May this stand as a perpetual reminder to everyone, now living and yet to be born, how almighty God, king of heaven, lord of the living and of the dead, who holds all things in his hand, looked down from on high and saw the entire human race slipping and sliding towards all kinds of wickedness, enmeshed in crimes, pursuing numberless transgressions, immersed up to their bowels in every kind of vice out of an unfathomable malice, bereft of all goodness, not fearing the judgments of God, and chasing after everything evil. No longer able to bear so many abominations, so many horrors, God called out to the earth: “What are you doing, Earth, held captive by gangs of worthless men, soiled with the filth of sinners? Are you totally helpless? What are you doing? Why do you not demand human blood in vengeance for this wrongdoing? Why do you tolerate my enemies and adversaries? When confronted by such wantonness, you ought to have already swallowed my opponents. Make yourself ready to exercise the vengeance which lies within your power.