This chapter will examine the manner in which accusations of racism and sexism made against agencies operating within the criminal justice process have been addressed.

Specifi cally, this chapter:

• considers the background to, and the content of, the 1981 Scarman Report and its subsequent impact on the police service;

• discusses accusations of racial injustice levelled against other agencies in the criminal justice process;

• evaluates the background to, and content of, Sir William Macpherson’s 1999 report;

• analyses the implementation of the recommendations put forward by Sir William Macpherson;

• identifi es the impact made by the Macpherson Report on the operations of a number of agencies within the criminal justice process;

• considers impediments to the progress of the reforms proposed in the Macpherson Report, devoting particular attention to the police service;

• evaluates the extent to which the concept of equality of opportunity applies to women employed by agencies within the criminal justice system;

• analyses the manner in which the criminal justice system treats women as victims of crime;

• examines key issues related to social class and the criminal justice system.