Mind movies are a way of transporting the learner to another situation (beyond the classroom). Audio or visual stimuli are used to support children to imagine themselves in different places, times or contexts. The ‘scene’ can be set to transport the children back (or even forward) in time, to another country (or planet) or to be someone or something else. The children are encouraged to listen, feel and look carefully at images, and can be asked questions to help them visualise what a particular place (or time or situation) might be like, e.g. through using Appendix 3a, for example, to help the children imagine life in Paris in the late 1700s or by generating a soundscape (below). Mind movies are a powerful tool to tap into children’s imaginations. When asked to suggest what they hear or see children draw on their many experiences and bring ideas and suggestions that can be shared to develop a rich picture of a place, time or situation.