Freeze frame provides an opportunity to generate ‘a-moment-in-time’ (often of a continuous process), which can be frozen and held like a three-dimensional photograph. The technique involves inviting individuals or groups to act out a phenomenon, then on hearing an agreed cue or sign, e.g. freeze/clap the group/individual stops and holds their position. All groups can be asked to ‘freeze’ simultaneously, but then in turn (like a carousel) the class can relax to look at each reformed ‘still’ (group or individual). This can enable everyone to see each other’s frozen pose and reflect on what was happening at that moment. Such an approach can provide opportunities to contemplate, explore and examine one or several instances (in a frog’s life; in the water cycle; in the growth of a plant; in the acceleration of a car down a hill; in the movement of earth around the sun). Discussion about the science they each convey can promote a greater depth of understanding. This strategy can be highly effective when used in conjunction with miming movement, modelling and spontaneous role play.