As it was mentioned in Unit 2 (2.3.B.b), ezAfe can be used between two nouns to show possession, as in رتخد ِتسد [dast-e dokhtar, hand of girl = girl’s hand]. Now that we have learned the personal pronouns (see Table 4.1), we can add that in these cases the second noun (the possessor, i.e., dokhtar in the above example) can simply be a personal pronoun: instead of رتخد ِتسد we can say نم ِتسد [dast-e man, hand of me = my hand] or امش ِتسد [dast-e shomA, hand of you ( pl.) = your hand], and so on. (See 2.3.A also for how to write and pronounce ezAfe and where to use a glide.)

These are in fact suffixes with different functions; we call them here possessive suffixes for ease when used in this function.