The focus of this chapter is on the devised performance, The Dragons’ Trilogy. To analyse one performance as a key representative of Lepage’s practice, from such a rich range of creative work, could be limiting. However, this is the one production that brings together pre-rehearsal training, creative processes and a collage of art forms and media connecting Lepage’s work from the 1980s to his current work. It was performed in two versions, bridging more then two decades of Lepage’s work. The first version was developed through cycles between 1985 and 1987, while Lepage was still a member of Théâtre Repère. By the time the second version (with Ex Machina) was developed in 2003, Lepage was a well-known international director of theatre, film and opera, as well as being recognized as a solo performance artist. The second version took the previous Trilogy, as a resource to create another cycle, and became a published play text in 2005. The Dragons’ Trilogy is the longest running of Lepage’s original productions.