Key: Sections from the book are set in this colour Screens available online are set in this colour Online activity screens are set in this colour

Promoting products or services Introduction Five in a row Identify additional products or services Legislation Listening to clients The Consumer Protection Act Round the board Sale of Goods Act Opportunities to identify needs Supply of Goods and Services Act Knowledge of products and services Correct selection Complaints Trades Description Act

Inform clients about products and services Introduction Other methods of promoting products

and servicesTimes to inform clients Opportunities to inform clients of products and services

Check it Giving information to clients 1 Giving information to clients 2

Gain client commitment Introduction Worksheet – opportunity to

identify needsBuying signs Client showing no interest Worksheet – booking additional

services and record keepingCorrect selection Delivery of products Online multiple choice quiz Booking additional services and record keeping

Promoting products and services not only makes for a greater revenue for your salon but it also helps to keep the client’s hair in the best possible condition after services have been carried out, for example colouring. Before recommending a product or service to a client, make sure that it is suitable. If you give an incorrect recommendation, and the client has a reaction or feels it is unsuitable, it can have a very negative effect on your reputation or that of your salon. Therefore be quick to pick up on each individual client’s needs and be aware of the legislation regarding products and services that your salon offers.