The main focus of the examination of the modern period thus far has been the intellectual discussions conducted in Muslim circles over the past two centuries which have attempted to enunciate an understanding of the basis of Islam in its contemporary context. Certainly, not all Muslims have taken part in the actual discussion of these issues sketched earlier, but they all do, in fact, have a position on them, whether they enunciate it or not. How the Qur<ån is to be understood and how Mu˙ammad is to be conceived are the hermeneutical fundamentals upon which Islam is based, and even those who simply follow what has “always” been thought on these topics are taking a position within the debate. Furthermore, it is clear that some of the discussions taking place today have had a profound impact upon the face of Islam as a whole, not only in its intellectual and ideological formulations, but also in its practical ramifications, as may be seen in the modern discussions surrounding ritual activities and politics.