideas for service stories.

Learn the how-tos of “how-to” story development.

Explore how “service” is incorporated in feature articles.