We read in the papers of a new technique devised by scientists for releasing such power as will make an A-bomb sound like a pop-gun; of philosophers who have evolved an entirely new concept of Reality. These inventions are alike products of the intellect. Do they lead us one foot farther on the Way? Or do they pertain to the realm of concept only, of knowledge 'about it and about', yet knowledge which used without reference to compassion, may utterly destroy mankind? As Dr Suzuki has pointed out, the twin bases of Buddhism are Maha-Prajna, supreme Wisdom, and Maha-Karuna, supreme compassion. The one is useless without the other, for man walks upon two feet. The intellect alone is dangerous, for it generates lust for power, hate of the least shadow of a rival view, and the illusion that it can sometime know Reality. Hence the long history of war between rival schools, and between those who belonged to them, between nations whose leaders fought that a rival concept might obtain; hence the distrust in the heart of the average man for the brilliant, cold and humourless mind that is not warmed by the human, because universal, attribute of compassion for all mankind.