In contrast to the first volume of this two-volume selection of my essays on The Study of World Politics, those included here focus on two substantive phenomena. The first volume is subtitled Theoretical and Methodological Challenges and spans a wide range of conceptual problems confronted across nearly five decades of probing why world affairs unfold as they do. Here, on the other hand, the essays were all written since the end of the Cold War, a landmark event in the sense that it resulted in the surfacing of new structures and processes through which the affairs of polities, societies, and economies are conducted. The termination of the US-Soviet rivalry permitted a rapid and vast acceleration of the dynamics of globalization in every realm of human endeavor, an acceleration that, in turn, highlighted the question of whether and how world affairs could be governed. Hence this volume is subtitled Globalization and Governance since these two complex phenomena have constituted the core of my writing since 1989.